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Everything posted by Emzee

  1. They have these for a reason, y'know.
  2. Emzee


    Must you tempt them? I actually thought you were pretty good!
  3. Thanks. I'm glad -someone- here has good taste in movies. =P

  4. I'm not sure you're giving the movie enough credit. Remember, this is an American Action Movie -- it belongs in the same sentence as Batman & Robin, BZP Lovers, GI Joe: Rise of the Cobra, and Transformers 2. However, I'm sure you can agree that TDK is not on the caliber of those movies. It went above and beyond what a normal action movie goes for, and it certainly deserves praise for that. Also, it must be noted that most people can't tell the difference between superb acting and mediocre acting (I certainly can't). When Christian Bale appeared on the big screen, I saw him as Bruce Wayne (attempting to be Batman, but still I think he did a good job with being Wayne). Same for Michael Caine (though I'll admit I've seen very little -- if any -- of his other movies). Many people also don't really have the cinematic know-hows to realize the merits (or demerits) of certain aspects of film. You're better able to analyze it when you know the craft better. This applied to me when I first got into music. For example, Hip-Hop was once my favorite genre. It had awesome rhythms, and the way MCs could fit their lyrics to the beat was unbelievable. Then, I started getting into music, picking up the Trombone and learning practically all there was to know about Jazz and Classical. I also started composing my own music, all of which led me to have a much sharper ear. Now, these same hip hop songs sound terrible to me because I can hear many things that I simply didn't notice before. It's the same thing with movies. I did not see what you saw when you watched the movie. I saw an epic encounter between Batman and the creepy Joker. Is this a problem? For some, maybe, but not for me. My attention is focused on technology, and I also have an enhanced ear for music. I can do what many can't and type letters into a console and create what people in the past have paid money for someone else to make for them. I'm not a movie person, but I am a music guy and a programmer, which are skills by themselves. Also, you're in a music video?! That is something to make ten blog entries about!
  5. Emzee


    Oh, so it's not our fault. Yeah, don't why that is either. Perhaps there should be a note to turn off/take into account any Username/Password auto-fillers in the Q & A Compendium. It still looks alright though. At least you didn't have a really noobish log in name.
  6. Emzee


    It changed by itself? o_O Sounds like a glitch, if so.
  7. Exo, you must have the patience of a saint. I haven't even read it, so I don't know if I should agree with EW or not. I might check it out, if I remember to.
  8. Emzee

    Omg! Obzpc!

    USE IT I would do what they say if I were you.
  9. Something tells me Smeag would do anything for love.
  10. I love how most limericks don't make any sense.
  11. Ahoy, I'm glad you're enjoyin' this day as much as I am, shiver me timbers!
  12. Ahoy, I'm enjoying this sweet trade, me hearties! Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day e'eryone, argh!
  13. Emzee

    Shakespeare Sucks

    @Cags/Spink: Overrated, probably (no offense, Smeag!). Saying he sucks may be pushing it though -- unless I've misinterpreted the meaning of the word. I always thought it meant "bad", as opposed to "not good". @Smeagol4: Ironically, some of the people who I've heard this from do understand Shakespeare, but believes his work is terrible because of the few inappropriate jokes in some of his plays. Long story short though, I totally agree with you. No biggie though. People can like and dislike what they want. Though, I don't believe I've heard the phrase "Shakespeare Sucks" before recently.
  14. So, um, I got a question for you all. What do you say to someone who's just said that? How should one respond? I... got nothin'. Well, nothing civilized anyway.
  15. Dang, what a useless Anti-Virus. I hope you can get it resolved.
  16. Being in college, I have Friday's off every week. Beat that!
  17. Uh, don't know if I should already know this, but what happens next Tuesday? (and I can hardly wait! )
  18. Whataburger is where it's at. However, you probably don't have any in your state.
  19. This alone deserves an approval. I think we may be the only two members on this site who actually view video games that way.
  20. Eh, they're alright. The second one you posted is my favorite, but I think a lot of those models looked kind of... "messy". I dunno. It's probably just a style thing.
  21. Well, I don't know about money, but you do get (potential) power over the success of games, and you'll become one the Fan-Created Games top dogs - granting you your fame! Bah, money's overrated anyway.
  22. After much time passing, I finally present to you two new BZP Software Library staff members. One of these members will be in a brand-new staff position here. This position, the Awards Management position, oversees the awards that are given out to games. There are 8 awards: 4 Editors Choice Awards and 4 Categorical Awards(1 Best Music Award, 1 Best Graphics Award, 1 Best Storyline Award, and 1 Best Gameplay Award). When a category gets a perfect score, it is in the running for the award for that category. If two games are in the running for a Categorical Award, it will be the Award Manager's job to play both of these games and decide which one gets the award. Please welcome Beorc as our new Awards Manager, and Zorrakh, our new Reviewer! For the rest of you, I'm still taking applications if you think you're up for the job. Click here to see what you have to include in order to be considered! I will be waiting patiently.
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