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Blog Comments posted by T-Hybrid

  1. They should really make the report button big and shiny with perhaps an animation and some sound when your mouse-over it.


    Because yeah, I remember that back in the days when I modded. You saw so many "I'm reporting" posts...and usually never actually GOT the reports.


    People can sometimes be so troublesome when they think they're helping.

  2. For a second there, I thought you would just go around in a French soccer uniform, headbutting other people in blue outfits.

    Oh man, almost fell outta my chair after reading that one.


    And how are you going to expand you head to that size?

    Here's where somebody would make an Ego joke. ;)

  3. Yanno, they sell.

    Oh I'm not bothered by that. Those horror movies are actually scary at times. As opposed to most of the American "horror" films. This is just my opinion, but horror in America these days seems to be more about replacing that feeling of discomfort that comes with being scared with that feeling of nausea that comes with being repulsed.


    There's a difference in my eyes between covering your eyes because your scared and turning your head because you're disgusted. And I don't equate disgust with fear.

  4. As original as Crouching Tiger and Flying Swords may be...they themselves have caused another Hollywood craze. And that is, the creation of a mentality that dictates the only Asian films worth bringing over are those in which ninjas or samurais fly through the air while fighting.


    ...Well, that and some of the freakiest ghost movies you'll ever see.

  5. What worries me though is that it's a vicious cycle of sorts. Because all Hollywood's been doing is making sequels, then that's all that's out there t watch (for the most part). The more the market is saturated with sequels, the more the numbers start to skew.


    The audiences want to go see movies, so if all they've got are sequels then they've really got no choice in the matter. So yeah sequels will do well, because there's no other choice.


    Well, there's that...and the fact that a large part of the movie audiences these days are afraid to try anything unfamiliar.


    Yeah, that just sounded like a bit of an independent film thought too.

  6. You couldn't me more right KIE. Microsoft's products have this nasty habit of thinking they know what you want to do.


    I wish I could serious just press one button or uncheck one box and tell my computer "I don't care what you think you know...I'm not trying to write a letter to my Mom because i wrote a capital D in a word doc"

  7. Somehow, I think the ad hit a tone with the customer - but not a very good vibe.

    I'm one of those guys who's job involves them staring at a computer screen for hours on end. It makes it tough, however, when the screen starts staring back. ;)

  8. I aired out the house and cleaned the microwave after I burnt some popcorn.

    Though it's not a terrible smell, burned popcorn has the tendency to not go away. For a loooong while.


    My roomate third year actually managed to forget the popcorn in the microwave to the point where it burst into flames. The smell lingered for almost a month, and still would pop up occasionally if you ran the microwave more than usual on a given day.

  9. And not to worry: sometime over the next 10 months, it'll hit you that "whoa, I'm not in school anymore." And I mean really hit you.

    Is this going to coincide with something such as a rent bill or when I begin searching for insurance providers?


    ...Of course, my June 18th start date at Thomson West is "looming."

  10. I'm thinking my last sentence was misunderstood. ;)


    I was saying that I have the rest of my life for gaming as in I don't have to worry about playing for long stretchs to make up for time missed.


    The last sentence was more a reference to how I may be vanishing a bit this week due to finals and getting moved out. Though I have found a bit of time to return to Pokemon and Guitar Hero.

  11. That explains why there haven't been any new "Rebirth" chapters...

    Yeah, I'm REALLY sorry about that. I've hit a bit of a rut as far as writing goes, and with school becoming a burden I've found it really hard to get the creativity floating again.


    I'm afraid I may break my promise of having this finished soon.

  12. When a girl says she wants a man who has a sense of humor, but whenever a guy makes a funny joke (nothing stupid, and actual joke), the girl never gets it.

    How about women who complain about the pressure they feel to look good to get men to talk to them, but then when a guy tries to talk to them they act like they're too good for him?


    That one STILL has my mind spinning.


    It'll be okay, Siloh.

    Are you accusing Omi of storing large amounts of grain?

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