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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Emzee

  1. But but but... Oh right, I forgot about that one. :blush:
  2. Yeah, I doubt most of you know about those. I know that sounds like the Golden Cheese of Awesomeness or something like that, but don't be fooled. I'm getting one tomorrow and it will be due on Tuesday. Most likely? I will be literally working on it the whole weekend. Still though, I can say that they're a little bit better than have to take an exam in only an hour's time, but I don't know if I can stay in my room for three days straight doing Physics problems. And I see Hero Factory has touched down on American soil. I hope Smeag and DV can get their hands on them soon - we're overdue for a review from one of them - especially DV. Oh, and lastly, clickety-click.
  3. Emzee


    That's really great to hear man. Let's hope they make the right choice and hire you.
  4. Emzee

    Oral Hygiene Update

    I'm sorry to hear that, but it's good know that steps are finally being taken to handle the problem. You'll be fine, and as Smeag said, you're in good hands.
  5. Emzee


    I forgot to mention: today's moving day for me. It's only down the street to another apartment though (less than a half-mile away), and it's still on campus. As an upper-classman, I have to move to the designated upper-classmens group of apartments. It only a two-bedroom though, which I like (I'm currently in a four-bedroom). I haven't even begun gathering my stuff up to put in my car though. At any rate, that's pretty much my day for today. In other news, you should allow Aho to brighten your day.
  6. Thanks. You just reminded me that I need to change it soon though. I cycle through a list of these quotes ever week or so. XD

  7. Emzee

    Job Interview

    Well, there's always the Staff Set Review... Anyways, best of luck to you Pat!
  8. Smeag is an awesome man and I love him. GO SMEAG!
  9. Emzee

    I'm Now An Officer

    It's an engineering organization, so the fun comes standard. The organization mentioned above is called the National Society of Black Engineers. IEEE is also down here, along with a few software/computer oriented organizations that I plan on joining in the fall. It's a fun time though. I'm glad to have an official role.
  10. At the end of this past semester, I ran for an Officer position for an engineering organization that I'm a part of. I won, which is cool, and I'll now have a lot on my plate as my position involves a lot of writing (official title is Secretary), which will... hopefully be cool. That's the only update I have for right now. Please fill out the survey I posted if you haven't already.
  11. Emzee


    A video of someone actually doing this would make my week.
  12. Emzee

    Graphics Card Survey

    Okay, I've added Mac and Windows 7 info to the entry. Thanks guys.
  13. Emzee


    Over here, it's very humid (well, not as bad as Houston, but still), so I get the worst of both worlds: wet and hot.
  14. Hi guys. I'm developing a 3D RPG and it would help me greatly if I had an idea of the types of graphics cards people use. See, I'm trying to see if the models and meshes I have now will be suitable with their polygon counts, or if I need to make adjustments. It all depends on the hardware though. For Windows users, you should be able to find your graphics card by going to your Desktop, right-clicking on the background and choosing Properties, and then clicking on the Settings tab. It should then show you graphics card model. In Windows 7, you have go to your windows experience index, and then select the "view and print detailed information." There is no "properties" options from the desktop. And for OS X, Go to the Menu Bar --> Apple logo --> About this Mac --> More Info --> Graphics/Displays. Anyway, comment here stating your graphics card, it will help me and other 3D game developers here greatly.
  15. Emzee

    So, What's Up?

    Well, take into account that Austin is very different from the rest of the Texas, but yeah, Austin's awesome, I need to go back sometime and see my friends there. Eh, I don't know about Physics being fun. but we'll see about this 'Linear Algebra' thing I'm having to take. @Aho: Thanks. I'm sure you'll get to the new rule soon enough.
  16. Emzee

    So, What's Up?

    Not much has changed in Emzeeland. I'm still in school, for one. In fact, I'm taking two summer courses because I'm behind. There's the Electromagnetism (Physics) class (with its lab as well), and Linear Algebra. I really don't know how to describe Linear Algebra other than "an alternative way of playing with numbers". You take this after Calculus I, but the subject itself isn't really based on Calculus. Like I said, it's a different way of working with numbers completely. Money is still tight, but as long as I keep getting approved on loans, I should be able to get my Software Engineering degree, and hopefully, a good job that will help me pay back my impending dues quickly. So, how goes it with you guys?
  17. Silly me, I forgot about that! *adblocks like crazy - FOR SCIENCE*
  18. Eh, with the new sig guidelines finally being rolled out, I think BZPower deserves a little something from me. Now to clean this place up a bit... *gets broom and dustpan*
  19. Emzee

    I finished my exams, so right now everything's wonderful. So glad my classes are done with!

  20. Emzee

    Hey man. How's it going?

  21. Emzee


    Wow, that really sucks. As said by others, I hope you can find another job, but I know first hand that that's very difficult to do nowadays. You're still awesome though.
  22. There are not very many people that I see who think like this, and it's unfortunate. This entry is spot on.
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