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Rylinth Anderfel

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Everything posted by Rylinth Anderfel

  1. IC: Evil Cobra Shard - Someone's About to Get Hospitalized Evil Shard ducked under the blast and kicked toward's the orange Hero's knee. IC: Alex Drift - Backup's On the Way! He stomped on a brain and tried to tackle Shard from behind, but the brained rookie was stronger than him and threw him off. Drift really hoped his grenade hadn't killed the Brain Master... Nah, he was probably fine. He had a horse-beast to- hang on... where was the horse-beast?
  2. OOC: Ah okay, just got a bit confused by the wording. IC: Evil Cobra Shard - Hospital Fight Were the Heroes calling for help? Pathetic. But this could get pretty ugly if more Heroes showed up. Evil Shard picked up an evil brain and flung it at Nex, then smashed his cannon club into Drift. IC: Alex Drift - Neurophobia - Fear of Brains Drift went sprawling from the hit and kicked a brain off that tried to take advantage of his fall. The grenade in the hospital room went off, blasting rubble out into the hall and sending brains everywhere (Boy, that didn't sound as good as I thought it would). Scrambling to his feet, he began futilely kicking Evil Shard in the shins.
  3. Free Rylinth lynching?! Katar you serious?! I didn't even sdart the puns! I just joined the club!
  4. Trust me, I have plenty of exspearience with bad puns. It's really amaceing just how harrowble some of them are! I'm probably gonna get lynched for this later on...
  5. OOC: No, why would he have multiples of the same figure? That would be like having multiple Dukes from G.I.Joe. Oh wait... IC: Echo - Kreepy Room Finally, the other targets were here. Echo wondered if they would even notice Focus in his current... camouflaged environment. He stepped back to let the star of the show do the talking.
  6. IC: Echo - Creeeeepyy Rooooomm Echo shook his head musingly. "Indeed." He gently nudged the corner of a "Matteo Focus Strikes Again" comic back under the bed with his toe, hoping the source material didn't notice. OOC: At this point the freeze gun is damaged so much that he's just swinging it like a club, not firing rockets- hang on... ice spikes don't explode, fishers?
  7. IC: Echo - Creepy Room Echo examined the junk-statue of Focus in the middle of the room. "It was cool and you know it. It even came with your sword and shield! This abomination on the other hand..."
  8. IC: Echo - Creepy Room "Come on, it was a cool action figure."
  9. OOC: Indeed an opportunity missed, but only temporarily! Edits all around! IC: Echo - Nightmare at 20,000 feet Ground Level Echo looked sadly at an action figure leg that had fallen to the floor. "I kinda wanted to keep that guy."
  10. Too many Prisoners and not enough DEATH AND SUFFERING. What has happened to the Mafia?
  11. OOC: According to Nato's post, they're still on their way there. IC: Echo - What in the Galaxy... The echolocation scan finished and he looked it over carefully. The only suspicious thing about the room was a small rectangular alcove cut into the wall. Could possibly be a trap. There looked like some sort of oddly-constructed pillar in the middle of the room. Strange. The good news was that no one seemed to actually be inside, so as long as they were careful of that alcove or any tripwires, proximity mines, etc., they should be fine. Echo motioned Focus over and pushed the door open. A terrifying sight was waiting for him on the other side. Focus. Everywhere. Posters of the other Hero lined the walls and were scattered across the floor. Paintings clearly done by Heck sat in a heap at a desk and the sleeping rack in the corner had Focus' face sewn into the sheets. A life-size replica built from junk sat in the middle of the room, surrounded by candles. Echo would've said something but he was too disturbed. He had a feeling whatever was in that niche wasn't a booby trap. As he pushed aside the largest poster in the room, his suspicion was confirmed. Inside was.. a Focus action figure? Where the heck did Heck even get that? Echo slowly turned around and looked at the other Hero. "Focus... they killed your biggest fan." OOC: Never would've thought of this if Zippy hadn't said something. Thanks for the inspiration.
  12. IC: Alex Drift - Antropolis Hospital Battleground Drift smacked another brain out of the way as the transmission came through. "Yeah sure, the brains and their master are in here. Why doncha come in and we'll brainstorm what to do?" Drift accentuated his bad joke with a loud splat as he kicked a brain that had fallen from the ceiling into the burning slush of the door. OOC: Alright, before I write up the outlay of the room I need to know if the three other guys are inside or not.
  13. Is there anyone in this game who ISN'T suspicious or shifty in some way?
  14. OOC: Is Overflow broadcasting that to someone specifically or just in general? If it's a general message, Nex and Drift will be able to respond. IC: Echo - Hero Factory There it was. He could see Heck's room up ahead. Echo quickly put out a hand and stopped Focus. Placing one finger against his visor as a sign to be quiet, he activated his sound-dampeners and began to creep up to the door. When he was right up next to it, he knelt down and turned on his sonar. If this door wasn't air-tight, he might be able to find any hidden passages, traps, or beings inside. OOC: So is there anything I should know about this room, Nato?
  15. OOC: Ah, okay. IC: Echo - Hero Factory Echo transmitted an objective marker to the other Hero leading to Heck's room. They were close now, just a few flights of stairs down and a couple hallways to the left.
  16. Everyone who didn't vote Luroka or Vicarath deserves a high five.
  17. IC: Echo - Hero Factory Echo fell into step behind the other Hero once more as they began to make their way towards Heck's room OOC: Why Heck of all names? IC: Evil Cobra Shard and Co.- Hospital Fight Part II Evil Shard and his brain companions charged forwards with a yell as the door was plasmized and a grenade flew in. Shard tried to smash Nex with his completely destroyed cannon while several brains attempted to jump on Drift's head. IC: Alex Drift - Hospital Fight Part II Drift lobbed one of his grenades into the room as soon as the door went down and then began punching and kicking any brains that came near. He really wanted his gun back...
  18. Oak tree... I'll have to write that down somewhere. Also, you're not making people want to not vote you by saying you'd be happy as a Mafian. Just sayin'
  19. IC: Echo - Hero Factory Mission Control Echo did take the files, but only for the other Hero's sake. He already knew their contents. OOC: Having a copy of almost the entire Factory's database is very useful, no?
  20. But he's not any of those! He's... I just realized I never bothered to figure out what kind of tree Vicarath is.
  21. Why, WHY would you vote the guy with a tree avatar as the pyro?! That doesn't even make sense.
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