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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by T-Hybrid

  1. Yeah, Pohatu's tools are similar to pick axes, but they're thick enough to double as rotors if need be. My initial reaction is positive (though Pohatu really has me wondering what's up his that bizarre visor/mask combo). And like I said elsewhere I really don't subscribe to the notion that I should buy the smaler set to complete some "combo".

  2. I should add something. Use the report button. Back when I was on Staff, you'd never imagine the number of times I'd see posts in threads such a "This is in the wrong forum" or "This isn't allowed." Yet when I went to check my reports...none of those posters had actually sent one in. Oddly enough, I would see several users who wouldn't post a thing, and would instead just click the report button and move along. And those are the people that always stood out to me as the most helpful.


    I'm not staff anymore, but I have noticed that topics don't have multiple posts of "this isn't allowed" or "this is in the wrong forum". People will see the first person say it, and won't also post it.

  3. (I've been looking at the pix all day, saved them to my flash drive, getting mixed thoughts....)

    I saved only a few to my machine here at home. And I'm at the same point. Last year when the Mahri were leaked I knew right away that they were must haves. But this year...I don't get that vibe. I'll probably still buy them, but...more out of habit than pure desire to own.

  4. I never got 90's day. I mean, wouldn't I essentially just wear what I normally would? My favorite was always when they had the "dress up like the future!" day. Which turned into girls all using tinfoil as clothing. That and lot's of black. Black and tinfoil.


    Guy's tended to not care. Since they figured in the future most of what we wore now would be back in style.

  5. I just looked in your Brickshelf, and I hope you're MOCing skills have improved

    (sorry, but just those use premade bodies, etc)

    In some cases they have (Tamanui for example). But in the case of the Pa-Tahian's I preferred to design Toa that blended in with the team. Because they're story tied them into the teams that we grew up with, so it only made sense that they'd have similar design elements to their bretheren.

  6. I could've sworn that they had said the Joker was going for a look less like his animated appearance and more "twisted".


    I'm not aruging with the result though...this definately looks more natural than how ol' Jackie boy was in the original Batman movie.



    ...And looking at that second pic. Is he kicking Batman where I think he's kicking Batman?

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