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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by T-Hybrid

  1. You put 40 hours into the game and you only have 2 badges?

    I'm trying to catch Pokemon now while I have a handful of Pokemon around that level. And I've scrapped members of my team a few times to raise new ones (Stunky replacing Bibarel, Staravia being in and back out...)


    Staravia plowed through the third gym no problem, and I'm guessing Luxio will wipe the floor with the fourth gym. My team is in flux right now...there are a LOT of options.

  2. It will take like a week or two, since I am not releasing my code until I get my team on the go at least.

    I was just about to ask if I already had your code or not. I've got my code out right now, but it's mostly because I want to start building a list of people I can trade and trust not to try and gip me out of Pokes.


    I'm starting to hear horror stories about the GTS and people putting out offers and getting hacked Pokemon or Pokemon stuffed with HMs.

  3. She looks like her brain has melted. It's from standing next to you, huh?

    You have to admit, when somebody exudes as much awesomness as Omi...it's tough for a mere mortal to withstand it.


    Thanks for filling the request, Omi. It just didn't feel right to read a recap of the events from a guy going as Balthier without the inevitable Fran pic. ;) It'd be like having Tidus w/out Yuna, or Squall w/out Rinoa...

  4. I can get you a Spiritomb if you want.

    Already? Wow! And it's legit? I'm up for a trade. Is there anything you'd actually want or would this be one of those "Junk Trades" :)


    And Hydruka, I've got my Friend Code posted. It's in the "Vital Links" section of the blog sidebar as well as in my sig. ;)

  5. I bet you the anti-video game zealot Jack Thompson will be on this like wildfire...

    He-Who-Shan't-Be-Named has already started doing the press rounds. FOX News had him on that very day shortly after the events unfolded. He also appeared on Hardball a few days later. At least that time the host was smart enough to actually call his "facts" into question. And there are now stories coming in (albeit not from the AP or major media outlets) that police searches of the dorm of the person under question turned up nothing in the way of games or gaming equipment.


    The odds of this report actually showing up on anything bigger than a gaming site? Zero.

  6. I suppose you aren't counting that War Turtle combiner thingy in Lego Magazine or Brickmaster then...

    That's part of the problem, part of the fun of the combiner sets was that the instructions were right in with the sets. That's not the case anymore. We have to wait for a month or even longer after their initial release for signs of a combiner. Seeing shots of the combiner was always one of the things I looked forward too when the new sets were released.


    And there was also Toa Jovan...which was rather disappointing comparred to some of the older combiners. It looked like Nuparu with a few extra parts here and there (why did it need Hahli again?).

  7. I ahven't acually thought about that, maybe it will be something like the guy that starts with K and no it's not Karzahni.

    Speaking of which, that Set does look different enough to warrant a purchase. The color scheme is pretty well put together (unlike Umbra...yeesh).


    Unless you're referring to Kardas, however, I don't know who you're referring to.

  8. The Gamestop people make edit their own videos somehow. I don't know if its at the corporate level or by the store.


    And when it comes to giving them your number, it's the only way to really keep track of when a reserved game comes out. It's part of the reason I'm thinking of not going there anymore.


    And Omi, I hope the Twins can at least split the season series (or go 4-3/3-4 this year). Last year they were pretty much equals (right down to the first round playoff elimination) ;)

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