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Posts posted by oncertainty

  1. IC: Escus - The Cave, the Valley of Death

    "Hrm," Escus grunted, and set down the axe in the sand. It was only a moment before he lowered himself to the ground as well. "I'll take the next watch, then. The second. The one where I get to sleep before and after."

    He chuckled, a hollow and humourless sound. He laid in repose, propped against the cave wall. With one hand he shifted his helmet forewards, covering his eyes. Even in the darkness of the cave, he needed more to have a chance at sleep. The heat troubled him.

    OOC: @Burnmad @a goose @Nato G @~Xemnas~ @Toru Nui


    IC: Lorqua - Training Ground, Outskirts of Atero

    Lorqua couldn't help but smile. She turned away from the others, Lutenus and the Agori both, and looked towards the horizon. She shouldn't have doubted the Glatorian, nor that whirring sparking thing he had grafted into his head. Not for a second. Lutenus was sharp, at least.

    "Lutenus here knows a lot of people," she says, nodding, her back still turned. "Lot of friends, more acquaintances. In fact, that's the only reason I'm doing this tournament business at all. Not usually my scene. If you want to bet on me, well, thank him."

    OOC: @Toru Nui @Techn0geist

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  2. IC: Escus - Mouth of the Cave, the Valley of Death

    Escus knelt at the cave's mouth as Selamat called back to the others. He stared, unblinking, into its depths. On the one hand, he was letting his eyes adjust to the stark difference in light. On the other, there was a certain fervor in the gesture. It looked almost devotional.

    At once, he rose again. A thoughtful hrm emerged from the back of his throat. "Hasty, perhaps even dangerously hasty... But I concur," he said, gesturing with the head of his axe toward the mass of resting bats. He let the words hang in the air for a few seconds. "They wouldn't be sleeping in the same cave as something that would, well... eat them. Not much that wouldn't eat them that would trouble us. Unless it's something... strange. That is all to say, clear enough."

    He took another step forward, past the young Glatorian. One eye shut, his head inclined to one side, Escus continued to stare into the cave.

    OOC: @Burnmad @a goose @Nato G @~Xemnas~ @Toru Nui


    IC: Lorqua - Training Ground, Outskirts of Atero

    A skeptical look worn openly on her face, Lorqua followed Lutenus' lead in collecting up the Javelins—scattered around the arena as they were—and returning them to Mard and Ahmoa.

    As the adrenaline of the fight left her, Lorqua's other concerns came to the fore. If they wanted to know more about what was going on with that Ferrumite Glatorian who had stumbled into the bar, it seemed like these two were the ones to ask. Lutenus couldn't be planning to just walk right out of here, without taking such a beautiful opportunity, could he?

    Even if he was, Lorqua would dare anything. She couldn't resist some probing. "You two gentlemen must be going Grand-Tournament-way eventually, yeah? Hard to imagine a pair of trainers like yourselves wouldn't be tournament fans on top of that."

    OOC: @Toru Nui @Techn0geist


    IC: Skrall - Markets, the Bone Hunter Stronghold

    Skrall's glance follows the others', the instincts of a unit—or a herd—easily taking over. The sight of the once-Skrall makes his teeth clench. He's never seen one from this close. To know that any one of them could be so reduced is troubling. His nostrils flare. The air of the marketplace at once seems sickly. A miasma.

    "If they see that more than they see us," he says, speaking quietly. "It would give anyone strange ideas. But out here... what do we do?" It seemed as important a question as any; being observed by what-was-once-Skrall, and observing in turn. Were Skrall simply to turn away? Skrall was asking for the purposes of unit cohesion, of course, but also because he had absolutely no idea.

    OOC: @a goose @Mel @Vezok's Friend @Burnmad @Toru Nui

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  3. IC: Lorqua - Training Ground, Outskirts of Atero

    Lorqua opened her mouth to answer Lutenus, then flicked her eyes over to Mard as he asked after their destination. "Tajun, of course," she says. The words came out quickly. Almost automatic, her thoughts already elsewhere. Followed quickly by her eyes, which give Lutenus a pointed look. She still remember why they were here. Lorqua wouldn't let standing on ceremony keep her from what she wanted to know. She didn't have any animus for the Agori, but she had to know.

    "Tajun is where every Glatorian as upstanding as Lutenus is going, I'm told. And rather a few not so upstanding, like yours truly. Lutenus, is that the plan?"

    OOC: @Toru Nui @Techn0geist

    IC: Skrall - Markets, the Bone Hunter Stronghold

    Skrall had been listening idly to his fellows. He strayed, but not far. The Bone Hunters' stalls were not entirely different from the casemates of supplies in Roxtus, but the shopkeepers kept catching his gaze. Renegades, the most of them, although the occasional genuine southerner in their unbelievably garish armour passed under his moving eye. Other than their eyes, however, his surroundings were a blur.

    He kept meeting their eyes. They stared out towards him. Some curiously neutral and dead, like a beast of burden, meeting his own gaze but not following it. Others looked hungry, leering towards him, gesturing to their wares. He—briefly—flattered himself that only the former knew what he was. But, they all did. They could all see that, Skrall or not, he was very far from what he knew.

    With a shudder, Skrall rejoins his fellows. "The way this market operates, looks like all they see is value. Value that can be... exchanged. But, it seems they know us at least as well as we know them. Enough reason for us to move cautiously. For now."

    OOC: @a goose@BULiK@Nato G@Burnmad@Mel@Toru Nui@Vezok's Friend


    IC: Escus - The Valley of Death

    "Good eye..." Escus intones, his gaze following Selamat's point towards the mouth of the cave. One hand shadowed his eyeline, the Water Glatorian's eyes less well-used to the high sun than most. He felt a bead of sweat on the corner of his mouth, and pursed his lips to stop the moisture from escaping. He hefts the axe in both hands.

    "Ensure it's not already occupied, hmm? Well. If it helps, I volunteer. These eyes are used to the shade."

    It's bravado, of course. But Escus' tone is sober. He sounds resigned.

    OOC: @a goose @Nato G @Burnmad @Toru Nui @~Xemnas~

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  4. IC: Escus - Iron Canyon

    On 11/4/2023 at 1:42 AM, Burnmad said:

    "Let me go first,"


    Escus turned, perhaps too fast, at Selamat's words. It was a smart move, of course. Evidently the Fire Glatorian knew what he was doing. Escus wasn't going to contest that. Still, there was something about taking point, wasn't there? He could see it in the others' eyes. There had been a brief, spontaneous kind of struggle, and Escus had lost.

    But there was something that wasn't lost on him: the Vulcanites outnumbered the rest of them. Tueris was going to side with his compatriot, if it came down to it. Escus would not be self-deluded about that.

    So he smiled a grin that didn't spread beyond his mouth, and joined the others behind Selamat. "As you will, then."

    OOC: @Burnmad @a goose @Nato G @Toru Nui @~Xemnas~


    IC: Skrall - Bone Hunter Stronghold

    Skrall didn't envy Skrall his task. Well, maybe that was a bit of a lie. Maybe there was a little bit of envy. But for the most part, he would take the freedom over the honoured place. And besides: this far outside of Roxtus, who wanted to do what Atakus told them? Not that Skrall held anything personally against the Agori. As far as Skrall could tell his reputation as a competent, if severe, administrator had some grounds. The Empire's tendency to a certain self-deception about the chain of command did not hold in all cases. Just this: he wanted to see the South. Here was their first taste. Here was life without structure, here was unfettered commerce. Skrall intended to see it for himself, and as quickly as possible.

    "This one is bound for the marketplace as well," he said, adopting the traditional tone of deference. Force of habit, perhaps.

    OOC: @BULiK @Vezok's Friend @Toru Nui @Burnmad @Nato G

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  5. IC: Lorqua - Training Ground, Outskirts of Atero

    On 9/26/2023 at 5:37 AM, Techn0geist said:

    "Cease! Lorqua of the Jungle Tribe wins!" He bellowed.

    Lorqua's face fell back to a neutral expression. She eyed Lutenus warily, but said nothing at first, turning back to Mard and Ahmoa. She gave a half bow—without the energy a cheering crowd would expect, but there was only so much she could do—and spoke, "Thank you, gentlemen."

    She returned to Lutenus. "I don't mean anything by it, but I have a feeling you wouldn't normally call it after the first legal hit," her brow furrowed, eyes narrowed. "I have a feeling you're giving me this one to get me committed. Alright. I'll take it. Grand Tournament, here we come."

    She grins, offering Lutenus her hand.

    OOC: @Toru Nui @Techn0geist


    IC: Escus - Iron Canyon

    Escus, raised in the shade, felt a certain familiarity in the canyon's long shadows. He loped away from the platform, planted the haft of his axe in the ground, and settled to one knee. Raising a handful of sand, he clenched his fist and felt the grains flow through his fingers. Same as anywhere else. Taking up the the axe again, he turned back to the party, inclining his head to one side. "Shall we?" he asked, rhetorically of course, for their course was long past set now. Without waiting for a response, he set off into the canyon, hunched, hugging the wall.

    OOC: @Nato G @Burnmad @~Xemnas~ @a goose @Toru Nui

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  6. IC: Lorqua - Training Ground, Outskirts of Atero

    Lorqua is not cruel, as a rule. She likes to win. She likes the profits of victory. She just has no time for causing suffering, and rubbing it in. Even so, she can't help but smile when her strike hits home. If, after Lutenus' cry of pain, it makes her look like a barbarian.

    She begins to press the assault, before hesitating. There's supposed to be a procedure to these things, isn't there? Arena combat strikes again.

    Lorqua levels her javelin at Lutenus as he stumbles back. "Do you yield?"

    OOC: @Toru Nui @Techn0geist

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  7. IC: Gonrae - Onu-Koro Square

    Gonrae opened his eyes from his premature wince to find himself safely hovering a hand's width above the ground. With a grin, he twisted in the air above the smooth stone ground, laughing as he found his feet. His evident joy went undampened by the skeptical stares of the Matoran nearby.

    "A thing like that!" he said. Gonrae dusted himself off as he stood, an entirely vain impulse given that he hadn't actually touched the ground.

    "You're quite a bit different than the only other Ba-Toa I've known," he said, nodding his head. "That's a compliment. Now, shall we?"

    OOC: @That Matoran with a Vahi

  8. IC: Lorqua - Training Ground, Outskirts of Atero

    One more javelin. Just the one more.

    Lorqua, sensing somewhere deep in her psyche that she couldn't go on much longer—one way or another—did not retreat from Lutenus' assault. Instead, she stormed forward in turn, twisting her body to obscure the path of her thrust. Already once-chastised, the thrust wasn't as strong nor as well-aimed as it could have been.

    At least she gave them a show. Their audience of two bored Agori, at least one among whom obviously thought that she and Lutenus had some kind of angle in being there. So be it.

    OOC: @Toru Nui @Techn0geist


    IC: Escus - Precipere, Outside the Guard Post

    Escus, already standing, fell into step with Tueris.

    Outdoors, as the party make their way to the elevator, he watches the few Ash Agori who go about their business in Precipere. A furtive bunch, so far as he could tell. In his own way, Escus encouraged their mien. The Doctor had already made the majority view on Tajunites clear enough. Who was Escus to disprove the stereotype? He gave a small, wolfish smirk to any who met his eyes. Let them tell one another of his passage. Let them call him the organ-hungry Glatorian of Water.

    OOC: @a goose @Toru Nui @Nato G @Burnmad @~Xemnas~

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  9. IC: Lorqua - Training Ground, Outskirts of Atero

    As soon as Lutenus started the javelin's spin, Lorqua could predict what came next. Not that she could do anything about it. The missile impacted her shield, sending a jolt of pain all the way up her arm. Her hand seized, and she dropped the shield to the floor of the arena. No sense trying to the scramble in the dust to get it back. No time for that.

    "Good throw," she barked, as she freed the last javelin from the sheathe on her back and brandished it underhanded like a spear.

    OOC: @Toru Nui @Techn0geist

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  10. IC: Lorqua - Training Ground, Outskirts of Atero

    Lutenus was strong, that much was clear. She ought to only fight people who didn't speak her language.

    As it was, she had two options. If she held on to the javelin, he would pull her right over. With an expiration of air, Lorqua let go.

    "Alright," she murmured, with a tone that could entail either defiance or resignation. She stumbled backwards, scrambling to draw a third javelin.

    OOC: @Toru Nui @Techn0geist sorry for the delay y'all, I was waiting for another character to need a post and lost track of time

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  11. IC: Lorqua - Training Ground, Outskirts of Atero

    Lutenus' swing had the intended effect. Lorqua backpedaled into the centre of the grounds, holding a javelin outstretched before her, warding Lutenus off with its point. Then she stood for a moment, realization that she had probably done exactly what he wanted visible on her face.

    "Don't play with me here, let's finish this," she snarled.

    At once, she extended her arm to gain some leverage, and lobbed her javelin towards Lutenus' arm.

    OOC: @Toru Nui @Techn0geist


    IC: Escus - Precipere

    Escus smirked at the Agori medic's comment, mimed looking down at the colours of his own armour, then looked back at the Agori.

    "Should watch what you say, friend. Tajun has joined with Vulcanus in this endeavour. Might get to test that reputation for yourself," he said. Inclining his head towards Tueris, he remarked, "If we get a vote, I've made my view clear. Guile may already be lost to us, perhaps numbers will do the trick."

    OOC: @a goose @Toru Nui @Nato G @Burnmad @~Xemnas~

    • Like 4
  12. IC: Lorqua - Training Ground, Outskirts of Atero

    A grunt of exertion was the only reply that escaped Lorqua's lips. Pulling that move had earned her a rebuke from the referee, but it had also earned her some space to move. Arena combat. Hard not to feel a certain tension in it, dulling your instincts on purpose. Even so, no use in doing it if she wasn't doing it properly.

    Pushing past Lutenus, she crouched and spun around to face him. In tandem with this motion, she drew another javelin, swiping it towards Lutenus' legs like a sword. She retreated from the full force of it early in the swing. The hit wouldn't be as hard as it could be. She wasn't so far gone as to throw strikes at the torso, though even then she knew that was what the desert would teach her to do.

    OOC: @Toru Nui @Techn0geist

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  13. IC: Gonrae - Onu-Koro Square

    Gonrae turned on his heels, now at the edge of the crowd. At Akie's invocation of the Turaga he grimaced and reflexively took a step back.

    "Turaga once," he said. "But no longer. One of the ghost stories that I'll refrain from telling you for now. Don't want to scare anyone around. But now the Akiri Nuparu, the Matoran who was just speaking, rules in Onu-Koro. The same in the other great Koros, the six big ones. There are other settlements that do things differently. But here, an Akiri. And if we hurry, we might be able to speak with him. Especially with a Toa!"

    With the last comment, he made to enter the crowd, but paused immediately as Akie offered the coins back. "Oh, thank you," he said, taking the sack and placing it back in a pouch on his belt. "I forget these things so easily, I can recognize my faults and—"

    Then, still moving into the crowd but distracted entirely by discoursing with Akie, Gonrae plunged backwards. A look of wide-eyed surprise instantly occupying the whole of his face, he tripped and fell into the crowd.

    OOC: @That Matoran with a Vahi

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  14. IC: Lorqua - Training Ground, Outskirts of Atero

    Lorqua stepped back as Lutenus came towards her, desert-honed reflexes kicking in as they always did. She could almost see the flow of blood on sand, hear the cries of battle. Then taut cordage bit into her back, and she was reminded of the realities of her situation.

    Full awareness returned to her with the familiar throb of injury. A welcome sensation, because it meant she hadn't gone into shock. She was alive. Still, there was time enough for that to change yet. But in the critical moments before Lutenus arrived she noticed something. Evident only in contrast with his mechanical lack of hesitation thus far, Lorqua noticed a change. Not quite a moment of uncertainty. But, all the same, the swing lacked commitment. Given how he had been fighting thus far? It might as well have been a Skopio rising from the floor of the arena.

    Not certain that what she was doing was entirely legal, Lorqua threw up her shield to intercept Lutenus' swing. Rather than aiming for his axe, she aimed for his arm. She threw her weight behind it, trying to push through him and get back into the open field. If she had to take the blow from the axe all the same, she would take that trade.

    OOC: @Toru Nui @Techn0geist


    IC: Skrall - Bone Hunter Stronghold

    Seizing the opportunity afforded by the moment of silence, Skrall leapt over the side of the cart. Cybernetic claws extended from the soles of his feet, and he did not sink into the sand as he landed. Giving the Spikit an ample berth, he jogged forward to come in line with the lead cart, keeping pace with ease as they slowed to enter the stronghold.

    He would not meet the Bone Hunters sitting down. If this was to be the gate to the new world, he would go through it on his feet.

    OOC: @skrall


    IC: Escus - Precipere Guardhouse

    As his companions rose and made to leave, Escus turned away from his contemplation of the wall.

    "If we are already doing as they wish," he offered the comment nearly under his breath, his appraisal of the recent revelations clear. "Then we shall need as many as we can get. If surprise is no longer an option, I mean."

    He wore a lopsided smile. It was harsh, he realized, but he preferred to make his views known now. They would be of no use to anyone later.

    OOC: @a goose @Nato G @Burnmad @~Xemnas~

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  15. IC: Gonrae - Onu-Koro

    Gonrae attempted to keep a brave face in response to Akie's enthusiasm, but his far-off gaze betrayed him. He glanced towards her, studying her expression for a moment, then looked back to the crowd without 

    "Not very comprehensive explanation, I realize. I'm no expert. But I do know that things were a lot worse for everyone, back when—" he swallowed, "—back when he was still around."

    She really was a Toa, in the classical sense, that much was clear. All optimism and action. That hadn't always saved them, as far as Gonrae knew. Perhaps it had even led some of them to their destruction. In this case, however, she had good instincts. Doing something seemed better than doing nothing. And, it occurred to Gonrae with a certain small pleasure, she might be his ticket to getting into some interesting rooms. He had been rebuffed far down the ladder from Nuparu the last time he had tried, but coming in with a Toa might do the trick.

    Gonrae gave a quick nod.

    "I don't know about best, but we can certainly manage someone to talk to. The Akiri—I mean the leader of this Koro—might be one good option. If he can't help us directly, he would be more likely than anyone to know what Toa you could speak to. Certainly there will be Toa doing something about this."

    OOC: @That Matoran with a Vahi It's all good!

  16. IC: Lorqua - Training Ground

    Lutenus bearing down on her fast. She couldn't make a single mistake that he wouldn't capitalize on. Of course, she couldn't be too taken aback about this one: any mistake that ends with you lying flat on your side is a pretty big one. And this was the arena, or at least a reasonable facsimile.

    And yet, insofar as this was the arena, this wasn't the wasteland. Certain doors were open that otherwise would not be. She threw her hand back and grabbed on to a fence post. She breathed heavily, appearing more wounded than she was. The moment that Lutenus was almost upon her, she retracted her arm and kept her grip, hurtling out from beneath his grasp. In a moment, she knew she would be standing upright with her back to the fence. A good start.

    OOC: @Toru Nui @Techn0geist


    IC: Skrall - Outside Bone Hunter Stronghold

    Skrall nodded along with the comment, but his eyes were suddenly cast towards the Stronghold rising up from the dunes. "That might just work. We're certainly fast enough to get to our first destination somewhat... more quickly than I expected," he said.

    He raised his brows towards the other younger Skrall, as the elder had offered them his advice. Did he think to take them under his wing? Skrall was skeptical. They were all equally naive, where they were going. Age did not equate to experience, here. All the same, he did not offer any criticism openly.

    OOC: @Nato G @Burnmad


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  17. IC: Skrall - Caravan

    "And yet, what they do have is not insignificant," Skrall added. "In my experience they are more dangerous than the larger predators, in their way. Evidently, if they were the first to draw Skrall blood in the South. They are well-suited to this—" he gestured all about the chariot. "—an environment in which we are still all too inexperienced."

    OOC: @Burnmad @Nato G


    IC: Lorqua - Training Ground

    Lorqua, watching Lutenus' reaction carefully, saw the Thornax coming. However, she was off-balance from the throw, and his aim was true. She lunged to one side, and stuck her shield into the path of the oncoming fruit. It bounced off the yellow-painted pelte, the shield giving a deep thrum in response to the impact. Not a critical blow, but it knocked her onto her side. Dust flew up from the field as she skidded a short way across the ground. She grunted, spit, and started to scramble to her feet.

    OOC: @Toru Nui @Techn0geist

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  18. IC: Skrall - Caravan

    Skrall turned to look as the older Skrall spoke up. In his own distraction, and the elder's silence, he had almost thought he was asleep. Evidently not. Quite the opposite: he had been listening to them. Skrall felt a twinge of shame; he felt a certain especial kinship with Skrall-to-whom-he-had-been-speaking. He fancied they shared some anxieties. If not, at the very least he had understood what Skrall had said. But Skrall, on the other hand? Skrall knew little about him. Skrall needed to understand, before he made a move.

    "Put simply, the Southerners have strange ideas about sharing. They are so often at odds with themselves," he scoffed. Then he gestured with an open hand towards the older Skrall. "What about you? Have you ever been this far into the South before?"

    OOC: @Burnmad @Nato G


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  19. IC: Skrall - Caravan

    "Aye, from here there is. Almost makes you wish we'd stumble upon some Vorox or a Skopio or something, break up the monotony," he said, though without sincerity. "But I hear the South is not only this. We are bound for Tajun, are we not? They say it is a city like the parched gathering about an oasis. I should like to see that, I think."

    OOC: @Nato G

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  20. IC: Skrall - Caravan

    "Hmm," Skrall vocalized, rising half-way to his feet and steadying himself on the side of the chariot as he looked all around the outside of the vehicle. With a series of blinks, he activated a series of nictitating membranes which allowed him to inspect several landmarks with greater detail.

    For a few moments he said nothing. A silence that he suspected was welcome for both of them. Weighty conversation was a rare thing for him, and it didn't come easily.

    "Not this far, no. I think I once rode to the foot of a pillar of stone that we passed an hour ago, and after that we were the furthest south I've ever been. Hadn't really thought about it until now," he returned to his seat and disengaged the membranous lenses. "You?"

    OOC: @Nato G


    IC: Lorqua - Training Ground

    On 5/10/2023 at 7:47 PM, Toru Nui said:

    “Is there anything else?”

    No, not unless Lutenus was planning to surrender after seeing her drink a serious amount of water, there wasn't. Of course she was happy to keep him guessing about that one. She assumed a bold grin. "Maybe there is."

    Luckily for Lutenus' plans, Lorqua was not a hard fighter to goad. However, luckily for her, she wasn't entirely without guile either. She had been surprised by how he reacted before, so she decided to test him against a more conventional strike. She threw a javelin overhand in a downward arc. Make it look real, but plan for a near miss. See what he makes of it.

    OOC: @Toru Nui @Techn0geist

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  21. IC: Skrall - Caravan

    "I..." Skrall began, and then faltered. He blinked, he looked bashfully down at his feet, then peered out of the chariot again. Finally, he returned his gaze to his interlocutor. "I apologize. To say I want things to change in a good way is... crude. I ought to have thought further on this before I spoke. I... Do you—" 

    he was speaking quickly, eschewing the retreat that falling into silence would represent. 

    "—do you remember the smell of the air, at home? Not at Roxtus. North. Do you remember how the air would smell on a morning after a rainfall?" at this question, a slight tremble entered his voice. "I am not convinced I do. Not with any accuracy. But don't get me wrong. I do not mourn for this. I have learned many other ways a morning can smell. A satisfying exchange, a profitable one even, if you wish to think of it in such terms. I think I mean only this: change ought not diminish us."

    Then he did fall silent, and looked downwards again. He frowned deeply, and his embarrassment at his response to Skrall's question was evident.

    OOC: @Nato G


    IC: Lorqua - Training Ground

    Lorqua's surprise at Lutenus' speed and economy of movement continued. A keen observer would notice her eyes widen and quickly blink as her opponent scrambled to his feet. Her surprise precluded her from taking advantage of his fall.

    Instead, she drew back her arm to its ordinary length and, still holding her shield out before her, circled Lutenus to see what he would do next.

    OOC: @Toru Nui @Techn0geist

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  22. IC: Skrall - Caravan

    The smirk grew into a small smile. "On that point, I am inclined to agree. This is a new world, and change will happen no matter what we do. The trick is making sure we change in a good way," he tilted his head quickly by forty-five degrees. "That's the difficult thing, I'd say."

    OOC: @Nato G

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  23. IC: Skrall - Caravan

    Skrall smirked in response to his companion's question.

    "You say you're not worried about us losing ourselves, but I'm not convinced what you are worried about is any different. Hmm. We remain Skrall wherever we go, evidently," he gestured towards the prisoner, in the other chariot and still surrounded by their inquisitive fellows. "We still call him Skrall. But who we are specifically was forged in the fires of cohesion and discipline. In breaking from that, he has lost himself. The opportunity is there for us all to do the same. Our goals ought to be compatible, if they are for the good of the Skrall, but this tournament," he shook his head.

    "This tournament may yet make us like Southerners, if you are right."

    OOC: @Nato G


    IC: Lorqua - Training Ground

    Lutenus had taken the initiative. He moved with a decisiveness that Lorqua would not have expected from him. All the same, she was used to being on the back foot. Bandits, Skopio, the odd Vorox or Bone Hunter: these were not fighters that announced themselves. When you realized you were under attack, they were already upon you. If someone was coming at you, why not let them?

    Lorqua didn't try to dodge out of the way. She immediately spread her feet into a wide stance, holding her shield high and angled to deflect the blow. Simultaneously, she threw out her right arm, letting her Warrior's Sinews extend outward. Her hand, holding a javelin perpendicular to the line of Lutenus' attack, hurtled towards his ankles for a trip.

    Revealing the big secret early, but it seldom paid to hold back.

    OOC: @Toru Nui @Techn0geist


    IC: Escus - Precipere Guardhouse

    Escus did not sit.

    Instead, he stepped up to the wall of names. He traced out the characters on the wall, following the handwriting of of each name with his finger. He whistled softly but, conscious of Tueris' orders, he said nothing.

    OOC: @Nato G @a goose @~Xemnas~ @Burnmad

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  24. IC: Skrall - Caravan

    "Nor I. Even in the first march south, there was more of a command structure than this," he said, and put a hand to the back of his neck. "It concerns me as well. It seems all too easy to lose oneself, in the south. I hope I am wrong about that, but we shall have to see."

    OOC: @Nato G

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