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Jedi Master J.

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Jedi Master J.

  1. Hi, KD. I hope everything is going well for you at college. =D

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Jedi Master J.

      Jedi Master J.

      ...not complain really. And thanks. I should hopefully be sending those applications out this week.


      Ah, I see. So you went for a art major then? That's nice. And that class sounds interesting. What are you planning to do for it? Just wondering.

    3. Kanohi Dragon

      Kanohi Dragon

      That's always the worst, adapting to a new sleep schedule is not fun. I feel your pain though, I'm struggling to adapt to going to bed earlier now too. It feels so weird. Dx


      Yup! I'm Fine Arts, concentrating in Drawing. Not entirely sure what I'm doing for the class comic yet, but I'm leaning towards doing a sort of celtic mythology inspired story with a cu sith (it's like a demonic faerie dog type creature). Something along the lines of the 'monster...

    4. Jedi Master J.

      Jedi Master J.

      Yeah, it always a pain trying to adapt to a new sleep schedule.


      Oh, that's cool. Hm...It looks like some of what you were trying to say got cut off though. Maybe we should continue this PM since we seem be reaching the character limit here.

  2. Do you need something, sir? I notice you were looking at my profile.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Velox


      Actually very well...it's pretty much all ready; gonna post it up in a little bit.

    3. Jedi Master J.

      Jedi Master J.

      I see. That's good. Well, if you need anything else from me, don't hesitate to ask.

    4. Velox


      Thank you, will do!

  3. Hi, KD. How your winter break going at the moment?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jedi Master J.

      Jedi Master J.

      lol So how your summer going so far?

    3. Kanohi Dragon

      Kanohi Dragon

      I'm late again. >_<

      Mostly good, it's going by far too fast though. How's yours been?

    4. Jedi Master J.

      Jedi Master J.

      lol Its fine, KD.


      Well, that's good. I am glad to hear you are having a good summer. And yeah, I agreed it has been going by pretty fast for me as well.


      But anyway, this summer been pretty good for me, so I can't complain really. Especially considering I am getting to check out BrickFair for a day this weekend. So yeah, life been good to me this summer.

  4. I can't stop listen to TWENTY music, thanks to you. XD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jedi Master J.

      Jedi Master J.

      lol Well, I hope it pleases you to hear that I was able to play it today and I am loving so far. =D

    3. Kohaku


      It does! =D

    4. Jedi Master J.

      Jedi Master J.

      Oh, and I brought the music for TWENTY off iTunes as well.

  5. Hi, Kohaku. How you doing? =D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jedi Master J.

      Jedi Master J.

      Oh, I see. What's wrong?


      Well, I am doing good for the most part. Still trying to get back into the swing of going to school and work though. I am not totally used to it yet; although it is the first week of the semester, so that's not surprising. And well, I do not have anything complain about beside the public bus system being overly crowd at seven in the morning. So yeah, I would say I am good.

    3. Kohaku


      Sounds really awesome! I wish you luck with that. :3


      I've been out of work sick since early November with a Leave of Absence. V_V

    4. Jedi Master J.

      Jedi Master J.

      Aw, thanks.


      Oh, really? Well, that's unfortunate. I hope you feel better soon because it sounds like it must be mighty serious, if it has kept you from working for past couple of months.

  6. My review for you should be up either later today or sometime tomorrow, so be on look out for that. Apologizes for taking so long getting to it, sir.

    1. Ballom Nom Nom

      Ballom Nom Nom

      Alright; thanks again!

    2. Jedi Master J.

      Jedi Master J.

      Strike what I say earlier about today, I do not want to give you a poorly written review, so I am take a couple weeks to write it up (What can I say? I am kind of a perfectionist.) Again, I am sorry, Ballom.

    3. Ballom Nom Nom

      Ballom Nom Nom

      No problem; thanks for letting me know.

  7. I feel like I just torn a piece of my soul out today...

    1. Takuma Nuva
    2. Jedi Master J.

      Jedi Master J.

      Last I checked...I wasn't Michael Western. =P And beside, this status was just me overreacting about having to give up my standard font format here and well, I am over it now, so duct tape not needed. =P

    3. Hexann


      Duct tape XD.

  8. Hello, Toa Mata Pony. How are you doing today?

    1. Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Just fine, thank you. :)

      How are you?

    2. Jedi Master J.

      Jedi Master J.

      That's good to hear. I am doing alright at moment.

  9. Happy Birthday, Meiko! I hope you have a great day today.

    1. Meiko


      Thanks man!

    2. phinto


      mine is a worst... EVER!!!

  10. My review for you should be up either later today or sometime tomorrow, so be on look out for that. Apologizes for taking so long getting to it, sir.

    1. Janus


      No worries man, I appreciate the review in the first place.

    2. Jedi Master J.

      Jedi Master J.

      Strike what I say earlier about today, I do not want to give you a poorly written review, so I am take a couple weeks to write it up (What can I say? I am kind of a perfectionist.) Again, I am sorry, Janus.

  11. Hey, KD. How you been lately?

    1. Kanohi Dragon

      Kanohi Dragon

      Hey there! I've been super awesome, how've you been?

    2. Jedi Master J.

      Jedi Master J.

      That's good to hear. I been pretty good myself.

  12. I have just finished reading Part 3 of the Promise today. =D And man, it was great. Argh...But now, I can't wait for the Search trilogy to start, especially considering it deals with Zuko's mother mystery finally.

    1. Lyichir


      I liked The Promise too, although I personally felt Part 3 was slightly weaker than the other chapters. In part because it seemed to be trying to cram too much in, and as a result it swung wildly from drama to humor and back again. Still, I can't wait for The Search either.

    2. Jedi Master J.

      Jedi Master J.

      Yeah, I am kind of inclined to agree with you since it is true that part 3 was all over place when it came to the plot. However I do think this part did a great job at drawing the conclusion of Aang's story arc, which is particularly why I happened to like it.

  13. Happy Birthday, sir. I hope you have a great day today.

    1. Xaeraz


      AAAAAAAAAAAA JMJ THANK YOU SO MUCH you're too good for this world ;n;

  14. Happy Birthday, ET! I hope you have a good one, sir.

  15. Happy Birthday, Mister Sumiki. I hope you have a good one, sir.

    1. Sumiki


      Thank you very much, JMJ!

  16. Splatoon is so much fun!

  17. Happy Birthday, The Fourteenth Lakefish. I hope you have a good one, sir.

  18. Happy Birthday, Blade! I hope you have a great day today, sir.

  19. Happy Birthday, Arc.

    1. Cambion


      Lol. Thanks ^^

  20. Happy Birthday, JiMing! =D

  21. Fact of the Day: JMJ is mostly a loser with no life.

    1. Light


      My dude, don't talk that way.

  22. Happy Birthday, Mister Kohaku. I hope you have a good one.

    1. Kohaku


      Thank you! It was very fabulous!

  23. Happy Birthday, Mister Chols. I hope you have a good one.

    1. Chols


      Oh I will :3 Thank you

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