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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Robo

  1. Wow, the odds of that are super low. I just made that guy up on the spot

  2. The problem with your logic, Mr. Spock, is that you base all of your definitions on the many languages of Humans. This implies that you are allied with the Kingdom of Humans, and this type of propaganda- trying to make it seem as if the war they are losing doesn't even exist- is just what I'd expect from you Also, the 'Username' in your 'Me' Content Block needs to be updated.
  3. Robo

    Acute Maturity

    Your career choice will change. Perhaps not a whole lot, but it will become more refined in directions you don't plan. Take it from someone who's made more than a dozen in this past year.
  4. Robo

    Hey Look

    What's my middle name?
  5. The above suggestions are hearby officially endorsed by me and all of Reality.
  6. Robo

    So... Yeah.

    A cheep trick involving the eyes: When you draw a good eye leave the other one blank. Then when you scan your drawing, use an editor to copy the good eye into place.
  7. Sorry for leaving you there Spink. I was in a hurry.
  8. Robo

    High School Business

    You always look good Disky
  9. EW is a wise, great member who inspired me in so many ways. He deserves a cape and a reward....perhaps a golden crown.
  10. For the umpteenth time... since you are serious about a musical career, go for the Guitar. Anything on the computer you can do well enough wtih your current one. Remember: the cyber world, even BZP, is secondary to life. Get the darn guitar and play! Play till your fingers bleed onto your platinum records.
  11. Robo

    Everybody! Hide!

    Mad Cow disease..... Bird Flu.... Swine Flue...... Ox, Rooster, Pig..... Anyone else seeing a pattern in the Chinese calendar and the recent diseases?
  12. No! Not my cape! My mommy sewed it for me ;_;
  13. Robo


    Good luck. Six years and counting right here
  14. If you need help with such an RPG, feel free to PM me questions.
  15. Robo

    Goodbye If =(

    If you make a Civ. War If I'll help with it.
  16. Robo

    My Blog

    Sorry, but no. Detachment has those issues. You get no more handouts from me!!!!
  17. I"m breaking my haitus from BZP to respond to this particular entry. The best thing the judges can do is to stop permitting franchise based RPGs and force creativity. Currently Reality and The Last Stand are the only RPGs to have lasted a rather long time. This is because they are founded brainchildren with no 'real world' or storyverse to contend with. Thus, forcing a good portion of originality may be a great booster shot for the community.
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