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Cu Chulainn Caster

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Everything posted by Cu Chulainn Caster

  1. Out comes literally anything else. In goes Mario.
  2. Out comes Red Hot Chili Pepper. In goes The Hand.
  3. Out comes a fountain of widgets. In goes my leaky car.
  4. Out comes Kevin Durant. In goes the unmade fifth BIONICLE movie.
  5. But can you reduce every action to zero?
  6. Did you hear about the Agori who went into the cloning store? When he came out, he was beside himself.
  7. Out comes the Bible. In goes a sp00ky scary skeleton.
  8. Out comes PewDiePie with 100 million subscribers. In goes my mom.
  9. Out comes Mutran with a fine-looking mustache. In goes a bottle of Nightmare Fuel.
  10. I shoot you with a Stand Arrow. Your soul is not nearly strong enough to survive and gain power untold. It's my mask now.
  11. Out comes Mata Nui. In goes the GSR.
  12. Nobody cares about Chima anymore, mate. Your persistence has only delayed your inevitable death. You disintegrate along with the last vestige of memory of your dead theme. It's my mask now.
  13. Out comes Cogsworth fused with the Disk of Time. In goes the power of Acid.
  14. An accurate representation of Roman gladiatorial combat, c. 45 BC (colorized)
  15. I accuse you of illegal mask trafficking. You are forced to give the mask to me to atone for your crimes. It's my mask now.
  16. Toa TimeLord Requiem for a Dream.
  17. If this is the Krusty Krab, then you have to eat this Nasty Patty. You do, and then you die of acute kidney failure. It's my mask now.
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