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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by T-Hybrid

  1. Anyway, I don't really like our stone/gem. I like the rich blue sapphire more than ours. Speaking of blue, I'm in near perfect unison with you as far as personality goes (including the Blue>Red).

    The stone at least sorta makes sense...


    From Wikipedia:

    Opal ranges from clear through white, gray, red, yellow, green, shore, blue, magenta, brown, and black. Of these hues, red and black are the most rare and dear, whereas white and green are the most common...

    So in it's most precious form, Opals are Red. So it matches.


    It's funny, because the November birth stone is a Topaz. So I don't get to have blue regardless of how I roll with my birthday.

  2. I wouldn't worry about recent news. I didn't even realize your name was connected to HP until you pointed it out.


    But if you're going to change your name...why not go with "CF" or something. Then you're still your old self, but can say it stands for anything you want (change daily if you're so inclined)

  3. 21 of 22, let's see if we can't make it 25 of 26.

    Here here!


    The best part about this is that the Rockies are in the NL. And by Man-Law that means I'm entitled to adopt them as my surrogate team. And for the record, I did this prior to them being the play-offs, as my mom and sister live in Colorado. My sister was getting into baseball via the Twins when she was here, but picked up the Rockies when they moved.

  4. Y'know, if you stopped insisting that you're awesome...

    Dude, there's nothing wrong with a healthy bit of ego. People respect Omi, and that created the "Omi is awesome" mantra. It's all part of having fun.


    And by the way, I am awesome.


    Not if you have to remind people.

    Before I graduated, I worked at an internship. The guy I worked on my project and I had a running "joke" of sorts that we were just awesome. We would file our status reports including a slot for "Being awesome". Did our boss get mad? Did our coworkers think we were #####?


    Nope. They played along and we had fun with it. There were awesomeness competitions, and before I left I photoshopped an "Awesomness Award" with our names on it. We all had a blast with it.

  5. You can't blame people if they use the word "reboot"...with all the movies and series trying to follow in the footsteps of Batman Begins it's the first thing they think when somebody says "new direction."


    I, for one, welcome our '09 overlords.

  6. Ah, but Phantoka are the names for the first three Nuva and Makuta (villians). It means "spirits of the air".

    I know what Phantoka means, and I know the villians are also Phantoka. I didn't think a diagram was neccesary to help people differentiate between the Toa Phantoka (abbreviated way of saying "the three Phantoka which are Toa") and the Makuta Phantoka (abbreviated way of saying "the three Phantoka which are Makuta").


    So, what about the next three Nuva and Makuta?

    When the next half of Toa and villians are revealed, then the diagram will still hold. You simply replace "Phantoka" with whatever the new sets are categorized under (Hypothetical example: "Gali Swamptoka")

  7. What about the stupid people who ask "But what do we call Pohatu and Kopaka?"

    For them? There is no hope.


    Technically, the 2008 sets are still Toa Nuva...

    This is what the diagram is for. In the context of storyline, all three are Lewa. However, since we need a way to differentiate when discussing various sets, I suggested referring to the newest sets as "_____ Phantoka".

  8. I do concur that the absence of Gunmetal is disturbing. It looked really good on Hewkii when he was an Inika...and suddenly they phased the Toa of Stone into Yellow. Did they think the Gunmetal was being mistaken for Black?


    And by the way, if you find referring to the sets by their current names gets too confusing...call them ____ Phantoka. I know it's not their official title, but it seems to be working across the forums.


    Interesting idea


  9. So not liking George Bush makes someone 5 years old and immature, correct?

    If you can't come up with a better argument than "FACIST!" then yeah. It does.


    9 times out of 10, when somebody uses a term such as "Facist" or "Nazi" in relation to somebody their arguing with on the internet...they have no idea what they're actually accusing that person of being.

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