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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Illuminatus

  1. Dude, you're using one of my banners. I suggest you remove it, basically because it's too big. :P

  2. Illuminatus


    Neither have I. And you got two?
  3. Illuminatus


    Nah, you're just pulling our legs.
  4. Congrats there. :)

  5. Isn't that you on the Spotlight?

  6. LEGO's just lazy, I guess. If they can print titan set boxes, I can safely assume that they have high quality images of all the titans.
  7. I know what it feels like to be seperated from your friends. It's hard, but you can always keep in touch with them. Just look on the bright side, you're moving to a place you like, less financial problems and an overall better life.
  8. Ooh, awesome. =D

  9. Well, a good bunch of the people who made requests in my topic seem to no longer be active. I might need to cancel some of them. Either way, you're second on the list and it won't be long till it's complete. :)

  10. Illuminatus


    Sweet drawing you got there, bud. The proportions are very good. Perhaps I could've gone for a little more contrast, but that's something minor. Great job.
  11. Hey, good news. I might be able to fill in your request soon. :)

  12. When will people learn my name has a capital "C"? :P

  13. You look like you could use some more comments.

  14. Aye, ye be a lassie.

  15. But how? HOW did you manage to beat it with all those glitches? Unless you started playing it in 2003...
  16. Illuminatus


    But you're going to poison the poor little mice.
  17. I'm really sorry to hear that, Turakii. I know what it feels like to lose a pet. I'm sure she's in a better place.
  18. Dude, you're Russian. I'd have never guessed.

  19. Downloading it would be illegal now. :P

  20. Dude, look at the Member Spotlight. :o

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