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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Emzee

  1. Emzee

    Super Bowl

    Really not sure if I'm going to watch it or not. If my friends have something planned, then I'll probably end up joining them. As my Staff Bio says, I don't really watch sports (or TV in general), so I'm not as hyped about it as some other people here are. Yeah, this was just a ramble entry. You guys got any plans tonight?
  2. Emzee


    Oh yeah. B)
  3. Emzee

    D: Ohs Noes!

    For their 75th anniversary, Hasbro changed the boardgame's layout, and they switched to debit cards and an ATM instead of paper money and a banker. I don't really play monopoly, and I like change, but I imagine most people's actions here will be a bit more similar to Marvin the Martian's.
  4. Emzee

    D: Ohs Noes!

    Monopoly jumped the shark!
  5. Sounds like fun - I didn't know you were a singer.
  6. Emzee

    The Son Of The Toa

    ...Yeah, what he said. Not to mention I was expecting to get a flood of those already. Though in these cases, they'd all be serious.
  7. Emzee

    The Son Of The Toa

    Sorry, no Mac version. It's one of those games (and game engines) where you'd need an emulator to run it.
  8. Soon after the victory over Makuta, the six Toa Mata were killed by a creature named Shadows. A single Toa called Tahkan was sent to defeat him, but he was only one Toa. Tahkan was advised to instruct his apprentice on the ways of the Toa, in both mental and physical form, and he chose a young Matoran named Matev. Together, they travelled the island in a desperate quest to hunt down Shadows, and after much traveling, Tahkan and Matev became very close. Tahkan eventually began calling Matev his 'Son', which was a great compliment to the skills and reliability of Matev. After chasing Shadows through almost all of the island, they finally caught him in one of the many tunnels of Onu-Wahi. After a vicious confrontation, Tahkan was defeated. With the Toa's last breath, Tahkan stripped off his mask and gave it to his son, reminding him of his duty to protect the island. With his father's mask, Matev fled the island and sailed far away to a place where he hid for fifteen years. One day a voice spoke to him, informing Matev that Shadows had recovered his full strength, and was once again unleasing chaos on the island of Mata-Nui. This was Matev's only chance to honor the death of Tahkan and redeem his own name. Play as Matev as he travels the island of Mata Nui on his quest to destroy Shadows once and for all! Screenshots: Operating System: Windows (98 and higher) Download: Here
  9. Matev fled to another island for fear of confronting Shadows. It took 15 years for him to garner up the courage to return to Mata Nui. As for the voice, whoever's it was probably wanted Matev to mature before talking to him.
  10. Well, Cyan generally likes to work on many projects at once, but this particular project, spearheaded by longtime FCG resident, =Blur=, is the completed and revised version of The Son of the Toa. As my signature says, it will be released tomorrow morning. Clicking on the banner will take you to the Cyan webpage for The Son of the Toa, but here's the original, uncut description of this RPG: It would be awesome if you could let us know what you think of this upcoming RPG, either in the Cyan topic or just in this blog.
  11. I sorry that you had to go through this, but I'm glad you're working your way through it. *hug*
  12. Emzee

    A Breath Of Fresh Air

    QFT :angry: Ah, but I can't stay mad at you, what with your Kex Appeal and all...
  13. Emzee

    Wow Deevs

    ... I guess awesomeness really does get you far. That means I need to build up mine, and fast! Congrats to you and all those other promotees!
  14. Yeah, looks like I'm a follower today. But hey, this blog deserves it. While painfully long, your extra words helped to better validate your points. I think it's pretty cool that you don't just say one witty statement and then walk out. It's good to have valid, understandable points to back up your main one. As for the state of things now, it'll blow over. It always does.
  15. Emzee

    In Other News...

    I finally shrunk down my gi-normous approval seal. It's now only 200 pixels wide. If you still have the oversized one, scroll down and switch it out with the new one. Yeah, I think that's all I have to say for today. EDIT: I need to change my av for this blog... eh, I'll do it later.
  16. Emzee


  17. I also feel your pain, Niki. Just replace "Bachelor Of Arts" with "Bachelor Of Science" and "Math" with "English, History, and Philosophy" and yeah, I thought the exact same words.
  18. Glad to have you back m'man. It's nice to have awesome friends like that. Glad you hear enlistment/schooling's going well. Unfortunately, I don't really know what questions I should be asking. Enjoy this approval:
  19. Emzee

    Updates On Stuff

    Nothing's changed with school yet. I've been spending this weekend goofing off working on homework. It's really nice to have that extra day, as it became evident over this weekend that I'm not ready to go back to school. In all honesty, I get an overwhelming feeling of depression when I begin doing it. Of course, it wears off soon after, but you know what they say: the hardest part of doing your homework is getting it out of the backpack. That's pretty much it on the Life side of this blog. For those who haven't seen my signature, Cyan Productions is coming out with a "new" game. Technically, this game has been around for a long time, but like the Legend of Mata Zuto games, The Son of the Toa has been revised and updated with new features, smoother gameplay, and a more interesting storyline. See what Takua95, our Game Editor, had to say when playtesting it: I have full confidence that Takua's view on the new game is accurate. I've yet to play it myself, but I will try and make time once it's released. Here is what you're expected to see when you first play this RPG: Love it. And one last thing, ^Go there, please. Awesome site, and well-written articles for you to enjoy!
  20. Interesting entry man. Here's to 2010!
  21. The definitely did not having MOCing in mind when they created the Hero Factory sets, but then again, why should they? I imagine the audience they're going for want something to play with relatively quickly, not something to build. I think they're pretty nifty, being an action figure guy myself, but yeah. There's not much of a reason to buy if you're more into the building aspect.
  22. Emzee

    Hero Factory

    Awesomesauce. *presses*
  23. Emzee

    Hero Factory

    Oooh... Anyone wanna spot me a Like button?
  24. Wow, that's something that I should've figured out, being the programmer and all. Thanks man!
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