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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Reya

  1. Spectacular! I have never seen anything like it! You really brought the set to life. The metallic effect really does give it a mechanical feel. Something which the original set always lacked. I also like your choice of pose; it gives it a menacing look, something I always associated to the Vahki.The Morbuzakh vine is ingenious. It looks amazing. You really captured its destructive nature with the broken step. However, I thought maybe you should have included a few more, perhaps on the sides for a greater effect? Don't get me wrong, what you have done here is brilliant, I just thought it would have completted the Statuette.Also, I thought a dark worn grey would have been better choice of colour for the base. It would have complemented the rest of the statuette and give an evil feel to it. Overall, however, it's brilliant! Like I've said, the best I've ever seen.Well done! Out of curiousity, how long did it take you to make?
  2. I cannot find out the shipping and paypal interest until Wednesday at the earliest as my dad is abroad. I will PM/IM you as soon as I find out the price.
  3. If I took them out. I could shave off $2 USD if thats good with you?As for the Misprints, I have already sold the Kaukaus. Sorry. Oh, don't worry about the misprints, I was just curious.But I think that sounds excellent on the Kanohi Nuva front.~|ET|~Okay, drop me a PM and lets finalise the deal. Yeah. I think it would be best if we just stuck to that. I already packaged it aswell so it would be a hassle opening it and throwing it in there.
  4. I am shipping from Ireland and ship worldwide Unfortunately, no. Sorry. Me and MC have reached an agreement but if it breaks down, which I doubt it will, I'll let you know.
  5. If I took them out. I could shave off $2 USD if thats good with you?As for the Misprints, I have already sold the Kaukaus. Sorry.
  6. Rules:You pay first. No exceptions.I only need money. Please do not offer anything elseI accept cash (send at your own discretion AND EUROS ONLY) and Paypal.You pay for shipping and if applicable, paypal costsMiniumum of $10 purchase requiredOkay so I have the following:Full set of Krana which includes both shades of purple krana ($80 USD)Full set of Krana-Kal ($45 USD)Full set of Kanohi Nuva (original 36) ($30 USD) - Electric TurahkFull set of Protodermic Kanohi Nuva ($20 USD)Orange Vahix3 ($5 USD each)Misprints ($10 USD each)Green MatatuGreen RuruRed RuruWhite RuruGold Vahi ($5 USD)Copper Huna ($3 USD)Infected Hau Olda ($2 USD)BZPower Brick ($7 USD)Tanooka ($2 USD)
  7. I am going to have to agree with you on this one. No ones avatar blows my mind away.
  8. Toa Onua back in '01. Those were the days.
  9. I would suggest checking out eBay or Bricklink to find out their potential worth.
  10. 1/5.Sorry. You could call me a 'newb' these days.
  11. http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=34Have a read of that topic.
  12. Nice collection! You even have all the misprints from 2001!I'm guessing that the 7th row of Krana are Dark Purple?Yup. That would be them.Quite difficult to attain even back in the day! What nobody ever realised is that there was also 2 shades of shadow Kraata, just like the Krana. I only realised this years after that picture was taken though. :/
  13. I'll have to make the parcel before I can confirm the shipping price. Just give me a little time to gather everything together and get this deal into motion. You should probably PM me your zipcode and not post it here.
  14. No, I'm sorry, I simply cannot. I have to convert the money to euro which means I'll lose money and taking into account the current economic climate in Ireland and college fees, I need all the money I can get.
  15. The Bohrok had the most impressive canister deign in my opinion. I loved how it resembled a hive and the ability to attach the Bohrok to the lid.The Mahri canisters were just aweful. I mean, it wasnt even a canister, just a cheap plastic box.
  16. I use to have all the normal Krana/Kal and Kraata. Thats before I started selling them. I still have a bunch left over however. Here is a picture of what my collection used to look like:http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Reya/Collection/Other/full_collection.jpg
  17. Sorry, I am only interested in cash. I think my offer is reasonable enough.
  18. This is exactly what came to mind when I read the topic's title. It would have been fitting for such a great toyline.
  19. Nothing. When I was younger and used to display my sets, I was quite careful with them and consequently, nothing 'funny' ever happened to them. Now, they are just in boxes so I am pretty sure I still have everything.
  20. I remember coming to this site in the summer of '03 and joining several months later. I was just a regular kid researching his favourite toy. Oh how I miss those times; less porblems, less responsibilities - an ideal world. Now I'm in my final year of school, applying to med school, learning to drive and see the world in a totally different light. Yet, you never forget your roots, no matter how much you have changed over the years, and I'll never forget my experiences here where I made a couple of friends and had the chance to develop some skills which I will use for the rest of my life.I miss those days.
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