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Rylinth Anderfel

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Everything posted by Rylinth Anderfel

  1. OOC: Ooohh... What would happen if I had Shard's core explode in a fiery ball visible from space?
  2. IC: Stupid Cobra Shard - Why WHYYY Shard didn't even feel the wires being attached to his core. He watched, helplessly, as his life drained out. The power meter slowly faded from red to white. His HUD began to dissipate. The seconds thudded against his aural sensors. 5... 4... 3... 2...
  3. IC: Echo - Hero Factory Echo nodded and began walking in the direction of the nearest hangar. The "poetic justice" approach of dropping a ship on the killer seemed the best course of action. A hangar would give them room to maneuver, ships and speeders to get the bait out of danger once the trap was sprung or provide heavy firepower if things went south, walkways as vantage points to observe, and plenty of security systems to take advantage of. "This way."
  4. OOC: I will agree to disagree simply because you are right in your statement that this conversation doesn't below in an RPG. IC: Good Cobra Shard! - Not Evil Anymore Shard awoke to find himself basically scrapped and with only a few minutes of life left in him. His quaza meter read 1% and was flashing crimson. "Help..." he gasped weakly. OOC: Why do I consistently get my characters into fights they can't possibly win? First Drift vs. T. Pecs (he didn't stand a chance), then Shard vs. a whole boat full of flyer beasts ("Bad move, Neil"), and then Shard vs. Nex of all people. I need to find a fight where I can actually WIN sometime.
  5. OOC: I know it is considered correct by most people, but even said sarcastically it's still not what you're trying to communicate. Of course you could care less about something; that could be said about pretty much anything. You're trying to state that you couldn't care less, as in you literally care so little that it's impossible to be any more disinterested. IC: Alex Drift - Antropolis Hospital "Thanks, pal," Drift grated as he got to his feet. "Just dump me in an operating room. I'll catch up with you guys later."
  6. OOC: So as I understand it, Anamnesis is basically the embodiment of an evil computer virus, right? If so, this might be Echo's new arch-nemesis. IC: Echo - Hero Factory Echo nodded towards the Focus Cult. "The bait is obvious. As to the location, we're going to want an area that allows us to: A. hide from whoever the killer is; B. safely extract these three when he (assuming it is a he) shows his face; and C. spring a trap that allows us to defeat him without having to engage directly, such as 'dropping a ship on him'." IC: Alex Drift - Antropolis Hospital "Blast it! He's gone!" Drift rasped from the Brain Master's room. Good thing he was in a hospital. The fight with T. Pecs, the boulderman, the rookie that was really starting to get on his nerves, and the evil brain swarm had really taken their toll. His body was damaged in almost every possible way it could be, his gun was destroyed and he only had one grenade left, his quaza charge was running dangerously low, they had failed in capturing the Brain Master, and on top of it all, the conference was just starting and they had been assigned as his escort. Could this day get any worse? Zib had promised him monsters and explosions, not death by stupid untrained novices. "I don't suppose one of you could help me, you know, not die?" He tried to pull his usual sarcastic grin, but an evil brain had torn some wires out of his cheek and the effort just made him look rather scary.
  7. IC: Echo - Hero Factory "You underestimate me," Echo said blandly. "I helped design Hero Factory's updated firewall after the Breakout. Even Abacus would be hard pressed to crack one of my encryptions," He cut the link anyway, but knew it didn't make a difference. There were a hundred ways the villain could have discovered their presence. They had all but guaranteed he wouldn't show up when they had gone into the room.
  8. I can't believe myself. I just killed Bionicle. I'm a ninja murderer. On the other hand, playing Takeshi in this was almost as fun as the last time I played him.
  9. OOC: "COULDN'T care less", fishers. Sorry, that particular grammatical error always really bothers me. IC: Alex Drift - What in Karzahni?... Drift threw another punch and toppled forwards as it collided with... nothing? The hallway was suddenly deserted except for the three Heroes. He painfully got to his feet and staggered to the doorway. Just as he'd feared, the Brain Master was gone. IC: Evil Cobra Shard - Brain Attack! Evil Shard tried to get his bearings as the evil brain part of his mind filled with the worst noise he'd ever heard and then he was pulled through the hospital floor and into the nauseating light of the outdoors and into the middle of a crowd of civilians. The sounds The smells His head rang His wounds ached His missing brain tail oozed a sickly greenish fluid His arms were destroyed His quaza levels were at 4% And then a sword smashed into the back of his head and everything went dark.
  10. I knew that guy was fishy. Just the thought of him makes me clammy. Just squiding.
  11. Well, there goes my theory that the mysterious figure was a Hero. (You said there'd be Heroes in this. )
  12. IC: Echo - Hero Factory Echo shrugged. Whatever was going on here was definitely big. That was why he was broadcasting it all live to Mission Control.
  14. OOC: The brain has direct access to Shard's mind, so if he hears or sees something, the evil brain hears or sees it too. As Shard was tuned into Hero frequencies when he was brained, he would be able to hear any message sent to him over comms. IC: Evil Cobra Shard and Alex Drift - Sonic Attack? Both Heroes activated the frequency.
  15. Gonna jump on the bandwagons here. ALL THE BANDWAGONS. Voting Unit, Rylinth Anderfel, and Voxumo. "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known."
  16. Burned? We're talking about the Pyro? Guess this one was just an unintentional bownus. (Now see what you've made me do >=| )
  17. "The encounter could create a time paradox, the results of which could cause a chain reaction that would unravel the very fabric of the space time continuum, and destroy the entire universe!" "Granted, that's a worse case scenario. The destruction might in fact be very localized, limited to merely our own galaxy."
  18. IC: Alex Drift - Swarm of the Marro Drift smashed a brain extra hard just as the transmission came through. "Got it," he gasped. IC: Evil Cobra Shard - Keep Your Enemies Closer Evil Shard, being a Hero, also received the message. Grinning evilly to himself, he prepared to do the same thing as the Heroes; their foul play wouldn't stop him!
  19. Please tell me this is the first time this has happened.
  20. IC: Evil Cobra Shard - This Isn't Going Very Well Evil Shard ducked and turned his side to the laser. He barely suppressed a scream as it ripped a gouge through his armor. The brained Hero swung his club viciously at Nex's foot with enough strength to do some serious damage to the Alpha Hero's toes. IC: Alex Drift - Hurry Up Overflow... Drift could hear another Hero a few halls away. Whoever it was had better show up soon; he was covered in the parasites. Evil brains were swarming all over him. He was punching them right and left, but it was only a matter of time before they overwhelmed him... IC: Echo - Focus Fanclub These guys seemed to think Focus was some sort of... villain or something. Although the statement about him being "a higher caliber of hero compared to others" was certainly believable. The man had his own cult, after all.
  21. Could it be that Nato is the mythical PURPLE NINJA???
  22. Is Nato the Final Ninja? Or the mysterious figure? Of course this mind control stuff happens right when I'm watching through Jessica Jones...
  23. Out of curiosity, why? Because last time I ignored the bandwagons, we lynched an innocent Matoran. I'm trying the opposite in the hopes it brings the opposite results.
  24. Really tempted to just ignore the bandwagons buuut... I'm gonna have to vote Nato and Automaton. Really surprised I lived through the pun spree.
  25. IC: Evil Cobra Shard - Hospbattle The evil brain on Shard's head made him duck just in time to avoid getting sliced in half, but was just a bit too slow. Evil Shard screamed as the brain's tail flopped to the floor amidst the sea of other brains. He clutched at the back of his head with his fried right arm and swung wildly in circles with his cannon club, knocking Drift flying.
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