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Mister N

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About Mister N

  • Birthday February 4

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Tohunga (3/293)

  1. My artwork on Instagram Welcome to the wasted world of Afterman! The lightning hits through the grim red sky and ignites a tool with its magical power. Now the lone green Evoid is adapted to this hostile area and prepared to face the destructive evil Cybots with his new power of creation. This truly heavy metal art of unknown apocaliptic world was made by the basic round brush and is inspired by the feelings of 90s and the rebel creativity of Christian Faber. Bioventure continues…
  2. My artwork on Istagram How long has he been lost? Months ago? Years? Yesterday? Time seemed to have stopped. His new home is in such dark mountain depths that he is always not sure about the time of day. And he cannot just abandon his great find, fearing never to find it again. Victim of his own curiosity. A real metal star that has fallen from the sky beckons with its mystery. It’s alien, but somehow vaguely familiar. The new home defined his new way of life. Since time has stoped, there is nothing better than to watch the sky and Record. The сircle on the ground helps to observe the formation of new story. Let the Bioventure begin. The creation of this instagram account was inspired by the fantastic work of Christian Faber. I’d like to experiment with Biological Chronicle’s ideas and concepts, trying to make the next step in its biolution and biovival.
  3. After participation in a few TTV Canonization Contests (Helryx; Artakha) decided to improve my colorization skills, cause it's still new for me. Actually original line art was made back in 2018. Special for my mate Krakuva from Rusbionicle.
  4. Finally finished translation of the another chapter. Huge thanks to the @The Shadow Imperator for the help and editing. It's a big one, hope you'll like it! the 6th chapter "The Culture and Meaning of Tohunga and Turaga"
  5. Thank you very much, I experienced similar feelings myself when I first read the Shadow Imperator's document and learned the original background of the Robot and the Great Beings. It became some sort of G3 to me and an inspiration to get interested in Bionicle again. Of course, technically you can modify the game as you want. As Peri already said, Nuparu77 was already doing something similar. But apparently this is a truly hard process that requires the work of more than one person. On the other hand, it is strange that for 20 years, fans haven't created a large number of modifications for the game, although it has a cult status.
  6. Something about making of Vahki CGI animation http://thomasbanner.blogspot.com/2012/01/making-of-bionicle-vakhi-printed-in-3d.html
  7. I just checked my Russian version of BIONICLE #4 and it has one "new" page compared to the extended version, but without Vorox battle scene. It is the standart version of the comic, am I right?
  8. Wow, this is a very curious find. Thank you for drawing my attention to this. Honestly, I doubt that MNOG and the Game are somehow connected or used each other's materials. But it is possible that this was part of the idea of the original creators of Bionicle themselves and the adding the Rahi building is the result of consultation with them. The story of the creation of Mata Nui is a very mysterious part of the original bible. The only thing we know is that it exists, and it differs from the modern canon. For example, when the Mask of Light was created, Bob Thompson told the directors how the island was created and what role flora and fauna play in it. You can read about it in the Shadow Imperator's document in the Rahi section: I can also add that MN was intentionally designed to look alien and synthetic, as seen in the final movie: Oof, well, to be honest I was never interested in these themes and I know almost nothing about their lore. The only thing I know is a bunch of concept art that everyone saw, and the fact that Chima was always planned for three years, as this video says, although for some reason many people think that Chima should have been going on for much more. Moreover, as I said earlier, I have plans for other articles about Bionicle, which I’m much more interested in working on, sorry. Huh, strange. In QftT Vuata Maca Fruit looks like Bula Berry you showed above. Is your pic from LoMN? And if I remember correctly Matoro used Vuata Maca Fruit in MNOG to heal Takua (and it also looked like Bula Berry in your pic): I had this theory too and I think it is very logical for the 2001 lore. BTW we actually know that Jala was the son of Lhii. You can read more about it here.
  9. Well, I tried to build this weird prototype. To be honest, I don’t understand how they could fit gears there, because there is less space inside than the original Toa have, and sprites show that the prototype body is narrow. I suppose that they glued some parts, and then gears can be placed instead of beams.
  10. Of course. There are total 8 articles. All of them are available in Russian here. You can already read them using Google translate, if you are interested. Translation into English takes a lot of time, although the Shadow Emperor and FrozenDeath help me a lot. In future I have pretty big plans. Since the Emperor met Alastair Swinnerton, we learned a lot of new things, and many old things began to make much more sense than before. After the translation of all the chapters of the MNOG Chronicle has been completed, I plan several more series of articles about other years when Bob Thompson was the head of the story team. For example, now I am working on a series entirely devoted to the evolution of Makuta character from 1999 to 2005 (no Teridax here ). All I can say is that Seven Books of Bionicle will have a much bigger role in future articles. On the other hand, I would not like to make big promises, because the more things we find, the bigger this snowball becomes, and it’s very difficult to work with it, especially considering that this is a simple hobby, not a job. When I write articles I prefer this music You can read full booklet here
  11. Oh, I see. these bodies really look very strange However, your find is in any case very curious, because we have never seen the Slizer heads on the Toa feet before I think it was just an 'evil-looking' placeholder until they came up with Infected Hau logo. As you can see all Toa have only Hau. It seems that designs of other masks were unfinnished yet.
  12. This mysterious word is "ВОЗДУХА" ("AIR"). And as Peri said there are subs in English
  13. It seems to me that this torso looks like a Slizer only because of its unusual angle. It looks like this is actually the same torso that we saw on other Toa prototypes. In this video you can see especially how deep this hole is.
  14. Finally the 5th chapter "The Rahi breeding cycle" was translated. Thanks @The Shadow Imperator for editing. - The role of Rahi in the GSR world then and now; - Biodermis - early version of Protodermis; - The Biodermis Forge in MNOG and deleted quest; - Canceled Master Builder Book; - Strange lore of Rahi fusions; - Rahi and their offspring in games.
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