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Blog Comments posted by T-Hybrid

  1. As for field of study, I have to worry about that because not all colleges offer Journalism. And some are better than others as far as their program and school newspaper.

    The nice thing about journalism (at least from my experiences), is that most of the important learning comes when you've actually started writing. So this would be like a university paper or if you want to try doing some small writings for a local paper.


    The journalism classes tend to be more in regards to the universal elements such as the laws surrounding mass media, the ethical choices you'll have to face, and an understanding of how to compose a story. (Though admittedly that last one would have a LOT of reliance on the quality of the instructor).

  2. I don't think they're judging you...it's just that college is a HUGE step in a person's life, and they're curious as to if you've decided or not. If you're a senior, you should have an idea where you're going if you're going. I wouldn't worry about a field of study yet, though. You can worry about that after your first year or so once you've wrapped up Gen-Eds.


    But there are two times in your life when people are going to ask you all kinds of questions like this:


    1) High school graduation. What's your plans now that you're going to start being on your own a bit more.

    2) College graduation. Now that you've finished, what do you plan to do with the rest of your life?

    3 (I lied) Retirment. What are you going to do to fill your time?


    Don't worry about people asking. They're just honestly wondering.

  3. As much as I'd love to get Rock Band, I just really don't feel like dropping that much money for things I already have. If they had bundled the game separately with each different peripheral, then I would have gotten the drums. I already have two guitars, I don't need two more.


    And I don't want to step up to the microphone either. :P

    You'll be happy to know that GH controllers are compatible with Rock Band. Also, you can pick up just the game for whatever console you have and then wait till around February when they release the individual peripherals.


    Also, I beileve there's a Logitech mic out for the 360 that's supposedly compatible. You'll have to do a bit of research into that.


  4. I certainly wouldn't have had the courage to include such controversial views in my writing, much less publicly announce them.

    I was more disappointed she didn't include them in the writings. The way she did it seems more like a cheat to me. I wish she would've trusted me as a fan enough to actually include it.

  5. Have you changed your surroudings significantly? I know when I first moved into the dorms I had a number of bloody noses simply because the school didn't change the filters as often as they did back home. So the air was dustier than I was used to.


    It could also be stress. But it all depends on how you're feeling otherwise. If it's just the nosebleeds than it's a good sign (as "good" as something like that can be)

  6. Well, since they're going to be putting you under (from the sounds of it) at least you'll be sleeping through most of it.


    That's the best advice I could give. Go to bed sooner so that you sleep through the hunger. You'll wake up probably growling, but you'll have cut the wait in half.


    Then when you can eat again, you celebrate with something like a pizza or some Chipotle.

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