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Jedi Master J.

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Everything posted by Jedi Master J.

  1. I am not very good at Smash. But it sounds like it might be fun to try, so count me in. - JMJ 2014
  2. @Dorek: I must admit the thought of playing it now certainly has crossed my mind a lot today. XD But yeah, the time is certainly a factor keeping me from it (That and well, work, of course.). I might have time to at least check it out tomorrow though, so there is that. @Necro: Well, to answer your questions (I assume it is about GC Controller Adapter.), I got it off eBay, which wasn't the cheapest method of getting it (Although I did go for cheapest one I could find, so there is that at least.). So I wouldn't recommend that method honestly, especially if Nintendo does make more stock in the future. Hm...I'll keep an eye for another one though. If I find one, I'll let you know. *** Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment here. I hope you all have a great day. - JMJ 2014
  3. UPDATED 12/12/2014: Well, I got my other package today! Its the Gamecube Controller Adapter! Looking forward to playing around with that this weekend. Maybe I can even convince my brother to try out the new Smash, if he is not too busy. =P *** Hey, folks. I thought I pop in really quick and share some loot that I got today. So yeah, here's what I got in the mail today. Woot! So as today, I have all of the First Wave of Amiibos (DK, Link, Mario, and Kirby are here. I gave Pikachu to my sister.), which is pretty cool. XD Hm...I am not sure yet if I am going collect the second wave of them (Although looking at second wave preorders does make me a bit worried that I won't find any of them, which kind stinks as I would like get at least Pit.). I probably I will collect them, to be honest. Oh, and I won't be keeping them in the packaging like this as I would like to use them (After all, they do give me someone to play Smash with when I don't have my siblings around.). Oh, and before I forget to mention I also got my copy of KH II.5 today (as shown above). Admittedly I probably will not be able to play it though until my brief winter break later in the month. XD I wish there was more time in the day as I would love to revisit KH II now (If you been following my blog for awhile now, you know I love overusing this line from it, "Looks like my summer vacation is...over."). Oh, well. It gives me something to look forward to during the break (And gives me chance to use that line again when that "vacation" ends. XD) Alright, well, that's all I really have to say here. Hm...I probably should note that I might be bumping this entry tomorrow as I do have one more package coming this week. I want make sure it works before I get too excited about it. But yeah, I probably update this tomorrow. With that said, thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day today. I'll talk you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2014 P.S. I'll try to get a Pokelog up this weekend. I kind of forgot I was going to write one last Sunday, so I am sorry about that.
  4. Hey, folks. Sorry, its been awhile since my last entry here. I been having a bit rough week as well, my grandmother (Mother's side) passed away this Monday... Its first time that I have lost a love one (Well, technically I lost my grandfather [Father's Side] before this, but I don't really count that as I was a 4 month old baby when that happened.). So like I say, it been kind of rough week for me. For those wondering, the funeral was yesterday. I thought it went pretty well for most part and it was a good sent off for my grandmother. Thankfully I didn’t have any stomach issues. Although I did feel quite emotionally drained after the service… Saying goodbye to my grandmother was very difficult. My only regret from the service yesterday was that I didn't wear my winter coat as that church and burial site was freezing. XD Also random note about yesterday, I think my grandfather, my brother, and I were like only people in my family that bother to wear an actual suit to service. I kind hope I don't have to wear a suit like that again anytime soon as man, wearing a tie and suit jacket is uncomfortable. It especially made moving the coffin difficult as suit jacket kind restricted my arm movements. But anyway, I am alright. You don't need to worried about me. Oh, and I should have a PokeLog written up about my progress last week later (I hadn't played it at all this week.). Probably I'll have that up tomorrow. Alright, that's all I got to say about this week. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day today. I'll talk you later, BZPers. And lastly, RIP Grandmom (September 1st, 1938 to December 1st, 2014). You are missed… =( - JMJ 2014
  5. Hey, folks. I am popping back into today to give you a status report on my progress through Pokemon Omega Ruby yesterday. To be honest, I didn't get much done (If anything, a lot of you folks are probably finished by now. XD). And as the title suggests, I actually play the beginning of this game twice as I kind decided to take advantage Pokemon Bank and use it to get all three Hoenn starters. XD I only had to erase my file once since I already have Torchic from giveaway during X & Y release. And well, I had bred like a bunch of Torchic in my X game, so I just sent a baby one over once I had bred other two starters in my X game. So yeah, I have three Hoenn starters now. =D Yeah, I know it is not that much of achievement really (Especially to you folks that have actually caught all 719 Pokemon before.). But well, I thought it would be cool to try out all three starters since to be honest, Generation 3 was probably the Generation of Pokemon that I remember least of (Probably doesn't help that it came after my original favorite Generation 2.). So in some ways, this play-through feels new to me. XD Really that's about it for what I played yesterday. I mean I hadn't really decide on a team yet, outside playing around with the three starters. I guess I'll mention really quick who is in my party: - Torchic, Level 9 - Beldum, Level 6 (Nintendo Network Giveaway one) - Treecko, Level 16 (He was at Day Care when he got to level 16, so he didn't evolve) - Mudkip, Level 13 - Surskit, Level 5 - Poochyena, Level 5 And yes, I hadn't nicknamed any of my Pokemon. I should probably do that when I find the Name Rater. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that I met Wally (He is such a cutie.). Actually I guess it is a given that I have met him. XD But yeah, that's about it for my first day in Pokemon Omega Ruby. I am not sure if I am going to be playing it today, especially considering I decided to start watching Star Trek: Voyager today. Hm...I don't know if I have mention here, but I finished Deep Space Nine last month. I thought it was pretty good and its currently my favorite Star Trek series. But anyway, to get back on topic, the next Pokelog probably won't be up till Tuesday, assuming I played it on Monday. Alright, I rambled enough here. I am sorry if this was boring entry for you to read. Thank you though for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day. I'll talk you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2014
  6. @Shockwave: I am not very good at online batting in Pokemon either to be honest. XD As for Smash Bros on 3DS, I do have that. Mind you, I am not very good at the game. But I wouldn't mind a match in that, if you want. - JMJ 2014
  7. Hey, folks. It been awhile since I wrote a blog entry, so I thought I would pop in today and give a little update. Really there's not much to update you folks on since not a whole lot been going on with me. I just been working and doing the usual stuff (Reading stuff on BZP, watching videos, and playing video games). Oh, and I don't think I mention here, but I am excited for BIONICLE 2015 (GEAR FUNCTIONS! Oh, how I missed them.). I will admit I am a bit behind of some news about it though. But it is on my to do list to watch all BZPower videos about BIONICLE 2014 during my holiday break next month. So hopefully I'll be up to speed by then and maybe I can comment in more detail about it. XD We'll see, I guess. But anyway, as the title of entry say, I got my copies of Super Smash Bros for Wii U and Pokemon Omega Ruby today. And I must say I am excited to play them (lol And yet here I am writing this entry rather than just play them already. XD). Hopefully maybe I can play a match or something with some of you folks at some point. EDITED: Oh, and I am bring back Pokelog on here, so expected to see entry about the start of my journey through Pokemon Omega Ruby tomorrow. Speaking of that, if you hadn't added me on the Wii U or 3DS, here's my friend code and Nintendo ID in case you want to do that: 3DS Friend Code 5412-9992-6542 Wii U - Nintendo Network ID BZPJMJ64 *** Alright, I think I rambled enough here. I am going off now to go play Smash. So thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day. Talk to later, BZPers. - JMJ 2014
  8. Name: JMJ Gender: Male Element 1: Lightning Element 2: Water Other: Tends to be a bit aloof and shy around other people As for role, I leave that up to you. - JMJ 2014
  9. Doesn't Iron Man live on the East Coast though? =P
  10. Hey, folks. As mention in last entry (Which I have deleted now since I thought it was a pointless entry since all I wrote in it was that I was going to Pokemon Symphony.), I thought I should pop in today and give a quick update for you folks. So yeah, I guess I’ll start off with how the Pokemon Symphony went. Well, personally I thought it was a fantastic event. After all, I got a ton of streetpasses (About 30 or so Miis in my Plaza. I could have gotten more, but some of mini-games like Spaceship one make clearing the Plaza take awhile.) and I got to listen to awesome renditions of Pokemon music. I also got to meet two awesome BZPers (Aanchir & Lyichir) for first time, while I was there. I kind wish I could talk to them more than I did, but unfortunately there wasn’t a lot of time for that. That and well, I don’t think our seats weren’t in same area (They may have had lawn seats since those are cheaper.). But anyway, the only really bad thing about that day has I got be the fact that my annoying nervous condition started acting up again (REF: BrickFair VA entry), so I unfortunately I threw up my dinner as soon as we got there. So yeah, that wasn’t great. But at least, I had the sense to get out of my friend’s car before it happened. I wish I could found a trash can or something though as unfortunately I upchucked on grass covered parking lot. *embarrassed* Before anyone mentions, yes, I know I should probably see a doctor about this considering how often it has occurred. And well, I planned to at some point... *sigh* … I’ll be honest with you folks. I kind of have a bit of fear about going to hospitals and seeing doctors. Mostly because I worried they will tell me that something wrong with me will require expensive surgery or medication. I guess my surgery fear comes from my childhood scoliosis appointments as I will admit I often worried back then that the curve in my spine would progress and I would need surgery for it. And well, the thought of being cut open scares me. *shrugs* As for medication, that fear is mostly because I am not good at swallowing pills and well, medicine tends to be expensive. … Alright, I think I’ll get off this topic now as I doubt it is that interesting to read about someone talking about their fears. Uh, let’s talk about my thoughts on BIONICLE returning. That’s a better topic, right? Where to begin? Well, I think it is cool that LEGO is bringing it back, although I do have to wonder what made them decide to bring it back now as it does seem odd to bring it back after only four years. *shrugs* Not that I am complaining, but I would be interested in finding out what made them want to give the theme another try. But anyway, I guess I’ll answer this question next: Would you want BIONICLE 2015 story to be continuation or reboot? Personally I prefer a plain old reboot as that way everyone could start fresh with the theme and it would make it easier on LEGO to make changes (Such as Gender Ratios) without worrying about past story’s rules. I think a continuation will just have too much baggage involved and it would confuse new fans, especially if it was particularly old fan friendly with it. Alright, next question: Do you plan on buying BIONICLE 2015 sets? That depends on what they are like really. I will admit I am not too fond of Hero Factory method of building (Mostly because from what I seen of it, there is not much to it as you just slap armor on a skeleton.). So if it is a lot like that, I might not be that quick to pick them up. *shrugs* Eh...Again, it depends really. I actually thought this year's Hero Factory sets looked interesting (Of course, I didn't buy any. XD I blame video games. That and well, lack of space.). So yeah, I am reserving my judgment until after I seen the sets firsthand. *** Alright, I think I ramble enough for this entry. Oh, wait... Before I go, I guess I should mention that I got Super Smash Bros for 3DS last Saturday. So if any of you want to do a match with me, feel free to PM me. But anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day. Talk to later, BZPers. - JMJ 2014
  11. Hm...I would say Walter (Blue / Amber version) is my favorite character from show. I always had a bit of soft spot for Walter, even though he technically is responsible for a lot of things that happen on the show. *shrugs* And well, I feel John Noble does a great job portraying Walter in general. - JMJ 2014
  12. *raise hand* Yeah, I am fan of it. - JMJ 2014
  13. Hey, folks. I am just popping in to finally share my pictures from my BrickFair VA visit. Sorry, it took so long. Apparently I had more pictures than I thought I did. I had like 797 pictures total. And I ended up throwing away 426 of those pictures, so I now only have 371 pictures. So yeah, that was a lot of pictures to look through and I didn't have time during the week to do so. But anyway, enough rambling, here are the links to the albums: *** NOTE: My pictures aren't that great and I did miss quite a few MOCs.*** - Bionicle - Castle - History - Micro - Mixed - Robotics + Technic - Space - Steampunk - Towns *** Alright, that's all for this entry. Thanks for taking the time to check this out and I hope you all have a great day. Talk to later, BZPers. - JMJ 2014
  14. @AT: Yeah, it was nice to finally meet you too. And eh, it wasn't that much awkward than meeting inside would of been. If anything, it was kind of easier on me as crowds tend to intimidate me (I am not really a fan of being center of attention.). Ah, I see. I thought it was Bfahome. Thanks for the information. And yeah, hopefully I get to check it out again next year. Only time will tell. @Zatth: Honestly I thought you folks were plenty friendly to me when I was there. I just regret not trying to have some small talk with you folks as I know when it comes to meeting people, I tend to be closed off and distanced (Especially when I am on my own.). So no need for you to apologize to me. You folks were fine. As for whole team nickname thing, that was mostly a joke since I kept repeating the phrase "Sumiki / Zatth group," so I thought I should come with a better term to call your group. You don't need to go by it really. XD @Bfahome: Ah, I see. I assume you were part of the group of people that Black Six talk to then? But anyway, uh...Hi again. I guess we kind of met. @Sumiki: Eh, again, no need to apologize. I thought you folks did fine greeting me and making me feel welcome there. Ah, I see. Its possible that might be the issue. I won't know for sure until I go to a Doctor about it. But I'll keep what you said about it in mind. *** Thanks for taking the time to reply to this entry. - JMJ 2014
  15. Hey, folks. I thought I should pop in and let you all know how the Saturday visit went. I actually meant to get this up sooner. But well, I was exhausted on the way back (Constantly thirsty for water), so I went to bed almost as soon as I got back from the trip. And on Sunday, I spent the almost all of my day reviewing photos before realizing that I had 641 of them to review and yeah, there was no way I could review all these in one day. So yeah, my pictures probably won't be up till this weekend (9th or 10th). I might be able to get Bionicle pictures up earlier than that though since I do have most of them organized in a folder already and I just need to do secondary review of them. But anyway, I guess I’ll start off by mentioning that I technically start the day off at 4 in morning. Yeah, I know that’s rather early. But well, I guess I couldn’t help it due to excitement as it is not everyday I get to visit another state. Of course, I didn’t actually get out of my bed at 4 AM. I waited till it was like 6 AM to head downstairs and get ready to go. And well, I was feeling pretty good like I wasn’t really nervous about the trip at all. So that was a good sign to start the day. Of course, it wasn’t to last as soon as it got two minutes from my friend’s arrival, I began to have the all too common stomach issues that I have whenever I go on trips like this. It happened at BrickFair VA 2012, Philly BrickFest April 2014, Zelda Symphony, Nintendo E3 demos. It always happens. Like at times, I have to wonder if my body plots against me whenever I get excited about something. It honestly something I need to get look into at some point. And well, it does play a bit of role in my fear of meeting some of you folks as I am worried that I might make a bad impression by possibly vomiting in front of you or worst… But anyway, after dealing with that (Which made me a bit later coming out) and taking some medicine to help ease it a little, I went out and met my friend in his car. Not much to say about the car ride up, beside that we took the toll routes this time around (Last time we manage to avoid tolls in their entirety.) and I was feeling like I might barf a few times during the ride up. I was actually kind of worried that I might barf when I saw AT since he did said he would meet us, while I was waiting in line. So it was a relief that barf-ness disappeared when we actually got to convention center. Speaking of our arrival, I got say I wish I was able to convinced my friend that eating lunch at 2 PM was a terrible idea and we really should have just ate lunch as soon as we arrived like we did in 2012 (We ate lunch at the Subway in Walmart last time). Oh, and I think we drove by someone cosplay-ing as MetalBeard, whom I think was a BZPer since I seem to recall someone here saying that they would be doing that. I didn’t actually meet them, but their cosplay was pretty cool. But anyway, after finding a parking spot (Which was actually almost the exact same spot, we parked last time) and running over to Walmart to use the bathroom (Again, we really should of ate there when we had the chance.), we walked over to the line for people that order tickets online and well, waited there for about an hour, I guess. Oh, and AT literally appear like six or so minutes after we got in line. I guess that's not surprising though since I did tell him that I would be there around 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM. So yeah, I met AT. I guess I made an alright impression (My handshake was probably terrible.). *shrugs* I probably should of introduce him to my friend. I am bad at this social stuff. Speak of my friend, he actually thought I had met AT before since well, I knew who he was instantly. XD I had to explain him that was first time I have met AT in person and well, why exactly AT thanked me. The "why AT thank me" conversation was interesting one to explain. XD Alright, so moving on from that, when we finally got in, we decided to go straight to Bionicle table since AT said the others would be waiting for me there. Of course, I didn't go directly over to them as I want to stay close by my friend since I didn't want to make him think I was going to abandon him to hang out with BZPers here (That and well, I'll admit was kind of nervous.). So yeah, I just follow along with him and took pictures of what was on display. Eventually we got over to Sumiki / Zatth group and I think either Sumiki or Zatth start the conversation (My memory is a bit fuzzy, I admit. And it was kind of loud at the time, so it was hard to hear.). And well, I greet them back and just continue on my way. I probably should of been more conversational and well, introduce my friend to them. But again, I didn't think about that, so I must come off as very rude. *sigh* I also should of I said hello to Meiko and Aanchir when I was passing by them to go toward Sumiki / Zatth group. But again, I wasn't thinking and just walk by them (Well, admittedly I was hoping they would notice I was here when conversation with Sumiki group started.). Oh, and I didn't give them the comic to sign since at that point, I was having second thoughts about that idea. (I also brought a bunch of TNG Miru in a Toa Mata Canister to give to anyone that sign it.) *shrugs* I don’t know… I thought the idea wasn’t going to work too well, especially if those pens, that I brought, weren’t readable on the comic. That and well, I may have been slightly worried about repeating what happen at Philly BrickFest by accidentally knocking something over when trying to hand over the comic. So yeah, I was kind trying to avoid making any contact with table this time. That’s also why I didn’t sign the Logbook right away (I didn’t sign it until it was time for me to leave.). Alright, I should get back on track. XD So after meeting Sumiki / Zatth group (Their group needs a name. How about Team Farm Animals? =P), we continued along the table till we met Black Six (for like second time this year.). He basically said to me, “JMJ, you can’t hide this time.” (I should have hid behind my friend or bag as a joke. XD Also technically I wasn’t hiding in 2012, I was there in plain slight. I just didn’t say anything and wait to sign the book at 3 PM, which was around the time we left. UPDATED: I just realize he was referring our April meeting at Philly BrickFest since I was kind of hiding behind my phone/camera. You win this round, Black Six. =P) Black Six then proceed to tell the group behind Bionicle table with banner that I was here. They greeted me and I said hello back. After that, I just went on my way and continue taking pictures of stuff. Really not a whole lot to mention after we left the Bionicle Table. I mean not say that other tables don't have cool stuff, they do have cool stuff. I just mean all I was doing at that point was just taking pictures, so I doubt that describing that in detail will be interesting. XD There definitely was a lot of cool stuff to look at. After all, I somehow have 641 pictures from this event. Its crazy and we didn't get to all the tables since our deadline to leave was like 2 PM (Last time we left at 3 PM. My friend wanted to leave earlier this time since last time we run into traffic on the way home. Of course, technically it was his fault since he was one that want to see a movie afterwards, so we likely would of avoid some of that traffic if we had left Virigina at the time we said we would.). Oh, I just remembered we did run into Black Six again briefly since apparently he decided to give me my reward for supporting BZPower BrickFair LaserTag thing. I am glad to see it was just the shirt. Thanks again for that, Black Six. (I'll note here that I did have another interesting conversation explaining to my friend, why Black Six thank me and gave me the shirt. XD) I hope you folks had fun at that LaserTag thing. Alright, so when it got closer to 2 PM, we start get ready leave since by then, our hungry and thirsty were getting pretty bad. Especially mines since I was so thirsty for water that I drank from that terrible water fountain again (It still the worst water fountain I have ever drank from.). So yeah, like I said, waiting to have lunch at 2 PM was not best idea, especially when the last time you had something to eat or drink was a light meal at 7 AM. Of course, before we could leave, I had to make sure that I sign the Logbook, which I did make my friend aware of. But I think when we did decide it was time for us to get going, there was misunderstanding as he had straight for the exit. I did try tell him to wait, but he did not hear me. So knowing that once I went out that door I could not come back in, I had to stop myself from following my friend. And well, I went over to Bionicle table one last time and sign the Logbook (I also drop my bag on the floor because I thought it would get in the way of signing it.). While I was doing that, Takuma Nuva came over and briefly ask how I was. I was honest with him and told him that I was dehydrated, but follow it up by mentioning that we going to lunch now to dismiss any possible worries. And well, I thought that was it for conversation, so I said good bye to Takuma Nuva and awkwardly wave at him. I mean it would probably would been nice to have maybe a longer conversation, but I knew my friend was going call me soon. Before I get away though, someone call me back over the table. It took me a bit by surprised, especially when I notice who it was.... It was DeeVee. Yeah, I totally wasn't expecting that. Although I guess I should of since I guess Black Six told him about my comic signing thing that I originally mention on my Twitter. *shrugs* But anyway, he introduce himself to me and I kind awkwardly said hi. I mean I wasn't really sure what else to say to him, so once it seems like he was finished what he want to say, I said my goodbyes and quickly rush for the exit. My friend call me just as I got there, so it was good timing on my part. After we reunited outside, we headed to car and check our 3DSs for streetpasses. We didn't get a lot this time around. I only got about 10 Miis for Mii Plaza (I later got seven more on the way home.). And I'll be honest we spent an hour messing with our 3DSs in the car rather than just go to lunch. XD And when we did go to get lunch (at 3 PM), we went to a Subway that was in a shopping center nearby rather than just go to one in the Walmart nearby. XD We really did a terrible job of following that leave time deadline. If it is any consolation, traffic wasn't too bad heading home. Our problem going home was more toll related than anything else since for some reason the way back had five tolls (The way there only had three tolls and they cost about $12 total) and they cost about $21 total. Well, to be specific, it was one toll really. We ended up in a coins only toll by mistake and of course, we didn't have enough coins to pay it (The toll was $1 in coins; we were 4 cents off.). So yeah, that wasn't great. We have been told that fine could be waved if we explain the situation in a letter after getting the fine papers in the mail. (For those wondering, I have told my friend that I am willing to give him the funds to pay the fine, so if it comes to that I will.) So yeah, that moment did spoil the ride home a bit. It definitely taught me to bring a bunch of coins with me, if we ever do a trip like this again. Along the way home, my friend explain to me what Data on my phone was (Note: My Phone is a TracFone.) and I got say I am kicking myself for not figuring that out sooner as that would of been useful to let people know when we actually arrived at BrickFair VA. So yeah, another lesson for future trips, I guess. Alright, the last interesting part of that day was that we stop by a Best Buy in Delaware since my friend want to pick up a copy of Ni-No-Kuni: Wrath of The White Witch (Unfortunately they didn't have a copy.). I ended up picking up a copy of HD Collection of ICO and Shadow of the Colossus (I got it for $4.99 since I had $15 rewards thing from Best Buy) since there wasn't any 3DS games available. And well, that was our trip. After we were done in Best Buy, we headed home and I pay for my friend's gas (Remind me never to get a Ford Explorer. Geez...Gas for that thing is expense. It was $54!). Not much else to say really. Well, actually I guess there is this question. Will I be checking out next year's BrickFair VA? Maybe. We hadn't made any plans for it yet. I mean I can't go by myself since I don't have a vehicle (Maybe I'll have my license by then. But still that's a bit of big trip to do when you are new with a driving license.). Beside that, I feel more confidence when I am around people that I am familiar with, so I don't think going alone is ever the best idea for me. *shrugs* Alright, that's all for this entry. I apologize for writing such a long-winded entry. Thanks though for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day. Talk to later, BZPers. - JMJ 2014
  16. @Meiko: Thanks for offer, but I am fine with waiting in a line and I have no intention of abandoning my friend. Beside that, I am leaving in about 29 minutes, so if I were to contact you now, you wouldn't even be able to get back to me anyway as I will have no internet access. @Sumiki: Uh... I'll try to say hi this time. Sorry. @DeeVee: Uh... Thanks for aheads up. I would of never guess you would be at BIONICLE table. =P - JMJ 2014
  17. @AT: We are leaving PA at 8 AM and it should takes us about 2.5 hours to get there. So our arrival time should be 10:30 AM or 11:00 AM depending on weather and traffic. EDITED: Oh, and we will be in line to the left since I brought the visit tickets in advance. - JMJ 2014
  18. Hey, folks. I thought pop in today and just remind you folks that I'll be checking out BrickFair VA tomorrow during the visitor's hours. It should be fun trip. Uh, I guess I'll tell you how to spot me, I should be the guy wearing a red BZPower shirt with thick glasses and an old Penn State bag (I have the bag to carry my umbrella since according to weather news reports, it going rain tomorrow. Its going be fun standing in a line in the rain. XD). I'll try my best to say hello, if I see any of you folks. EDITED: Oh, if I meet any of you folks, I probably ask you to sign this Bionicle comic. Oh, and I'll be sure to take plenty of pictures to share here later. Alright, that's all for this entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day. Talk to later, BZPers. - JMJ 2014
  19. Hey, folks. I thought I would pop in today and give a general life update since it has been awhile since I have done one. I guess I'll start by mentioning how my job been going. Its been going pretty good, I think. I mean I still have it, so obvious that's good. XD And well, business wise we have been getting plenty of work this year (It is a bit slow this month, but that usually how it is in July since the company does have a little two week shut down at start of it.). So yeah, it been good. I could probably ramble a lot about my job here, but I doubt it be that interesting for you folks to read. I don't really do anything exciting. I am just an office worker that handles database and planning stuff for the manufacturing of helicopter parts (Mostly hogout and sheet metal parts) in our machine shop. So yeah, probably not most interesting job to ramble about here. XD Alright, so moving on, I guess I could mention here that I finished Star Trek: The Next Generation last weekend. I got say after watching it, I can definitely see why people like Star Trek. It's a great series. I must admit though I was sad to see TNG end though. I am going to miss Picard and his crew. Speaking of Star Trek, I just started watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine this weekend and I got say I am liking it so far. (I am currently watching it as I write this actually. XD I am on Season 1, Episode 11.) Okay, I think I ramble enough about Star Trek here. Hm...Let's see what else can talk about. Well, Book 3 of Korra has been pretty good so far. I am a bit disappointed that Spirits hadn't been involved in this book's plot though. I mean I would expected them to play a bigger role in story since Harmonic Convergence occurred. That being said, I like the storylines for this season, especially the backstory about Lin's family. I would ramble more about Korra series, but I don't want to end up accidentally spoil something for people that I hadn't watch the latest season yet. So moving right along, uh... I was going talk about video games. I hadn't really play much this week, outside of Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Which I mostly went on to clean up Redbrook since I planning to try and get back into the game.). Hm...I probably should finish 999 at some point. I only like two ending away from 100% it. Oh, and I probably should start Edgeworth's Ace Attorney at some point. XD So many games to play yet so little time. Alright, I think I rambled enough about stuff here. It was probably a boring read really. I am sorry for that. Uh...I guess while I am here, I might as well wish BZPower a belated birthday since anniversary week ends today. Happy Birthday, BZPower! I hope the site lives to see another 13 years. Hopefully I'll still be around to see this great site continue to grow with time. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day. Talk to later, BZPers. - JMJ 2014
  20. @Ehks: 1) "if you had any farm animals would you make them wear silly hats" Uh, sure, I guess. XD *** @Lyichir: 1) "As for a question... want to play Kid Icarus: Uprising online some time?" Sure. I am always up for playing online with people. Just let me know when you are free is all, so we can make arrangements to play together. *** @Tekulo: 1) "Have you seen a 2x2 lego brick named Samantha?" I can't say I have. 2) "What is your favorite video game?" This is tough question to answer since I like a lot of video games (Its arguable one of my biggest interest as of late. I guess you could said it is filling the void that Bionicle left. =P). That being said, I am pretty terrible at beating a lot of the games that I have (My Backloggery is scary to look at. XD), so that I rules out quite a few games from the list assuming it is based on completion. (Kingdom Hearts, Ni-No-Kuni, ect.) Really the more I think about it, the more I am unsure of how to answer this question. Uh, can I get back to you on this question? XD *** @~Shockwave~: I know you didn't ask a question. But I just want to repeat what I said to Lyichir here, I am up for doing stuff online with you. Just let me know when you are free, so we can make arrangements to play online together. *** Thanks to all of you for taking the time to leave these comments. - JMJ 2014
  21. BUMPED 07/24/2014: Bumping since the AMA fad is back. XD So yeah, asking me anything, if you want. *** Hey, folks. As the title says, this is the third entry for asking me anything (See 2nd here and 1st here.). Basically you folks just ask me questions here that you want me to answer. Okay, that's all I really have to say for this entry. So go ahead and ask me some questions, if you want. And well, if you don't want to, thanks for at least reading this entry. - JMJ 2014
  22. Hey, folks. I thought I would pop in today and ask you all a quick question. Basically I want your opinion on whether or not I should ship these MOCs to BrickFair VA this weekend. Should I? I am mostly asking because well, I would like to hear your folks' thoughts on them before I decide ship anything out. Thanks in advance to those that take the time to provide with some feedback, ect. Oh, and if you want me to provide more photos of them, please do let me know. Alright, I guess that's it for this entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day. Talk to later, BZPers. Update 07/19/14: I thought I should pop back in and let you know that I shipped out the package today. I did take out one of them though (If you are wondering, its unnamed Ga-Turaga.) since I thought fishers64 did make a good point that it was kind of simple. I guess since I am here, I might as well share some "better" pictures (I say better in quotation marks because obviously my pictures are not going be that good since I am using a cellphone camera to take them.) of the MOCs that I did sent. So yeah, here's some pictures of my MOCs: Unnamed Le-Matoran with Bat Wings - Iso - Front - Side - Back Spaceship - Front - Side - Front with Stand - Side with Stand Ussal Crab - Front - Side Unnamed Po-Koro Rahi - Front - Side *** Well, that's it for this update. I guess you can comment on them, if you want. I know they are not that great. Hm..You know it is going be weird seeing them during my Saturday visit of BrickFair VA. Here's to hoping they doesn't look too bad with other better MOC displays there. Alright, that's enough from me. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day. Talk to later, BZPers. - JMJ 2014
  23. Hey, folks. I thought I should pop in today and share what I brought from Summer Steam Sale this year. So without further ado, here's my list: For Myself: - The Wolf Among Us, Sale Price: $8.49 (Normal Price: $24.99) - The Walking Dead, Sale Price: $6.24 (Normal Price: $24.99) Total spent on self: $14.73 Total saved on self: $35.25 For others (Gifts): - The Witcher: Enhanced Edtion (2 Copies), Sale Price: $1.99 X 2 = $3.98 (Normal Price: $9.99 X 2 = $19.98) - The Witcher 2 (2 Copies), Sale Price: $3.99 X 2 = $7.98 (Normal Price: $19.99 X 2 = $39.98) - Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary, Sale Price: $13.59 (Normal Price: $39.99) - Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (2 Copies), Sale Price: $14.99 X 2 = $29.98 (Normal Price: $29.99 X 2 = $59.98) - The Wolf Among Us (2 Copies), Sale Price: $8.49 X 2 = $16.98 (Normal Price: $24.99 X 2 = $49.98) - The Last Remnant, Sale Price: $2.49 (Normal Price: $9.99) - The LEGO Movie Video Game, Sale Price: $7.49 (Normal Price: $29.99) Total spent on others: $82.49 Total saved on others: $167.40 Max Total Spent: $97.22 Max Total Saved: $202.65 *** Well, that's pretty much everything that I brought for this Steam Sale. Yeah, I know I brought more stuff for others rather than myself. I can't help it. XD In other news, I am on vacation from work this week (Like usually since we always have a couple of shut down weeks in July.). I can't say I have any plans really, outside of work on making something for BioniLUG display for BrickFair VA. That and well, driving practice since I would like to try to get my license by November this year. Speaking of BrickFair VA, I don't think I mention this here yet, but I did buy visitor tickets for that. So you folks might see me on the Saturday visitor day (Assuming nothing comes up.). I try my best to say hello, if I do end up being there. Alright, that's enough from me. I hope you all have a great day and thank you for taking the time to read this. Talk to you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2014
  24. Hey, folks. Its time to announce the winners of my giveaway here. You all excited? Well, here are winners: - fisher64 - Kohila - SkullKid - Sumiki *** Alright, if you are one of those winners, you should expected a PM from me asking for address information, so be on the lookout for that. Oh, and I should be able to get these DVDs out by next week, so hopefully it won't take too long to get you. Well, that's all I have to say really. Actually since I have you all here, thank you to everyone that decide to take part in this. I really appreciate that since I'll admit when I first posted this, I wasn't expecting many people to enter. That mostly because I thought this giveaway was going end up like November Raffles, which not a lot of people enter in. (I imagine that article on front page definitely help this, so thank you to BZP staff for getting word out about it.) So yeah, thank you all for entering really. And well, who knows maybe I do another one of these at some point since this went well. Hm...It probably be a bit different though as I really like to make something more forum interaction and contest like than a plain old giveaway. XD Speaking that, do you folks have any thoughts or criticism on how I handle this giveaway? I would appreciate any tips on improving how I handle these things, so don't be afraid to share them here. Thanks in advance to those that do. Alright, that's enough from me. I hope you all have a great day and thank you for taking the time to read this. Talk to you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2014
  25. Hey, folks. As many of you probably know already, the LEGO Movie was released on DVD & Blu-Ray today. And naturally I thought a day like this deserve something special. As such, I am hosting a little giveaway here to celebrate the occasion. So without further ado, here is what I am giving away today: - Four copies of the LEGO Movie DVD Note: The DVD copy of the LEGO Movie does not contain Vitruvius minifigure. That's only available with Blu-Ray copy of the movie. ***GENERAL RULES*** 1) To enter, all you have do is leave a comment here stating "that you want in on the giveaway" and you will have an entry in it. 2) Please follow all BZPower Rules and Guidelines in your conduct for this. 3) The giveaway winners will be determine by random number generators or pulling a name out of a hat. 4) The entry deadline is June 24th, 2014 at 11:00 PM EST. 5) Post all questions & comments here. ***QUESTIONS*** 1) Is there a restriction on what BZPower members can enter? Like do they have to be from U.S. or Canada? Unfortunately this time around I think I will have to put in a restriction since I believe DVDs are region locked, so people from other countries, beside the U.S. or Canada, wouldn't be able to play these DVDs. So unless I am mistaken, this giveaway will be U.S. & Canada affair only. Apologizes to the members in other countries. UPDATE 06/21: It has come my attention that it is possible for people from other countries to play US region locked DVDs (See JrMasterModelBuilder's comment below). As such, I am updating my ruling here to say that if you have the means to play US region locked DVDs, then feel free enter in this. 2) Why are you giving away DVDs? Blu-Rays would of been better choice, especially since it has that Vitruvius minifigure. My reasoning for choosing to giveaway DVDs instead Blu-Rays mostly has to do with the fact that I was worried that someone might not be able to play a Blu-Ray disc, so I thought a DVD giveaway would be safer choice as it wouldn't exclude anyone. **ENTRY LIST** 1) dotcom 2) The Xinlo 3) fishers64 4) Bambi 5) Voltex Oblige 6) Ehks 7) Vorahk1Panrahk2 8) Kohrak Kal17 9) The Malicious Phantom 10) Ahktu 11) NuparuTheArchvisit 12) Bluest-of-Jayys 13) Lord Oblivion 14) kopaka's kool kompanion 15) Kohila 16) The 10th Rider 17) Indigogeek 18) ~ The 1st Shadow ~ 19) Click Removed from entry list as requested. 19) Regicidal Kaiser Manducus 20) CrunchbiteNuva 21) Kayru 22) Kapak Toa of Space 23) bluefish 24) SkullKid 25) powerjala 26) Eredar 27) Observance 28) Toa Smoke Monster 29) Renzari 30) TNTOS 31) PyroLizard Prime 32) Agent Fusion 33) CeeCee 34) Meso Zehvor 35) ~Shockwave~ 36) Liopleurodon 37) Toa of Dancing 38) Sniver 39) Kughii 40) TwistedLego 41) Sumiki 42) V-N 43) Meiko 44) Infamous Ironic Iguana 45) *** - JMJ 2014
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