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Everything posted by Eyru

  1. Eyru

    Slow Fade

    I didn't really understand the music video. But I love the song. And the band. And it is a very important song.
  2. Eyru

    Jay Is The Man

    Who is this random Jay, and why is he the freakin' man?
  3. Eyru


    We Will Rock You by Queen. It's an awesome song, and who doesn't know it?
  4. Eyru

    Midnight Grace Period

    Hmm, anybody think I can whip up an entry in an hour?
  5. And it takes an even wiser person to apologize for it.
  6. I also envy you. Heck, I envy anyone with a job, but still...
  7. OMG!!!!! I am totally auditioning. OMG I'm so excited now!!!
  8. How much of the entry did you read? All of it, I just prefer to comment on certain parts ADD, OCD, and ADHD....NOT a good combination No part of the entry said "posters" or indicated that I did it. Ok, I get what your saying I assumed you meant that you were sending that as paper Guess you meant just phoning people? A fax machine is a machine that is used to send pieces of paper from one machine to another. It's basically photocopying the paper, but you send the copy to a different fax machine by entering a phone number. Bfahome is saying that some stupid people put a piece of paper in their own fax machine, entered the phone number, and sent a bunch of copies to Bfa's mom's workplace. Do you understand?
  9. Eyru

    Ask Sumiki

    Where do you live? [/stalker]
  10. Eyru

    Awesome Plans

    Wow... I'm interested! It would be awesome to voice a character, but I'd like to help any way I can. You're right: it'll be interesting to see how this folds out.
  11. Eyru


    I don't know what it is about your sketches that make them so popular. But this better not go to your head, Nuju. But it is a nice sketch.
  12. Don't forget to update your name change block too, oh mighty Death Whisper. Congrats on OBZPC.
  13. Eyru


    What's a Ripstick? [/noob]
  14. Eyru

    Parts Order!

    New partz are alwayz fun. What are you gonna build with these piecez? P.S. TEAL!!!
  15. Eyru


    Congratz, Exo. I don't see much of you with your RPing and hanging around in COT, but from what I've seen of you, I know you definitely deserve to join the Staff. Good luck.
  16. What you can do is get more people to join RPs. I know a lot of members who never set foot in COT, thus they never participate in your COT RPs. If you can convince more non-COT members to consider *gasp* actually setting foot in the COT forum, you have more potential RPers. Personally, I love RPing, but don't have much of a desire to join an RP that has three new pages every time you come on. The more players, the harder it is to keep up.
  17. I read this blog post and had no idea as to what you were talking about. Then I saw the topic regarding your promotion and was like, "Oooooohh, so that's what he meant by yellow!" Anyway, congratz.
  18. Eyru

    A Glatorian

    I don't even wanna think about what the Axalara must have cost.
  19. Eyru


    I have no idea of what you're talking about?
  20. Eyru


    No. Instead I spend ten minutes a day searching the list of blogs for it.
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