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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Reya

  1. I would love to see the collectible aspect of Bionicle return, but only in the form of randomised mask packs. I am not too keen on the randomised Matoran idea because I think it would be more costly than the mask packs and some people (like me) are not conent with a partial collection (greedy, I know). I believe mask packs would be more cost efficient and if they were $2.50 like before, it would be far more manageable financially. (BRING BACK KANOHI :'( )
  2. Well, at one point, I remember red Rurus not being worth a lot. However, they are now back to the $10-$12 region like the other misprint Rurus.
  3. Seems a bit steep, especially as the masks I inquired about came with mass produced sets and sell for much cheaper on Bricklink. Thanks anyways.
  4. I think 55555's values are little high. You can attain some of the more expensive stuff cheaper on bricklink. I would agree that the chrome Hau is the crown Jewel of that collection and is at least $15 USD. The other set masks can be attained with sets and are not really worth a lot like the Golden, and Sparkley Avohkii which are more in the $2 region. It would be worth browsing here: http://www.bricklink.com/browseList.asp?itemType=P&catString=235 Unfortunately, damaged items will make the value of those masks drop. By how much, I do not know - it depends on the person. I personally would say at least a 50% drop, but that is just me.
  5. I have a Gold Vahi and Infected Hau that I can sell to you for $10 USD if you are interested. Edit: Gold Vahis came out with special Vahki sets and accessory kits in 2004 along with the Disc of Time. The Vahi's colour is actualy gold while the orange one represents a rusted Vahi.
  6. Out of curiousity, how much would you be asking for each the following?: Gold: Hau, Kakama, Akaku Blue: Kaukau, Huna Yellow: Hau, Komau Black Pakari Purple Pakari Brown Kakama Dark orange Kakama Teal Miru Sand blue Akaku Infected Hau Translucent dark blue Ruru
  7. Took the words right out of my mouth. There were so many colour combinations. Especially if you got some Bohrok Va legs.
  8. Gurren Lagann Lego would be amazing. I would buy the actual Gurenn Lagann robot in a heart beat.
  9. The first sets I ever got were the ones I inherited from my siblings which were classic space sets if I recall correctly.
  10. I don't subscribed to it and wouldn't particularly care if I couldn't get it anymore. Even when I was subscribed, I only liked it for the Bionicle comics. I only read it to pass the time than for actual entertainment.
  11. What would you be offering per Misprint Ruru, Matatu, and Kaukau respectively?
  12. eBay isn't the best place to check these things as parts do not realy go for a lot of money. You would be better off keeping them or checking prices on Bricklink and selling them there.
  13. I never had any problems with the Toa Hordika. Although I am not a MOCer, I can see why the Toa Hordika's parts would be frustrating to use. I thought Lego captured their Mutated looks quite well. In fact, it was the only time really where these long arms common to a lot of canister sets post-2004 was justifiable. I do think the masks could have resembled their original forms more, though.
  14. You should see if you can reconstruct any Bionicle sets and try to sell them separately. There are a few worth quite a bit like the titan Toa Mata Nui, Vezon and Kardas, etc... . This way you will probably make more money than just selling it all at once and will reduce your load. It would be easier if you weighed it all and maybe sell them in half pound/one pound lots, though.
  15. I was unsure whether or not to get this set for myself. I do not generally buy sets anymore but watching and reading the review has really made me appreciate the set's build and creative design. I do not really play with Lego sets so this would be a perfect to display in my college dorm next year. Hopefully I will be able to pick one up for myself!
  16. Do you have Vezon and Fenrakk? Also, do you have any spare Yellow Kaukaus, and/or a Black Miru/Hau? How much for the these if you have them and a MEK and UDH?
  17. How much for your Toa Mahri Matoro?
  18. Out of curiousity, do you have any rare collectibles for sale like a MEK, UDH, etc...?
  19. The Mask of Light 'lullaby' song. So touching.
  20. Do you mind reserving a TOK for me? I'll let you know in a couple of days if I can purchase it.
  21. I really do not understand why Greg won't just give us more than just teasers at this point. Bionicle has been over for a long time. Why keep us in the dark? Atleast we got something.
  22. I voted for it. The entire set is marvelous. It would be great to see this set hit shelves. I am not the biggest system fan, but I would be very tempted to buy this if it was approved. Good luck Nuju Metru!
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