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Blog Entries posted by T-Hybrid

  1. T-Hybrid
    Space nuts, science enthusiasts, and just overall geeks were rocked today by the latest news from the science community. In case you haven't heard it yet, Pluto is no longer a planet.
    Now now, take your time. It's harsh news for all us geezers who grew up remembering the classic mnemonic device: "My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas"... but changes happen everyday. We'll just have to gather our strength and move on. Pluto would've wanted it that way.
    For me, this marks the end to so many fond memories. For one, Pluto single-handedly won me the sixth grade science quiz competition. Well, I should say it indirectly won it for me. After taking a 50 question science quiz (I told you, I'm a nerd...it's what we do for fun), the teacher added on two tie-breakers. The first I don't recall, but the second I do.
    "Which planet is currently furthest from the sun?"
    Catch that? The key word in the question, "currently", got me thinking. Well, I've always known Pluto was last...but wasn't there something about the planets occasionally not being in that order? Then it hit me, on an episode of Beakman's World a few days prior, they had talked about how Neptune's orbit sometimes carries it past Pluto. Which means that the question was most likely a trick.
    Well, apparently I was the only one who picked up on it, because I learned that it had come down to that very tiebreaking question. Everybody else has said Pluto (when you don't know, or aren't thinking, you sometimes go with the gut reaction). I don't remember what I won. But I won it. All thanks to Pluto.
    But that's just my experience. What of everybody else? Surely now some new mnemonic will be needed to remember the planetary order? Eager mothers the world over can't just serve us 'nine.'
    So, I propose the folowing:
    "My Vicious Elephant Melvin Jousted Seventy Unique Ninjas"
    Sure, it doesn't quite roll off the tounge...but it's very bizarre. And to a kid, who knows. I know I'll probably never forget it. And besides, I was never a fan of notion that mothers would over indulge their kids by giving them nine of anything. That's just poor parenting. This way, kids will remember the planetary order, and hear a story about an exciting battle between good and evil (Though I'm not sure at this point which is which).
    Furthermore, to aid in the process of overcoming this incredible loss...I, T-Hybrid, have taken it upon myself to gather up some other well known Plutos. Hopefully, us Pluto fans will be able to look to these figures as a potential replacement for our now Dwarf planet.

    Sailor Pluto
    Pros: Strong leader, great role model for women, fancy dresser
    Cons: May or may not have died
    Pluto the Dog

    Pros: Good natured, obedient, popular with both men and women
    Cons: Unlike fellow canine Goofy...is unable to grasp the concept of pants
    Pluto the God

    Pros: Omnipotent, all-knowing, immortal
    Cons: God of the Underworld (not exactly a good thing)
    Pluto Nash

    Pros: Features the guy who voiced Donkey
    Cons: About as funny as the original Pluto.

    So, as you're lying in bed tonight, trying to overcome what is certainly going to be the big news for the next few weeks...remember that though we may have lost one Pluto, there are at least four others watching your back.
  2. T-Hybrid
    T-Hybrid is currently preparring to start both his classes and new job on Tuesday. As such, he has once again asked his guest writer to fill in for today's entry.
    Whazzup, crowd! HGM here to do my best and get something written today. I suppose the best thing I could do is fill you in on the events of a few Fridays back. As you all remember, T-Boss stopped in to Snakes On A Plane. And because I'm such a hip happening dude I couldn't help but check out a screening myself.
    So as you know, I left my post for the first time since being hired. And go figure it's the one time some package gets dropped off. T gets back and starts going on about how I left the Haven open and who knows what could've gone wrong while I was away. I reminded him that there's really nothing of value here and I don't even think we've charged anybody an entrance fee. So there's nothing really worth stealing.
    ...Come to think of it, why does he even need me?
    But that's beside the point. Boss kicks off the Snakes afterparty, and we decide to break open the first crate. Inside is this massive pinata, and we hang it up. It gets cracked open, and BOOM...a massive snake drops in.
    I don't know how familiar you are with Digimon, but this guy called himself Santiramon. Personally, I woulda just called him mud. But I found out a bit late that he was a Perfect Level, just like me. So we throw down, and the place goes NUTS!
    We busted up the second crate in the process, so I really hope that there wasn't anything important or anything in there. But when you've got a massive snake Digimon trying to stab you with a trident, you're really not paying attention to your surroundings anymore.
    So I let loose with a few Rizing Destroyers, and without thinking I fire off a Trident Revolver. I manage to blast Santiramon into oblivion, but in the process I actually blew out the south wall of the Haven. Remember how I was wondering what exactly I was doing working for a guy who isn't paying me? I found out now...I'm paying him back while he repairs the wall.
    It was nice of T to not say anything, but he was pretty upset about it. He's got enough to worry about, and now there's a chunk of building missing. Not to mention that yerk MachGaogamon is still whining every once in a while.
    I tells ya, the work of a bouncer is never done.
  3. T-Hybrid
    Well, I got the phone call today. I'm now gainfully employed at the Buffalo Wild Wings near campus. And I'm so glad. This puts to rest the last couple months of worrying what I was going to do to make ends meet. From the sounds of things, I'll be the door guy...which means I'll be checking IDs at the door and what not. The hours are going to be evenings, which will actually blend well with my class schedule. It'll be late/early (sometimes as much as 2 AM), but that's alright. I don't have class until 10 during the week. So there's always time to sleep in. And I'll have to get used to napping.
    But...whee...I have a job again!
  4. T-Hybrid
    As of this entry, I am still very much unemployed. And by no means is it by choice. The big problem is my class schedule. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are fine...as I've only got the one class, but Tuesday and Thursday is a nightmare. With three classes over the course of 8 hours, there's no opening for me to squeeze in a day on the job. A lot of places would prefer that an employee work 5 days a week, and many of the places I've applied to are M-F/9-5 jobs.
    I am fortunate however, to have found one place that seems interested in hiring me. I've been interviewed once, and asked back for a second. It's a very popular establishment, which means I'll never have to worry about finding something to do. And it's also the kind of place that is open late at night, which means even with my class schedule I'll still be able to get in a decent shift in the evenings.
    The biggest benefit to working there, though, would be that it's food service. Over the last 5-6 years of working, I've gotten to know how various foods places work. To top it off, it's style of service is very similar to the last place I worked, which would hopefully make for a short period of adjustment. I'm crossing my fingers that it works out.
    ...Now, I'm kind of superstitous. It's why I haven't said much about this until now. I'm still not sure what to think, so I'm not going to name the place or act like I've got the job. The last time I did that, it turned out not to be the case. So hopefully you'll understand if the next update doesn't come until I've found out either way.
  5. T-Hybrid
    As some of you may have noticed by now, I'm very excited for the release of the Kardas Dragon boxed set. In fact, it's gotten to the point where I'm avoiding going near the LEGO section in fear that I'll pick up the components before I get the big guy himself.
    Now, you may be wondering why I'd do such a crazy thing. Surely instructions for Kardas will become readily available once the set is in the mainstream. And though it will most likely cost slightly less than the individual Titan sets, the offset would be having to wait until those same sets are proabably discounted anyway.
    Well, for some reason...I don't care. Part of what makes Kardas so cool is the fact he's going to come in this massive box marked Kardas. To me, it's the feeling of buying not just three smaller sets to make something larger, but buying one massive set who has the benefit of also having three alt-models that are really cool.
    However, I don't recall seeing word on an American release, and a search of eBay over the last few weeks had yielded only one result. And that one result wasn't too encouraging.
    I keep scanning sets and promotions for news, but I haven't seen anything on Kardas except that he's hit stores in the UK. So I'm getting to a point where I may just break and pick up his component sets. At this point it's not about Axonn or Brutaka...or even the stunning Vezon and Fenrahk. Kardas is the set of 2006, and he will be mine....someday.
  6. T-Hybrid
    When I get bored, the gears in my head start turning. It was those gears that lead to the Dark Toa of the Apocalypse in 2001, which would evolve into my Te Mutunga fan-fiction. Those gears turned again during seventh grade study hall, and thus Randomness Is Funny was born.
    So while in a thread discussing new Bionicle combiners we'd like to see, I mentioned that it'd be cool to see a combination of the two current Toa teams in the storyline, the Nuva and the Inika. We have the means to do so in Vezon's Staff of Fusion (I do not know what it's official name would be), all that's missing is a motive and a name.
    I've started a thread in S&T for discussing this theory. However the original intent of that thread was to discuss the overall theory of when, how, and if the Inika would come to gain their new forms. In the name of keeping the thread focused on the overall topic (at least for the time being) I've moved my personal theories and ramblings about the concept into my blog. Where it can be viewed at leisure without interferring too much with the original topic.
    But to get back on topic, it's hard for me to stop my gears turning once they get going in a groove I like. And something about the Inika/Nuva hybrid struck me as potentially awesome. After consdering two names, I settled on the one I liked most.
    "Toa Inuva." It's simple, it's origins are clear, and it's the only time you'll see me try to make names for this whole thing by simply combining the two words. For the most part, I'd imagine the combination being given some name by an enemy or outside entity that simply gives them that name out of sheer confusion for what else to call them.
    Why would they perform the fusion? It could be that following the defeat of Vezon and the aquisition of the Ignika, a new entity emerges that the Inika alone cannot handle. With the Piraka out of the picture, the Toa Nuva are found/freed and team up with the Inika if only for a short time. They find that their powers alone aren't enough to stand against this new foe. Nuparu, being the clever one, decides the only option is to take the risk and use Vezon's staff.
    The resutling fusion produces 6 powerful new Toa, each carrying a double charge of their Elemental Energy. They're able to either stop or chase off this new foe, but find that their decision has brought with it unforseen side-effects.
    For starters, the Fusion Staff could be destroyed in the ensuing battle...leaving no means for the Inuva (as they're first opponent names them) to divide themselves. Now the Toa must seek out some means of dividing before the adverse effects of the fusion take permament hold. Starting to sound a bit like the Hordika? Well, give the idea a chance to develope.
    While the Hordika faced conflicting mental states caused by their Rahi sides, the Inuva would potentially be facing the problems of two minds sharing the same bodies. In some Toa, similar traits could lead to a melding of the personas, creating what could be considered a third "new" identity. In others, (most likely Tahu/Jaller or Kopaka/Matoro) the merger could cause a sharp contrast in views, leading to an almost schizophrenic behavior. It's something we've seen hints of in previous characters, and have been given in Vezon himself.
    There would also be the overall intrique of what powers the Inuva would have. Nothing like this had ever been done before. What will happen when the Kanohi powers clash? Will they blend, will they be nullified...or will they create some bizarre new ability? It's actually why I'd lend for the transformation to be accidental, as I honestly believe it'd be too dangerous an undertaking for the Toa to follow through on.
    So the characters themselves would be wrapped in enough mystery to create an interesting story. Combined with the new threat they would face, the story would be set to have some great suspense both internally as well as externally.
    Look to my blog for updates on Toa Inuva ramblings. If it's something that I start really grooving on, I'll most likely begin developing the characteristics and powers behind these new heros. If time goes on, I'll probably start sketching them. I really don't know where I plan to go with this.
  7. T-Hybrid
    This is going to be a quicker entry, as I have a few places I'm going to stop by in regards to work. The school year is fast approaching, and if I can't find something soon who knows how much time I'll have once classes start. Not to mention the expenses I'm already incurring...let alone book fees.
    Fic News:
    Well, the results are in, and I'm proud to say that my Epic Contest entry has been named winner. I'm so excited! This is my first ever contest win in the 5 years I've been at BZP. I've made it to the finals in a few BBCs, and I scored runner-up in the first two Comedy Contests...but never a win until now. It was such a tough competition, with a lot of good entries, I would've felt lucky to just get an honorable mention. I'm eagerly awaiting more writing contests, as the last one really got my creative spark going again. If you'd like to read the Entry, now named "Proving Grounds", feel free to click the appropriate links.
    Inuva News:
    *dun dun dununununun* Some of you may have noticed the new link in my sig. After finishing The Alliance and getting pumped up by writing my Contest entry, I've gone ahead and began the Inuva fic. I thought about the title, and I thought that "Rebirth Of Fusion" would be perfect. So far it's only the prolouge, but expect more chapters as I figure out my schedule. I'll let you know if there's going to be significant down time. I really want to promise it won't be another Alliance as far as delays go...but I can't promise it'll be added to on a regular basis.
    Haven News:
    As you can see, I've added a few more buttons and changed the position of some of the content blocks. Every appears to work on my screen, but I'd be willing to make a few changes if there was some appearance problems with other users. I don't mind some feedback, so let me know if you're having problems with any of the links or if the format is messing with your navigation. I'll see what I can do on my end to make things work. Also, thanks to those who have rated the Haven. It was a pleasant surprise to log on and see some stars next to the name. I'd also like to thank HGM for another fine entry in my place. He's definately shown the enthusiasm we look for in our crew here at the Haven.
    Other News:
    As HGM let you know, no good word on the job front yet. I had one interview yesterday and another one that's up in limbo (I've been playing phone tag for the last few weeks on this one). Another place isn't hiring for a few more weeks but did take my application and contact info. I've got a few places left to turn, and then I'm sorta stuck until the Job Fairs start up here on campus. It's Part-Time or Internships that I'm looking for right now, as the Intern position is all I'm missing before I can finish up my four-year degree.
    That's should do it for today. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be off. There's jobs awaiting...I just need to find them.
  8. T-Hybrid
    My friends and I literally just got back from the first showing here in town. And I'll let you know there's no point to stay after for the credits, except for the music video. The song is catchy, but aside from that there's none of that extra scene stuff that movies have liked to do lately.

    I don't know to what extent I'd be allowed to discuss the movie here, so I'll just make it quick....it's a classic. If you're able to see it (as in, of age) then do it. It's hilarious. The story takes itself serious, and the biggest surprise involves one of the flight attendants. But otherwise it's just one of those movies that'll go down in legend.

    SoaP is going to be our generation's Rocky Horror...without all that other stuff that goes with that movie. But I can't get over how hilarious the whole event was. The crowd was into it, and the overall attitude made the movie that much more enjoyable. To those who honestly want to see this, go soon. Otherwise the crowds will shift to those that are going expecting to see an actual movie, and they're not going to be like the ones I saw this with.

    SoaP is going to be a financial success...and I have a feeling it's going to be number one for at least it's opening weekend. It's just that kinda movie. And who knows what to expect come the DVD release. This is already a cult classic.

    One minor nitpick. Technically, there are no snakes on the plane. They are all in the plane. But to paraphrase a certain comedian...forget getting on the plane, I'm getting in the plane. Let Evil Kineval get on the plane. Besides that, I've got no complaints.

    Now, the after party was another story. After getting back to the Haven, we found a few pinatas had been delivered to the doors. Now, HGM was supposedly in charge of checking them out, but from the looks of things that wasn't what happened. I guess there was an advance screening of the movie in the Digital World. So go figure he left his post just long enough for these to get dropped off by an unknown caller.

    But you know, we were pumped up from the movie. So we brought them in, hung them up, and started fooling around. Well, wouldn't you know...the first one gets busted open and out falls this big snake thing. Well naturally, the guests start freaking out. And since I don't have Sammy J's number (at least not handy) I do the only thing I can think of and call out HGM. One thing needs to another, and the next thing you know there's a full on Digimon assault in the lounge of the Haven.

    An hour later, I'm still cleaning up. I didn't bother breaking open the second pinata, but that's mostly because it was obliterated in the brawl. If you haven't seen to Perfect Level Digimon duke it out in person, you haven't lived. But that's another story, and to sum it up quickly I'll say Sandiramon is still out there. And really, that's all I need right now. I've got classes, a job, finances, and now two rival Digimon who have their eyes on moving in.

    But really, all that's not so bad. Because I saw Snakes On A Plane, and nothing can take that away.
  9. T-Hybrid
    T-Hybrid was up a little later than anticipated. Now left with a late start to his job hunt, he has asked his guest writer to fill in.
    Hey all, HGM back with another opportunity to blog my to my 7-story content. The Boss is a bit tired after spending the night getting to know the downtown area. Rest assured that all he had was a few waters and a taste of somebody's chicken wings. But staying up till 4 takes a lot out of him, so he'll be back whenever he's rested.
    T's new apartment life has left the Haven unatteneded for longer period than I'm used to. I'm not bad as a bouncer, but you can imagine things get awkward when the manager isn't around. So usually I end up splitting time between the front door and somewhere inside, breaking up a fight between two people who have had one too many pixie sticks. I swear they should license those things.
    But that's not the biggest problem. There's still always some punk that tries to break down the doors and enter. Even when I say no. Most of the folk round these parts know me, and they respect me. But not that dang MachGaogamon. He still feels like he's due some spot in the place because his boss knows mine. But that ain't how it works.
    I tell him there's no opening for a second bouncer. He don't get it though. The job market here at the Haven is about as rough as the stuff around T-Boss. And if the boss can't find work, I ain't going to let some other guy take an opening. And I don't get why it's so rough for a guy with 3 year's of college to get a job working anywhere. If I had my way, I'd bust down the door of the nearest establishment and put in a "good word" if you know what I mean. But the Boss is honest, told me that he wouldn't want to use his Bouncer for something like that. Said it wouldn't be fair. I honestly don't care, might do it someday and just not tell him.
    But eh, he's still out there looking. I wish him best. And who knows, maybe once he gets that job he'll open up a few positions at the Haven. Then that MachGaogamon will maybe shut up and leave me alone. Well, thanks for stopping by, T-Boss should be back in the next few days. HGM out.
  10. T-Hybrid
    When we last left our hero, he was Web-less. With over $200 worth of internet devices and nothing to connect to, he had lost all hope and direction.
    Then that fateful Monday came. With a desperate trip to the local offices of his "new" provider of Interweb, he learned that his place of residence wasn't covered. News of this lie angered him greatly. Wasting no time, our beloved hero swept up the pieces of connectivity and returned them to their boxes. They would be returned to the Bestest of Buys that same day.
    But all still was not well with our hero. In his frustration, he had forgotten the AC Adapter to the modem. Now, modems cost over $60. Having ensured that the modem itself and all software had been taken with, it surprised the lad that they would think him cheap enough to go through all of the hassle he had for the sake of stealing an AC Power Adaptor. But alas, that was the case. So a second trip to his residence and back to the demon store finally found some measure of redemption. To be accurate, $100 worth.
    A quick call to the ISP for the apartments revealed that he could be back online by the end of the following day. A second call, this time incoming, was the other provider. They wished to activate our hero's account. An account which all of ten minutes ago had ceased to exist. Though he tried his best to explain the situation, there was something about "I can't get your service where I live." that they couldn't understand.
    But that was all Monday, and that was a long time ago. For now it is Wednesday, and the young lad has finally found peace (and Interweb) in his new apartment. With his connection finally established, he can finally begin to battle those bills which have been waiting for him since the beginning of the month.
    But that is a story for another day...
  11. T-Hybrid
    Gather round, children. It's story time! Today, I have for you a tale of hope...of promises...and of lies. A story with more twists and turns than a pasta noodle...and one that will leave you questioning all you've come to believe.
    Our story begins with a young man who had just moved into his new apartment. He was a man with needs, and a friend who played World of Warcraft. He was also a man who was a bit short on cash, and thus was trying to find whatever means he could to save a bit of money. Upon his arrival to his new domicile, he discovered that the Internet offer that lay before him was of dubious quality. But feeling the need to get online, and with a bit of prodding form his WoW'ed friend, he went ahead with it.
    But in a fateful trip to the Bestest of Buys, he and the third apartmentee learned of an alternative plan. It was a fantastic plan, full of 3MB lollipops and $100 rebate gumdrops. They were in need of a wireless router anyway, so our hero spoke with his co-rentees and determined that the new plan would be for the better.
    Lo, but not all was right in the world for our seeker of Webtime. For after spending more than $200 on the appropriate equipment, he was told that all was not as it seemed. Though the new plan came with faster connections, and the promise of much refunding...the sellers at this Bestest of Buys had not been correct (or quite possibly truthful). As he spoke with the new ISP, he learned of this betrayal. For he was not a customer of the current ISP, and as such would be unable to self-install the new service. Furthermore, because of his location, it was quite possible he could not recieve said service to begin with.
    With $200 of possibly worthless equipment before him...and the fear of non-Internet boiling in his veins, our hero set out on a noble quest to find the truth. What began as an innocent call to his new ISP turned into a marathon of Customer Service hotlines. Reaching such sites as Rochester, Texas, and Nova Scotia, our hero finally came to a realization. Living in an apartment is a dire pain to his hindquarters.
    Three hours and two cell-phone charges later, the disheartened lad learned that he wouldn't know the truth until the following Tuesday, when he would be called back by the Customer Relations Team of this Bestest of Buys. Until then, he would remain in Internet limbo...with his WoW'ed friend and his own impatience eating at him. As well as that $200 tab.
    But that, for now, is the end of our story. For it is only Monday, and the fateful call has not been recieved. So we, as with our hero, must wait for the answers to come. And hopefully, in time, we will know the fate of our poor poor Internetee.
  12. T-Hybrid
    Omicron's a genius! It started with Schizo, then a few more had the same idea, and now this whole mess has a name. So go ahead and pimp out that blog of yours. I don't know if anybody's officially laid any ground work, so let's see if I can't offer a few suggestions:
    A Logo/Main Graphic Custom Content Blocks with Section Buttons A Custom Title (____'s Blog is default)
    That's only the beginning. I'm sure people will come up with other ways to stylize their blogs. Heck, I've already noticed a few Bouncers begginning to pop up. HybridGreymon doesn't mind, though he asks that they keep off "his" turf.

    Speaking of HGM, he did a pretty good job on his entry Wednesday, enough where I think I'm going to keep him on the writing staff as well as security detail. He won't get paid double, but don't tell him that. I figure he's good to have on hand in case I get busy again.

    Other News:
    As HGM let you know, I've moved into the new place and everything's starting to get into motion. Everything except a job, and Internet. I never thought I'd get so confused about something regarding computers. But I am, and now we're trapped in this shoddy Internet service provider, while a better service sits at Best Buy taunting us.
  13. T-Hybrid
    T-Hybrid is currently getting situated in his new apartment. Due to this delay, today's blog entry is brought to you by a special guest writer.
    Hey everybody. HybridGreymon here. The boss said he wasn't going to make it today so he asked me to fill in. I don't know what he expects me to write about, seeing as how I was only created like a few days ago. But he pays the bills, so here I am.
    I hope y'all understand any typos or anything. After all I'm a 7 story dinosaur with a revovler for a hand. It's not exactly easy to find a keyboard I can type on. Not to mention I only have three fingers on the one hand.
    Things are going smoothly around the Haven since I came into town, though there's a MachGaogamon that's a bit jealous of my job here. He's all like "Oh I'm blue too! And my boss is a member of the Blue Vice, why can't I get in!" So I tell him because he's not on the list, and he sulks off. The place is bouncing, but it's not that busy. Two 7 story bouncers would just be rediculous.
    In other news, there isn't much other news. T-Boss wanted me to pass on that he ain't got no internet, and doesn't know when it'll be up, so for the meantime anything he's writing is going to be from whatever computer he can get to. I'm not going to tell him about this one, but that's just cause I'm greedy like that.
    So sit tight, and T will be back eventually to do whatever it is he's been doing here. I guess there's some contest he's taking part in that he doesn't want to miss. And I'm wondering if he'd want to know about this Mask one that just started.
    Well, that's all I've got today. Not bad. Wish it hadn't taken me an hour to write. But like I said, three fingers. Yeah.
  14. T-Hybrid
    Things are starting to feel more like home here at the Haven. As you can see, I've started fixing up the place with some new navigation buttons. It's a chance to keep my Photoshop skills fresh, and an excuse to watch Digimon episodes. So it's win/win!
    For those that are familiar with my choice of avatar over the years, as well as the sig I've only recently changed up (only temporarily while the Epics Contest runs mind you)...it should be no surprise I've gone with a Digimon theme. And honestly, I think it turned out pretty well. Almost every season is represented here, and I've come to call the group the Blue-Vice Squad. With the exception of Matt from Season 1 and Davis from Season 2, every character with a Blue Digivice is on here.
    It's for a good reason though. I can't find any decent pics of Matt that would fit with what I'm going with for the other four, and I'm not using Davis right now because...honestly...I didn't like him that much. If I had my choice, I'd use Ken. But then I'm cheating the theme. Yeah yeah, Takuya's in the MOC/Fic button...but that pic works really well for what I wanted with that one.
    But that's getting way off topic, and though this is a "General" entry, I'm trying to focus on the discussion at hand. You'll also notice the new logo included on the top-most picture. It took a while to figure out what combination of colors worked best, and oddly enough it was the obvious pairing of black and white. In case you're wondering, that is also a button. Clicking on it takes you to the "main" page, which is the same thing that would've happened had you clicked on the <All> link in the original Categories block.
    The MOC/Fic link is a dual button. In retrospect, it doesn't look that obvious as I've got it. But I really wanted to fit that pic into the theme somewhere, and that was the best place.
    In the upcoming days, I may whip up a few pics to sorta add the finishing touch to it. I was really excited about sprucing the place up, then I saw what Schizo did and was like "Durn! I wasn't first!" But I'm really liking what people have started to do with their blogs. A lot of them have slowly started to adapt their own look and style. I felt it was time the Haven got the same treatment.
  15. T-Hybrid
    Apparently by July 5th, LEGO actually meant July 10th. But I can live with it, because those extra five days worth of reviews and information from other lucky buyers only helped build my excitement for these sets. And I'll begin by saying, they do not disappoint. Since reviewers for the last week or so have been pummeling you with the same photos over and over again, I won't bother with taking some of my own. The pictures do them justice, for the most part. So without further ado: my own opinion.
    I'll begin by saying that yes, the canister is huge. My first thought when I opened the box from S@H was that these weren't canisters anymore. The Inika come in plastic boxes with lids that are about the size of bricks. You're going to hear they are big, and you're going to see pictures that make them look big...but once you see them in person, you'll realize how big they are.
    But that doesn't really describe the sets, so let's forget the Ini-krates and move on to the meat of the whole lot. Let's talk sets. And what a set they are! Highly poseable, fully detailed, and with some excellent new innovations in set design (at least to me...I don't have many of the 06 or 05 sets).
    You've seen the pictures, and read the reviews...so I'll make it quick and break it down into the ups and downs.
    13 points of articulation Light-up weapons 6 new Kanohi Unique pieces between Toa New colors for Toa sets Nuparu's shoulder mounted Zamor launcher Cons:All weapons are "swords" Kanohi not compatible with previous sets Odd color selection for some characters Too much silver Heads I'll expand on a few of these. Nuparu needs some orange in him, instead...that goes to Hewkii. I would have preferred to see Macku and Onepu join the other McToran as Inika, but I guess that would not be the case. That's unfortunate both storywise and set wise...as we miss out on a chance to get some purple in our Toa. And looking at the all-black Nuparu, I can't help but think some purple in the under-armor would've really made the figure standout. 
    I also wish that LEGO could've put some more effort into the weapons. Though the light-up feature is great, I would've liked to have seen the sets each get a more uniquely shaped weapon. As it is now, they're all very sword-like in appearance. Also, changing the colors between Toa would also set them apart. Jaller's the only one with an "off-color" weapon.
    What I do like though, is the detail that has been put into each set. The Kanohi look fantastic, and finally cross the boundary between toy and movie in appearance. The sets as a whole capture the look and feel of a Toa from the movies. LEGO's set the bar high for the next round of sets. I eagerly await the next evolution of the Inika.
    There's one thing I especially hope to see work on, and that's the new head. As many have said, they were originally supposed to glow somehow. The Inika are charged with some kind of mystical lightning, show it in their faces. They don't have to glow in the dark. But using that plastic type used for Matoro and Jaller's joints would be perfect. Also, make sure the next generation of Toa have different eye colors between them. Green eyes work on Nuparu, but they look out of place on Kongu and Matoro. The eyes are the windows to the soul, remember that when designing a set. Heck, I may take it upon myself to spruce up these on my own. I'm guessing a spray brush would accomplish that.
    My overall opinion. Awesome. I was questioning the price, but after getting my hands on them...these Inika are worth $9.99. Though I am cautious of accepting any more price increases for future sets. That is, unless, there are drastic changes made in both size and design.
  16. T-Hybrid
    It was a pleasent surprise to log on Sunday night and find that the Haven had been named Blog of the Week. And because I'm such a super guy, I'm passing the fun right on to you! That's right, for one day only...it's a Hybrid House Party!

    Since they're currently taking a break from being in the storyline, I've managed to get the Nuva to make an appearance. Kopaka pretty much knocked everybody down on his way to the DJ table. Lewa's currently showing off his rendition of the worm, and Pohatu is apparently trying to convince us all that it doesn't take a Mask of Life to bring Disco back from the dead.

    Tahu and Gali.....I haven't seen them around. I think they're off doing the things couples do. Walks in the park, moonlit picnics, you know the usual. Meanwhile, Macku is in the corner worrying about Hewkii, while Onua tries to cheer her up with his best beatboxing. It's quite impressive really.

    I don't know if Takanuva is going to show up. He's been having Ussanui troubles as of late, and you know how it is with vehicles. It sometimes cost more to fix it than it's worth. On the other hand, Makuta is apparently on his way, and I heard he's bringing Tic Tac Throw. Gotta love a party that has Tic Tac Throw.

    The rest of the guests will be arriving throughout the night, so make sure you stop by and say hey. I'll be tending the bar tonight, with all the pixie sticks and other niceties you've come to expect from my parties. If the Manas out front gives you any trouble, just drop my name...they'll step aside.
  17. T-Hybrid
    Olda, Nuva, Metru, Hordika, Hagah...
    Since 2001, we Bionicle fans have been introduced to five generations of heroes. Each with their own quirks, designs, and stories. And now, in 2006, we're introduced to the future of Bionicle: The Inika.
    But with so many heroes, and so many designs, just where do the Inika fit into the grand history of the toyline? Well, many who have recieved their Inika over the past few weeks have taken to ranking, and though I usually don't like actually trying to rank my favorites of various things (just look over my posts in any "Top #" discussion to see what I'm talking about), I felt it would be a great blogging exercise to actually try and do a Countdown.
    So, without further ado, I present:
    Torhu's Toa Countdown
    #6: The Nuva
    If the Nuva had been introduced during the 2006 storyline, it's quite possible they'd have been built just like the Inika we have today. Instead, we saw the classic Olda sets transformed into these armored heros. But why would I rank the Nuva at the bottom, below even the designs they replaced? Because looking back, it was the Nuva that began the trend of reducing the unique elements between canister figures. The Nuva each had the same armor, and essentially identical designs. Yes, we had to suffer through the Bohrok, but it takes a second go to actually begin a trend. And that's why I put the Nuva at the bottom of the Toa hierarchy.
    #5: The Metru
    Holy cow, what a difference time makes! I remember seeing pictures of these and thinking LEGO had done it. They had brought Bionicle into the era of action figures. With articulation at every major joint (except the waist, but I'm not complaining), the Metru were able to stand in every pose I could think up. And with a variety of weapons (including a clever Kanoka launcher/jetpack), the characters promised a new direction in the storyline. However, they were about as identical as two sets could be. Take off the Kanohi and the weapons...and which Toa are you looking at? I had no idea, and it quickly turned me off of the sets.
    #4: The Hordika
    Okay, I have a feeling this one is going to draw some questions. When looking at people's rankings, I usually see the Hordika ranked dead last. I don't see them that way. The Hordika were an interesting experiement from the designers of LEGO. The first (and so far only) Toa to not wear Kanohi, the Hordika also incorporated the gear gimmick into the arm. Combined with the Rhotuka launcher, these were also the first Toa to boast two action features. However, the Hordika once again suffered from the lack of individuality that plauged both the Metru and Nuva. On top of that, the concept of being part-Animal was lost in the details. The Hordika had very mechanical looking feet, and their faces (though unusual) didn't draw any particular animals to mind. But I liked the action features enough to look past the similarities, and the posebility was on par with the Metru. This to me puts them above their predecessors. Well, except for one group.
    #3: The Olda
    With my comments regarding the Metru and Nuva, you must be curious why I'd rank the Olda over either of them. Let alone both... I'll admit when I started writing this, I had the Olda ranked dead last, with the Nuva up in this posistion. But as I wrote my explanations, I came to realize something about the Olda. As it stands, the original Toa were basic figures. Featuring no elbow, knee, or neck articulation, the Olda were more showy then functional. However, the upside of these sets were their indivduality. From Tahu's chest ball and Gali's little blue chest bump to Pohatu's upside-down torso. Every Toa had something unique about their design that helped them stand out when together on a shelf. This made the character's (and figures) memorable. And it's why I place them near the top, above even their evolved form.
    #2: The Inika
    This one took a lot of deliberation in my head before I was able to make an honest choice. I've already written a review of the sets, so hopefully that will help you get a feel for what I think of them on the whole. The Inika are a step back towards individuality that I hope to see continued as the generations of Toa continue to come forth from the LEGO creative team. Each Inika has the same 13 points of articulation that the Metru featured, while also going back to adding unique elements between sets. Nuparu's shoudler-mounted Zamor launcher and Hewkii's chain are the most prevalent. However, the Inika feature two different types of chest armor and two different foot designs. It's a small difference, but each Toa makes use of these pieces to bring their own style to the set. This was something that hadn't been seen in any of the regular Toa releases. It was, however, seen in a pair of very special Toa.
    #1: The Hagah
    Bionicle fans in the US were lucky to get their hands on both of these sets, and it's a shame that the full squad wasn't released. I have heard rumblings about the original intent for these two sets (Norik's resemblance to a certain Turaga of questionable allegiance should be mention enough of this) that explain why this was not the case, but I can't help but feel slighted. The Hagah had it all, poseability, playability, and personality. Using slightly modified Metru designs, the Hagah were also given the Rhotuka shield, which allowed the focus of the set to remain on the figure itself. Meanwhile, the two Toa were given distinct design differences. Iruini wore Metru shoulder pads and a Bohrok claw, while Norik sported a silver Dume chest plate and Nuva shoulder armor. With the clever use of previous sets to fill out the armor, I'm left wondering what LEGO designers could've done if given an opportunity to build the full team. It's this perfect blend of form and function that should earn the Hagah a special place in the collection of any Bionicle fan. And it's why they take home the #1 spot, only in my opinion of course.
    Though our opinions may differ when it comes to exact rankings, I'm sure one thing can be agreed upon. In the last few years, LEGO has taken big steps in the design of the Toa. With the release of the Inika behind us, and the initial feedback coming through...it's clear that they've struck gold with these new heroes. I can only look at the current generation of Toa and wonder what LEGO has in store for the future years. And I truthfully have no idea what to expect.
  18. T-Hybrid
    Okay, it's not the most original title...but I'm really excited about the brainstorm that struck some time last night (around the time of an actual storm, go figure). After going back into a few catalogs and reading a few character bios, I think I've struck on a decent origins story and naming system for the new heros.
    The origins I'll save for now, because I'm still in the debating stages of a potential fic. The Alliance is almost wrapped up, and though I'll possibly be too busy working/studying to actually be able to write anything...I'd have the school year to actual try mapping the Inuva fic out. My last two Epics were sorta half planned/half written by the seat of my pants, and in The Alliance it really showed.
    But that's not what today's entry is about. No no...today I've got the goods. I've got powers. After reading through the S&T thread and seeing what everybody liked and didn't like, I've managed to assemble a list of names and powers for the Toa Inuva.
    At this time, I have very little to go on personality wise...I've got to go back to old material to see if I can't figure out how the two personalities differ and how that would clash in the merger. If anybody is familiar with this, advice would be appreciated.
    Let me take a moment to prepare you for names. As you can see, there is no obvious connection to the names of the Inuva and the names of the two Toa that comprise it. Let me remind you this is on purpose. There is a rhyme and reason to the names, and with time (and a possible fic) it'd all come into understanding.
    So let's begin!
    Toa Wralta - Inuva of Fire
    I picture Wralta as a average sized warrior, with features that resemble that of a dragon. The true embodiment of fire, his Kanohi would have the pointed snout and fin like extensions on the side. His weapon, a flaming Great Sword, would be held in two hands and would probably be one of the biggest to date in a canister set. His mask, the Kanohi Rica - Mask of Foresight, would blend his ability to defy Fate and "shield" himself from future troubles. Unfortunately, it's a Kanohi power that he would have trouble harnessing, as the Destinies he would be shown would be determined by the Kanohi, not Wralta.
    Toa Luali - Inuva of Water
    The Inuva of water would charge into battle wielding a trident. She'd be sleek, built for quick movement underwater. She'd be designed with a fish motif in mind, including both scales, and a gilled Kanohi. I also picture her having a shark fin on her back. She would wear the Kanohi Calas - Mask of Manipulation. Combining Gali's ability to grant breath with Hahli's detection skills, Luali would be able to "breathe" her own life into anybody in her sight...temporarily taking control of them. She can only do this for brief periods of time, as the possession essentially drains the life from Luali. If left too long, there is potential that she can be trapped inside a body.
    Toa Enok - Inuva of Ice
    Designed to resemble a barberian, Enok would carry long lance and appear slightly bulkier than the normal Toa. His armor would resemble animal hides, while his Kanohi would resemble a bear's mouth swallowing the Toa's head. With his Kanohi Lami - Mask of Divison, Enok could project a perfect copy of himself. Combined with his dual persona, Enok also could control the two copies individualy...though conflicts between Matoro and Kopaka occasionally would lead to conflicts between the two halves. Enok doesn't enjoy splitting himself, as his two halves aren't quite as strong as his full being.
    Toa Slopa - Inuva of Earth
    Perhaps the most interesting blend, Slopa would be a brute. He'd be a hulking design and carry a large hammer (I want a Toa of Earth to carry a hammer...I'm not giving up on that). He'd have the same slouching posture of the origina Onua design, and wear a Kanohi that'd look like a knight's helm with the mane of a lion. Slopa would wear the Kanohi Yala - Mask of Teleportation, combining Onua's strength to propel Nuparu's flight to new speeds. The only disadvantage would be that Slopa could only teleport to places he can either see or has seen before. Unlike the Kualsi, Slopa would be able to teleport living things with him as well, though it is unknown what limits exist on the size or type of creature.
    Toa Greti - Inuva of Stone
    With speed an agility in mind, Greti would be a less-armored figure than Wralta, but would be a similar body shape. His Kanohi would resemble a steed, with a molded unicron's horn. His weapons would be twin battle axes, about the size of a traditional Toa weapon. With his Kanohi Varia - Mask of Phasing, Greti would be able to move with both speed and precision. Used to it's fullest, Greti would be able to dodge objects at a molecular level, passing through them unharmed. To differentiate it from the Kakama Nuva, the Varia would also allow Greti to vibrate his molecules in order to absorb nearby materials. This would allow him to take on the physical properties of other objects (water, rock, metal) as long as they were solid.
    Toa Gluko - Inuva of Air
    Gluko would be the most interesting design. Having no actual weapon, Gluko would instead be hawk-like in appearance. His main feature would be his wings, which combined with his claws hands and talon-feet would turn him into an aerial menace. His Kanohi would be shaped like an owl's head, with the binocular-like circles around each eye. The Kanohi Avro - Mask of Telekinesis would seemlessly blend Telepathay with Levitation, allowing Gluko to project his thoughts on any object....moving it with his mind. The effort required to move various objects would depend on the size, the Avro's key weakness. It is believed that the Avro is precise enough in it's manipulations that the air itself can be bent to the user's will.
    With these designs in place, along with the Mask Powers...hopefully the ball will get rolling on a potential Inuva fic or MOC that I may decide to do. I'm hoping to at some point draw out some sketches of these characters. And the designs though pretty close aren't going to be set in stone should I see a potential imbalance in detail between the characters.
    But the Mask Powers are what they are. I was hoping to use a better name for the Rica, but "Destiny" in place of "Foresight" would've set off one of the filters.
    Edit: I've since been reminded of a few existing Kanohi that share powers with some of the Kanohi Inuva. To correct this, the Varia, Yala, and Avro have been granted additional abilities.
  19. T-Hybrid
    I'm starting to feel that spark again. It was a spark that I felt when the DTotA first started to grow, a spark that wasn't even present when I began writing The Alliance. But now it's starting to return, and I'm feeling that need to start writing something again.
    So then, what's holding me back from just kicking an Inuva fic into full gear? Well, it's a combination of dying free time and fading ability. The Alliance didn't go as well as I had planned, and I think it was because I didn't wait long enough between idea and execution. So naturally when I was hit with this idea I wanted to lay back and wait until I was sure of what I was doing.
    At this point, I'm somewhat sure I've got a story here. I've got my villians, my heroes, and my origins. However, I don't have the knowledge anymore. There are characters I want to use in the fic, and events I want to reference. There are things I want to make happen. But after a two year "break" of sorts from the storyline, I don't know if I have the knowledge to use some of the characters properly.
    I could begin the fic anyway, and just go with what I want to do. But then I'd risk missing a few key character elements...the kind of stuff which I may not even realize wouldn't/shouldn't happen. One way to counteract this would be to invent some newer character, but this would pull the fic further and further away from the actual story.
    There's also the risk that I could go into another 2 or 3 year funk and leave the fic unfinished for who knows how long. The readers of BZP were very patient with Te Mutunga, and I am recieving comments regarding The Alliance after all this time....but I dunno if the same would be said if it happened a third time.
    What can be done? Well, I've already got a few ideas.
    1. Plot the fic out better. From the point of view of the writer, Te Mutunga worked because I knew what I was doing. Towards the end, I actually had potted out chapter by chapter what I was going to do. This kept the story from getting lost or messed up as I wrote.
    2. Use storyline characters regardless. I haven't read many of the books, so I don't know who's been used or to what extent. So there's a good chance most of the names and places I reference haven't been used much...so there's room to weave them into the story without risking a continuity mistake.
    3. Lock the story in now, before the official plot gets moving. If I can start writing the fic now, there will be less official events to have to work around. If I start the fic in the planning stages, but don't start writing for a few months, it's very likely my facts would be outdated.
    Hmm, I'm starting to get some confidence back. And I've gotten some good suggestions from the people who have been sharing their thoughts in the S&T thread as well as the blog entries. This'll probably be the last one for a while, but keep an eye out for the fic. Hopefully it's something I'll successfully kick off.
  20. T-Hybrid
    The summer days are flying by at too quick a pace to even realize what's going on around me. In a few weeks, I'll be in my apartment preparing to graduate from college. I'll be on the job hunt, and quite possibly moving to some new state. But through all the changes that have come in my life...there has remained one constant.
    BZP has marched on.
    2001 seems so very long ago, but I remember the first day I joined a little community out in the middle of no-web. It was Bionicle Zone at the time, and only had 20 or 30 members tops. I remember following a chain of links...starting at what was a downed Xitan's, to a rival site which shall remain nameless. I followed a random link, and found myself here.
    I was 16 at the time, and had never been a member of an online community before. But something about BZ felt right. It was just getting started, had a small group, and everybody seemed nice. Heck, it was linked off of a site called RedDimension...and the topic of the day was a slide puzzle of the creator and his daughter (I really hope I remembered that correctly).
    There were a few threads on custom designs people had built. Proudly I started a thread displaying Whiringa Toa, my first MOC. Being the newbie I was, I tried to link the pictures from my home computer. Thankfully the one and only Staffer at the time helped me out, and in time I was posting pictures of all my creations. And though I've matured over the years...my MOC skills seem to have stuck at the point I was all those years ago.
    Thankfully though, I can credit BZP with helping me develope my netiquette. There are a few other forums I visit. BZP is without a doubt the largest, but out of all of them it's also the friendliest. Though one would expect a forum based on a toy would have such a community...I could easily show you examples where that isn't the case. And all of that can be attributed to the staff members that have come, gone, or stayed throughout BZP's history.
    I remember when I was offered a posistion on the staff as moderator of General Discussion. I remember being put on the staff in charge of the growing Completely Off Topic (which at one point was home to "Bionicle After Hours"...BZP's once and former Nightclub). Ah yes, Rahi Master. One of my best buddies on this forum. The two of us cause quite a it of havoc in our day....quite possibly being part of the reason that CoT no longer counts towards post counts. Anybody who was around in those days can tell you about "Word Association" in all it's glory.
    Rahi Master and I were also behind the Follower Fiasco. What started as a joke between a handful of users expanded into one of BZP's first big fads. Soon the Staff made special accomidations and rules to allow for people to be Leaders and Followers. Then just as quickly as it had taken off, it was ended...and we were shown what should've been viewed as a warning of things to come.
    I was on the Staff assigned to the Clubs Forum, too. Anybody remember that? I don't remember how long it lasted...but similar to Leaders and Followers...the Clubs only seemed to seperate and isolate members from one another more and more. I don't recall the details, but I remember the headache. And soon, Clubs went the way of Followers.
    There was the DTotA (Dark Toa of the Apocalypse), one of BZ's first group projects. In it's early days, the members of the time combined their writing, building, and creative processes to name, design, and assign powers to a team of Toa based on the Four Horsemen. It was honored during BBC's 7th Contest
    From it's early days on BZ...to BZC...and then BZP, this forum has evolved into the cornerstone of the Bionicle universe. It was the fans of this forum that got the Vahi back into the story. We've even witnessed as our fellow members have gone on to become staff on the actual Bionicle team.
    The names and faces may change throughout the years, but the constants will always be there. The sets, the story, and the overall creative spark that the toyline and this forum have seemed to bring about are noticeable. Compare MOCs today to those in BZ's early days. It's almost impossible to think that something like this could've happened.
    When I first learned of Bionicle, I expected it to eventually wind up like the Throwbots and the Roboriders. But something went differently with LEGO's third try. And I'd like to think that we here at BZP were part of that something.
    So to all the members, young and old, Staff or otherwise, veteran or newbie....congratulations all. It's been five great years. And with the Inika trickling into stores...and teases of what lay ahead, it looks as though LEGO and Bionicle are giving us enough to keep on trucking for years to come.
    On a more personal note: to LtJ, melvin, Matoro, and RM. The Alliance may have long since faded from the forum...and who knows how many of you I'll hear from again. But I want you to know that I'll never forget the fun times we had.
    And because I'm old enough now, here's a toast to the good ol' days. Along with it, a moment of silence for BAH.
    Somewhere out there, there are pixie sticks being eaten...and the DJ is playing on.
  21. T-Hybrid
    Well, if you've been reading the Inuva Thread in S&T, you'll have seen by now that Greg has pretty much shot down the Inuva Theory. Though on the plus side, we learned that the Toa have some part to play in the events of the next few years.
    But since the Inuva Theory has been debunked, I suppose that just means it won't be official. It doesn't mean I can't have a little more fun between now and whenever I either burn out on this or finally get the time to write a full fic. (This could actually be a while, since I have to finish The Alliance, and by that time I'll be back in classes) So now that I'm allowed a bit more give, I can finally start to build the mythos behind this new Hero.
    From reading the S&T thread, it appears the biggest concern is what the fusion would mean for the future of all involved. I think this can be wrapped up quite easily by reminding those with concern that the fusion was not intended to be permanent. In fact, to inject some urgency into the storyline...it'd be made quite clear that the Inuva would be looking for a means to seperate as soon as their task was completed.
    This is why I believe it would serve the story better to have the transformation forced on the Toa, rather than having them willingly merge. I doubt the Toa would begin to understand the ins and outs of what such a fusion could bring, so they wouldn't want to risk any sorts of danger involved.
    So here's a loose premise, which I would like to expand upon at some point...most likely if I make the transition to a fic:
    At some point in the storyline, the Inika encounter and overcome the Piraka and Vezon. With their enemies defeated and the MoL securly in tow, the Inika discover the whereabouts of the Toa Nuva. However, upon arriving at that location, they discover the Nuva have been serverly weakened by their encounters with the Piraka.
    The Nuva have somehow been drained of most of their Toa Energy, leaving them on the brink of death. Knowing it is the Nuva alone who can awaken Mata-Nui, the Inika decide that something must be done.
    It is decided that the two teams must join. Once together in a single body, the Nuva will be able to essentialy live within the Inika. It is the hope of Jaller and co. that the Nuva will be able to essentially recharge their Energy while inside the Inika. (How? you ask.... It'd most likely be based around the unique consequences involving the creation of the Inika)
    Using the Vezon's Staff, the two teams perform the merger, and the resulting being is dubbed the "Inuva." However, they immediately realize some of the consequences.
    Now, pause for a moment. You're actually witnessing the gears in my head turning as you read this. If you remember, I began the entry stating I would prefer the merger be forced upon the Toa. However, as I have progressed, I have created a plausible origin for the Inuva in which they willingly come into creation.
    Cool eh? Now, back to the entry...
    For starters, their Kanohi appear to be inactive. Most likely due to the initial conflicts between powers, the Inuva are unable to determine which powers they have, and therefore are unable to call upon these powers initially. Also, some of the Inuva have difficulties coming to terms with their dual personalities. This leads to difficulties functioining. A few of the more differeing personas (Jaller/Tahu) start out nearly unable to move due to this difficulty. To give them a means of easing into the transition, one merge (Hahli/Gali most likely) would blend within a short time of the merger. She would serve as a guide to the rest and their varying degrees of compatibility.
    To add some dramatic twists to the story, the Staff would become inoperable through the course of their journeys. Either because it is drained of it's power (since it no longer is being held by Vezon), or because it is destroyed at some point in the story.
    Furthermore, as the Inuva traveled towards their goal...something would begin to happen. It would begin with Gali/Hahli (since she/they blended the fastest). A small voice would be slowly begin to come forward in their collective consiousness. This voice would be quite adament, and often incredibly different from either being in the merger.
    Through time, it would come to be known that these new voices belonged to a third persona...an unforseen side-effect of the merger. This third persona would slowly begin to come to the forefront, leaving the other two either fading or battling for control. It would also become clearer over time that these personas would have one primary goal: To protect their own existence, and prevent the Toa from splitting.
    Also, the risks involved with the fusion could include a more domineering Toa slowly taking over the other. The risks of long term fusion could also mean the erasure of one of the Toa completely, thus throwing the collective destinies of the two teams into chaos.
    I hope that's a good explanation of the origins of the Inuva. As I said eariler, there's still stuff being tweaked and altered as the theory rolls around in my head. And as you can see from this entry itself, the theory is still in flux enough to change in mid creation.
  22. T-Hybrid
    With all the talk about the Inika, many have started posting in various forums about their favorite Toa sets. Since I haven't seen a place for that topic to actually be discussed, I decided to take it to a blog...where if it you want to ignore it. You can.
    But without Inika in hand, it's tough to do any sort of fair review. So while I sit and wait for the next generation of Toa to arrive on my doorstop, I've been left to ponder something that's been bugging me since the "Top Toa" comments have started.
    Put simply, it doesn't sound like many people liked the Hordika. I see them consistantly ranked as the worst Toa behind the Olda and Nuva. And I'm somewhat surprised. The common complaints appear to be that they weren't unique enough, had awkward pieces, and a lousy action feature.
    This is unfortunate. LEGO had a great idea with the Hordika, they just apparently didn't execute. Half-Toa/half-Rahi...from a storyline approach they were set. The attempts to control their feral side, fears of being trapped that way, the new abilities that came with it...all seemed to work.
    So what went wrong?
    Well, for one....what kinds of Rahi were they? Each Toa is aligned with a certain element, which would lead one to believe that they'd each be likely to liken in appearance to some Rahi associated with the same element.
    Instead, they were just Toa with some different faces and various weapons. They looked feral, but they didn't look like anything else. They all had the same feet, the same torso, the same arms....their weapons and their face were all that set them apart.
    What could LEGO have done differently? Well, just as a suggestion, they could've made the various animal forms more noticeable in each Toa. This could be done with only minor changes to the Kanohi and possibly the feat.

    Vakama becomes a dragon. His Kanohi is modeled after the dragons of chinese lore. A more prevalent snout, perhaps fins behind the eyes. That sort of thing. He's given talons on his feet rather than just the standard design. Nokama takes on a form similar to a mermaid. Her face is moled to have scales, and perhaps gills near the base. The feet are modeled to look more like flippers or fins. Matau becomes an eagle. He's given a crest w/feathers and a beak in his design. His feet use the same talons as Vakama. Nuju becomes a bear. He's given a snout (similar but a little smalelr to the one he has now) He's given a similar pair of talons to Vakama and Matau (they could be molded in a way that they work as both talons and claws) Onewa becomes a boar, he's given the flippers of Nokama (which in a clever design job can resemble either hooves or flippers). His head is molded to contain a ridge of fur and tusks. Whenua is a mole. His head is made pointer...perhaps with molded whiskers and the two teeth we associate with rodents. He's given the claw mold used on Vakama for feet. The idea of half Toa/half Rahi creature is something I would like to see LEGO go back to. With the gusto in design that they've shown with the last few releases. I'd like to also see them take some lessons from the Inika and perhaps make the sets more unique as time goes on. Part of what made the Toa Olda interesting was the little odds n ends . Remember Tahu's chest ball? Gali's little pegs on her hips? The four pegs on Pohatu's legs?
    It's stuff like that which would add to the flavor of the newer sets, and make the Hordika idea work this time. A tail here, or a wing there....the little touches.
  23. T-Hybrid
    It's unfortunate. I knew they were coming, I just sorta let it slip my mind that it'd be this soon. Needless to say, I'm buying the Inika.
    The last three or four years have been especially difficult financially, with a college education being a much bigger drain on my assests than even the most cynical of graudates could've preparred me for. To get to the point, thanks to student loans, I'm currently $10k in debt.
    This will not, however, distract me from my usual Bionicle tradition of tracking down and aquiring the newest Toa sets as soon as humanly possible. If these means shelling out $60+ for a set of Inika at release, than that's going to be the final say on that.
    I really shouldn't, goodness knows there are enough things in the fall coming out (2 DS games, the final Xenosaga game, Twilight Princess) that I shouldn't add one more purchase to what is slowly becoming just like every other summer. "Oh, this year I'll cut back. I won't spend as much as I did last year."
    Of course, then the Inika come out. And these sets look awesome. Each new Toa cycle, LEGO seriously outdoes themselves. Looking back on the original 6 Toa, it's amazing that Bionicle has evolved into the sets we have today. I feel that I have to pick up these sets, to encourage LEGO to continue this franchise until I'm able to get back into it with the resources I once had available to me (namely my parent's income...and the lack of any significant out-come)
    I've already made a few sacrifies to the Great Beast that is higher education (heretofore known as Käreti). Mostly noteably are Axxon (who will maybe find his way into my home when he drops down in price) and the Nintendo Wii (this one hurt a lot saying no to).
    But these Inika will be mine. And they will be mine soon. The next step (as is further part of the tradition) will be to build my two Pa-Tahi MOCs of this generation. More on that in a later blog.
    It also kind of answers another question. I've been trying to figure out what from my room at home will come with me to the new apartment. There's already a few Twins things, as well as some family pictures. But to make it feel more like home (which is what it'll be for at least a year), I've got to bring a few more things that make me who I am.
    One is probably going to be Johan (which is another item I've actually got to buy first), and the other will probably be my centaur MOC once I've landed my set of Inika.
    Of course...then I've got to track down replacement Inika figures. The other part of the tradition is that I display all 6 current-gen Toa plus my two MOCs. That's a financial set back for another day.
    The moral of today's blog, kids: Take advantage of your parents generocity...and save whatever you're able to. College works-out the pocketbook almost as much as your brain.
  24. T-Hybrid
    Last night at work, a guy came through the drive-thru (yeah, I'm in fast food) and asked the manager about a car sitting in the lot. He was interested in buying it. Turns out it was mine.
    Now, I drive an '86 Acura. It's been through a lot, has about 96k worth of miles, and most likely won't survive much past me finishing college. Each time I turn the key I expect the engine to just fall out of the thing. It's that old.
    So naturally, I get a bit curious when somebody asks about buying it. I've never considered upgrading to something newer, but you know...opportunity knocks. So I get talking to him while he waits for his order. Turns out he races at the local track, and my car is the kind of thing he's looking for. I get a little interested, ask what kind of money we'd be talking.
    "Oh, it wouldn't be much. The idea is to buy junker's."
    ...My heart sank. My poor little baby, a junker. He could tell I was disappointed, but he was able to say a few words of encouragement.
    "Well, it gets great gas mileage. It's worth more than it used to be just for that alone."
    Yeah, I suppose it is. But still, did you have to call my car a junker? I mean, I work in the foods industry. I'm normally a nice guy, but is it always the right idea to put somebody in a foul mood who has control of you food for that first few minutes before it's handed off. Oh don't worry, I've never actually done anything like that. Just saying, respect your fast food employees.
    So the rest of the day passes without event, and we come to today. My sister was flying in to visit for the summer. Her flight was due in at 5, which was great. The Twins game started at 7, and with flamethrower Francisco Liriano on the mound, I was guaranteed to see a good game.
    Alas, it wouldn't be the case. Due to a "mechanical error," her flight was delayed a full 3 hours. We couldn't make it to the game. Well, needless to say I missed a historical outing.
    Now I have a new chance to get my hopes up. There hasn't been a Twin voted into the All-Star Game since Torii Hunter in...*forgets year*. You should remember the game. It ended in a tie, and resulted in the current "Winner gets home field" format that has drawn some controversy.
    Well, with Online Voting closing in a few days....I once again call upon Twins fans of BZP to support our team. Vote Mauer.
    Because he'd do the same for you...
  25. T-Hybrid
    Well, today sorta became a big day for me. After getting a message from some friends of mine, I found that they were looking for apartments. This has been something I've been mulling over since I finished my third year of college, and decided it would be worth looking into.
    After a few days of talking with the parents, getting some things sorted out financially, I took a trip down to the campus to look over potential places to stay. The intent was to gather as much info as possible about what was available.
    Things sorta went quickly from there. Because it was "late" in the season, apartments were becoming scarce. One of the few available looked excellent, and with two of us unsure of where they would be living, and a third (me) preparred to make the move, we jumped.
    So now, effective August 1st, I'll be moving into my first "new place." .... Wow, I gotta take a moment. It's one of those big steps that you never really realize is going to happen eventually. But at this point in my life it's time to take the initiative to find to set out on my own. I'm fortunate enough to have a place that's affordable now, with enough jobs close to campus that I won't have problems finding income while I'm settling in. And I'm moving in with two people I've known since I started my college degree.
    What does this mean? I really don't know for sure. For starters, I'll definately be working a lot more, and hopefully at something closer to what I'm used to. Working in the food service industry for the past seven years (with a few breaks for a more normal desk job) have been nice, but I've got to get going in the field I've been studying for.
    The truth is, I'm nervous as heck. I know I'll be alright, but it's like that feeling you get when you first move into the dorms. Only now I'm pretty much on my own.
    Vote Mauer:
    It's time for my sales pitch. Many of you I'm sure watch baseball, and I know a lot of you are life-long Minnesotaners. (Minnesotans?) Either or, as you know...the All-Star Game is fast approaching. And we as fans have only three days to cast our votes for the players we want to see start.
    Now, any good Minnesotan baseball fan should know that Twins catcher Joe Mauer has been on a tear as of late....taking the lead in batting average at a whopping .378. But that's not all. I'll let the numbers speak for themselves. Joe ranks almost consistantly better than his top four competitors for the All-Star starting posistion. So, my fellow Twins fans, do your part and cast your 25 online votes for Twins catch Joe Mauer.
    Because you know he'd do the same for you.
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