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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Reya

  1. I was 7 when I first got my first Bionicle set, Toa Onua in 2001. I was just hooked by the fact that they were robots. I am keeping my 2001 collection with the hope of one day giving it to my kids. But I doubt they will have the same level of appeal for them. It sounds like a great idea and you should go for it!
  2. BTW, the Chronicler's staff came out in 2003 with the Bionicle: The Game in the UK and Ireland.
  3. BZP members Sumiki and Ballom also own Metru Blue Matatus if I am not mistaken. fifi2004 owns a Yellow Ruru and all 6 prototype Kanohi Mata.
  4. I think James Earl Jones would do a great job as Turaga Vakama.
  5. There is already a topic for this that can be found here: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/14108-what-was-your-favorite-bionicle-novel-and-why/
  6. This is awesome! Just a few things I would like to add: -Toa Lhikan Hordika also owns a Brown Komau. I believe fifi2004 owns one too. -Kanoka 175 came with some Danish Bionicle comics and not in Kanoka packs. -The UK Copper Huna is worth $15 at best, but even that is a stretch.
  7. I guess it is a mystery, but it keeps it exciting, right? (for those who can see them at least) I kind of never really visited this site in the last 3 years but I missed out on some cool spinnies and I was little disappointed in myself for that. What was the spinny for 9 years? -NotS The red Hau. You can see all the spinnys in this post: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/2730-the-new-q-a-compendium/?p=118822 Well from what I have seen since the post rank overhaul, a lot of ranks changes every 100 posts or so.
  8. I disagree, a store display is like a little capsule of nostalgia, and you can't make artificial nostalgia, I would be happy to pay a high price on a display, because they are really quite special. Another terrible justified opinion by the one and only: -UGB Ultimately, which I intended to mention but forgot to for some reason, it really does come down to how much you are willing to pay for something you want.
  9. There have barely been any for sale to give it a rough price estimate. Like The Phantom Terror said, it depends on the age of the sets, its rarity, and also the quantity of sets in the case if there are even any in it. I do not think they are worth a lot because even if sets are contained, their pieces are glued together thus reducing their value. Furthermore, the sets have no instructions or original canister/box. Those plastic cases aren't particularly hard to make either. I do think The Phantom Terror's valuation is a bit excessive as there isn't much to go on with them and I do not believe a case with say two canister sets can be worth $70. I wouldn't pay more than $30 for such a case. It also wouldn't even be worth the shipping, but that's another issue.
  10. Try giving BZP member huh a PM. I believe he has everything you are looking for.
  11. This guy has brand new ones for sale on Bricklink for $55: http://www.bricklink.com/search.asp?itemID=9734
  12. No, I am from Ireland. However, my prices are cheaper than that of Bricklink and my sets are as good as new!
  13. I did say everything I have is on that list and I have no extra collectibles but I do have a TNGM and infected Hau for sale.
  14. Buying my first set, Toa Onua, in 2001. <3
  15. It is definitely worth having at least one in your collection. They are adorable, nostalgic, simple, and brightened up your collection with their great colour schemes. I would definitely try get Kongu! That teal/lime combo was awesome!
  16. They are worth $3 USD at best. Originally, they were worth about $20 USD but then they got distributed on a HUGE scale which really killed it's value. I remembered people having well over 500 of those masks.
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