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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Comments posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Firstly, the heck is going on? Is it like a past version of Sora from another dimension? Does he live in Jimminy journal?


    How was I back on Destiny Islands? I thought that place was destroyed in the first game?


    Would it have been better if I'd picked up 358/2 Days instead? (I originally wanted to pick that one up, but I mistakenly picked up Re:coded at the Exchange).


    Is it true that the video game was super gltchy and instead of fixing it completely the game developers said "meh, the kids can handle it"?


    Also I only ever made it to the face off with Cloud at the Olympia Arena in the first game. Can I get a brief synopsis of what happened in the second game (as I believe I understand the basic plot from the first game and the start of this one mentioned that two adventures had already happened).


    Also, is this the one where the blonde character totally messes with everyone's memories or is that chain of memories?


    Alas if I had grown up with a Playstation, all of this would actually make sense to me.

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