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Eiji Hino

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Everything posted by Eiji Hino

  1. Granted. You can control the weather, but this power has the unfortunate side effect of turning people into snails. I wish I was an inch taller.
  2. "Oh. My god. I'm working with actual children." --Selja CREATOR'S NOTES: Happy Crimmas, everybody. To celebrate this most glorious of winter holidays, I have decided to share a MOC that would go great with the cold weather. This is Selja, a female Toa of Ice and former Rahi hunter who acts as my Toa team's team mom. She's very serious, and is great with a battleaxe, but is secretly afraid of muaka. This hasn't stopped her from continuing to hunt them in order to conquer her fear. In keeping with real-world inspirations for my characters, Selja is partly inspired by the Vikings, mainly in her name and her axe. The gear pieces on her wrists and ankles are also meant to evoke fur. This MOC, and this post, is dedicated to Toa TimeLord Requiem, my best friend here on the site. Happy Crimmas, lad. More photos on my Flickr. As always, comments and criticisms are welcome.
  3. Out comes Legolas. In goes every single copy of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga ever sold.
  4. Your initials spell THHI, which I imagine is pronounced like "thigh."
  5. So what if I killed him? He was on the edge of death anyway; I was just speeding things along! Now give me back what is rightfully mine! I use my Scissor Blade to slice your rock tower in half, causing it and you to topple to the ground. I hit the rubble with my full strength, for sure breaking you! While you slowly perish, I take both your Scissor Blade and the mask. It's my mask now.
  6. Granted. You are charged with online threats and are promptly arrested. I wish elf girls were real.
  7. With my super-powered school uniform and my own Scissor Blade, I attack you mercilessly, you filthy swine in human clothing! It's my mask now.
  8. Granted. It's a very old computer that was kept in pristine physical condition, but it crashes immediately once you turn it on. I wish I knew how to play poker.
  9. Out comes my real dad. In go all the BIONICLE sets that didn't have gear functions.
  10. My disintegrated dust body enters your body through your lungs and I take control of you. It's my mask now.
  11. You should have gone for the chest. It's my mask now.
  12. It's now been a week since Tufi said she'd get the matchups sent out, and I'm starting to get concerned.
  13. Man, this Piraka/Vento Aureo crossover looks great!
  14. Hannibal only had one eye after getting a disease while attacking Rome. If a statue of a person on a horse has the horse with both front legs in the air, then it means that the person riding it died in battle. If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person riding it died of wounds received in battle. If all the horse's legs are on the ground, the person riding it died of natural causes. One in seven workers in Boston, Massachusetts, walks to work. Residents of Houston, Texas, lead the US in eating out: approximately 4.6 times every week. "Go." is the shortest complete sentence in the English language. In Italy, 17 is considered an unlucky number.
  15. Holy cow, Angel Beat?! The Angel Beat?! Satisfied-looking Fluttershy.
  16. Basically France during every single war.
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