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Posts posted by Sparticus147

  1. IC: Taua (Zakazian Wastes)

    Shifting their greatshield, they blocked the brunt of the javelins with it while the rest shattered against their armored lower legs, though a few still struck past and hit their upper thighs, though none struck lethally. Focusing upon the wall of wood, it was clear that it was not to be so easily destroyed by mere lasers, and so they used the one power they had that could not be denied. Striking against the entire surface of the wooden palisade, the force of gravity was tilted so that it was going perpendicular to the wall, with the direction identified as down being in the direction of Marrow, with them pumping as many G’s into it till the sheer crushing weight of the wood could not hang onto the crumbling stone beneath it.

    OOC: @Gecko Greavesy @Kal the Guardian @NorikSigma

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  2. IC: Taua (Zakazian Wastes)

    Taking a step forward, they watched as the debris was launched back at them, a pair of their eyes flashing purple as gravity increased by several degrees, the projectiles not even flying a bio before crashing into the ground. Continuing to march forwards towards the beast, greatshield readied, they fired beam upon beam of frosty blue lasers at the beast, intent on rending through its pitiful bulwark.

    OOC: @Gecko Greavesy @Kal the Guardian @NorikSigma

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  3. IC: Taua (Zakazian Wastes)

    Running with leaping bounds and crushing landings, Taua expected to hear the sounds of crushing earth coming from behind them, but the fact that the mental presence of Marrow was not moving confused them. Risking it and peeking over their shoulder, they saw as the beast stood its ground, while following in their wake was a surging mass of roots and vines.

    Before they could respond, the space in front of them exploded in such a mass of plantlife, it lashing up to meet them as they careened down towards it with force. The beast was trying to trap them again, Taua thought as the roots surged up, with the Kaita ready to freeze and shatter them. And then the first contact to their bare skin was made as the vines extended past their armored lowered legs and up to their thighs and waist.

    As the roots and stalks spread up to their waist, inching to climb further up their torso, Taua howled in pain. To think that something as insignificant as a plant could inflict such agony was practically unthinkable to the Kaita, and so feeling the full effect was a shock to them as they attempted to struggle free thoughtlessly, wracking pain and irritation only flaring up as they did. 

    In frustration and rage, they unleashed their full fury in an explosion of icey-cold wrath as ice and snow erupted from where they stood, with sub-zero temperatures and frostbite quickly running across the plants and roots as all functions were killed off in an instance. But the cold did not stop at the immediate plants wrapped around them as the chill dug deep into the ground, layering the area immediately surrounding Taua in permafrost as the Kaita turned towards Marrow with fury, a chill in the air around them as frost covered their blister sore legs, the cold numbing the pain.

    Enough with these shenanigans. Raising up their dominant hand into the air, gravity all around them was inverted, their feet dug deep into the rock beneath them, keeping them thoroughly planted. With gravity inverted, all of the loose rocks, stones, and ice chunks, broken up by Taua’s own steps and the roots of Marrow rose up into the air, till in a dramatic motion, they were all sent careening towards one point, Marrow, with a powerful well of gravity centered upon the riteborn's chest that pulled with so much force that the Kaita was forced to jam their greatshield into the rock in front of them to keep themselves from launching themselves as well. 

    OOC: @Gecko Greavesy @Kal the Guardian @NorikSigma

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  4. IC: Taua (Zakazian Wastes)

    Annoyance pinged at the Kaita’s mind, with it becoming a growingly common emotion as they kept witnessing the creature’s ability to adapt, learn, and counter their efforts at trying to kill it. Was it that hard, to simply lie down and die? To accept your inevitable fate? It was becoming progressively frustrating...but it will also at least make their guaranteed victory all that sweeter, proving to Zakaz just how strong they really are.

    Stripped of their maulaxe, the weapon cast off a short distance away, with the tree around its head having grown and sprouted around it, with only the handle sticking out. They were going to need to get that back. Focusing back onto the beast, they easily saw its swinging tail, and gripping their greatshield with all three hands, they braced and absorbed the blow as its surface took a silver sheen and an electrical pulse surged out. From the impact, they were sent sliding back several bios as they grew to around fifty feet in height.

    Staring down towards the beast before them, greatshield in both hands, stripped of their main weapon, beaten and weary with heavy breaths, they tightened their grip and tensed their muscles...before turning and dashing away from the Tahtorak as fast as they could achieve. 

    Surging with elemental strength, each kick-off had them weighing less than a leaf in the wind while each step was the force of a falling mountain, the earth and stone shattering and crumbling from their steps. But not only was the surface shattered and broken up from their steps alone, as each contact with their boots channeled their element of stone and ice; with the rock beneath being forcefully dragged up while deep wells of frost and ice were embedded, leaving a wake of broken rocks and frosty chunks.

    OOC: @Gecko Greavesy @Kal the Guardian @NorikSigma

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  5. IC: Taua (Zakazian Wastes)

    Though they could very well charge and meet the beast, they held their position, ready for the point of impact as they scoured the beast’s mind, ready to anticipate its actions. But they were a tad too slow. As the axe blade swung, intent on shearing through the shield and into the Tahtorak’s arm, it raised its limb above where Taua could reach as the blade bit into the wood like a hot knife through butter, the backlash washing across their body as they went from nearly ninety feet to just shy of thirty. 

    About to pull back their weapon, the nearly bisected pieces of wood lashed out and regrow themselves around the head of Taua’s maulaxe, the added weight causing the weapon to sag in their grasp. Looking at the clump of wood, they were about to find some use for it when their still active Kraata alerted them to the monster’s goal, to tear them limb from limb. They only grinned, as the Tahtorak grabbed at their limbs, only to feel like it had grasped onto freshly sharpened knives with Taua ripping their limbs from its grasp as they shrunk back down to their original size.

    Pained wracked their body though, as for a brief moment the silver will seemed resistant to obeying their command, as the creatures fierce grasp momentarily crushed their limbs. That combined with the second wave of backlash caused the hairline fractures across their body, primarily around their right arm, to widen, though not yet completely break thankfully.

    Grinding their teeth through the pain, they lunged forwards beneath the creature and its grasp as they quickly took a hold of one of its legs and began to lift. At their size, even with their enhanced strength, there would have been no way in the pits for them to have even destabilized Marrow’s stance, but Taua did not need strength if the thing he was lifting weighed nothing. Channeling his element of gravity directly into the Tahtorak, severing its connection, they lifted. What would have been several dozen tons became less than even a feather as they lifted and threw the beast overhead behind them. And just to make sure, they turned around, focusing on it as best they could as they willed it back to the ground, to make sure it couldn’t just break its fall like the last time.

    OOC: @Gecko Greavesy @NorikSigma @Kal the Guardian

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  6. IC: Taua (Zakazian Wastes)

    Staring down the creature as it charged towards them, Taua simply grinned as the beast came right to them, seeing the massive wooden shield form as the thing was intent on ramming them. Shifting their feet back to brace against the blow, they gripped their maulaxe with both hands as they channeled their silver will into it, the guillotine-like blade glistening in the sunlight, them ready to bring the weapon crashing and tearing through the meager shield and the limb holding it up behind the bulwark. And just to make sure that no tricks came out of nowhere, Taua called upon their Kraata as the brute’s mind was laid bare to them, ready to react and counter whatever may be thrown their way, but one thing was for sure, their maulaxe was going to taste blood, like the blood beginning to pool in the back of their throat and trickle down their nose.

    "YES! [Come face/Approach] me [Monster/Fool]!"

    OOC: @Gecko Greavesy @NorikSigma @Kal the Guardian

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  7. IC: Taua (Zakazian Wastes)

    They grimaced as the creature uncovered their trap without falling for it, with their annoyance and frustration only growing as their spikes seemed ineffectual towards it. About to approach the beast for melee once again, they easily saw as the tree was flung towards them and extended their spare hand forwards as they caught it and suspended in a well of gravity that intercepted the tree and seeds. But as the plants were caught, the seeds exploded from the elemental use of gravity, their foul gas momentarily expelling outwards in a small cloud but being caught and contained by the gravity well once again.

    Grinning, an idea formed as Taua launched the tree and gaseous cloud back towards the Tahtorak at high speeds, hoping that at least whatever this gas is will be a problem for the thing if not the tree-javelin. As the gas flew towards Marrow, blocking sight between the two beings, Taua focused their gaze as beams of frosty blue laser energy shot forwards to strike the creature through the gaseous cloud to shear and rend its flesh, the Kaita laughing expectantly at what they hoped to see.

    OOC: @Gecko Greavesy @NorikSigma @Kal the Guardian

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  8. IC: Taua (Zakazian Wastes)

    Shock and pain washed across the Kaita’s form as they had hoped to unleash all of the energy they had built-up to kill this beast in one glorious blow, only for it to manage to just avoid their attack with Taua left to feel the backlash as their form rapidly shrunk to its original size. Landing, their sharpened boots dug deep into the stone, wedging them in it. The situation was only heightened in alarm as they were flashed by the sudden manifestation of lightvines, the sudden flash of them forcing the Kaita’s six eyes to close.

    Being blinded was nothing though to them, as their Kraata squirmed and writhed as it quickly began to read the situation for them. What they were told though was dire. They were immobile with their feet stuck, blinded by stupid plants, reduced to their original size, and a tail thicker than their entire torso was careening at them towards the side without their shield. There was so much happening at once and they couldn’t deal with all of it at once, at least with only one mind focusing upon it all.

    Risking it and not willing to be beaten so easily, they took all their focus away from preventing the drain as they braced and prepared for the impact. In a small bubble around them, gravity diminished slightly as the rock around their feet moved away, freeing them as the right side of their body turned silver, just in time to take the tremendous blow from the Tahtorak’s tail as they were sent flying away from it.

    Flailing for a brief moment, their eyes harshly returned to focus in time to steady themselves before they made impact with the earth, softly landing as they rose back up to their full height, having grown once more to just shy of ninety feet in height. Breathing heavily, the sore feeling on the right side of their body now moreso as several hairline fractures now lined their bones. Looking towards the monster a fair distance away from them now, they glared at it with loathing for still being alive, something it had no right to be.

    Done playing around, they roared out furiously in challenge as their feet stomped onto the stone beneath them as the terrain between the Marrow and them shifted. Forming on the left and right of Taua, two surging lines of stone and ice spikes surged forwards towards Marrow, intent on piercing the beast while also forming a central channel clear for the creature to charge at the Kaita down. Just beneath the surface of the channel though were hidden spiked pit traps, perfect for tripping up the dumb brutish creature that Taua continued to see his foe as.

    OOC: @Gecko Greavesy @NorikSigma @Kal the Guardian

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  9. IC: Taua (Zakazian Wastes)

    Seeing the creature fly, Taua grinned, only for their twin smiles to twist into a pair of frowns as the creature managed to break its fall. Grimacing, they felt as roots once more began to twist around their legs. Not letting such meager plantlife to take them, their boots turned silver and surged with energy, easily slicing through the roots as they kicked their feet and crushed the plantlife, their size barely decreasing.

    Continuing to grimace at the creature, the feeling of the drain was beginning to take hold. Though it was still far off from completely sapping their energy, it was there and present, causing their clock to tick, tick, tick. Beginning to charge forth, their greaves and boots still silver, they leapt upwards, gravity obeying their command now as they went flying into the air high above the Tahtorak, before launching back down towards it through a strong surge of gravity, ready to channel their built up energy through their boots into the beast’s hide and run through it like a bullet.

    OOC: @Gecko Greavesy @NorikSigma @Kal the Guardian

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  10. IC: Taua (Zakazian Wastes)

    As the beast leapt forwards to bring down a truly crushing blow, one that would undoubtedly bring Taua to its knees, the very air around them warbled as the frost at the Kaita’s feet wrapped around itself and planted them onto the ground as gravity failed. Though even with Taua’s size and the innate strength given to him from Krrenchk, it wasn’t quite enough to beat back against the three hundred foot tall monster, but in zero-g, even the mightiest blows will lack any force without something to brace yourself on.

    Rising up its greatshield, Taua met the Tahtorak’s makeshift club with his shield as he pushed back against it to send them flying away. As contact was made, they attempted to focus the massive aura of zero-g around them into a funnel, one to heightened the force and distance the creature is sent, but their power over gravity seemed to stutter for a brief moment. No matter, they weren’t to be daunted.

    Seeing the Tahtorak fly through the air, they worked to predict where it was going to land as the ground beneath the monster’s flight grew into a bed of spikes and jagged rocks, perfect for giving it a rather rough, if not lethal, landing.

    OOC: @Gecko Greavesy @NorikSigma @Kal the Guardian

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  11. IC: Taua (Zakazian Wastes)

    Wretched weeds, daring to interrupt their fight. Taua could feel them digging into their skin, and though a minor nuisance, the accursed plants were still a nuisance nonetheless. Stepping back, they could easily read the beast’s mind and sense what the creature before them was attempting, with Taua guessing it was hoping to trip them up if not outright immobilize them. Not wanting to be caught flat on the ground, they halted their retreat just as the roots took hold of them, planting them in place.

    Continuing to read what it's follow up was going to be, the Kaita grinned at what they read. Though Taua would have wanted to release their stored up energy in another way, they figured that this could do as well. With the tree coming down upon their head, the helm encapsulating their skull shifted into silver as a vibration of energy washed across their form as they brought their horned helm to bear against the attack. As the tree made contact with the silvered helm, it shattered and split into two as contact was made, almost like if Marrow had brought the tree down onto an axe blade. And though Taua was still rattled by the attack, they grinned as they looked back up, though admitted now twenty feet smaller than they were.

    Raising up their shield to bare against the riteborn’s face, it being shown the roaring Tahtorak maw on it, the skull-like visage opened its maw and unleashed a blizzard of frigid air and ice at the Tahtorak’s face as frost began to be channeled through the Kaita’s boots as well, the weeds and roots becoming frost colored and shattering as ice spikes extended from them, with the freed Kaita taking another step forwards to unleash yet another wave of ice spikes at the monster before them, ready to continue creating distance.

    OOC: @Gecko Greavesy @Kal the Guardian @NorikSigma

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  12. IC: Taua (Zakazian Wastes)

    Readying for the Tahtorak to charge at him, shifting their spare hand to hold onto their greatshield, they were surprised when the thing let loose a spray of seeds at them. Instinctively, they raised up their shield, with the majority of the seeds spraying onto the slab instead, but still, some of the seeds landed onto their chest and face. For a moment, they were curious what the purpose of such an attack was, that was when they felt the seeds that landed on them began to rapidly grow and take root into their skin and flesh, some of the seeds even growing to cover up their eye sockets in their closed helm.

    Blindly letting loose an intense beam of frost blue lasers out of two of their optics, them continuing to glow for a brief moment. Frantically, they began to pull at the foliage with their spare hand while they focused upon their power of mind reading, taking a few steps back to grant them needed distance to remove the majority of the plants and to at least clean out the helmet.

    OOC: @Gecko Greavesy @Kal the Guardian @NorikSigma

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  13. IC: Taua (Zakazian Wastes)

    So the beast sought to crush him between its hands, to trap them within its grasp, how simple, how...predictable. Within their darkened Heartlight cavity, a serpent of a worm gnawed at them and their mind in warning of the attempt at capture, but Taua didn’t need the warning, as he was hoping for a chance like this.

    The silver of his maulaxe shifted to envelope his greatshield, the yawning Tahtorak maw of the shield now shining in silver as they positioned it in between the two palms as the great force of the crushing palms collided with it. What the monster before Taua probably expected was the pleasant sound of crunching bones and bent metal. What it didn’t expect was for the flea to grow greatly in size as it now stood a third of the Tahtorak’s size, around one hundred feet. And then, compounding the sudden confusion of its prey becoming a third its size, a burst of gravity surged in between them, if not moving the creature then at least sending Taua back away from the beast as they soon readied themselves for further attacks, a harsh cough leaving their throat as their body ached from the crushing force, numerous, though minor and shallow cuts from where the bark and thorns had rubbed against him. Thankfully no bones seemed to be broken...yet.

    Laughing with overlapping voices, they focused their gaze on the riteborn as they spoke in one voice. “Now that was close. Nearly [Won/Lost].”

    Taua expected any attack from the thing to be forceful, but they weren't expecting that attack to be so forceful as it nearly forced them over the edge and caused them to release all of the energy they had build-up from the blow. Though they would have loved to see the look on the thing's face when it is subjected to the same force it just inflicted, but amplified by a good degree, they didn’t expect themselves to endure such a blast.

    OOC: @Gecko Greavesy @NorikSigma @Kal the Guardian

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  14. IC: Taua (Zakazian Wastes)

    They grinned as the creature stumbled in turn, with their grin only widening as it didn’t submit but rather only looked on towards them with even more hatred in its monstrous glare. 

    “Yes! Yes! [Hate/Loathe] me, show me your [Fury/Wrath]!”

    But it didn’t do as it was beckoned as it swept its claw in front of itself with its gaze looking off towards Taua’s left. For the briefest of moments, they were confused by the thing’s actions till they realized what it was trying to do. It was going for the cohorts. 

    Taua only laughed. If Drukarus was there, if he was stronger in conscious, then perhaps they would go and protect those Skakdi. But those Skakdi were weak, they were beneath them, even Drukarus saw them as weak, so why should Taua care for them. The only worth they had was being a decent distraction.

    Taking a step, their heavy-plated foot crashed onto the earth before them, a crackling trail of frost and stone trailing towards the Tahtorak that continued forth till it surged beneath the creature. And then rapidly from several spots, great jagged spikes of ice and stone shot up, less intent on impaling the monster and more intent on distracting it as Taua wasn’t content on simply standing and keeping their distance, as that first step was of many. 


    They roared out fiercely as they charged forth, shifting their spare left hand to their maulaxe as they swung it in a wide arc, axe head intent on striking the left side of the monster’s throat, the faint shimmer of silver coming across the two-handed weapon, their torso, and their upper left arm.

    OOC: @Gecko Greavesy @NorikSigma @Kal the Guardian

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  15. IC: Taua (Zakazian Wastes)

    Charging forwards in great leaps and bounds, Taua was glad to see that the beast was coming to meet him as well, a wide pair of grins hidden behind their helmet eager for the fight ahead of them. And then they heard it, the monster’s harrowing challenge, the sound of it momentarily making them falter in their step, the sound of it reaching far out and across the wasteland, with the fleeing cohorts urging their rigs to go even faster while even the Skakdi from Fort Nektann collectively shuddering at the sound.

    They stumbled in their step, their grin faltering...before it spread back across their face as they grinned, now even more excited and amused by the creature's attempt. They are Taua, they thrived off of the roaring sounds of conflict and existed as a three minded consciousness. Did this riteborn really think it’s yelp was going to frighten them and their collective wills? Hah, not a chance!

    But now that raised an interesting question, whose will was stronger. Halting in their charge, they readied and braced themselves as they held up their greatshield in both hands, their six eyes peering over it as two of them flashed with a purple gleam as one of their three vision powers were activated as they roared out a challenge of their own.

    “Come to us [Worm/Newt]! Bow before us and I will make your death [Long/Agonizing]!”

    Within the Tahtorak’s mind, a presence would make itself known, one intent on putting them in their place, to let them know that they are alone and that they were facing a being far greater than them, one to force them to submit and accept the inevitable. 

    OOC: @Gecko Greavesy @Kal the Guardian @NorikSigma

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  16. IC: Drukarus, Krrenchk, Zekev (Zakazian Wastes, Northeastern Coast)

    In silence, Drukarus sat in the back of the war rig alongside four other Skakdi as it sped along the coast, dust and sand being kicked up behind the vehicle’s tracks. Next to it was the Crushing Foot, driven by Krrenchk, with it containing Zekev and the other three Skakdi that made up his fourth band of cohorts. He had chosen them to come with him for a simple reason, because they were the worst Fort Nektann had to offer. Though he didn’t doubt they could be made into genuine warriors, let alone soldiers, he knew Detsu wasn’t going to be sufficient for such training and desired to train them personally.

    The sun stood high up above them as they continued on their journey, the glistening of the vast blue ocean filling the horizon to their left while the seemingly equally vast expanse of brown marked the horizon to the right. There was little for Drukarus to focus upon, till in the distance, he spotted it, the sight that sent chills down even the warlord’s spine. A Tahtorak.

    He had not witnessed the monster that became of Nektann, not well at least, and as such never realized till now just how immense the monsters were. Its sheer size, it made the Tahtoraks he knew from his Zakaz to seem like infants in comparison. But that was not the only thing he noticed, as centered upon the creature was a growing amount of green, with fields of grasses growing in the things wake, with even the sand around the pair of rigs beginning to sprout such flora.

    Looking at it, he would have called it a blessing, if it wasn’t for the fact that it was all too clear to him where it was headed, it was going to Fort Nektann. He had told Detsu to prepare, to be ready for the worst. But that was before he realized what it was that was coming to the fort, before he realized just how unstoppable this thing must be. He doubted that even with a whole host of three hundred Skakdi, armed with war rigs, beasts of burden, and advanced armaments, could take that thing down. Nothing could kill it, except…

    “HALT THE CONVOY!” Drukarus shouted out, with the driver quickly heeding his words with the Crushing Foot stopping soon after. Not wasting a second, he jumped out of the truck bed as he approached the Crushing Foot, with many of the Skakdi looking at their War Captain curiously.

    “Zekev! Krrenchk! Out here, NOW! He ordered out with urgency.

    Zekev stumbled out of the vehicle, his eyes still fixed on the titanic monster. He’d only heard legends of this beast long ago, before… everything. How could anyone survive this?

    “Yeah boss?”

    Krrenchk stepped out of his Crushing Foot, putting a hand up to his optics to shield them from the sun. Yup, that was a Tahtorak alright. They were always such a pain to deal with. You either had to make a Kaita or make your own Tahtorak, and both options were hard to come by with how little Skakdi played well with others. He turned to Drukarus, awaiting his superior’s orders.

    Looking between the two Skakdi before him, he pondered for a brief moment if they were the ones he was going to choose for this. That momentary thought was quickly settled as he recognized the strength and ability they could at least offer, if they were willing to completely give themselves.

    “I shall keep it simple, you two are going to join me in felling the Tahtorak. We are going to form a Kaita.”

    Zekev’s jaw dropped. Me? In a Kaita? The amount of coordination and willpower required was far beyond his capability, he was sure. He’d only ever known it to be an honor reserved for the most-

    Well, doesn’t matter now does it? Looks like we’re in the big leagues now. “I’m gonna need direction on that,” he managed to say.

    Krrenchk pumped a fist in celebration, “Alright! Just say when, boss.” Perhaps things would be different this time. Drukarus was proving himself to be a far better leader than Nektann and Barius ever had been.

    Drukarus nodded his head before barking out another set of orders, commanding the remaining eight Skakdi to continue to the Rig and inform any there that Drukarus will arrive promptly. With the Skakdi accepting their orders and being glad that they weren’t the ones going up against that thing in the distance, they quickly sped off leaving Drukarus, Krrenchk, and Zekev alone.

    Taking a deep, calming breath before the battle to come, he looked intently towards the other two Skakdi as he spoke. “Whatever you may feel, whatever you may learn, whatever knowledge or secrets you gleam from this fusion...you will keep it to yourselves. Understood?”

    The two Skakdi nodded their heads. Drukarus didn’t say another word, as he planted his hands upon the pairs chests as they did so as well, the two Skakdi giving themselves fully to the transformation as the three’s bodies were enveloped in a radiant light, the three of them merging into one being.


    IC: ??? (Zakazian Wastes, Northeastern Shore)

    Rising to its full height, the mighty gladiator of a being rose to its full height, it’s grip and strong upon the greatshield it wielded in its left and the maulaxe in its right, both truly deadly weapons. Slowly turning its torso, it gazed off into the distance, its six optics settling upon the Tahtorak in the distance, its mouths both curling back into excited and vicious grins.

    Taking a step, the first one of many, the earth sunk beneath its weight, as those first few steps turned into a full-on sprint, with each step sounding out with a thunderous crack of earth and a small crater left behind. But it was still too slow for its liking, it needed to go faster. Acting upon its beck and call, gravity began to warp and bend as it charged forth in now great leaping bounds, covering bios with each leap.

    At last, they existed, and though Drukarus had made them to stand as a bulwark, to protect the fort and his people, that was a desire only Drukarus held. No, they had another desire. They desired battle, conflict, they desired to show to all of Zakaz who they were.

    They were Taua, Skakdi Kaita of Conflict, and there was nothing stronger than them.

    OOC: @Kal the Guardian @NorikSigma @Gecko Greavesy Let's get ready to ~RUMBLE!~

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  17. IC: Tihun (Submerged Archives)

    Continuing down the elevator shaft, after the initial trepidation of descending into the unknown, boredom took the Vortixx as his thoughts went back to wondering why in the Rock he was doing this, why he had to degrade himself to such menial labor in order to just regain his former standard-of-living. He didn't care if the city was sinking and that resources were low, it was like that on Xia and he found his place in high society.

    Continuing to be bored as he slowly descended for several minutes, he perked up as a doorway revealed itself. Though he had a choice to continue heading down or going through this entrance, it would be foolish if he didn't inspect this room. Not like he couldn't return to the elevator. Moving forwards, Tihun began to inspect whatever place this doorway led too.

    OOC: @Eyru

  18. IC: Tihun (Submerged Archives)

    Carefully, he continued his venture forwards, looking across the space in wide arcs as he activated his mask, not wanting to waste time going through the length of the space with the Hydruka. Evidently, there was nothing of real interest. That was till he found the elevator. Floating just outside the large downward shaft, it descending into a horrifyingly deep, dark, yawning abyss. It was a terrifying sight that would put the fear of the ocean, dark, and enclosed spaces into anyone...that is why Tihun wasn't going to take chances as he shifted around and loaded up one of the regular flares, deploying the thing below himself into the shaft as he followed along.

    If there was anything down there, he was going to see it...he just hoped that anything would see him and go away.

    OOC: @Eyru

    IC: Kuini-Rama (Grand Temple Ruins, Nui-Rama Hive)

    The queen was resting, as she rightfully deserved, after securing yet another generation of her children. Life was peaceful since she killed and conquered her competition, now standing as the queen of all Nui-Rama. It was peaceful...or at least it was supposed to be so. Her peaceful rule was being interfered with by the loss of her land, with her children telling her that the vast green was becoming less so. It was...baffling and infuriating to hear, especially since she could not even imagine why that was happening or how to fix it.

    Bereft of answers or a solution to her problem, she simply told her children to expand further. Each day, the Nui-Rama hives grew taller, wider, taking far more land than they ever did to compensate for the loss of territory and the growing waters. It was putting a strain upon her, one that might actually force her to look behind the vast green, or if needs be, to strike out against that village, Le-Metru Nuva, and claim what little it had to offer.

    This line of thinking was interrupted when a strange called reached out to her, one that she could not quite understand that grasped at the minds of her and all of her children. For the briefest of moments, she felt herself drawn to the foreign call. But she was Kuini-Rama, and none commanded her. Letting out a shriek, which to her children was a melodic song, they were sent once more back to their duties, to ignore the strange call as it passed over them.

    About to settle down once more, she was interrupted as a pair of her children flew into her chambers and deposited...something, something she did not recognize at first, but then realized what it could be. It was the something that She had requested. Giving praise to her two children, she casted them out once again to deliver the thing to Her, wherever Her was. She just hoped now that the black beast would be satisfied and no longer call upon her.

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  19. IC: Vulimai (Kini-Koro)

    * Tobduk-Koro, this is Taku actual. Be brief *

    * Don’t use underground shelters, they’ll collapse and flood. The torrent of rain the beast causes quickly erodes the ground, which is why we needed to evacuate Po-Koro despite it going away. Skakdi and Toa of Earth, Stone, Iron, Jungle, Ice, Magnetism, maybe also Psionics could help reduce the risk of mudslides and other, uh, ground-related issues. *

    Listening through the radio, hearing the frantic concern of Knichou as he undoubtedly made contact with the Tahtorak, Vulimai was about to respond to the voice coming from Tobduk-Koro that the rains appeared to have stopped. That was when shouts distracted her as she looked up just in time to see the Zivon appear on the ridgeline, their toxic green of their venom splattering over the village.

    Though some were able to avoid the splash, taking cover wherever they could, most were struck and covered by the substance, with the vileness seeping into the earth beneath them. Vulimai herself was also struck. As she was covered in the ooze, she immediately felt her strength be sapped away from her, her falling against the radio tower as she tried to stay on her feet. Straining, she was just able to keep up her focus, beating through the worst of it as she spoke into the radio tower.

    "Knichou! There's another riteborn! Get Kilo or Atamai overhear...NOW! 

    Stumbling away, she made her way towards the portal as she began to shout out a command as best she could. "Everyone! We are having a complete evacuation! Get through the portal!" Lumbering, she felt like she was about to fall, that was when her armor began to compensate for her stumbling, as minor thrusters began to form keeping her on her feet and assisting with her movements, though she was still nowhere near as fast as she would be without the goop as she fought forwards and tried to direct everyone into the portal.

    A few drops fell upon her mask as a looming darkness once more began to build.

    OOC: @BULiK @Toru Nui @Eyru @Harvali @Onaku @The UltimoScorp @Tarn @Gecko Greavesy Whoever else I'm missing

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  20. Name: Taua (derived from the Skakdi word for “war”), Skakdi Kaita of Conflict

    Breed: Skakdi Kaita

    Faction: Drukarus’ War Skaks

    Brief Description: Towering above even a titan, this mighty union of three Skakdi stands over three times the height of an average member of its race (26’6”+). Cutting a figure like that of a mighty gladiator; with broad shoulders, powerful legs and a firm body, the Kaita’s deep black, rich tan, and stark white form is completely covered in scars. Though unlike those scars claimed through a lifetime of conflict, these scars make a ritual pattern of writings and symbols that tells of the cumulative accomplishments of the Kaita’s constituent parts, the scars illuminated with an incandescent flow of warbling purple, frosty blue, and sandy brown.

    Though the Kaita might at first simply be seen as a massive Skakdi in form, various aspects of its visage reveal just how much more it is. Instead of simply having two arms, the Kaita instead has three, with two arms being on its left side, both noticeably smaller and weaker than the one arm on its right. With the left hands, they both end in two fingers but only the upper hand has a thumb while the right hand ends in five fingers with two thumbs on either side of the palm. In addition, within the center of the Kaita’s chest exist three heartlights forming a triangle; the bottom left glowing with a frost blue, the bottom right glowing with a sunny yellow, and the top one being dead and black, with a faint squirming being noticeable if one was to look closely.

    Lastly, the armor and equipment worn by the three Skakdi who have formed this Kaita have fused together as well as into the Kaita’s form itself, adding an additional layer of protection. This silver armor consists of a large pauldron that covers the right shoulder and the upper right-side of the chest, extending down into an armored sleeve that ends at the wrist. The armor also covers and wraps around the neck and collar bone, fusing into the helmet that completely covers the Kaita’s face, masking the pair of sinister grins, one atop the other, and the six battle hungry eyes.

    Background: Born from the fusion of Krrenchk and Zekev giving themselves to Drukarus, this Kaita exists as the Skakdi breed’s collective desire to battle and prove their strength in battle, even if Drukarus stands as a dominant force within this Kaita’s collective consciousness. 

    Powers -
    Spirit of the Kaita: Across the board, the Kaita is magnitudes stronger than its constituent parts, both physically and mentally, with it holding a far greater control over its abilities and being able to utilize them at a far greater level of power than what would normally be possible. In addition, with the fusion of three consciences forming the Kaita, the Kaita is able to utilize more of its innate powers at once, up to three, though doing so limits its awareness, reactions, and general combat ability.

    Elemental Power of Ice, Gravity, and Stone: The Kaita, a fusion of three Skakdi, has unlocked the latent elemental power that each Skakdi wield and is capable of wielding them at a Kaita’s level of control and power, with this Kaita wielding the elemental powers of Ice, Gravity, and Stone. The Kaita’s association with Ice, Gravity, and Stone also gives it a resistance to extreme cold (though a vulnerability to heat), resistance to the extremes of gravitational and atmospheric pressures, and a level of strength beyond that of any other Skakdi Kaita.

    Vision Powers: As a Kaita of three Skakdi, the Kaita is capable of accessing all three vision powers, the powers themselves being far more powerful than their standard versions. The Kaita though cannot utilize all of the vision powers at once, only being able to maintain one at a time, with the powers coming from the corresponding set of optics. So if that set were obscured, that particular power could be blocked as well.

    • Vision Power of Sole Dominion (Fusion of the Vision Power of Dominance and Amnesia Power): The Kaita has the vision power of sole dominion, which can impose upon a subject’s mind a sense of inferiority and isolation, as they are left unable to remember where they are and with whom while the Kaita’s will looms over them. This effect is only heightened when direct eye contact is made. In addition, the Kaita itself is also resilient to effects that would manipulate its own will or emotions, such as a Kraata of Fear.
    • Vision Power of Laser: The Kaita has the vision power of laser vision, which allows the Kaita to emit highly concentrated laser beams from its eyes. The lasers themselves can vary in their level of intensity and can become powerful enough to pierce through protosteel.
    • Vision Power of Inaccuracy: The Kaita has the vision power of inaccuracy, which allows the Kaita to hamper the accuracy of those it focuses on. Though the power is ineffectual towards a target within arms length, the effect becomes much more noticeable the farther away the target is from the Kaita. But, the power does have a limit to its reach, as the Kaita needs to at least be able to discern the target’s limbs for it to hold any sort of effectiveness.

    Will of the Silver Blade (Fusion of Will of Force and The Silver Blade): The Kaita wields an exclusive and powerful innate power that it is able to utilize from the fusion of Drukarus and Krrenchk. This unique and incredibly powerful innate power allows the Kaita to absorb and withstand severe and deadly blows by turning portions of its body into as hard as protosteel, the portions shimmering silver when it does this. It is capable of maintaining up to three portions of its body, this ability extending to the weapons it wields (the portions are the head, torso, right arm, left upper arm, left lower arm, right leg, left leg, maulaxe, greatshield, and boots).

    When the Kaita turns a portion of itself silver, the kinetic energy of any and all blows that strike the Kaita are absorbed, but only when it is the silver portions that are struck. Doing so causes the Kaita to increase in size and strength proportional to the amount of energy it absorbs, with the upper limit of it allowing the Kaita to increase to fourfold times its original size (106’+). This increase in size though causes a proportional reduction in speed and reaction time. The Kaita cannot control how much energy is absorbed and in addition, if the size limit is reached, the Kaita will detonate in a devastating wave of kinetic energy, instantly defusing the Kaita and dealing severe harm to all those fused within, with Drukarus taking the blunt of the harm.

    Lastly, any portion of the Kaita’s body that is under the effect of the Silver Blade can be made incredibly sharp by channeling the stored kinetic energy within its form to the appendage, doing so makes it so that the Kaita cannot absorb energy while channeling it. When it does so, the Kaita’s size reduces proportionally to the amount of energy that is released. The Kaita though whenever it releases this energy suffers harm, as the kinetic energy surges across its entire form, though it is spread across its entire body.

    Kraata of Mind Reading (Level Five): Bearing a level five Kraata of Mind Reading within one of its heartlight chambers, given to Drukarus by the Aspect Caedast, the Kaita is able to utilize the Kraata’s power for itself. The Kraata’s power is constantly active at a low level, allowing the Kaita to detect the presence of other creatures near it as well as avoid easy capture. In addition, the Kaita can focus its mind, reading the thoughts of those around it, learning of their immediate thoughts and predicting their actions.

    Equipment - 
    The Cleaving Hand of Taua (Fusion of the Fist of Ruk and Zekev’s Axe): Once a mighty weapon, forged by ancient Skakdi artificers through elemental craftsmanship that has long since been lost to the ages, this weapon has now grown to be something far more than it once was. Visually, it looks still very much like the maul it once was, though noticeable changes have occurred to the weapon.

    The handle of it is no longer purely straight, with it now slightly curved as to increase its overall force when swung, with the former etching now regaling the feats of the Skakdi that makes up the Kaita now. In addition, the head of it has changed into two distinct portions, the massive plated stone hammer head on the front facing side and the sharpened and cleaver-like axe blade on the back end. And lastly, though the weapon is now more proportionally sized to be wielded in one-hand, it is clear that wielding the weapon with two-hands would still be the most devastating and effective method.

    Clearly a powerful weapon, one that only a few Skakdi Kaitas, let alone other Kaitas, could wield with its sheer size and weight, with only Taua being capable of perfectly wielding this weapon. The maulaxe itself is capable of channeling elemental energy through its bludgeoning head and severing blade edge, both of which are constantly emanating such energies on a low level. The maulaxe is also able to charge up with electrical energy, though this takes time to build-up and the energy cannot be channeled the same way as elemental energy, only causing the maulaxe to be momentarily electrified. This momentary electrictrification cannot occur when elemental energy is being channeled and, unlike when channeling an element, the electrification is not as strong or harmful.

    Bulwark of the Roaring Tahtorak (Fusion of the Tahtorak’s Maw and Zekev’s Shield): Once a clawed gauntlet that worked effectively as both a weapon and a shield, it has now transitioned in the latter, forming a massive tower shield, the visage of a roaring Tahtorak evident on the front. Now purely a tool of defense, this greatshield is capable of withstanding incredible blows, even without the effect of the Silver Blade, though it does require two hands to effectively wield.

    But, although the shield has lost its original offensive potential, it still holds a few tricks of its own, this trick being that the Tahtorak visage on the front is capable of opening its jaws, being a vent to channel elemental energy through in a sort of breath weapon. The greatshield is also able to charge up with electrical energy, though this takes time to build-up and the energy cannot be channeled the same way as elemental energy, only causing the shield to be momentarily electrified. This momentary electrictrification cannot occur when elemental energy is being channeled and, unlike when channeling an element, the electrification is not projected.

    Protosteel Boot Blades (Fusion of Krrenchk’s Protosteel Boots and Zekev’s Forearm Blade): Having fused with the greaves worn by Druakrus and the steel boots of Krrenchk, the lower legs of the Kaita have been heavily reinforced and fortified, this allowing the Kaita to assert more force when running for increased speed or striking out with the appendage for devastating kicks.

    In addition to the blunt striking force, retractable blades can also extend out of the tip of the boots. The boots themselves can also channel elemental energy, causing it to manifest wherever they make contact, adding onto the force and damage it can inflict. The boots are also able to charge up with electrical energy, though this takes time to build-up and the energy cannot be channeled the same way as elemental energy, only causing the boots to be momentarily electrified. This momentary electrictrification cannot occur when elemental energy is being channeled and, unlike when channeling an element, the electrification is not as strong or harmful.

    Tianui Crast, Great Helm of Repulsion (Fusion of the Kanohi Crast and Zekev’s Spiked Helmet): Completely covering the head of the Kaita, a fusion between the spiked helmet worn by Zekev and the Crast worn by Krrenchk, this helmet bears similarities to the sharp features of the Great Kanohi while now fully encapsulating the head, with six eye slits instead of the normal two.

    Even though Taua has accessed to the powers of a Kaita and exists as a fusion of three consciousnesses, the Kaita is still incapable of using Kanohi and as such cannot utilize the Crast’s power of repulsion. But even without the mask power, the helm is still sturdy enough to protect the Kaita and a large spiked horn protruding from the forehead can make for an effective weapon when desperate.

    Flaws - 
    Constraining and Limited Armor: Though the armor that has fused with the Kaita’s form is highly durable and resistant, it hasn’t come without its own set of flaws and restrictions.

    • Though the right side of the Kaita is very well protected by the armored sleeve, as well as the Kaita’s upper chest. It’s midsection and left side lacks any sort of armor, making it vulnerable to slashing or piercing weapons.
    • Due to how the armor is fused together around the pauldron, collarbone, and helmet, the Kaita’s range of motion is limited as well as the design of the helmet limiting the Kaita’s vision. The restriction of movement forces the Kaita to only be able to swing its maulaxe from its right side, making its swings predictable. These restrictions also leave the Kaita to be tunneled vision, with it needing to rotate its entire body in order to look around itself.
    • Though the boots around the Kaita’s legs both protect its lower extremity while also increasing the impact they deal, it also causes the Kaita to be lead-footed. This lead-footedness leaves the Kaita incapable of rapid movement from a standing position, limiting its ability to dodge and forcing it to reflect or block most attacks.

    Split Grip: Though the Kaita has two arms on its left side, the arms individually are much weaker in comparison to the Kaita’s right arm, with them only matching the right in strength and grip force when working together. This paired with how in order to effectively wield the maulaxe or greatshield that two hands are required, this forces the Kaita to choose between defense or offense when fighting.

    A Warrior’s Pride...and a Thug’s Cowardice: One of the most defining traits of this Kaita is its immense pride, one that drives it to prove itself in whatever way it can, this most often being in battle. The Kaita will outright refuse to flee from any fight it can perceive as ending in a victory, this can lead to it being very tunnel-visioned when fighting.

    It is this immense pride that can conflict with another, lesser, portion of the Kaita’s collective consciousness. This lesser portion of the collective consequences is cowardly by nature, with it in moments of extreme stress of mortal danger even being willing to break away from the whole, just disrupting the Kaita, to escape. The Kaita is also generally very belligerent and violent, with it easily getting lost in its own emotions which can hamper its judgement.

    Two Lit Stars...and One Extinguished: As one of the three Skakdi who form Taua lacks a heartlight, the Kaita constantly suffers and feels a persistent drain upon its energy, this draining effect putting the Kaita on a limit to how long it can stay fused together. When idle, the collective consciousnesses can easily control and limit the draining effect, making fear of diffusion unlikely in the short term. But, when in combat, the ability to limit the drain becomes far more difficult as the minds are forced to focus on other tasks than limiting the drain. 

    When in combat, the Kaita is left fighting on a constant ticking clock as the drain begins to sap away its energy. But, as long as at least two of the minds are free and are not focusing upon any of its innate traits, the effects of the drain are not noticeable and minimal. But when only one or none of the consciences are focused on limiting the drain, the noticeable side effects of the drain can become evident, the severity of the side effects pending upon how strained the Kaita is mentally. The side effects can range from; being wracked with surges of pain, spontaneously bleeding from the optics, nose, or mouth, momentary lapses in innate powers, and bouts of dizziness and confusion. 

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  21. IC: Vulimai (Kini-Koro)

    "Looks like that won't be necessary, Commander. Shall I return to work?"

    Seeing as the two Kaita Mechs begin to scale up and go beyond the valley's walls, Vulimai nodded as she was about to answer the Onu-Toa's question...that was when the rain broke. Slowly, the howling gale and crashing torrent began to alleviate itself, turning into a firm breeze and a fine drizzle with there being signs of it waning even further. All around Vulimai, guards and citizens alike halted in their duties as they looked at the sudden change and relief.

    Quickly shaking out of it though, Vulimai turned towards those around herself and relayed another series of orders. "Don't stop just yet everyone, this could simply be a calm before another storm. Take the time to repair what you can and continue your work. This isn't over till we know the Tahtorak has either left or is dead, move everybody!" Kicked back into action, people once more got to work, preparing for any further rainfall while fixing up the damage caused by it.

    About to do a sweep across the village to check the damages, Vulimai was stopped when a Guard Matoran quickly approached her. "Commander, transmission from Tobduk-Koro." Nodding towards the Matoran, Vulimai followed along as they neared the radio tower that thankfully still stood. But before she could answer the call, the Matoran caught her attention once more. "Also Commander, there's was an emergency broadcast from the Gadunka," Vulimai shook her head at the mention of the Gadunka, till she heard the second part. "Apparently another Tahtorak and something called a Zivon has been spawned."

    Giving the Matoran a serious look, Vulimai nodded as she placed her hand on their shoulder. "Thank you for sharing this information with me, now patch me through." "Got it Commander." The Guard Matoran responded with a salute as they patched Vulimai in.

    * This is the Tobduk-Koro radio tower, transmitting to Kini-Koro to relay information concerning how to deal with the Tahtorak. Come in, Kini-Koro. *

    "Commander Vulimai speaking, we read you loud and clear Tobduk-Koro. What is this information?"

    OOC: @Onaku @Toru Nui

    IC: Bronk (Kini-Nui, Amaja Circle)

    As he planted the stone into the sands and looked up towards the coming stone, the Onu-Matoran hoped for several seconds that what he had done would work, with him letting out a drawn-out sigh of relief when it seemed like the stone had worked. Though he no longer believed in Mata-Nui, he at least thanked the universe at large for this boon, now he only hoped that Atamai could handle the situation.

    Taking his brief moment of rest, intent on staying at the circle still the threat has passed, he was startled when he heard an odd sound come from behind him as he saw the Toa figure of legend, Stannis of the Maru, appear from the Far Shore portal. "Toa Stannis, seems you have picked a fortuitous time to return." Bronk simply said, giving the Toa a nod.

    OOC: @EmperorWhenua

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  22. IC: Drukarus (Fort Nektann)

    For the rest of the day and deep into the night, Drukarus, with the assistance of Detsu and his knowledge of the fort's inhabitants and the notes they had taken, went to organizing the fourty Skakdi warriors into four cohorts, ten Skakdi each with five sets of companions. These cohorts were made based off of whom Drukarus saw were already capable and skilled enough for his current needs, to those who were nothing but disappointment and failure, with Krrenchk and Zekev being the leaders for such a band of cohorts.

    The next morning, Drukarus went about laying the groundwork for what he desired Detsu to drill his warriors in during his absence; ability to fight effectively together in a unit, efficient utilization of elemental powers, discipline and order acceptance and retention. It was during this morning of discussion in which Krrenchk approached Drukarus, informing him of grave news; that a new Tahtorak has been born and that it is heading northwards. That left the warlord to ponder the news during the morning meal made by Gore Fury. Readying for his leave, Drukarus made one final degree before he headed off to the bay to meet with whoever still led the Riggers.

    Drukarus order was simple; the first cohort, the best amongst the Warskak, were to head towards the area where Metru-Koro remained, to determine any means to cross the moat and observe the capabilities of Metru-Nui and its current leader. There was another order he shared, one he gave exclusively to Detsu. He told the wizen Skak to be wary of the arrival of the Tahtorak, to prepare for a plan to avoid the destruction such a creature could bring. Though Fort Nektann was a valuable assist, Drukarus valued the people inside it more.

    Taking the needed number of war rigs, Drukarus, alongside the fourth band of cohorts, which included Krrenchk and Zekev, began the trek to the Rigger's bay, sticking close to the coast as to avoid the great beast that they would undoubtedly pass.

    OOC: @Void Emissary @NorikSigma @Kal the Guardian

    IC: Dagrut (Crucia's Boat)

    Dagrut grinned at the development, joyful at the opportunity to have more patients to work on, but when he noticed Crucia's outstretched hands, his optics grew wide alongside his giddy grin. "Oh? I thought you were being rhetorical my friend. It had been sometime since I've done this, at least with a willing subject." They whispered the last part as they were about to take Crucia's hand, before looking up towards Silver. "Know, I am going to ~looove~ dissecting you. I've always admired that right hook of yours and those beautiful optics." The mad doc said with a truly sinister grin as he took Crucia's hand.

    OOC: @Kal the Guardian @~Xemnas~

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  23. IC: Vulimai (Kini-Koro)

    Guards and citizens alike moved swiftly as the dreaded storm loomed overhead and brought down its fury, Nektann's fury, upon the once serene and peaceful valley, it now a battlefield for survival. Overseeing the progressing efforts, Vulimai stood within the wailing gale stalwart and unfazed, her commanding voice somehow piercing through the crashing wave of sound that surrounded her as she directed those who labored. 

    Barricades made of whatever sturdy material they could muster were being erected as to divert the flow of the water and mud while channels were being hastily dug to further redirect the torrential flow. It was hard, excruciating, and dirty work; but for Vulimai and those Guard Matoran who had worked besides her during the war, it was a change of pace from dealing with rain and mudslides rather than artillery shells and gunfire.

    During the initial wave of rainfall, Vulimai had missed Knichou's attempt at communication with the brief sense of panic that took those who stayed behind. But with a brief lull, she took notice of the second call as she quickly answered it.

    "Toa Knichou, this is Commander Vulimai, Kini-Koro is still standing and efforts are being made to divert the water flow but mudslides are starting to form and become a potential danger. Atamai and Kilo NUVA should be heading your way soon, over and out."

    She ended the transmission, hoping that there was nothing she missed in the chaos. Quickly looking about herself, she spied a Toa of earth helping with the construction of one of the trenches, not noticing how they did so with a simple shovel rather than their element. "You there! I need you to head down the valley and inform Atamai and Kilo NUVA to get their rear ends moving, NOW! "

    She didn't wait for a response, she simply continued doing her Duty. 

    OOC: @BULiK @Eyru @Onaku 

    IC: Bronk (Ko-Pou)

    The guards of the outpost saw the impending storm loom closer and closer towards where the valley of Kini-Nui was suspected to be before they had gotten word about it from the guards on the other side. The Tahtorak had arrived at Kini-Koro, and the need to assist with the village outweighed any need to keep the full complement of guards at the station. With the direction of Sergeant Bronk, three-quarters of Ko-Pou's garrison were sent to the other side of the portal as to go and assist with the fortification of Kini-Koro, them arriving at the settlement just as the first few drops came.

    But Bronk, he didn't go with the troops, as he had a different goal in mind. Though he wasn't a superstitious man, he at least understood by this point that something wasn't right with this island, and that what the Administrator had said about the Amaja Circle maybe what Kini-Koro needed to survive this onslaught. And if it didn't do anything, well, he was just one slow Matoran who couldn't do much.

    Moving as quickly as he could across the green grass of the valley, he reached the now unguarded bridge that led to the the temple itself as the howling winds swept downwards and against him, nearly knocking him off his feet. But he kept moving. Passing the astral figure of Nuju, who seemed to barely even register what was occurring at the moment, he reached the large Amaja Circle that stood on the temple island, looking at the five stones that appeared before him, with a six glowing red one now sticking up from the sand. 

    'That ain't normal.' He thought to himself as he tried to figure out which of the stones to place. Feeling as the winds and rain start to reach him, he quickly grabbed the nearest one and jammed it into the sands, hoping that this works.

    OOC: @Eyru Bronk has placed the Opal Stone onto the Kini-Nui Amaja Circle

    IC: The Gadunka (RNN Radio Barge, Outside Naho Bay)

    His extended sight had been focused upon Irrnak's Tooth for several hours now, him anxiously staring towards the desolate and cursed rock that, even with him being so far away, sent a harrowing chill up his spine. But that chill was nothing like the one he was anticipating when the black crag roared up its fiery hate as all he could do was watch in horror, as two more monsters of terrible wrath were spawned by that pit. 

    He couldn't bare to continue watching as he wrenched his gaze away, staggering for a few moments before throwing up off the side of his boat, the feeling only somewhat subsided at those abominations birth, which could only mean there was more that he could not bare to witness. 

    Stumbling into his studio, he took a quick squig from a nearby bottle, being disappointed when he finished the less than half-full thing of brew as he threw it against the far wall frustrated, it shattering upon impact. With a harsh sigh and shudder, he slid into his revolving chair as he readied to broadcast on the air, preparing to flip the switch for an emergency broadcast signal.

    Across Zakaz, the music playing across radios were interrupted by a brief blaring noise followed by a horribly weathered generated voice saying 'THIS IS NOT A DRILL' before the all-too familiar voice of The Gadunka rung out at last.

    * I'm sorry there my listeners for robbing you of my sweet, sweet gift to you all, but in case you couldn't tell through the terrible static mess of noise I just played, this is an emergency broadcast for all those who value their lives... *

    The radio grew into static silence for a few seconds as the De-Skakdi on the other end tried to muster up the strength to say what he needed to say with his usual charm.

    * Irrnak's Tooth has just expelled a pair of more horrors for us to suffer from, a Tahtorak and a Zivon, and odds are, the Tahtorak Princess is the one behind these monstrous births. Perhaps unlike this Barius though, she'll have enough sense to keep these creatures on a tight leash, though for the Tahtorak, I can confirm that it is currently headed northbound. *

    * That is all that I got to share with you all that's worth sharing my listeners, so stay indoors as best you can, though I doubt that'll help. This has been The Gadunka and a RNN emergency broadcast. Good luck y'all. *

    And with that, the music returned once more as the Skak took a deep breath, him wishing he could do so much more and yet being frustrated that this is all he can do. It was enough to make him want to scream, and yet he couldn't even couldn't do that without driving himself deaf.

    OOC: To anyone with a Radio, enjoy this Riggers-News-Network Emergency Broadcast.

    IC: Tihun (Submerged Archives, Sub-Level Seven)

    He hated this with a passion, as not only was he underwater while also being underground, he was now getting spooked by a Schrodinger's menagerie of unimaginable potentially nonexistent horrors. Multiple times he thought it prudence to launch his flares to see and potentially scare off whatever it or its was. But he had a limited number of flares and it would be a pain in the socket to attempt to reload the flare pods. So instead, he continued to explore.

    At last reaching what he presumed to be the entrance of Sub-Level Seven, he looked at the entrance as he tried to surmise whether or not he could enter the space with the Hydruka or not. Assuming he could with ease, he would bravely move forwards into the space, hoping that he would find something of quality in it.

    OOC: @Eyru

    IC: Dagrut (Crucia's Boat)

    Stumbling out with his awkward gait from the ships interior, the mad ripperdoc was faintly peaked with attention at the words of Crucia. Around him, other Skakdi eked away from the ripperdoc, simply out of fear of the individual as they only made themselves present when there were bodies to sew up...or when there were bodies to cut up. Clasping his mismatched hands together in a dramatic fashion, slightly rising from his hunched position, he grinned broadly as his red and green optics lit up with a eager glean.

    "So, my dear, dear friend, Crucia. You've finally wizen up, at least a little bit." They said with an odd tone before continuing. "But are you suuure that is all you want. I mean, honestly, I can barely count on my own two hands how many times I've had to fix you up because of them, and though I am grateful for you taking me in and I'm merely your ship's resident friendly doc...Even I know that Silver ain't gonna have none of it, not unless we make her just as afraid as half of my patient, which is completely unwarranted I might add." The briefly cackled in a cold fashion that brought about grimaces from the faces of those near him as he waited for the Ga-Skak's reply.

    OOC: @~Xemnas~ @Kal the Guardian

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