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Jedi Master J.

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Everything posted by Jedi Master J.

  1. Hey, folks. Sorry, it has been awhile since I last wrote an entry here. I have just been busy with my usual life stuff (Work and binge-watch stuff mostly. XD), so you really didn’t miss anything (My Twitter @BZPJMJ covers most of what you missed, if you are really that curious.). But anyway, last weekend I decide to start a “new” journey through Pokemon Red (3DS Virtual Console copy) and well, I figure I should bring back this theme of blog entries since I know there are some Pokemon fans here. Plus, I feel like sharing and keeping track of my progress somewhere since I am attempting to catch all 150 Pokemon in Kanto (Not including Mew obviously because there is no legit way of capturing it. I refuse to use glitches to catch stuff.). This is going actually be first time that I attempt to 100% a Pokedex, so I thought it would be a cool thing to share my progress on here. And well, if any of you are more experienced with 100%-ing a Pokedex, I would appreciate any tips you might have. Before anyone mentions yes, I am aware that I will need Pokemon from Pokemon Blue (Such as the other starters, the other fossil Pokemon, the other Fighting “Gym” Pokemon, Trade Only Evolutions, and Version Exclusives) to complete the Pokedex. I do plan to play Pokemon Blue on my old 3DS at a later point to do that. For now though, I am just focusing on catching and training what is available in Pokemon Red alone since I don’t want to juggle two Pokemon games at once (Although it will mean I won’t have an Alakazam till Post-Elite Four, which stinks since they are my favorite Generation 1 Psychic Pokemon.). But yeah, that’s my basic game plan for this run through of Kanto, so let’s talk about my progress so far. Really not a whole lot to share since like with most Pokemon games, I move pretty slowly through them as I like to level grind my Pokemon to be close in level to one another. I would say it is paying off though as I completed two evolution lines (Caterpie & Weedle Families) and I have all Pokemon available in Routes 1, 22, 2, Viridian Forest, and Route 3 (Not including ones from fishing and surfing obviously). Last time I played, I had my first badge and I was working my way through Mt. Moon (Only missing Geodude & Clefairy). So yeah, while I am not making the best time in the world (I have 23 hours logged and I only at Mt. Moon. This is definitely not a speed run. XD), I think I am doing pretty well at least when it comes to the Pokedex so far. Here’s what Pokemon I have so far (Along with levels & nicknames): - Bulbasaur, Level 14 (No Nickname yet, feel free to suggest one. Also this is first time that I have trained a Bulbasaur before.) - Nidoran [Male], Level 13 (Barney; It is a reference to Barney the Dinosaur from an old children show) - Nidoran [Female], Level 13 (Sarah; It was supposed be a reference to the Land Before Time character that's a Triceratops, but apparently her name is actually Cera. XD) - Rattata, Level 13 (Rufus; Kim Possible reference) - Pidgey, Level 13 (Zoey; It is a reference to the time that Yogscast Zoey was wonder-trading Jigglypuffs in exchange for Pidgeys in Pokemon X. I tried to be one of the people to trade her the Pidgey since I nicknamed a Pidgey, Zoey, in X too. XD). - Jigglypuff, Level 13 (Puffball; I couldn't come up with anything, so I just went with first name that came to mind. In hindsight, I wish I called them Kirby though. XD) - Butterfree, Level 10 (Anthony; Ant-Man reference, even though Butterfree isn't an ant.) - Beedrill, Level 10 (Wasp; It looks like a wasp, so I named it such.) - Zubat, Level 9 (Batman!; This is reference to the Zubatman short that I saw once on the internet. Although I went with just plain Batman since I didn't want to change it when they evolved.) - Paras, Level 8 (Toad; Mario reference) - Spearow, Level 7 (Iago; Aladdin reference) *** Besides that, I guess I'll share my thoughts on returning to Generation 1 so far. Now when I first heard the news about the Generation 1 games (Red, Blue, and Yellow) being released on Virtual Console, I must admit that I was kind of mixed on it. This was mostly because I had thought with 20th anniversary, they would maybe remake Kanto (again) in the "new" 3D style in celebration of the anniversary. Instead though, they announced Gen 7's games (Which I am excited for.) and the re-release of Generation 1 in a digital format (Which in hindsight does makes sense, it just caught me off guard as Game Freak had never done that before.). There's also the fact that compared to the generations that followed, Generation 1 (and 2 really, even though I love Johto) had a lot of glitches and graphics wise some of Pokemon look very strange. It also doesn't have as many of features that I like from the later games (Running Shoes, Better PC layout, Pokemon Centers and Marts together, etc). Of course, I am not say I hate Generation 1. It's just not up there as my favorite Pokemon game is all. I mean really if I did hate it, I wouldn't of done this with every Pokemon tune I heard in the game, while I played on Saturday. XD Still though, why did I decide to get Pokemon Red considering I was originally mixed about it? It was kind of combination of things really; the recent news about Sun & Moon and a friend of mines recently beat their first Pokemon game (Pokemon X) kind put me in a Pokemon mood. And while I could return to one of Generation 6 games, I decided that maybe it was about time that I try complete a Pokedex... And naturally that thought lead to the Generation 1 games as there only 150 Pokemon to collect in those games, so I figure I could start fresh there and use Pokemon Red as my baby steps for doing the National Dex in the future. That's about it really. Alright, that's enough from me for today. I apologize if this was kind of a boring read. I hope you all have a great day and thank you for taking the time to read this. Oh, and I probably try to do these Pokemon progress update entries once a week, if I can. But anyway, talk to you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2016 PS - I should have a blog entry up about the leftover BZP shirts (Which I mention a couple entries back) sometime this weekend. So if you are interest in one of those shirts, be on the lookout for that.
  2. She definitely up there as one of my favorite staff members. Keep being awesome, Windy. And thank you for everything you do for the forums. =D - JMJ 2016
  3. @Tyler: Code sent! I hope you enjoy the game. - JMJ 2016
  4. @Scythey, AZBlue, Iaredios, and Parugi: Codes sent! I hope you enjoy the games. @TMD: I'll take that as you approved that I am watching Jessica Jones now. I got say it is interesting so far and well, I am looking forward to watching more of it later today. - JMJ 2016
  5. Hey, folks. I brought the Humble Telltale Bundle recently and well, I have most of games that it had on offer already, so I figure I give away some keys. Here's the games that I have Steam keys for: - Back to the Future: The Game Claimed by AZBlue - Poker Night at the Inventory - The Walking Dead: Season 1 (+ 400 Days DLC) Claimed by Iaredios - The Wolf Among Us Claimed by Parugi - Poker Night 2 - Tales from the Borderlands Claimed by Scythey - Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series Claimed by Tyler - The Walking Dead: Season 2 Claimed by Iaredios - Jurassic Park: The Game So yeah, if you are interest in getting any of keys for these games, please do let me know. Thanks in advance. - JMJ 2016 P.S. - I just finished Season 1 of Netflix's Daredevil series. I got say it is interesting and I'll definitely be checking out Season 2 after I check out Jessica Jones since I been I told I should watch that first. Which I guess I probably watch first episode of that before I go to bed today. *yawn*
  6. I'll definitely miss seeing you around the forums, but its understandable. Best of luck with your future endeavors. - JMJ 2016
  7. @Iaredios: Yeah, I agree with you that they get too much hate. And well, I did enjoy watching them two weeks ago (Although I did enjoy the Marvel films more though.). My main issue really is with Dawn of Justice since I feel they rush too many things to set up their film verse faster. But anyway, thanks for birthday wishes. I hope you have a good day. - JMJ 2016
  8. Hey, folks. It’s time for yearly tradition of telling you folks how my birthday went today. Like last year’s entry, there is really not a lot to share since this is a week day, so it was basically just a normal work day. Well, I guess I should say it is a boring work day since we are so slow now that I am just creating a list of critical parts and helping a coworker review old hard copies of drawings. So yeah, things hadn’t been great at work this month and last month, to be honest. Additionally, my job hunt hasn’t been going well and honestly I am pretty doubtful of my chances of finding a job in my field after my failed interview (Its first interview that I had in 6 years.) in February. So yesterday wasn’t the greatest 6th year anniversary of working for this company. Here’s hoping that things will improve as the year goes on. But anyway, since there isn’t a lot to share about today, I guess I’ll make this a more general life entry. To start off, last week I end up watching most of Marvel Cinematic Universe films for first time (I seen Iron Man 1, Ant-Man, and Guardians of the Galaxy previously.). That was pretty fun and I definitely can understand the appeal of these films. I also enjoy them more than DC multi-verse films (Man of Steel & Batman v Superman) that I saw recently, which is saying something since I know more about DC’s heroes than Marvel’s heroes. Hm... I guess I’ll rank the films from favorite to least since I feel like sharing that information. Here’s the list: 1) Guardians of the Galaxy 2) Captain America: The Winter Solider 3) Captain America: The First Avenger 4) The Avengers 5) Ant-Man 6) Avengers: Age of Ultron 7) Iron Man 3 8) Iron Man 9) Thor: The Dark World 10) Thor 11) Iron Man 2 12) The Incredible Hulk And well, I like the films so much that I decided to give the TV shows a look as well. I am currently watching season 1 of Agents of SHIELD, which I got say it is interesting so far (Especially now that we caught up with the Winter Solider in the timeline.). I actually might finish season 1 today since I only got like three episodes left to watch. XD So yeah, that’s what I been up to with my free time lately; Binge-watching media as usual. XD I wish I could say I play some video games recently, but I hadn’t really play any since Stardew Valley (I was nearing the end of summer for Year 1) over two weeks ago. Actually I guess Miitomo & KHUx count as games. I mean I use Miitomo daily for the coins and KHUx, I try to get on it at least once a week. Although my phone’s battery life is suffering because of these games that I am considering maybe getting a tablet next month, so I don’t kill my phone as much. I am also having memory space issues since my SIM card is only 8 GB and I am not sure what I can delete to make space since not everything will transfer over to my micro-SD card. So yeah, I am probably going to be looking at tablets next month, so I can at least transfer KHUx over since that game is like 1 GB in size. That’s my free time lately in a nutshell really. I guess while I have you here, I’ll make some BZPower related announcements. First up, sometime next month I am going to set up a BZP shirt giveaway since I got a bunch of those in storage right now. So yeah, if you want one of Bionicle Raptor’s old BZP shirts, be on the lookout for that next month. I also got some other goodies, but I am saving those for possible contest that I might do during my BZP anniversary in July. So yeah, it should be interesting, assuming I get all details for that in order by July. Last bit of news is BrickFair VA related… I am probably not going to be there this year since realistically I am not ready to do such a long drive alone just yet. Its stinks, but maybe next year. *shrugs* Hm... I guess before I go, I'll mention what I got for my birthday today, so here's short list of what I got: - Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam (from my one real life friend) - Bravely Second: End Layer (from my one real life friend) - LEGO Marvel's Avengers (on Steam and from my one real life friend) - Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (on Steam and from my one real life friend) - Cake and Grilled Cheese (from family) - Cards (from family) Alright, that's enough from me for today. I hope you all have a great day and thank you for taking the time to read this. Talk to you later, BZPers. Oh, and thanks to those people that wished me a happy birthday. I appreciated it. - JMJ 2016
  9. Hm... I am usually not into mobile games, especially since I don't have a device outside of my phone to play them and well, I am already having to charge my phone daily, thanks to Miitomo. XD But it is a Kingdom Hearts game and I love the series, so I guess I give this a look. I don't know what union I would pick, but I guess could go with Ursus too, if you want to form a party. - JMJ 2016
  10. Yeah, I echoed Takuma Nuva here. A Piraka shirt sounds awesome. I know I would want to pick up one (Probably from leftover stock though since I will likely not be at any events this year.). - JMJ 2016
  11. Congrats! - JMJ 2016
  12. Jedi Master J.


    Happy Birthday, ~Shockwave~. I hope today has treated you well. - JMJ 2016
  13. Jedi Master J.

    Nervous stuttering

    Good Luck! - JMJ 2016
  14. Hey, folks. I thought I would pop in and give a quick life update. First off, I got a car! (Its a 2013 Honda Civic, to be exact.) And obviously I am pretty excited about that as I feel that it is going to open up a lot of doors for me (Job opportunities, going to places by myself, ect) this year. And well, I am now itching to like go places, which is odd since usually l just someone that goes to work and just go home and that's it. *shrugs* I don't know. I find it hard not to daydream about traveling places, even though I definitely need more experience on the road before I do anything big like travel out of state, ect. Actually I guess its not too surprising, I mean I was daydreaming about the stuff like that before I even had a car too. XD Speaking of that entry, I am probably going hold off on gym idea until I get a better idea what my monthly budget will be like. In other news, I got two of my wisdom teeth taken out last Friday. To say least, it wasn't a very fun experience (And well, I kind regret not going to sleep since my gag reflex acted up a lot... Mostly due my nerves to be honest. Only good thing that came out doing it this way is I saved $400; so yeah, my wallet is happy at least.). That being say (outside of first day), I am not really in any pain after the operation, so that's good. Really the only annoying thing right now is having to take penicillin since I can't swallow pills and penicillin tastes terrible. So yeah, that's not fun. Beside that news, I guess I'll mention that I got couple of LEGO sets. I got say the Ninjago one is really cool. I don't know the story for that year (Since I am couple years or so behind in story), but it looks really cool and that dragon was fun to build (Officially it also second Ninjago set that I own. XD Also I really hope I can get this one before it disappears from LEGO Shop.). As for BIONICLE one, I am continually impressed with the builds that we are getting with Generation 2 so far. I think my only complain about it is that torso gear function isn't as interesting as last year's swing arm gear function. *shrugs* Alright, that's about it really. I hope you all have a great day and thank you for taking the time to read this. Talk to you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2016
  15. Congrats! - JMJ 2015
  16. Hey, folks. It’s been a little while since I wrote an entry here, so I figured I should post another general update. Really not a lot has happened since my last entry. I mean I hadn’t really made much progress looking at cars since the snow this month threw a wrench at that idea, so I have only looked at one car (2013 Ford Focus) so far. Hopefully now that snow is clearing up some, I should be able to check out some others this weekend. And well, maybe by the end of February, I might have a car of my own. Not sure what I will do with that “freedom” once I have it, besides going to work, home, and stores by myself. *shrugs* I guess maybe go to a gym as I definitely need to do more physical activity in my day and I need to lose some weight. I am considering maybe joining the YMCA since it has indoor pool and well, I love to swim (I regret not swimming during my Virginia trip as it feel like forever since I have gone swimming.). Obviously it going to come down to the cost of membership and whether or not their pool is open for use during the night (and the winter), so I definitely have look a bit more into. Besides that, I guess I could use my car to attend one of PennLUG meetings (Probably the one in April) as I am still part of the meeting newsletter for that. It might be interesting to meet some local LEGO fans there. Although they look like they are mostly Town & Train focus, so I am not sure how well I would fit in (Especially since I am not a great MOCer). *shrugs* As for traveling out of state, I am not really at experience level to do that yet and I don’t have the time (Only get like two weeks of vacation a year, after all) to travel too far out of state. Really the only expectation to this would be going to Delaware as it’s really close (Like you don't even need to go on highway to get there.) and the stores there have no sale tax. Alright, that’s enough rambling about possible car “adventures”. Let’s move on to how work been this month. I would say it been going pretty well this month, especially since last week I was given permission to get some overtime since apparently we had been enough engineering work this month to warrant it. However while it has been a good work month, the snow from last weekend unfortunately caused a roof leak above my desk, so I been without my work computer since Tuesday. XD Thankfully though, it doesn’t seem like anything serious was damaged (Outside of some water damage on my desk and some trash documents being soaked.), although I am still waiting on news regarding my computer. Our IT guy seems to be of the opinion that my computer will be alright and should be back up on Monday, so only time will tell on its fate. So yeah, I have been playing music chairs for past few days. It been a bit of a weird experience to say the least as every computer has their own quirks to them and are set up differently (Both desktop wise and physical as the monitors are different sizes and are facing different directions, ect.). It definitely making me miss having my work computer. XD That’s about it on work stuff this month. I guess next I’ll talk about some LEGO stuff, although there’s not much news to share really. I got Rey & Captain Phasma Buildable figure sets at Target awhile back. To be exact, I got them on the day that I saw The Force Awakens for second time (It was just as good as first time. I would love to go see it again.). XD I also got a Star Wars book (Lost Stars, by Claudia Gray) based on Black Six's suggestion, which I need to finish reading that (I am on page 300). But anyway, Rey is my favorite build between the two sets. Besides that, last weekend I start sorting through my old LEGO Bricks. I think I made decent progress with that, although I am far from done. My ultimate goal for this is set up a organized system, so I can try to maybe experiment with making non-Bionicle MOCs, ect. Not sure how well that will go, but I am going to give it a shot. Alright, that's enough from me. I hope you all have a great day and thank you for taking the time to read this. Talk to you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2016 P.S. I got a Lucas Amiibo yesterday!
  17. Jedi Master J.

    winter plz

    Pretty much the reason why I would never move to Canada. XD - JMJ 2016
  18. So as title say, I have a driving test (First that I ever taken in the five or so years that I had a driving permit...) tomorrow... And well, I must admit I am feeling rather nervous about it, even though I do seen have been doing good the past few days during practice. Oh, man, I really hope I don't screw up tomorrow... In less stressing out news, I discovered that we apparently had some free movie ticket passes lying around and well, my sister wants to see Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (She hasn't seen it yet), so I'll be check it out again with her this weekend. It should be fun, especially since I still in such a Star Wars mood lately. *excited* (Reminder: You can suggest Star Wars media for me to check out here) Alright, that's enough of this random life update. Hopefully things go well with that test tomorrow... If not, at least there's Star Wars. XD But anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day today. I'll talk you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2016 Update 01/08/2016: Well, this year is starting off good. I passed the driver's test today!!! I am just awe-struck now... I can't believe it that I really passed the test. But well, I guess its about time since I had a learner's permit for like five or so years now. XD I guess the next step is to look into possible cars now, which is probably going to take awhile since I have no idea what car to even look into getting at this point (Well, I think of maybe looking at some used Ford Fiesta, so I guess that's a start). This is certainly going be interesting year now that I can actually drive myself to places now (once I have a car and insurance). Who knows maybe if I do go to BrickFair VA again, I could try to drive myself down, assuming of course that I feel comfortable enough on the highway to do so (I'll admit I doubt that I will comfortable do that by this summer, but maybe in the distant future. *shrugs*). But anyway, that's enough day-dreaming about future possibilities. Thanks for all the well wishes on the test today and for taking the time to read this. I hope you all have a great day today. Talk to you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2016 PS - I can't wait to watch Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens tomorrow. *excited*
  19. Hey, folk. Yesterday was last day of my work break, so I thought I should continue the tradition of recapping my break for you folks here. Although to be honest, it was really unproductive break from work (Like there was a lot of organizing and cleaning that I want to do, but I never got around to.). Still it nice though, especially looking after a rabbit for few days (I must admit that I liked having Coco around. It was nice having company.). Beside watching the rabbit during my break, I also watched through the entirety of Star Wars: The Clone Wars for mostly the first time (I should note that Season 1-3, I have seen before. Season 4-6 though were completely new to me though). And I liked it so much that I end up checking out Star Wars: Rebels for first time afterwards (I just finished doing that yesterday actually and I must say I am quite enjoying it.) and man, I can't wait for rest of Season 2 of Rebels. So yeah, to summarized, I been in quite a Star Wars mood for most of my break (Not surprising since I had seen the Force Awakens on 18th, which was the week just before my break started.). XD Really I am still in a Star Wars mood, so I love to hear suggestions from you folks about other Star Wars media (Comics, Books, Games, ect) that I should check out. Its doesn't necessary have be from the new "canon" stuff. You can certainly suggest something from the Legends canon, if you want. So far, I been suggested the following things to check out: - Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir Comics (Which apparently is TCW story) - Kanan - The Last Padawan Comics (Which is backstory for Kanan from Star Wars: Rebels) - Lords of the Sith - Lost Stars Uh, outside of that, I did some practice for my driving test during the break as well. I must admit part of me doesn't feel very confidence about taking it this Friday (8th). But well, I did do pretty good yesterday, so I don't know. Maybe there's hope that I will pass it. Although if I do passed, I have literally no idea on what car I should look into getting in the first place, so I probably be searching for months on that. XD *shrugs* Alright, one last thing before I go, I just want to apologize for not getting at least one gift for most of people on my Steam friend list this year. Steam was having some issues on the day that I trying to buy some stuff during the sale, so I kind of mostly avoided sales after that as it scared me. XD So I am sorry if I didn't get you a holiday gift this year, but I hope you folks had a good holiday. That's pretty much everything happened during my break. Like I say earlier, I wasn't very productive. I would ramble more about stuff, but I don't want take anymore of your time. So thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day today. I'll talk you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2016
  20. Hey, folks. Since its last day of 2015, I thought I should take opportunity today to basically look back on this year and give you folks my thoughts on it. Like last year, I am going to summarized it in a pros and cons list since I think that was pretty good method of doing it. Before I start though, I thought I would share really quick what I got during the holidays last Friday. It's not much really, but I don't really need anything. So yeah, here's what I got: - Two Pairs of Sweatpants (Black, Dark Grey) - Two Short Sleeve Shirts (Red, Blue) - A Black Pair of Work Pants - Two coffee mugs (From a co-worker, who is literally the nicest person I know as she had gifts for everyone at my workplace!) - A bonus check from work - A Target Gift Card from work (Which is 25 dollars...I have no idea what I am going to use it on.) - Tom Nook and Mabel Amiibo (from my sister) - Some cash from family - Steam Games (from a real life friend): Tabletop Simulator, Gravity Ghost, Polarity, LEGO Jurassic World, Shelter 2, Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, and The LEGO Movie - Video Game That's pretty much everything I got during the holiday. I mean I did end up buying later for myself, a second monitor (I been wanting to go dual monitor for awhile now. Mostly because of I really like that setup at work. So yeah, I got two monitors now.) and a TV for my brother (He brought himself a PS4 and well, I figured he probably wouldn't want me annoying him playing online shooters, so I brought TV as belated holiday gift.). Besides that stuff, I had a good holiday with my family and I had fun looking after a rabbit for awhile. Hm...I must say that I miss having Coco (the rabbit) around (She went to my brother's girlfriend's house yesterday.). It was well, nice having the company. But anyway, that's enough about how my holiday went. Let's actually get to talking about 2015 as a whole. So without further ado, here's my review of 2015: Pros - Like last year, I still have my job, which is something that I am grateful for. Especially since it been a tough year for my company since as mention before, our overtime hours were cut since we weren't getting enough work. Things thankfully do seem to be getting a little better though, so here's hoping 2016 is better year for my company. - I celebrated my 10th anniversary of BZPower and I got to share a pretty cool piece of Bionicle history from the 2000s. - I somehow managed to attend the convention days of BrickFair VA, which honestly I still can't believe that happen this year. I never thought I would get to see what things were like at BrickFair VA. I am thankful that my friend was willing drive me there and hang out with me for like almost a week. It was interesting experience to say the least. I got to high five DeeVee (Which was pretty cool), I got a painting of Lucina from Nuyaka, and I met quite a few BZPers (Lady K, Makuta Luroka, AT, Aanchir, Lyichir, ect). - I got to checked out the Zelda Symphony again, which was a fun evening in my opinion (Although we did end up leaving a bit early near the end since my friend wanted to avoid exit traffic). - I started to use my Netflix account a bit more and I am now into quite a few Sci-Fi shows (Star Trek, Firefly, Farscape, the X-Files, ect.) XD - Like last year, my family and I are still in good health mostly (We did briefly have a cancer scare with my mother, but it turned out benign thankfully.). - While not as in-depth as I would like (I would like to have seen a bit more world building.), I would say BIONICLE 2015 story did a good job with what it had and the story animations in general were pretty good. Beside story elements, I like what I have seen in the sets that I have (Pohatu, four Protectors, and Mask of Creation Titian set). It's nice to have gear functions back. - I managed to host another little giveaway here back in August and I think it went pretty well. I was actually considering doing one for BIONICLE Chapter Book #2, but I didn't really have time to set that up sadly. - I got to see Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens, which is my personal movie of the year. - Like previous years, I still have my one real life friend, so I hadn't completely been engulf with feelings of loneliness (Although I will admitted I did have a few moments of this at vary points in the year. But eh, that's life of someone that is terrible with people.). - Lastly, I have continued to make donations to vary charities and stuff throughout the year. Cons - As mention above, it hasn't been a great year for my work and I hadn't had much of any luck in finding other employment (Most jobs in my field are like an hour or so away from my location, which isn't an easy commute for someone that can't drive.). - Like previous years, I still don't have driver's license. However unlike previous years, I have actually scheduled for the test now, so that might just change next week if I am successful. So there's hope that I might be starting off the new year with a license. - BrickFair VA wise, I don't think I was as sociable as I could been and I feel kind of bad, not getting to say good bye to some people. *shrugs* I also tripped and scrapped up my arm and have vary of stomach issues. So while it was fun time, there definitely was some pitfall to the trip. *** Overall, I guess you could say that 2015 was mostly positive year for me. I mean certainly it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, but it could been worst. I guess next I'll talk about "goals" for 2016. Here are my goals for new year (They are pretty similar to last year's. XD): - Get into better shape / Lose Weight - Try to get my driver's license (Assuming it doesn't go well next Friday) - Get some MOCs ready to ship out to some of LEGO conventions - Maybe visit BrickFair VA again (To be honest, I am kind of fence about though as it is pretty expensive trip... That and well, chances are I might be doing it alone, so that's kind of scary. And well, I am pretty terrible with people...) That's about it for my goals. But anyway, I have kept you folks here long enough. I hope you all have a great new year and thank you for taking the time to read this. Talk to you later, BZPers. Oh, and Happy New Year, BZPower! - JMJ 2015
  21. Congrats! I am glad to hear it went well. =D - JMJ 2015
  22. Hey, folks. It's that time of year again, when I am off from work for about a week. Really there isn't much to report life wise since my last entry. I guess I'll talk briefly about work, although there is not much to report as things are still kind of slow there (as mention in this entry). So yeah, it hasn't been a great year for my company. I would say things seem to be improving though. I mean I had plenty of work to do this month (I currently have like three ongoing assembly projects going.), so I can't complain. That and well, I hadn't had much luck in job hunting front. Actually I guess that's not entirely true as I did have a company that was interest in possibly interviewing me. I have to turn it down though since it was a bit too far out for me (About an hour or so drive) and well, I don't have driver license. Even if I did have license, I don't think I am ready to move out on my own like that at this point. As well, I find the thought of being on my own like that kind of terrifying, to be honest... So yeah, that's how work related stuff been lately. I guess since I mention driving, I might as well mention that I have scheduled a driving test for January 8th. I must admit I am rather nervous about that... Hm... I guess I'll share my brief thoughts on Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens next since I saw it last Friday. Obviously I won't be sharing any spoiler related stuff since I don't want to spoil it for anyone. But basically I love it and I can't wait for Episode VIII. Honestly I wish I could go and see it again. XD Uh, beside that stuff, apparently I have to watch a rabbit for my brother until 28th since he got one for his girlfriend (She had a rabbit before), so that's going to be adventure. I also relate to her (the rabbit) on spiritual level about being nervous about new environments (She was pretty nervous on Tuesday. She getting used things though.). I was clearly a rabbit in a previous life. =P Oh, her name is Coco. Also I must admit I like having her company, so I'll probably be sad to see her go on 28th. That's about it really. I am not sure what I'll be doing with my free time this holiday break. I guess watching the rabbit, practicing driving mostly, and maybe playing a video game or two. Speaking of video games, I actually just finished a game called Aviary Attorney recently. I quite enjoyed it. It is pretty similar to Ace Attorney series, but a bit more involved in terms of investigation (Like you can actually miss stuff, especially in Case 3). I would say more, but I am reserving my full thoughts until they release third alternate ending (Act 4C). Please let me know if you guys want me to share my full thoughts on it here when that happens. Another video game worth mention is LEGO Dimensions. I got that last weekend (I hadn't had the chance to play with it yet.) among a few of the packs since it was on sale (That and the Best Buy Gamers Club 20% off thing apparently apply to it and figures, even though it was on sale already.). So I should probably check that out during my break. And well, obviously I am going to be playing Xenoblade Chronicles X during my break since I been itching to do that. Alright, well, that's all I really have to say here. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day today. I'll talk you later, BZPers. Oh, and Happy Holidays to those that are celebrating a holiday this week. - JMJ 2015
  23. Hey, folks. It’s been awhile since my last blog entry here, so I thought I pop in and give a little recap on what been happening with me lately. Really not much of anything. XD Just usual stuff; go to work, go home, do something with my free time (Video Games or Netflix generally), go to bed, repeat. That being said, this week I been on a bit of Star Wars kick for obvious reasons (I am so excited about watching Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens tomorrow at 3:50 PM EST), so I have been doing a marathon of the films since last Saturday (12/12). I actually just finished watching Return of the Jedi now, so the circle is almost complete. I guess since I am talking about Star Wars, I might as well share how I rank the films from favorite to least: - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back - Episode VI: Return of the Jedi - Episode IV: A New Hope - Episode III: Revenge of the Sith - Episode II: Attack of the Clones - Episode I: The Phantom Menance I should probably note that while Prequel Trilogy is lower on the list, that's not because I don't like them. On the contrary, I quite enjoyed them and I like how they expanded the Star Wars universe. However I do think they could been written better, which is why they are lower down the list for me. But anyway, that's enough rambling about Star Wars. I don't want to annoy you folk by talking about it too much. Basically summary is I am excited to see the new film tomorrow. In other news, I got Xenoblade Chronicles X a couple of weeks back. I am not very far (I am on like Chapter 3.), but I enjoyed what I played of it so far. Really I would probably be further in it, if I didn't get distracted by Star Wars last weekend. But oh, well, the game isn't going anywhere. That's all the noteworthy stuff that I been going on with me lately. I mean I could ramble about some other stuff, but I doubt it will be interesting to read. I guess I mention before I go though, I am considering maybe getting LEGO Dimensions since it seem like there is a "deal" for it now at Toys'R'Us. What do you folks think is the game worth picking up? I appreciated hearing any thoughts you folks might have. Alright, that's enough from me. I hope you all have a great day and thank you for taking the time to read this. Talk to you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2015
  24. Personally I rather like it. I mean it simple enough to follow and it provides me a good way keeping up on news about my interests (LEGO, Video Games, ect.) without overflowing my e-mail too much. I also like using it just share random thoughts during my day or to mention something that I am doing during my free time such as playing a video game (KH I: FM, Splatoon, Undertale, ect.), building something out LEGO pieces (Wall-E LEGO set, ect), or watching a TV show (Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, ect.). I am not a big fan of 140 characters limit, but I kind of gotten used to it since I been a member for like three years now. XD Oh, and there's some times giveaways there (I never won anything, but its worth mentioning.) Ultimately it depends on what you want to get out of it. I would hardly say you missing out on anything though by not having one. - JMJ 2015
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