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Jedi Master J.

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Everything posted by Jedi Master J.

  1. Hey, folks. Its been awhile since I have done one of these entries, so I thought I pop in and let you know how things are going. Really there is not a whole lot to say. Things mostly been same old same here (Wake up, go to work, go home, use free time in some way, go to bed...Repeat). So nothing exciting really (I mean I would talk about work stuff, but I imagine that would bored most of you greatly.). Uh... I got Splatoon recently, for those that might be wondering (Although my status message here probably gave it away quite clearly.). Personally I am enjoying it. Although I will admit in its current state, it is overpriced, especially if you added the Amiibo for it into the equation. So yeah, I can't blame some people for waiting to get it as it does feel like it could used some more content. Another game mode or two for online would been nice to have. Bosses in single play mode (Excluding Final Boss, whom I am currently struggling to beat.) could use some more difficult as well (Like third boss, I beat super quick. There was little challenge to that one at all.). So yeah, its far from perfect. But I am enjoying it and there is promise of future free updates (Which they have already introduced a new map and some weapons), so I feel at least somewhat justified in my purchase of it. That and well, I guess it is my "vote with my wallet" that Nintendo trying new things is a good thing. *shrugs* But anyway, I wouldn't say I am saying I am that good at Splatoon. I mean I am kind of afraid to try Ranked Mode since I became level 10, not too long ago. XD I don't really have a weapon that I am particularly good at really. Although I like using N-Zap '85 and Splattershot Jr, so I guess you could say those. Oh, and I have yet to use the Amiibo, so I can't really comment on those features. I don't really know how with friends thing for Splatoon works exactly. But if you want to play Splatoon with me, feel free (My Nintendo ID is BZPJMJ64.). I am sure you will crush me. XD *** In other news, I been discussing with my friend about BrickFair VA trip lately and well, trying nail down a bit of schedule for us since its good to be prepare and stuff. And well, I thought maybe I should ask you folks for some advice since a lot of you are veterans of this kind of thing and I am kind of noob with this traveling stuff. So yeah, I appreciate any advice. I guess write some general questions for you folks to answer, if you want. 1) Is there any particular event at BrickFair VA that we should check out while we are there (Outside well, the MOCs and the people)? 2) Is there anything outside of the con that we should check out (Museums, ect)? Alright, that's enough from me for today. I hope you all have a great day and thank you for taking the time to read this. Talk to you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2015
  2. Hey, folks. I thought I pop in again and let you all know all how jury duty went since I mention it in the last entry. I went in at 7:40 AM, which is early since its start at like 8:30 AM. And well, after finding my way around with signs, I went inside the right building and went thru the metal detector (First time I been through one of those. Put my book, keys, wallet, and phone in scan thingy.). Once that was done, I follow signs again to Jury Assembly and I gave my notice paper to folks at the desk there. After that, I start to wait for other people to show up, so they could start (I was like second person to arrival there.). I am glad I brought a book as I would been bored. XD Oh, and for those wondering what book I was reading, its "Sphere," by Michael Crichton. I actually had this book for awhile since I brought it after I enjoyed some of Michael Crichton's other literature works (Jurassic Park, The Lost World, and The Andromeda Strain). But well, I never got around to read it until now. I mean it was either this book or Star Wars: Survivor's Quest; which I admit I am not that familiar with all Star Wars EU stuff (Not that it matters too much now due to these stories being non-canon by Disney.), so I thought that one might cause confusion for me. But anyway, it was actually rather fitting that I start reading "Sphere" as apparently its about a three hundred year old alien spacecraft being discovered in Pacific Ocean. I say its fitting because I start about a month or so ago watching the X-Files, which has its share of extraterrestrial stories as well (By the way, I am currently on Season 6 of the X-Files. Although I still got to watch the movie that goes between it and season 5, so I am not exactly on season 6 just yet.). Of course, I didn't get very far into that book before we start filling out some jury paperwork (Basically a questionnaire and donation form to donate your jury duty money to one of three special programs.). I think I was on like page 26 (Yeah, I know you and my sister would been like halfway through the book with time I had.). After we finished that, they gave us a bathroom break around 9:40 AM, I think. And when we return (10:00 AM), they basically told us the case has been settle out of the court and sent us all home. So yeah, that was my first jury duty experience. I must admit I was kind of relief by that news. Not because I had a problem with performing my civic duty, but rather it was due my nerves finally calm down. I don't know how describe it really, but new things like this always get me work up. I guess because I worried a lot about screwing up and well, interacting with new people in general. (Which is why I kind of glad I won't be going alone on that trip this summer. I am going to need a familiar face to at least try to help keep that in check.) Oh, and they did count me being there as the jury duty being served, so I shouldn't be called until next year, I guess. Alright, that's about it really. I can't think of anything else talk about. I mean I hadn't really done any more work on spaceship MOCs (Did I mention those here or was that just on Twitter? I don't remember. XD), so nothing new to mention about them. Hm...I guess I mention really quick that I ended up picking a "NEW" 3DS XL. I must admit I wasn't planning on getting one this soon, especially since I usually don't upgrade my systems (If you want proof of that, just ask me about my original DS. I kept that system until original 3DS came out.). But well, since I would like play Xenoblade Chronicles 3D at some point in the future and Majora's Mask Edition of "New" 3DS XL came back in stock, I decided to get it early. I hadn't got around to using it yet, but it definitely seem like it faster than my old 3DS was. I am looking forward to trying it out with some games (Like Kid Icarus: Uprising as I am curious how it will play with second analog stick.). Okay, I think that's enough from me for today. As always, I hope you have a good week and thank you for taking the time to read this. Oh, and thanks again to those that commented in the last entry, I appreciate it. Talk to you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2015
  3. @Ehksidian: Well, I definitely glad I didn't get Grand Jury Duty as that's sound rough. XD @SPIRIT: XD Thanks for the laugh. @Vorahk1Panrahk2: Ah. I heard that from several people. So yeah, definitely bringing a book for sanity's sake. @Makuta Luroka: Ah, I see. It doesn't look like that be the case for me, unless they don't pick me. @Lyichir: Yeah, I actually saw your response to that before I copy that entry over to here, which is why I edited the phrasing of things in both entries as I want to note that I was aware that there was a chance that I won't pick for a trial. lol Yeah, I imagine if I said what SPIRIT wrote, they wouldn't pick me. I could not do that with a straight face though. XD Although to be honest, I don't really mind if I am pick or not (Well, my wallet cares...). I mean work kind slow this week anyway, so they couldn't pick a better week to do this thing. Hm...I think I'll add what you say on Tumblr here in a quote for reference. Its good advice. Thank you for all information, Lyichir. =D @Nigel Thornberry: Well, I am glad see I wasn't only one that thought to refer Ace Attorney in an entry about court. XD @fisher64: Yup, as I said above, I am definitely bringing a book as it better than staring into space for hours on end (Which if these "interviews" are done in alphabet order, I am definitely going be there awhile due to my last name.). @AT: Ah, yeah, I figured there was a rule like that about electronics. Alright, I am definitely just going to bring a book. Wow... I hope that doesn't happen to me. But well, at least they count it for you. *** Thanks everybody for taking the time to comment. I appreciated it and I hope you all have a great week. Hopefully things will go well for me tomorrow. - JMJ 2015
  4. So this Wednesday is going be the first time that I been summoned to be a juror before. I must admit I am kind of nervous about the idea of sitting in on a court case (Well, assuming they pick me for the case.). But well, I guess the Ace Attorney games have prepared me for it. *One of the Pursuit themes from Ace Attorney series starts playing* … Okay, speaking seriously again, I hope I do a decent job at it, assuming they pick me. I mean I don’t really know what involve with it, outside of a lot of waiting and working with the other jurors involved (Again, assuming they pick me for the jury.) and well, losing a day’s pay at work (Which means no overtime this week...) since the court only paying me $9/Day to be there. Oh and you have to go through some sort of interview process for them to see if you are right juror for the case. *shrugs* So yeah, I would appreciate any advice that you veteran jurors might have. Hm…I guess I should maybe bring a book or something with me, so I have something to do during the waiting parts. I would bring my 3DS, but I imagine that would probably be frown upon in the courts. That and well, you do have to go through a metal detector to enter the place, so I think it would be best not to carry a ton of electronic stuff as it means more stuff to keep track of. *shrugs* Again, I would appreciate hearing any advice you folks might have. With that said, I think that’s it for this entry. I am sorry that it was kind dull read. Thanks for taking the time to read it and I hope you all have a great week. Talk to you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2015
  5. Hey, folks. Its time for yearly tradition of telling you folks how my birthday went today. Like last year, I don't have a lot to say. It mostly just a normal work day really, although I was very tired today (I probably should gone to bed earlier yesterday. XD). So it wasn't fun or exciting work day, especially considering I am doing quotes and that can very dull when you are doing them for like 8 hours straight (We also had an issue today as our supplier's website was having server issues.). But anyway, that's probably boring stuff to mention to you folks. Hm... I guess I mention here what I got for my birthday as I got more gifts than I was expecting this year (I mean I was expecting nothing really. XD). So here's short list of what I got for my birthday: - The entire Professor Layton series + Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright* - Grim Fandango Remastered* (on Steam) - Knock-knock** (on Steam) - Cake and Grilled Cheese*** - Cards*** *from a real life friend (Its same friend that helped me take those day visits to BrickFair VA. And as mention in previous entries, he also coming with me for this year's trip to BrickFair VA) **from Voltex (Lucina) ***from family So yeah, it was a bit surprising that I got that much and part of me doesn't feel like I deserve it really. *shrugs* I especially feel indebted to my friend for getting entire Professor Layton series as last I checked, they were kind of expensive. I definitely going to need to come up a way to pay him back for that. Outside of that stuff and work, I would say I had a good birthday today. I mean I got eat Grilled Cheese (Which is one of my favorites) and I don't feel nearly as tired as I was earlier. So yeah, I would say I am happy with this day for most part. That's all I really have to say about my birthday. As a side note, yesterday was my 5th anniversary of being employed. I don't really anything say about that, beside obviously that I am rather graceful to still have this job. Alright, that's enough from me for today. I apologize if this was kind of a boring read. I hope you all have a great day and thank you for taking the time to read this. Talk to you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2015
  6. Personally I would like to see Johnny Thunder, Ogel, and Chase McCain (Possibly other characters from LEGO City: Undercover game). I would say Bionicle characters as option too, but I am not sure how well they fit in. I guess they could go with Minifigure style that they use for Hero Factory characters previously though. *shrugs* If they did appear, I think they should be Gen 2 versions since it only makes sense really. I mean Gen 1 characters probably would just cause confusion for newer fans that only know of Gen 2 and well, they would be LEGO's target audience for this, not old fans like myself. - JMJ 2015
  7. @TNTOS: Yeah. XD In fairness to the movie though, I think my expectations of it probably were responsible for most of my disappointment in it. Had I not watched the show first, my opinions might have been reversed actually. *** Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I hope you have a great day. - JMJ 2015
  8. Hey, folks. I thought I should pop in today and give another little update here. Although I’ll admit not a whole lot has happen since my last entry really. Just been doing the usual stuff during my free time, which for this month (March) seems be mostly watching stuff on Netflix and well, using Twitter to share random thoughts that I have. XD So yeah, this is probably going to end up being a very TV show related entry as well, I would like to share some of my non-spoiler thoughts on the shows that I been watching. I guess I’ll start off with Firefly since I mention I was watching it in the previous entry here. I believe finished that show about two weeks ago, so everything should be still fresh in my mind hopefully. To start off, I enjoyed the show, although I am definitely disappointed that it was cancelled before anything could come of it. It look like it would been interesting, if it had been given the chance. That being said, I wasn't a huge fan of follow up movie, Serenity. Not so much because some characters that I like died in it (Which I won't mention more than that for spoiler reasons) as I understood from story perspective why their deaths were necessary. It was more because the plot felt extremely rushed to me and as well, I think my expectations were a bit too high for it (I blame the great movie finale that Farscape had for that.). Of course, I am not saying I hate the movie (Serenity) as I like getting to see the crew again and getting some closure with mysteries surrounding River. And the "villain" of the film was also pretty awesome. So yeah, the film has a bit of mixed opinions for me. *** "I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar." *** Moving right along, since I finished Firefly, I kind out of the blue decide to check out the X-Files since I always rather curious about that show (By coincidence, it was on the day that Fox confirmed that they were bringing the X-Files back next year.). And well, I like it. It kind like FRINGE, but with more of focus on extraterrestrials and government conspiracies. Not sure what else to say really since I don't want to bored you with personal theories about an old 90s show. Oh, and I am currently on Season 2, Episode 14. *** "The Truth Is Out There." *** Alright, so the last topic for this entry is WIP MOCs since I got a couple or so in work since I decided build, while I watch the X-Files on Netflix. XD So yeah, here's some links to them: WIP Figure 1 WIP Figure 2 WIP Spaceship I am not sure at this point if I will be shipping all of these MOCs (when they are finished) on the convention circuit. I am thinking about it though, especially "new" spaceship one (Which I might sent along with its "sibling" from last year's circuit as I think they both look rather good together.) *shrugs* Oh, and I am thinking of maybe trying buy some LEGO light bricks as I think it might be neat to have parts of the spaceship light up. I am not sure how well that will go (Especially considering last time I ordered something LEGO related, I never got it. *sigh*), but I am going to see about giving it a shot at least. What are you folks' thoughts on them so far? Just curious is all. I know they are nowhere near as good as any of ones that are posted in BBC forum, so I am not expecting praise or anything on them. XD Well, I think that’s enough rambling for this entry. Thank you all for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day. Talk to you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2015
  9. Hey, folks. It been awhile since I did a little ramble here, so I thought I pop in and do one today. I guess I’ll start off by confirming (as I have done in the topic here) that I will be going to BrickFair VA this year. Hm…I guess I kind did confirm this in last entry by mentioning what my Brick Badge would look like. Although at that point, I was still working out transportation details. Now those issues have mostly been resolved as the friend, I took the Day Trips with previously, has expressed interest in coming along with me. And well, I have now registered him for the event and placed a reservation for one of BrickFair VA reserved rooms at the Holiday Inn. So I feel pretty safe now saying that me being there will be a thing. Hopefully my friend won’t feel too out of place there. Not that I am saying I am going to fit right in or anything. I mean I am not that good of MOCer (Just look at what I sent on convention circuit last year.) and well, I am a loser with terrible social skills. *shrugs* So I may try to see about checking out some other stuff, outside the convention, like museums, while we are down there. Oh, and we will be there from Wednesday (July 29th) till Monday (August 3rd). Alright, that’s enough on BrickFair VA. I am sure I’ll have more thoughts and stuff on it as we get closer to the date. I imagine my nerves will be completely shot the day before we head down. XD In other news, I guess I mention here really quickly that I finished TV series, Farscape, recently. I must say I enjoyed it a lot. I’m actually still thinking about it, even though I am happy with its conclusion. Well, the conclusion that isn’t the Season 4 finale. That one was literally the worst ending ever (I would describe it, but I rather not spoil things.). I am glad the fans of show were able to push the studio to at least produce a better ending by means of the TV movie, the Peacekeeper Wars. The Peacekeeper Wars was a great ending to the show, although I imagine it could have been even better if a season 5 had been a thing as it was originally planned. But anyway, thanks again to Black Six for suggesting Farscape to me. Oh, since I finished Farscape, I have start watching Firefly for first time since I didn’t feel like jumping back into Star Trek right away. I am currently about halfway through it and to put it simply, I am quite enjoying it. Although I am rather sad that such a unique show (It’s a Space Western!) only had 14 episodes to play with. It feels like it deserve more than that. Maybe that’s just me though. Speaking of Star Trek, I plan on getting back to watching that after I finish with Firefly. Although I decide to change my viewing schedule of it. Originally I was going to watch TNG movies before watching the Enterprise series, but it looks like unfortunately Netflix doesn’t have all of them available for streaming. So new schedule will be as follows: Enterprise > TOS (+ Cartoon) > TOS & TNG films I am probably going to see if my uncle has a copy of any TOS or TNG films that I can borrow since I know he is a big movie and TV buff. That and I am pretty sure he is a fan of Star Trek (I recall him having like models of the Enterprise and stuff.). Alright, moving on from that topic, I guess I can ramble about video games next. Although to be honest, I hadn’t play much video games this month, outside the Beta for A Hat in Time. I guess I’ll talk briefly about A Hat in Time. It looks like it is shaping up to be pretty good from what I play of it (I managed to get 11 of 14 available Time pieces. I have no idea where the first two are, but the third one is on a brutal 3D platforming map called, “Beta Hero Challenge”.). Its menu interfaces are a lot better than they were in Alpha. The camera feature is pretty cool addition (It may of been inspired by Link Selfies feature in the Wind Waker HD.). Oh, and umbrella hookshot is really fun to play with. I admit when I first used it, I thought it made you swing too fast (It doesn’t really work like Wind Waker’s hookshot does as in Wind Waker, you have more control over your swing.). But once I got used to it, it is really ideal way of getting around Mafia Town quickly as you can kind of like chain swing your way to places on the map. So yeah, A Hat in Time is looking pretty good. I look forward to seeing the finished product. It should be fun. Like I said, that’s pretty much the only video game that I played this month. I should probably play more of Majora’s Mask or any other unfinished games that I have. XD Alright, that’s enough on that topic. Hm…I guess the next topic is how my convention circuit MOCs (Dragon’s Head) are coming along. Honestly I hadn’t made any process since I have been waiting for parts for over a month now to arrive. They supposedly ship out two weeks ago, but I have yet to receive the package. So yeah, it has been on hold. Although I am starting to think the Dragon project is too complex for me, so I might just disassemble it and starts over with something else. It’s hard though trying to come up with something that moves or has lights *shrugs* Okay, I think that’s enough rambling for this entry. Thank you all for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have great day. Talk to you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2015
  10. Name: JMJ Gender: Male Element 1: Water Element 2: Stone Other: If element is water, he is an old seadog and the reluctant leader of his tribe. Wields an old fishing spear as his badge of office. If element is stone, he is an old stonemason and the reluctant leader of his tribe. Wields an old pickax as his badge of office. Role: Leader - JMJ 2015
  11. Jedi Master J.


    I got be honestly I would prefer to have been killed as I personally view my character as nothing more than a Red Shirt. XD Whenever I saw brief mention of my character, I kept thinking "Is this where I die? Oh, I wonder how I'll die," and then I live... XD Well, at least Alt-JMJ died, so there's that. - JMJ 2015
  12. Parugi! Congrats! I'll be sending you a PM shortly to request where to ship it to. I hope you like it. Oh, and thank you all for participating in this little giveaway. Maybe we can do this again sometime. XD *** In other news, I have made up my mind about those summer plans that I mention here previously and well, I decided I am going try to attend BrickFair VA in full this year (We will see how well that goes. At very least I'll have story to tell. XD). So I have started the registration process for it today and well, here's what I decide my Brick Badge thing will be. (Credit goes to Takuma Nuva for second Brick Name). Alright, that's enough from me for today. Thank you all for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great weekend. Talk to you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2015
  13. Entry Period is closed now. I should have results up in a bit. *** Hey, folks. I thought pop in today and let you all know that I have a GameCube Controller Adapter up for grabs (Mostly because the friend, that I brought it for awhile back, doesn't need it actually since they manage to find one themselves.). So yeah, if you want it, leave a comment in this entry. Oh, and to be fair about it, I am going pick who will get it from a random number generator. Also you have till midnight on Friday night (AKA February 28th [saturday], 12:00 AM EST) to leave a comment here. ***Entry List*** 1) Avohkah Tamer 2) Ballom 3) TNTOS 4) Obessionist 5) Parugi 6) Pomegranate 7) Major Alex Louis Armstrong 8) Baltarc 9) Brappy Hour 10) *** That's all I got to say for this entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this and may the odds ever be in your favor. Talk to you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2015
  14. Well, that's true, they are all difficult to find (Outside of well, the Mario group.). Still though, I would say you are very luck to have found a store exclusive one though as usual they sell out at release day (Which is always on Friday it seems. A terrible release day for people with day jobs such as myself.). And yeah, that's true. We will be getting cards. Although it definitely won't be same as having the figures. - JMJ 2015
  15. *jealous* Man, you are so lucky. These store exclusive Amiibos are such a pain to find. - JMJ 2015
  16. @Xaeraz: Well, that's pretty much the only airport that I was considering going to, if I did decided on doing the trip. (Especially since I recall AT mentioning last year about a shuttle from airport to hotel.) As for getting a ride from someone, I don't know if I would be comfortable with that idea to be honest. Which is why Shuttle ride is so appealing as otherwise I wouldn't be considering the trip as I wouldn't want to bother anyone to pick me up (Well, not unless there is a good bus route from there.). That and I wouldn't know anyone to ask anyway. Thanks for all the advice. *** @AT: Ah. Well, I would say I can afford the flight down there and back (And from looks of it, I might want do it sooner rather than later as price does seem to have gone up since I last checked.). It just well, a lot of money is all (Much more than a train trip, which amounts to at most $100 or so for round trip.). So I am more on the fence about whether or not it will be worth in the end as I know I am not very good with people. *shrugs* That and well, taking a plane trip is new and scary thing for me, especially considering I'll be alone. But anyway, I would be shooting for Holiday Inn as hotel option as like you mention that free shuttle bus from airport and hotel is super convenient. It would certain give me one less thing to worried about, if I did decide to do the trip. As for splitting the hotel room with someone to save money, I guess that's idea, although I don't really know anyone to do that with. That and I might not be comfortable with idea much like getting a ride from someone. *shrugs* Thanks for all the advise. *** @Lyichir: Personally I would like to think that will be the case, but I can't help the nagging feeling that I probably be uncomfortable around folks and very aloof, if I were to go there. Eh, maybe I am worrying for nothing, but I know I never been very good at being sociable, especially on my own as I won't have comfort that comes from a familiar face. *shrugs* But anyway, I appreciate the offer of a ride. However I don't think I'll need and I rather not bother your family with having to pick me up. Thanks though. *** Thanks to all you for taking the time to give me some advice. - JMJ 2015
  17. Hey, folks. I thought I pop in share some thoughts here today. It’s mostly thoughts about summer actually. XD Yeah, I realized it is a bit early to be thinking about summer. But well, these thoughts will probably required some planning (Such saving money, ect.), so I think it is good to be thinking about them now rather than later. So what about summer am I thinking about? Well, if you recall my New Year’s entry, I mention there that I was going to try to check out BrickFair VA a day again this year. Well, I been thinking about it lately and I am kind considering maybe attending the whole event. Although I am still kind on fence about it, so I thought I should post an entry to hear your advice or thoughts on the matter. I mean transportation is going to be bit of issue, if I do consider it, as I can't really drive myself there. So it kind leaves two options really, traveling by plane (Which is something that I never before and probably will be a bit scared about the idea) or traveling by train (Which will required me figure out a bus route to actually get to the convention or hotel itself.). So yeah, that gives me a bit of pause. But maybe it will be worth the trouble of having to figure stuff like that out. At this point, I am kind leaning toward by plane option since while it is more money (And honestly looking at the price makes wonder how people from faraway places (Like the West Coast) than me make there every year as man, it is expensive.) than a train trip, arranging transport seem like it would be easier there than at train station. I say this because the train option has me having the figure out the public transportation system. Additionally at least according to Google, it seems like I can't even get to a bus stop without a car, so getting off the train and preceding to walk the route to bus stop would likely take me through a highway or something (Either that or Google just didn't factor in walking in this Public Transportation route because it would be a lot of walking. *shrugs* I might have play around with that some more to see if that might be case.). There also time as factor as one of train stations (Which is closest one to there.) only has one route down there and I won't get there till 5:30 PM, which means I would have figure out public transportation there at night and add like two to three hours to the trip (Meaning I wouldn't get there till like 8 PM.). So yeah, not sure about that option, unless I go for station a bit farther down (Which has at least three train route options to choose from with some being in morning hours, so it could be a better route. *shrugs*). So yeah, I am leaning toward the plane option due to those factors. But then again, maybe I shouldn't even think about it. XD I don't know. It's just a thought and like I said in beginning though, I am interested to get your viewpoint since most of you know more about this traveling thing than me. With that said, I think that's about it for this entry. I would appreciate any advice that you folks might have to offer. And thank you for taking the time to read this. Talk to you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2015
  18. @The Xinlo: Eh...I am not saying I hate Voyager (I would actually rank it as close second to DS9). I enjoyed the show and its characters (Especially time travel episodes such as "Timeless"). I just wish that they could been more arc storylines involved in it is all. *shrugs* But anyway, it looks unfortunately Stargate and Babylon 5 aren't available on Netflix. I'll keep them on my mental To Watch list though, so if I ever get opportunity to check them out, I will. @Pomegranate: lol I wasn't planning on watching Enterprise last, so I hopefully shouldn't run into that issue. I guess I should mention here just for your reference: I will be watching TNG films first (It doesn't make sense really to watch TOS films yet since I know nothing of its crew really.), then the Enterprise series, followed by TOS, and lastly TOS films. Oh, and I guess I could watch the J.J. Abrams films after all that (Although I am not sure if I will like them or not. *shrugs*). @Black Six: Alright, looks like that one is on Netflix, so I'll be sure to check it out. Thanks, Black Six. *** Thank you all for taking the time to leave a comment. I hope you all have a great day today. - JMJ 2015
  19. Hey, folks. I thought I pop in again and give a little update since it been awhile since my last entry. Uh, I am not sure where to begin. I mean I hadn't been up to much really. I guess I'll just talk about my weekend since it still on my mind. So yeah, I managed to finished Star Trek: Voyager this weekend, which I was sad to see end as I did enjoy it for most part (Although I feel like it could been better.). Oh, and I can't say it replace Deep Space Nine as my favorite (I don't know how to explain it outside I just felt the story arcs involving characters were handle much better in DS9 than Voyager. *shrugs*). But anyway, I would ramble more about my thoughts on Voyager, but I don't want bored you folks. Before I move on though, with Voyager done now, I only got the Star Trek films, the Original series (+ Animated series), and the Enterprise series left to watch. I am probably not going to watch them all right a way as I don't want burn myself out on the series (That and well, once I finished them all, it means I have no more Star Trek to watch, which would be sad as I like the universe.). So with that said, I guess I should mention here that I am open to suggestions for checking out other TV shows (Preferably ones I can watch on Netflix since that where I been binge watching Star Trek.), so feel free to do that if you want. Alright, moving right along, I also managed to do some MOCing this weekend (Which if you follow my Twitter, you probably saw pictures of already.). I didn't make anything too fancy really. I was mostly experimenting with gears since the theme for BZP convention circuit mention lights and action. And well, I don't have any light bricks (Outside of Skakdi eyes, which doesn't feature an on / off switch), so I can't do anything with that. I do have two motors though from an old Dinosaur LEGO set, so I end up experimenting with those motors to see what I could come up to include a motor in a BIONICLE based creation. Honestly I can't say I had much luck with that as you can see in these two videos. XD I kept messing around with it though and eventually I start getting something that I kind liked as shown in this video (Even though what the gears did was kind of meaningless as all they did was spin. XD). Eventually it became something that kind looks like maybe a dragon's head (Here's a video for more a detail look of it.). So yeah, that was what built this weekend. No doubt you all have build much better than this as I am pretty terrible at this MOCing business. Oh, and I should note that I am not done with this "Dragon's Head" MOC. I plan on trying to build a body for it and maybe ship it out on the convention circuit, if I can get it to look good enough. Alright, I think I rambled enough here. I am sorry if this was boring entry for you to read. Thank you though for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day. I'll talk you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2015
  20. Hey, folks. I thought pop in really quick and let you folks know that I finally got around to building those BIONICLE Protectors sets, I got awhile back. And well, I think they are pretty good little sets. I really like how the armor looks on them (Although I am not a fan of the lack of back armor on the Protector of Fire and the Protector of Earth.). Also they all have some neat looking weapons (Although the weapon of the Protector of Water is difficult to pose with.). If I had to think of any complain about them really, it would be lack of a name for the Protectors. *shrugs* I don't know. I just find it a bit awkward to have refer to them as Protector of "Whatever Element," so someone can know which one I am talking about. I should note I don't really know anything about BIONICLE Generation 2 story as I have yet to watch or read any of media. So yeah, I am pretty clueless about that stuff. But if I had guess the lack of name for them is probably because the Protector sets are just supposed to be generic villager characters (Meaning they could be any villager in the tribe or whatever it is in this story.). *shrugs* Again, I don't really know. Its on my to do list to check out the story eventually. I just hadn't got to it yet. With that said, I like 2015 BIONICLE sets so far. I am hoping to maybe get a Toa at some point. I don't know which one I'll get. Probably Tahu, although I am open to suggestions from you folks, so feel free to do so. In other news, I thought I should mention here that if anyone wants a 3DS demo code for Monster Hunters 4 Ultimate, I have at least three codes that I could give to some folks here. So yeah, if you want it, let me know and I'll sent you a code. Well, I am out of codes now. Alright, well, that's all I really have to say here. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day today. I'll talk you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2015 *goes back to watching Star Trek: Voyager*
  21. Hey, folks. As per tradition, I thought since today is last day of my holiday break that I would pop in and give a little update on how it went (Admittedly I did work on 29th to 31st, so I wasn't off really the whole week.). For the most part, I would say I had a pretty good break from work. Although it wasn't very productive break really. I managed to finished Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth. I thought overall the game was pretty good and it makes wish Ace Attorney Investigations 2 was translated in English as I would love to play it. Also I must say that game's final boss have got to be toughest boss I have ever faced in the Ace Attorney series so far. Speaking of Ace Attorney series, I started Dual Destinies this week. Although I didn't get very far in it. I just finished the first case and start a little bit of second case. So yeah, I am not very far in it. I also have a bit mixed opinions about some of changes in it (Such as Phoenix's voice). *shrugs* I am keeping an open mind though and I still having fun with the cases, so those mixed opinions are minor annoyances at best. In other gaming news, I unfortunately didn't manage to play any Pokemon this week or last week (My little brother is now ahead of me in the game and he's only had it for like 10 days now. [i brought him a 3DS and Aqua Sapphire as a holiday gift.].). I did get play some Smash though and I did like two online matches. The first one I got pretty much destroyed in. Second one though I didn't do that bad in. I definitely need to train myself some more though. Hm...I would mention how much I spent on Steam Winter Sale here. But I kind don't want think about that. XD Let's just say I took advantage of it and be done with it. Also I wish I realized earlier that Winter Trading Cards expired at the end of sale as now I have a bunch cards in my inventory wasting space (I can't delete them.). I feel like Steam needs a trash can in their inventory system. But anyway, outside gaming stuff, I managed to watch a bit more Star Trek: Voyager. I am currently on Season 5, Episode 24. And well, I been enjoying the show (Captain Janeaway is pretty awesome.). Beside that, I managed to pick up some BIONICLE 2015 sets (Protectors of Fire, Water, Ice, and Earth). I hadn't build them though. Also I got the first three Books of the Legend of Korra on DVD (I got that as a gift from a friend.). I plan on binge watching them all after I get Book 4 on DVD. Oh, and I did some cleaning in the basement. It still a long way from being perfect, but I think I made good progress on it this week, so I am happy. I would like to get fish tank down here clean out by this month as it would be nice to have some fishes again. So hopefully even though I am going back to work now, I'll be able to find the time to do that. We'll just have to wait and see. So yeah, that's pretty much all eventful things happened during my holiday break from work. Like I say earlier, I wasn't very productive. I would ramble more here, but I don't want take anymore of your time. That and well, its late here and I should probably go bed. So thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day today. I'll talk you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2015 P.S. - For those wondering, yes, the title of this entry is KH II reference. I am actually playing little bit of KH II now as I write this as I realized a bit too late that I had forgot to play it during my break. XD
  22. Hey, folks. I thought I should take opportunity today to basically look back on this year and give you folks my thoughts on it. Hm...I am summarized this year with a pros and cons list since I think its best way to address the entire year without taking too much of your time. Although I make no promises that I won't ramble about certain things. XD But anyway, let's begin... Pros - I still have my job. This pro is kind of given as obviously I am going to be happy to still be employed. XD Especially since I am not in college and at this point, I really don't know if I am going back as honestly I don't feel like I am smart enough. And I feel like language and speech courses will destroy me. XD But yeah, I am happy to still be employed at this company (I been there about four years now.) and well, business seems to be doing good. Not sure what else to say here, so I guess I'll move on. - I met Black Six for the first time at Philly Brick Fest back in April. That was pretty cool. Although looking back I wished I didn't have a little panic attack after I signing the Logbook. You see I accidentally knock something over and try to put it back how it was. That was dumb of me as obviously I shouldn't of touch it. *sigh* I imagine I gave Black Six such a bad impression of me there, especially trying to hide behind my phone (It's my camera) when we first reach the table... - I also met some BZPers (AT, Sumiki, Takuma Nuva, Xaeraz, Zatth, ect.) during my brief BrickFair VA visit. That was pretty awesome, although I don't think I did the greatest job introducing myself there as I did miss Lyichir, Aanchir, Meiko, and vary of others there. I think the biggest highlight of that day though has got be DeeVee calling me over to him when I was leaving for my late lunch (I still have not sure how he knew who I was. I guess Black Six told him. *shrugs*). Kind of wish I wasn't so awkward around him though. That and I kind of regret not doing that comic signing idea as it would been awesome to have had him sign it. - Book 3 & 4 of the Legend of Korra series was pretty great, if you ask me. I mean yes, there is elements of it that I wish they could of done better. (Like it would been nice to have seen the Red Lotus group in Book 3 more fleshed out as characters, ect.) But overall, I like the series and I am sad to see it go as Avatar universe is pretty awesome. - I got to go to the Pokemon Symphony and that was pretty awesome (Although I did throw up in parking lot...). I also finally got to meet Lyichir and Aanchir since they were there too. =D So yeah, that was pretty cool event. My sister and I are actually thinking about maybe going to one in Baltimore next year. - BIONICLE returns with GEAR FUNCTIONS! Obviously it is happening next year, but the news was released this year, so I am counting it as part of 2014. =P - My family and I are mostly in good health. I don't think anything major happened to any us this year health wise. However my grandmother did pass away earlier this month... - I managed to host a little giveaway here back in June and surprisingly enough it went pretty well. I hope the people that got the LEGO Movie DVDs enjoyed it. I might do something like that again in the future here. - Like last year, I still have my one real life friend, so I hadn't completely been engulf with feelings of loneliness (Although I will admitted I did have a few moments of this at vary points in the year. But eh, that's life of someone that is terrible with people.). - Lastly, I have continued to make donations to vary charities and stuff throughout the year. Cons - As mention above, my grandmother died earlier this month, so that definitely has brought this year down some for me... =( - I still don't have driver's license, which isn't surprising as that been trend for past few years now. Hopefully next year I can change that. - Legend of Korra ended... (For what it's worth, I did like the ending to the series.) Especially since it means we probably won't see Avatar universe again in the future. Although the comic series does seem to be continuing next year, so there is hope. *** That's all that comes to mind when I think 2014, so I guess it was mostly a good year for me. I guess next I'll talk about "goals" for 2015. Here are my goals for new year (They are pretty similar to last year's. XD): - Get into better shape / Lose Weight - Try to get my driver's license - Get some MOCs ready to ship out to some of LEGO conventions - Maybe try and visit BrickFair VA again for a day That's about it for my goals as well, I am kind of drawing a blank on any other possible goals. XD But anyway, I have kept you folks here long enough. I hope you all have a great new year and thank you for taking the time to read this. Talk to you later, BZPers. Oh, and Happy New Year, BZPower! - JMJ 2014
  23. Hey, BZPers. I thought I should pop in really quick and wish you all a Happy Holiday this week (I probably should did this yesterday, but I was kinda busy celebrating the holiday with my family, so I wasn't at my computer much.). So yeah...Happy Holidays. BZPower! I hope you all have a great week. I guess, while I am here, I'll share what I got yesterday. Its not much really, but I don't really need anything. Here's what I got: - Three pairs of Sweatpants (Blue, Light Grey, Dark Grey) (Which I think is a pretty nice gift as I could use more sweatpants.) - A Grey Short Sleeve Shirt - Winter Gloves (Which will be useful for shoveling snow next year. XD) - A Light Green Pair of Work Pants (Again like the sweatpants, I certainly don't mind having more of those.) - A flashlight and some candy (From a co-worker, who is literally the nicest person I know as she had gifts for everyone at my workplace!) - A bonus check from work (You don't need to know how much that was. =P) - A Target Gift Card from work (Which is 25 dollars...I have no idea what I am going to use it on.) - Some cash from family That's pretty much everything I got. And well, I have a pretty good holiday with my family yesterday (Mashed Potatoes are best!). Not sure what else to say really, so I guess I'll call this an entry and post it. Thanks for taking time to read this and I hope you all have a great day. Talk to you later, BZPers. - JMJ 2014 P.S. - I still have Steam Keys up for grab for these games. Let me know if you want any of them.
  24. @Burnmad & ~Shockwave~: Steam Keys Sent! Oh, and Happy Holidays! @Kohaku: Steam Key Sent! Yeah, I know. I need to used my Backloggery more. XD Happy Holidays to you as well! @Pohatu: Master of Stone: Well, Steam is an internet-based digital distribution, digital rights management, multiplayer, and social networking platform developed by Valve Corporation. Hm...Based on your profile, looks like you must be familiar with them as you have played Team Fortress 2. But anyway, Humble Bundle is a site that has series of collections ("bundles") of digital creations that are sold and distributed online at a price determined by the purchaser. Often a portion of the sales also go to charity. (In case of the Yogscast Jingle Jam bundle, all sales goes to the charities in question.) Now often they sell these games with a key to download through the Steam service. A key is basically used to give a Steam user the rights to download and play the game through the Steam service. Does that make sense to you? Hm...I guess I should use an example. So let's say you wanted the Steam Key for Thomas Was Alone. In order for me to sent you that Steam Key, I have to get create a gift link on Humble Bundle site. Once I have that link, I can give it to you and Humble Bundle will ask you for an email address, so that they can created a personal downloads page for you. Once you get their email, you just have to go to that downloads page, click on the Steam Icon, log into Steam, give permission to accept the key from Humble Bundle, and then you just download the game from Steam. I hope that makes sense to you. *** Thanks to all of you for taking the time to leave a comment. I hope you all have a great week. - JMJ 2014
  25. Hey, folks. I thought I pop in today and let you all know that I am on holiday break from work now. That's pretty cool. It means i have more time to check out stuff here (Such as BIONICLE 2015 stuff, which I only really taken a brief view of.) and do other stuff (Video Games, ect.). But yeah, you might see me around here a bit more. *shrugs* To be honest, I don't really have definite plans for my free time this week. Like right now, I just been watching a bunch Star Trek: Voyager on Netflix (I just finished season 3 and I am currently on season 4, episode 4.). XD Hm...I probably should continue my Pokemon journey through Omega Ruby, which I hadn't played since the week...my grandmother passed away... But yeah, uh... I probably should continue that. Oh, and for those wondering how much progress I made in it before that week, I was only up to second gym. So yeah, not a lot of progress. I am pretty sure all of you have beaten it by now. XD Speaking of games, last weekend I decided to continue Ace Attorney: Investigations. I ended finishing Case 3 and I am probably going start Case 4 this week. And who knows, maybe I'll beat the game this week too. XD That would be nice. It give me a reason to update my Backloggery. Of course, buying games for myself in the Steam Sale isn't exactly helping that backlog. XD Speaking of Steam games, does anyone want these Steam keys: - Bridge Constructor - Magicka + Dungeons and Daemons DLC - Magicka: Wizard Wars - Yogscast Tippin' Unique Item - Cities in Motion 2 - Ace of Spades: Battle Builder > Sent to Meiko - Thomas Was Alone (I actually I have played this one before. And if I am not mistaken, I did beat it. Its pretty cool simple 2D platformer. I recommend if you like platformers and it seems like it could run on most computers. It ran on my old one and that just have standard graphic card from 2008) - Mark of the Ninja > Sent to Burnmad - Montas (Early Access) - Stronghold Crusader HD - Swords and Soldiers HD - NiGHTS Into Dreams > Sent to Kohaku - Strike Suit Infinity > Sent to ~Shockwave~ - Call of Juarez I got the keys from the Humble Bundle for "Yogscast Jingle Jam" this month and well, I didn't really donate for games, so I thought maybe you folks might want them. If you do, let me know and I'll sent you over a key code through PM here. Moving on, my last gaming thought is I am probably going start KH II.5 this week since well, I been itching to play it (And well, it also helps that I finally beat Dream Drop Distance recently. Yes, I know what took me so long to do that. I really don't have any good excuse for not beating it sooner.). Oh, and I'll try to play some Smash as I have been neglecting it. XD So yeah, I guess I have some ideas on how to use my free time this week. I doubt I'll do all of them, especially since I am sure I can think of plenty of other stuff. But well, we will just have to wait and see. Alright, well, that's all I really have to say here. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day today. I'll talk you later, BZPers. Oh, and Happy Holidays to those that are celebrating a holiday this week. - JMJ 2014
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