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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Comments posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Well normally I use Bread Flour as is purchased at a local grocery store. Unfortunately I was out and substituted all purpose flour, which doesn't develop as much gluten. This bread was a milk bread so I boiled the milk ahead of time to destroy an enzyme that hinders gluten development in the bread. Other ingredients were yeast, sugar, egg, butter and salt. Once the milk had cooled to the point where it could be touched without causing discomfort, I used some of it to bloom the yeast. Once the yeast was bloomed, I added all of the ingredients into a mixing bowl and kneaded the dough together. This is called the straight dough method for mixing bread dough. The dough was then kneaded for fifteen minutes by hand as I do not have a proper mixer that works for bread doughs. This is done by pushing with the palm of the hand, pulling the dough back and then rotating the dough 90 degrees and repeating. Once the dough had developed a gluten window (which is found by taking a small piece of the dough and stretching it), I covered it with some non stick spray and plastic wrap, leaving a few corners uncovered so the dough could breathe. I then let the dough ferment for 90 minutes. After that time had passed, I punched the dough down and shaped it into single knot buns and single loop buns. In a professional kitchen the dough portions would normally be measured out, but I'm a lazy baker at home so I went by feel. Once the dough was shaped and placed on baking racks, I let them proof in the oven for about ten to fifteen minutes, while another oven was preheated to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Once they were done proofing, I brushed the rolls with an egg wash and let them bake for five minutes until they just started to turn golden brown. After that, I rotated the trays 180 degrees and continued baking for another six minutes, until golden brown. Rotating the trays ensures that the bread bakes evenly. Once they were done I pulled them out to cool on the counter lined with hot pads. The way these rolls taste are ever so slightly sweet with a somewhat rich, buttery flavor. Though I felt the use of All Purpose flour did effect the quality of the bread, making it a bit lighter and possibly altering the overall flavor. The scent of yeast is present in the most wonderful way for homemade bread.

  2. Okay, so I was going to look up an inspirational quote to totally be all insightful and stuff, but everything I found on my Google search sucked.


    I'm really not sure what to say in these situations, so you rock and go get 'em!

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