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Rylinth Anderfel

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Everything posted by Rylinth Anderfel

  1. It's officially been more than a month. At this rate, we'll finish in 2016!
  2. IC: Cobra Shard - Outside Antropolis Conference Hall "Another Rookie, eh?" Shard's face lit up. "Cobra Shard, Rookie Hero complete failure at yours!" Wait, had she said something about a power transfer?...
  3. IC: Cobra Shard - Outside Antropolis Conference Hall Shard grinned weakly. "What's it look like to you?" He coughed a few times, jagged pulses of static wracking his vocal simulator. "How long was I out?" He asked the other Hero after he had recovered.
  4. IC: Alex Drift - Antropolis Conference Hall Drift settled into a seat and began looking around at the other people attending the conference. Most of them didn't look too shifty... IC: Cobra Shard - Why'd I Have To Make a Rookie Hero? =( Shard sat up and rubbed his head. How did that slime get up there? The rookie wiped away some of the goo from the brain that Stormer had pulled off confusedly. Groaning a bit, he climbed to his feet- And collapsed again. He felt like he'd gone through the scrap-metal recycling plant. Twice. His Splinter Cannon has destroyed beyond repair, his right elbow was bending the wrong way, there were burning laser gashes all over him, and his armor was pretty much wrecked, not to mention some of the lingering internal damage from spending too long underwater earlier in the mission. Needless to say, Shard was going to be just about useless until he got back to Hero Factory or at the very least returned to the hospital. Staggering to a standing position again, he leaned heavily against a nearby wall and tried to gain his bearings.
  5. IC: Echo - Hero Factory Hangar Great. So the killer had managed to escape. Flak's room must've had an air duct or something like that for him to slip away through. No wait, his map of the Factory showed a window in that area; that must be how the villain got out. Either way, he only had one place to go, and there was only one way in. Eventually, he would have to come through that door. There were no other entrances to the hangar bay that they hadn't sealed off. It was only a matter of time now...
  6. IC: Echo - Hero Factory Hangar "Yes, Zib knows where we are," Echo said. What he did not say was that he hadn't actually told Zib where they were. He'd had a tracking device installed a while back that told Mission Control exactly where he was at all times. Most Heroes didn't enjoy having their privacy invaded like that, but he'd decided it was useful for several reasons: Firstly so that any mission managers, squad-mates, or other Hero Factory personnel could find him if he needed help; secondly so that in the event he went rogue either Epix would have an easy time tracking him down or he'd have to cripple himself disabling the signal; and thirdly for these kinds of situations where he could just auto-broadcast his coordinates to Zib instead of having to waste time sending them himself. This talk of Zib prompted him to ask the manager, "Any progress with the killer in Flak's room, Zib?"
  7. IC: Echo - Hero Factory Hangar Echo climbed the lift once again to the catwalks after finishing his deception with footage of himself and Focus returning to their respective rooms. Either the villain would be dumb enough to believe the lie, or would realize it was a trap and stay away. He was cornered on almost every front. If he stayed put, the Heroes that had been dispatched would catch him, and if he somehow managed to escape Flak's room, his victims were hiding inside a heavily fortified and booby-trapped hangar bay. He had shown himself capable of performing extreme feats of stealth however, such as murdering Hero Factory employees without being detected, so Echo knew it was likely the killer would think of something the Heroes hadn't. With this in mind, he went back to sonar-scanning the doorway in case the villain did somehow make an appearance. IC: Alex Drift - I Forgot About This Guy o_0 "Yes sir," Drift responded to Mr. Makuro's comment. It was about time they got this conference off the ground. He really hoped there wouldn't be another attack, especially from that boulder-slinging guy. He only had one grenade left...
  8. IC: Echo - Hero Factory Hangar Echo, painfully oblivious to the discord being sown amongst his comrades, began setting the final stages of his trap. A quick edit of the already thoroughly compromised security footage showed this: Echo, Focus, John Flak, Sarah Module, and Emily Sharp walk into the hangar and stop in the center of the screen. "You're right," Echo finally responds to the murderer. "These traitors deserve whatever you give them. I'm sick of them." He gives Sharp a hard push that sends her stumbling to her knees and glares menacingly at the other two. "You three move and we'll put you down ourselves." With a quick wave of his hand, he beckons Focus to follow and they both march out of the view of the cameras. The sound of a door opening and closing follow a second later. Just to be thorough, Echo plugged in false images of the two Heroes walking away in the view of the hallway cameras outside the hangar. Of course none of it was real, but this wasn't going to look good if the other Heroes saw it...
  9. OOC: I'm going to say that this is OK, but that these would be hidden in normal hangar operations, and that civilian workers wouldn't know about them...that would be pretty scary to think that you could be shot if Zib hit the wrong button. OOC: Yup, I was careful to mention that they were hidden for just this reason. OOC: Yeah, that's what I figured. IC: Echo - Hero Factory Hangar The database search brought up no results. New villain then. Echo's attention was drawn away from this analysis by the murderer's tragic backstory. Why did they all have tragic backstories? It was a good thing Hero Factory knew about this conspiracy now though. They'd just have to lock up these traitors after baiting the killer with them. What was really interesting Echo however was the fact that the broadcast was still coming from Flak's room. The cameras in the hall hadn't picked up anyone leaving, either, so the killer was probably still in there. Being careful to use another private channel, he sent this information to Zib with a request for any Heroes or security teams near that point to converge on the villain.
  10. IC: Echo - Hero Factory Hangar Echo was actually enjoying this. This guy was so silly that he actually expected the organisation he was murdering the workers of to have a nice friendly chat with him. What a klouwn. Echo finished positioning the dropship over the unsealed doorway and then started running a background check matching the villain's voice against the files in the database to determine if this was a known criminal or a new one. Using the private channel again, he asked Focus, "Ready to spring this trap?" OOC: I'm not going to find anything, right? I don't get the impression Anamnesis would let Hero Factory index him. Even if they knew about him, he could probably just erase the data, yes?
  11. OOC: At least you don't live in a nest of them (I'm assuming you don't anyway). Every time I even set up my camera to animate something they swarm all over my filming area. Not to mention the webs everywhere... IC: Echo - Hero Factory Hangar Echo could tell by the way the three in the cart were shifting nervously that this was going to be tougher to pull off than he'd hoped. "Just hold it together a little longer, guys," he muttered to himself as he began to power up the arm controls and lift a dropship off the landing area.
  12. OOC: I could be wrong, but based on this Zib post, I don't think there'd be security cameras inside the actual rooms. OOC: Ah yes, forgot about that. Post edited accordingly.
  13. IC: Echo - A Better Mousetrap Echo briefly weighed going back to scanning against using the terminal again. The villain was clearly more interested in petty annoyances than showing up himself, so scanning wouldn't be all that helpful. With this in mind, the Hero headed down the lift and tapped into the control system again. Just to be safe, he set a warning in place if the cameras in the corridor outside the hangar detected any motion, then uploaded feeds from all the hallways near Flak's room, Module's room, and Sharp's room to the corner of his HUD. The murderer had so far only visited the rooms of two of his targets so there was no harm in keeping an eye on the third. Unfortunately, due to the Factory's Privacy Policy, he couldn't see directly into the rooms since they had no cameras he could hack. He then set all the hidden security turrets in the room to target the unsealed doorway, ready to be activated at a moment' notice, and exited the system. OOC: I'm assuming there would be turrets in the hangars because those would be the most vulnerable points during a siege on Hero Factory, which I'm presuming has top-notch security. I can edit them out if I need to.
  14. IC: Echo - Hacker Battle The sudden voice from the loudspeakers confirmed his earlier suspicion that their enemy was a hacker. He'd put locks on everything. Not bothering to answer the villain, he instead created a private Hero link and told Focus, "He's in Flak's room." He placed another marker on their maps.
  15. IC: Echo - Hacker Battle Echo spent the next few minutes editing water and foam into the fake security footage. Anybody cross-referencing the security logs with the video would find no errors. While he was at it, he also switched up some files to make the loop's repeat point randomize and become all but undetectable. Only another Hero with hacking capabilities should be able to discover it was falsified. Or another villain...
  16. OOC: Half-Life and Bionicle? I wish... IC: Alex Drift - I'm Still Calling Him Pohatu Hearing what sounded like a small riot up ahead, Drift broke into a sprint. When he arrived in front of the conference hall, he found what was left of the brain horde they'd fought earlier, panicked civilians everywhere, a whole bunch of Heroes (including Preston Stormer himself!), then unconscious Shard (minus evil brain), and a weirdo with a cape facing off against Mr. Makuro's assassin bodyguard. "Looks like I'm a bit late to the party," Drift shook his head. IC: Echo - Hero Factory Hangar A quick beep interrupted Echo's concentration. Something about a fire alarm? Then a torrent of freezing water doused him and he lost hold of the echolocation feed completely. By the time it shut off, anyone could have slipped through. Why had a fire alarm been set off in this hangar? There was no fire... unless... Was the killer really onto them already? Maybe he had intercepted that complaint about the cameras on loop and was trying to annoy them or something. Unfortunately for him, he'd just made a mistake. Echo grimly ran a check on the security systems and traced back to the point the fire control had been triggered from. He marked it on his map and sent the data to Focus as well. If this murderer kept trying to use the systems he'd tampered with, they'd be able to find out exactly where he was...
  17. IC: Alex Drift - Antropolis Hospital Drift stepped out of the emergency room. The doctors had done the best they could for him, but Hero systems were infinitely more complex than those of citizens. There was only so much he could get repaired in a civilian hospital. Thankfully, almost all of his injuries were just surface damage, but a small portion of his lower back, his left arm, his left knee, and his head still ached where there was deeper scarring. Shaking off the sluggishness of his wounds, Drift exited the hospital and began making his way to the conference center.
  18. OOC: Pohatu confirmed
  19. OOC: I don't know. I think we stand a pretty good chance.
  20. OOC: Flood still looks amazing next to Shard. Shard literally has not gotten anything right on this mission so far. IC: Echo - Hero Factory Hangar Loops eh? A technician must have seen the security footage. Only a very skilled eye could tell that the video was on a loop. Echo tuned down his concentration just a bit, enough that he could respond to Zib, but still be able to get a reading of some kind if something went wrong. "Yeah... sure Zib... we'll let you know... if we find anything," Echo's voice was strained and crackled a bit around the edges with white noise. If the murderer had been able to hack into his comms (which he still highly doubted), he would be fooled into thinking the Heroes were somewhere else.
  21. IC: Echo - Hero Factory Hangar Echo took a lift up to the mid-level catwalks and positioned himself in roughly the center of the room. Kneeling down, he began firing vibrations down the long antenna-like spikes on his head, smiling to himself as the room began filling in on his internal display. If anything came through that door, he'd be the first to know.
  22. New Item Added To Inventory: Santa Hat

  23. IC: Echo - Hero Factory Hangar Emily Sharp and John Flak had by now welded the maintenance door shut and pushed a huge fuel tank against the door they had come through. "All finished, dude!" Flak said, pushing his cap farther back on his head. "Good, now get on the cart. You can drive, right?" " 'Course I can!" Flak jumped up into the cart and the other two targets climbed in the back. Echo turned back to Focus. "I can find him exactly when he arrives, but I'll have to run echolocation nonstop, so if he comes in fast, you'll have to cover me while I shut down the sonar."
  24. OOC: Was about to post anyways, but thanks for the reminder none the less. =P IC: Echo - It's a Trap! Echo led the group into Hangar Four-Four-Bravo and began his evil plotting. There were three entrances, the one they had come through, another one farther down the wall, and a maintenance door that led to an adjacent hangar. The room contained only five ships at the moment, four dropships and one hulking gunship. Trolleys, carts, cables, fueling tanks, scaffolding, ladders, hoses, tools, and anything else you might expect to find in a hangar bay were scattered everywhere, lending the entire area a sort of "industrial messy" look. A quick glance at the ceiling would show that most of the panels were closed, but several were open and huge mechanical arms powerful enough to lift the ships were extended towards the ground. Catwalks rimmed the room high above and a few crisscrossed in between the arms and cables that hung down from the roof. This was the place where they would trap this killer. Echo took advantage of the nearby terminal and hijacked every security system in the room. Cameras were fed false displays, sounds systems were fooled into playing the wrong audio, turrets were reprogrammed to target only who Echo told them to, and all the doors were locked tight. Anyone trying to see into the hangar would perceive nothing of their operation. "Block of all the exits except one. We're going to create a choke point so the killer has to come in the way we want him to. You three," he said, gesturing at the Focus Fans, "Need to get on that fueling cart. When he comes in, we'll use it to pull you out of harm's way. Focus," he turned to the other Hero, "I'll need your help designing a system to capture him, or, if that won't work, take him out. He somehow burned Vale, so I'm guessing he's equipped with an illegally modified plasma launcher or a fire-based weapon of some kind. What do you suggest we do?"
  25. OOC: Only Kathrine?! No no no, I'm talking Stormer, the civilians, the brains, maybe Mr. Makuro, and a good part of the conference hall too. The whole lot of them! (Obviously I'm joking) It seems really sad to kill this guy off on his first mission though, so I'll just go ahead and revive him. IC: Cobra Shard - Narrowly Avoided Catastrophe Shard's systems crackled horribly as a fresh surge of quaza tore through his system and revitalized his destroyed body. The blank white infinity that had clouded his vision reduced to a shimmering fog that allowed him to see concerned faces, another Hero, and sunlight. He was alive. For now...
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