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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Reya

  1. Every year I come back just to check the new shiny spinny. Congrats BZP.
  2. When it was more busy. I miss those days.
  3. This is actually pretty epic. How many hours have you been going for?
  4. Considering I have only ever lost one Rhotuka spinner, I think I am goning to have to go with Rhotuka spinners on this one.
  5. Black Pakari from Onua in 2001.
  6. A classic Le-Matoran. Green feet, black arms and body with a TNGM.
  7. Ditto. Even though I have moved on from Bionicle over 7 years ago, I still see it as a special part of my childhood. I keep a Reya Mctoran on my desk just to remind me just how much I loved it.
  8. My first set was Toa Onua back in 2001. My mom took me shopping and decided to buy me a present. Needless to say, I have been hooked to Bionicle since.
  9. All my sets are in the attic. However, I do have Reya McToran (TNGM, black body and arms, green legs) on my desk at all times!
  10. Any rare collectables I did own were obtained through the B/S/T forum. I did get a misprint brown Ruru from a shop for free once, however.
  11. Several years ago, I remember accumulating a little over 100 posts in a day. I have no where near as much free time, however.
  12. No, sorry. I have already sold the Krana to Mask Collector. If that deal falls through, you are more than welcome to buy the entire set of Krana-Kal as I am unwilling to break up the set.
  13. I got a full set of Krana and Krana-Kal just lying around and would like to get rid of them. It includes the original 96 Krana, the 8 Dark Purple Krana, and the 48 Krana-Kal giving a grand total of 152 Krana/Kal. I will sell both sets for $75 USD. The buyer must pay for shipping and Paypal charges. I reside in Ireland for anyone that is interested. The usual rules apply; you pay first and then I ship the goods.
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