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Everything posted by CyclonatorZ

  1. I'd totally do video reviews of all the classic lego video games (seeing as how I own literally every one of them), if I had the software and didn't hate the sound of my own voice/actually had any comedic timing. So yeah, I'm rather supportive of this idea. Go for it.
  2. Well, that's understandable, considering that On another note, I just got my copies of IDW RID and MTMTE volume 2 in the mail, and it reaffirms to me that the IDW continuity under John Barber is basically the best thing to ever happen to the brand. Between the deft characterization, the great sense of mystery, and the constant patching of plot-holes rather than creating them, it's easily my favorite Transformers universe ever. Better yet, it manages to strike the perfect balance of lighhearted-ness and darkness, and though it goes places the cartoon never would (my favorite being the Decepticon Justice Division, with its members that have whirling sawblades for a chest and turn into electric chairs), it never becomes something you'd be ashamed to show a 10 year old. I wish I could say that about the live action films, which are both too crass for much of their target audience IMO and yet also much less mature.
  3. I know it's not objectively the best MOC on display here, but since I'm such a big Half Life fan, that super awesome replica of DOG really tickled me. Honestly, though, pretty much everything here is great.
  4. Eh, as other people have pointed out, there's a real sense of deja vu with this trailer. Robots hiding from humans? Check. City being destroyed? Check. Decepticon of the week looks awesome? (but as with Shockwave and The Fallen before him, will probably have his face ripped off by Optimus) Check. And finally, Optimus owns everything in sight, because Hasbro needs to sell about three bazillion different toys of him? Yep, check. Also, not a single robot spoke in the trailer. I wouldn't be surprised if the Dinobots don't even transform, let alone speak, because what Bay seems to be going for is Grimlock and Co being the nothing more than the Autobot's mounts - and occasional punching bags.
  5. It always irritated me how Microsoft made Halo 2 PC Vista exclusive, with the pretty much only reason being that at the time they wanted something to tempt PC gamers into upgrading. I never was able to play it because of that, unlike Halo 1, of which I have played the entire campaign. And Halo 3 never even made it to PC. What worries me is Halo Trilogy on Steam was potentially happening, but was canceled after Valve pretty much declared war on Microsoft.
  6. I'm still waiting for Halo Trilogy on Steam. That would be literally the only way I'd ever be able to play all three games: I never will buy a Microsoft console, and I can't stand dual analog control. It's too bad nothing has ever come of that Steam Database leak that started the whole rumor, even though almost everything else on the list has come true.
  7. Um, how do we know it's not already up on the internet somewhere? The real question is if there is a ROM that isn't filled with viruses: many, if not most sites purporting to provide such services are rather questionable in that regard. A ROM dumped by a BZP member, on the other hand, would be guaranteed to be safe, if still technically illegal.
  8. I did my own search and found the first forum that you were referring to. Then, just for fun, I popped it into a web traffic statistic site. Buahahah, this forum is so niche and inconsequential that it ranks about half a million behind BZP, even after BZP has already hemorrhaged at least 75 percent of it's former user base. I wouldn't pay much attention to what they say: it's clear that their little community is just amusing themselves at the expense of others, and shouldn't be taken as emblematic of how the wider web views your RPG or TV Tropes. And hey, even if this forum was the least bit influential, remember that the Internet can be a savage, cold-hearted place, and the things said under the guise of anonymity often don't have any bearing on real life.
  9. You mean, you're excited to see what sort of Jaeger gets torn limb from limb by Godzilla. The humans already had their propaganda movie - now, it's the king of the monsters' turn in the spotlight.
  10. I too have Asperger's Syndrome, but my experiences were and are rather different than those of the kids featured in this article. The early years of my life were not marked by difficulty with socialization as much as they were defined by having little to no social experiences at all. My family lived in a town of less than 900, and as such I had few opportunities to play with other kids my age. Lego served as a way to express my imagination and creativity, and to an extension much of the lego media as well. Lego Island was the very first computer game I ever played, and its colorful cast of characters inspired me to create my own "lego island," which was the host of many such adventures that I inserted myself into. You could say this was all coping, and you would be right, but looking back I believed it did help me through the many difficulties of my early years. Since then, my family has moved twice more, and I have long since experienced the joys of friendship, and stopped buying lego sets entirely several years ago, but I still have much fondness for the toy that brightened up my childhood.
  11. Thank you for the feedback. I guess there's hope for my writing yet. I'll see if I can't whip up another chapter in the next couple of days.
  12. Read here. FAQ Q: What is the gist of this fanfiction? A: To retell Bionicle in the style of Marvel's Ultimate Comics, which is to say that there will be no original characters, and the core of the mythos will stay the same, but there will also be a lot of changes and tweaks. Q: How is this being written? A: Cold, and I have no idea whether I'll finish it or not. Feedback of any kind might help drive at least the first epic to a conclusion, though
  13. One The Matoran was Red from mask to toe, and made no sound as he moved slowly through the charred. Somehow, despite his sluggishness, he was undetected by any creature, whether it be Rahi or dark spirit. Accomplishing that in the never-ending glow of Ta Wahi was no easy feat. He was a messenger, and today his job was to find one to bring to Turaga Vakama. The guard's best scout was out with a missing leg, and Kapura foresaw that he would not be returning to full health any time soon. Some would say Kapura had a lack of empathy, but in truth he simply was of the conviction that a job like this was much better suited for someone of his... ability. The task at hand was deceptively simple. There was a noise, and he was tracking it. The noise had startled Kapura while he had been practicing, and as per his duty he would follow it until he knew just what was likely to assail Ta-Koro in the future? Was it Inferivaka? Hikaki? No, judging by the roar, it was something that generally didn't bother itself with Matoran culture. Not everything dangerous was a predator, but these days every predator was increasingly dangerous. And the village needed to know before hand if they had a chance of survival. He crouched behind a tree. The sound had last been heard by the lava river a few bios away. He surveyed the perimeter, making sure nothing else was hiding behind any trees or boulders, and then quickly found himself by the river. Scratch marks. Burnt wood. Ash of a different color than normal for the forest, most likely because it had been formed in an instant rather than via a slow burning fire. These were signs of a struggle, but pitting what against what? By the time he had finished his mission and was rushing back to Ta-Koro, he still did not know the assailant. It was ultimately Makuta, of course, but he did not personally come out in the bright of day. However, the Dark Spirit's prey this time was certain, and though Kapura was faster than any other Matoran on the island, he had a feeling that Vakama would not be the first Ta-Korian to receive news. But if nothing else, at least it was good practice. * * * “No, that won’t do, we need to widen the eastern flow,” said Aodhan, his yellow-orange Kanohi frowning with frustration. The Matoran to his left shook his head. “We only just harvested tri-divides one and three two days ago, and they’re already filling up again. We don’t want to risk an overflow like last time.” “I’ve already been through this, Agni… that was most likely a freak accident. Jaller was certain those boulders hadn’t been there before, and now that they’re cleared, the core flow is even again.” “Freak accident? Or Makuta?” Agni replied sternly. “I may be thrice voted “most likely to die wrestling a possessed Rahi into the river,” but even I’m not going to assume the Spirit of Darkness isn’t just going to pull the same stunt again.” “I still don’t buy that it was Makuta,” sighed Aodhan, “but since we’re on the subject, do you have any better ideas?” The Matoran to Aodhan's left raised her hand. “Um, I do,” she said, in a squeaky but intelligent voice. “I’ve been surveying the northern flow, and I think we may be able to divert some more to the eastern tri-divides if we dig a trench in the path I’ve marked.” She handed the tablet in her hands to Aodhan, who looked it over with increasing confusion? “You do realize we will need at least two extra pairs of Fire Mahi and three farmers out of the infirmary if we even want to accomplish this?” Aodhan said sternly. “What is the big idea you have this time.” She grinned. “Just an observation that we might be able to save a lot of time and work if we let the lava do most of the pathmaking for us. All we need is to plow a little indent from east to north, and…” Agni’s eyes widened. “Yes, of course, brilliant idea as usual, Tiribomba!” “It’s worth a shot, I suppose,” Aodhan replied. “Get the workers on it immediately.” As the lava farmers assembled and began to toy with nature once more, they were watched without ceasing by the captain of the guard and his militia, all of which were bored out of their minds and yet also rather on edge. “Makuta always attacks when you most expect him but when you least can afford him to,” Turaga Vakama had once said, and Jaller had had plenty of time and experience to drive that into her memory box. Most of her guards were slightly less quick on the uptake, but even they understood that when Jaller told them to keep their eyeslits firmly planted on the Lava farmers at all times, they better not be caught reading the latest Kohlii journal or filing their armor. Of course, there was more to being a guard than simply spotting danger. You had to nip it in the backplate. And that was becoming an increasingly impossible task. “So, what if it’s another swam of Hikaki?” said Agni, who had never been very adept at strategy. “It won’t be. Most of them had their infected Kanohi burnt off, and its going to take time for Makuta to replenish them.” “But what if we’re wrong? What if they come back in full force and we have to use the last freeze disk? Then we’ll have nothing left but our guard staves and bare hands. I could handle about twenty, buy you a diversion of course, but then I’d be lizard food and you’d have to do recruiting again.” “Are you implying I couldn’t also wrestle Hikaki until my gears corroded?” Maglya interjected, feisty as ever and still treating everything like a sporting event. “Trust me, when you’ve done a 720 spilt over the lava falls, you’re not going to be a pushover against some overgrown scale piles.” ”Sister, trust me, he doesn’t mean any more harm than he ever does.” Keahi conforted. She herself was familiar with sports, but there was something about Kohlii that didn’t have such a detrimental effect on a Matoran’s nerves like lava surfing did. Maybe once you had spent enough time inches away from falling to your doom, you didn’t have nerves left to tense up. “Yes, I was only saying that I don’t want anyone to have to take my place like you had to take poor Lhii’s,” sputtered Agni. “Rather roundabout way to say that,” Maglya replied sourly. “Not as roundabout as your races,” Keahi interjected. The conversation then drifted into a long discussion of the 950’th annual lavathon, and if Jaller hadn’t been such an observant captain, she probably would have assumed that they were goofing off. In reality, this was just their way of coping with the grim circumstances the whole village… no, the whole island, faced. In the end, when a Rahi attacked or the volcano erupted, they would all serve valiantly in their own special way, and though she would have to work mighty hard they didn’t step on each other’s toes, she wouldn’t dream of giving up any of them to Makuta. If only she had been firmer in that conviction back when Lhii had still been third in command…. “Um sir,” the voice of Kalama, his second in command, rang out from the watchtower. “Does lava usually curve like that?” Jaller squinted her eyes and looked in the direction of Kalama’s pointing finger. It only took a moment to make a decision. A few blows of the seashell later, the lava farmers were scrambling away from the eastern flow, just before a large blob of lava burst out of the river and shook fiery liquid everywhere. By the time Jaller and the other guards has assembled down below, the blob had revealed itself to be something much more dangerous. “Ranama, wonderful,” Jaller said, her mask firmly plastered in her hand. “What do we do? They’ve never been infected before! How are we supposed to get near…” “Enough!” Jaller exclaimed, as quietly as possible. “We don’t know that its infected. It might have just wandered too far from its nest….” Her words were interrupted by a loud clang and a gloopy roar. Maglya had just thrown her guard staff at what appeared to be a kanohi-shaped indentation on the Ranama’s back. The staff stuck to the surface for a second, and then melted into slag, which merged with the Rahi’s lava coating. The creature turned around, its reptilian eyes laced not with anger, but with the suicidal determination of a creature whose mind was no longer its own. This is going to be one of those days. Jaller thought. Review Topic
  14. "How many did you eat?" "Four"
  15. David Wise is a legend among men, and this latest soundtrack may go down as his best ever. Nintendo should totally hire him to score all of their games.
  16. CyclonatorZ


    Here's a tip: you can actually play and enjoy the game without actually spending any money on hats. I've spent 400+ hours on the thing and haven't opened a single crate. I'm crazy, I know.
  17. This theme might be the most insane ever as far as collectability goes. Literally every original figure in the entire movie is either in a set or polybag or is tied to some other exclusive offer. And all the summer sets are mega expensive.
  18. Yep. Sometime before the site downtime, Greg posted a comprehensive list of all the major plots twist in Bionicle and detailed which ones were planned from the beginning and which weren't. Makuta being a species was one of the twists that was, which means that all the stuff Teridax said in early years about being the spirit of destruction and Mata Nu's brother was always lies. The topic is long since gone due to the dataclysm, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who remembers this.
  19. I too understand where you are coming from, even if I don't really agree with it. However, ascribing either the blame or praise to Greg for Makuta's nature in the later years doesn't really make sense, as it wasn't ever his decision, or at least his alone Everything from Makuta being a species to Terridax lying about much of his nature was planned from the very beginning, and most of Greg's writing from 2001 to 2008 (minus the serials) was just him taking the basic plot-lines set in stone early on and filling in the details. The mystery of the early years was filled with misdirection, true, but it was intentional misdirection, and since they were planned from the beginning, the revelations later on were not in any way retcons. That said, I kind of wonder if the storyline might not have concluded better if TLC had given 2010 a whole year and two waves of sets, or if sales hadn't declined and they had decided to go with the original storyline of Inika saving Mata Nui in 2008 but not awakening him, and then the Toa Nuva attempting to find the Great Beings starting in 2009. Though, I still think Greg handled things fairly well with Journey's End, all things considered.
  20. Continuity hurdle time! The official transformers wiki is finally starting to fill in information from The Covenant of Primus book, and easily the most shocking revelation is that: In other news, I'm pleasantly surprised to see that the garbage I previously posted isn't the main AOE toyline and isn't resulting in the cancellation of the Generations legend figures. Actually, all the Generation stuff, AOE or otherwise, looks pretty fantastic to me. This new multiple age brackets strategy may yet prove to be the salvation of the Transformers toy line....
  21. I can confirm that they are hitting other stores and regions: I just went to my local Tennessean Wal-Mart today and found Splitter Beast in the Lego isle.
  22. Welp, here we go again: http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/beast-hunters-and-generations-legends-lines-rumored-as-cancelled/29419/ If you guys are counting, this may be the second time cool stuff was canceled in wake of a new movie release. Only this time, the stuff potentially being canceled is even cooler.... ... and the stuff its being canceled for is... well... I don't even..... (That's apparently a deluxe. I'm dead serious.) On another note, the first toy I ever bot as a newfound transformers toy collector, Generations Springer, now can not transform without the head popping off. In fact, I can't even seem to fit the head through the helecopter/chest nose anymore. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Regardless, it's making me very wary of purchasing modern Transformers toys, especially the ones made in the last few years. Maybe I'll try Animated next time.... I always liked the look of those toys.
  23. Not to derail the thread subject, but this made me curious, so I decided to commandeer one of my old blog posts and conduct a quick experiment. And.... as far as individual words go (not site names), it's still pretty bad IMO. Seriously, the synonym for yank is still blocked.
  24. I totally called it making 100 million in the first week (not weekend), and now it looks like it might go way over that threshold. Here's hoping it stays at the top for at least a few weeks - I don't really see anything else coming up this month that looks like it deserves to snatch that spot.
  25. I'm skeptical about whether this will actually help the forum at all, but for those of you who are firmly opposed, let me just mention that it could be much, much worse. There is one forum I have lurked on (which I would never ever actually join) that has a whole set of ratings you can apply to posts, including not just positive ones like "agree," "winner," and "funny," but also "disagree" and "dumb." Needless to say, this combined with the forum's huge member base (much of it which is like-minded) results in the entire site looking less like a discussion board and more like a hive mind, where any dissenting voice is rated down into a pit and people can be rated sky high by simply agreeing with the masses and flaming those who don't. BZP at its worst can't even compare.
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