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Jedi Master J.

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Blog Entries posted by Jedi Master J.

  1. Jedi Master J.
    Heya, BZPers! How are you guys today? I would hope good considering today is the best day ever.
    Well, it is for me at least. And why this? Because my instructor of that course, I mention two entries ago, told me we did not have to make those labs up after all, so now all I have to do is wait for him to put in the grades. YES!! This totally made my day. Not only that, but I did not have my night course tonight. Of course, I did not figure that out until it was too late to get bus ride home. Luckly though, someone else did not know about us not having class, so I got a ride home from them. So yeah, not even that fact can bring this day down for me.
    Anyway, beside those things that happen today, I also was able to play some Pokemon Black today. I did not get very though since I did kind of have a busy day, so obviously I do not have anything to really comment on. I will say this though the random encounter rate in Chargestone Cave is ridiulous and actually annoyed me enough to use repels a few times there. Also that hiker outside is a liar, this cave is maze, not a straight path as he said.
    Outside of Pokemon Black, I got to use my Dazzle for first time to translate one of the old VHS tape from my sister's babyhood into a digtial format. The VHS was from my sister's first Birthday and man, there was a lot of relatives in it that I have not seen in years or at all. For example, I do not recall ever seeing Uncle John's kids ever during my childhood and here was one of them was in the video here.
    I don't know why, but I find it interesting to think about how my family as a whole has gradually dissocial with one another over the years due to disagreements among other things. *shrugs* Alright, moving away from that topic, I also translate my lone childhood video showing my Christening (For those that don't know, a Christening is basically just another way of saying baptism.) as kind of the test bed for the whole translating process to digital format.
    So now, I have two videos on my computer just waiting for rest of my sister's childhood videos to join them because once I have those, I will be string these togther to give to my father in a DVD. I might even format it if I am really feeling up for it.
    I think that everything I really feel like mentioning here, so thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you all enjoy your best day ever! Good Night, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  2. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in for a bit to give you all an update of sort. And well, it is going to be kind of a short entry since I do not have the time right now to write a huge entry. I wish I did though as I have a lot of topics that I think might be worth mentioning here (And yes, some of them are LEGO and BZPower related. ).
    But anyway, let's get back on topic, shall we? Oh, but what is our topic, you say? Well, it is mainly just me mentioning some stuff that I did on my 3DS. Yeah, I know that's not most exciting information to write about here. But considering I am pressed for time right now, it is about the shortest topic for me to deal with at this point.
    So then, what did I do on the 3DS that worth mentioning here? I beat Find Mii for the first time with about 74 streetpass tags under my belt. I also did not use a single play coin in this game's playthrough, so I feel pretty good about that fact (My play coins are also at the cap limit of 300. In addition, I have not use a single play coin in Puzzle Swap either, although I am still a long way from getting all the puzzles done for that one.).
    At same time though, I am kind of annoyed that three Miis, I collected today, were not used because the game was beaten before they shown up in the battle and they were unable to be use when I restart Find Mii. I end up making up for their absense by collecting three more Miis during another walk about my school. That and I got a bonus Mii from Spotpassing today (Which I believe was sent out yesterday since that was 27th.), so I made some progress on the second playthrough of Find Mii. Oh, and by the way, the bonus Mii was Reggie, which I believe Nintendo of America send out to all 3DS users yesterday as an anniversary gift for 3DS turning one.
    In other 3DS news, I been playing a lot of Kid Icarus during my downtimes at school and I think might be close to beating the game on nomal mode (lol I imagine that people streetpassing with me at school probably hate that I am playing game right now on normal only.). If that is the case, I will likely write up a review entry here at some point, so I am not going to talk about it much in this entry. I do like the game so far though and I have every intention of play the game at its higher difficult levels later.
    And that's about it for my 3DS talk here. Before I move on though, I just want to mention that I will be posting a Pokemon Black Playthrough Entry later this week for those that like reading those entries. If I had to guess, the entry should be up Sunday.
    Alright, with that out of way, I have a brief life annoyance to vent here. Now I do not know how long a lot of you have been following this here blog, but I mention awhile back that an instructor of mines never pull the grade in for a class that I took last semester. Well, guess what? It is still not in and he tell me and others in the course that we are missing lab reports.
    Argh...ARE YOU SERIOUS, DUDE? I came to him at the near the begin of this semester and ask him, "What are we missing?" with his answer along lines of, "I just had not finish grading the finals yet. The grades should be in there within a week after the paperwork been filed." A few weeks later, I come to office just as another student from my class is there to find out what the problem is and you know what he say, "Oh, it turns out after looking over your work submitted to me that I am missing some of your lab reports. So until I get those from you, you won't be getting the grade." WHAT? This semester is almost over and you decide to tell me this now. Seriously?
    To make matters worse, my partner is insisting that he turn it in already, that he does not have another copy of his lab reports, and that instructor must of lost it. So now I am going to have to go through the trouble of scheduling to redo the labs (which might required me to take off work to do) with this instructor and my partner...
    Okay, I think I might of went a little overboard with this rant. Sorry about that, folks. I am just so annoyed by the lack of communication and organization from this instructor since if this grade does not get submit by the end of this semester, then it will be like I never took the course and I do not want to take an extra extra semester. So yeah, I hope you all understand why I am kind of peeved here.
    With that say, I am going to end this entry and call it a night. Good Night, BZPers. (And yes, I know this entry is long. Although if it weren't for the rant, this entry would of been short.)

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  3. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am just popping to tell you all that I can't wait to play Kid Icarus, which should be arriving at my home tomorrow according to Amazon.
    Unfortunately this could mean I might have to put my playthrough of Pokemon Black on the backburner of things as I probably end up playing this game at school during my downtimes there. Then again, I think the game might be little too distracting to bring with me to school, so Pokemon Black might still be the carry-on game for those downtimes.
    But anyway, I got a question for you all. Who here is also getting Kid Icarus? Just wondering as it would be kind of nice to maybe trade some Friend Codes with people to play online with.
    Alright, that's it for this entry. Yeah, I know it is shorter than normal and well, that's just cause I am kind of braindead at moment since it is one in the morning and I needed to go to bed. Okay? Good, so I'll talk to you all later. Night, BZPers.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  4. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am just poping in to give you all an update, while I wait for my school website to stop having errors and let me register for one class, I am taking next semester. Oh, and in case you all are not veteran readers of my blog or simply forgot, the reason that I am taking one class next semester is because that is all I need to graduate with my associate degree. I technically could of been graduating this semester, but the class that I needed to graduate was not offer this semester.
    Okay, I am kind of getting off topic here with school stuff, so I am stopped that here and shift gears back to what I want to talk about in this entry, which is fact that spring break went by so fast and got little to nothing done. Like for an example, I want to try and post more here on the forums, but end up doing no such thing due to getting distract by other things. Argh...Why does time have to go by so fast?
    But yeah, sorry about that folks, especially to folks that suggest me things to check out and review (Which by the way, I am going to get to as fast as I can possibly can and I will be accepting more suggestions, so feel free to suggest more, if you want.). I'll try and do better about that in the future.
    Another thing that I am disappoint with myself about is that I did not get to play nearly as much Pokemon as I would like on this break. I did have some ideas though about some challenges to do in my Diamond and HeartGold games at some point. In particularly, I was thinking about making a team made only of Pikachu and battling Elite Four with just them in my Pokemon Diamond file.
    Here is the kicker though, I am going to named each one of them after a Toa Mata, so they will be Team Mata Nui. I might even take a picture of the screen, if I am successful in beating the Elite Four with them. Not only that, but if they are not overlevel, I might transfer them to my HeartGold version and battle all of the Kanto Gym leaders with just them. If they are overleveled though, I will probably just recreate the team in my HeartGold game, so I can still do that.
    Yeah, I know it is a bit of a crazy idea, but I think it might be fun to do, so I likely going to at least give it a try. However I do not plan to do it right away as I would like to beat Pokemon Black first before going back to those two games.
    Moving on from that, I am blockhead for waiting until yesterday to order something off of LEGO Shop at Home, when I could of gotten double VIP points for the order had I done it before last Thursday. Oh, and what I ordered from LEGO Shop at Home is the Town Hall set, which I am hoping to make something completely different with pieces in that set alone. Its been a while since I work with system bricks, so do not expect a masterpiece to result from this.
    And well, that is everything on my mind at this point. No wait...I have to say this. LEGO, why must you make an awesome R2D2 set out of system bricks? Argh...Seriously just take my money, LEGO. Okay, now that's out of way, I really must be going as I got school in the morning and I just finish registering for my course about half an hour ago...
    Oops...I almost forgot to ask this question to my fellow MLP: FiM fans, should I buy season 1 and 2 off iTunes or should I buy the physical DVDs? I am kind leaning toward physical DVD angle since I never been overly comfortable with buying digital version of things as I feel less like I own them and more like I am renting them. Although at the same time, I can see benefit of getting it off iTunes as season 2 is still ongoing, so there is no DVD available for it yet. *shrugs* So yeah, I would like to hear your opinion on which option, I should take.
    Alright, for real now, good night, BZPers. I'll talk to you all later.

    "I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."
  5. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in to let you all know that I am on Spring Break now. Not only that, but I am actually going to try to be a little more active on the forums by posting more often. Of course, I can't do it without your guys' help though since otherwise I will be prone to only taking look at things and replying to them out of biased reasoning.
    So yeah, I want you guys to suggest to me some stories, MOCs, and art to check out and review (Note: Please do not suggest epics, unless they are a completed works. My reasoning for this is that if I am suggest to read an epic in work, I can't promise I will constantly be reviewing it when you release a new chapter.).
    Oh, and in addition to that, I would like to know this: Would you like to see me host a writing contest or building contest in this blog? At the moment, I am leaning toward it being building contest since it works better with the theme that I have in mind. Oh, and that theme, by the way, is going to involve Dwarves since I thought it work well with my plan for the prizes to be Lord of Rings Sets.
    Argh...Okay, I think I have written enough for this entry to publish it now. Although technically I do have more to talk about here, unfortunately though my eyes have growth weary of looking at the screen and I am kind of a little too dead tired to really want to write more than what I have here now.
    I can't say I am surprised I am so tired though as I did pull an all-nighter yesterday since I need to get some CAD work done and when I finally did go to bed, I only was asleep for about three hours. So yeah, my Friday was no fun. But argh, enough talk I need to go to bed. Night, BZPers.

  6. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in to give you all another progress report on my journey through the Unova region since I did play Pokemon Black on my 3DS yesterday after I finished my streetpassing rounds for that day at school (I got about nine streetpasses!).
    Oh, and I actually was trying to get this entry up yesterday, so if the phrasing of the previous sentence seems kind off that the reason for it. Basically what I am saying is it was originally written as saying today in place of yesterday and since I am lazy, I just change the wording slightly. Wait...Why am I talking about my poor sentence structure above when I could be talking about Pokemon?
    Uh...Sorry about that, I kind of thought I needed to point out why the sentence seem weird. Maybe I should just change it and delete these random internal thoughts here. Nah, I just leave it as is.
    But anyway, the point of this entry is for me to ramble about Pokemon Black, so let's get to it. Okay, so last time I talk to you guys about Pokemon Black, I was in Castelia City and as I expected at the time, Burgh was a piece of cake to beat (Fire + Bugs = Dead Bugs) and quickly move on from there to next the city, Nimbasa City.
    Actually scratch that, while I did go to next city after beating that Gym, I did go to Desert Resort for a bit to try to train my Pokemon team up some and just explore it in general. I did not get very far in it though due to Sandstorm there being constant bother, so I decide to head over to Nimbasa City with the intention of just checking it out since I did not think I was ready to take on the Gym.
    So I did that for awhile and I must say it is a pretty interesting city. I did not really check out the Battle Subway or Sport Stadiums that much though. Mainly because I did not think I was ready to battle in either of those, especially the Battle Subway thing. I did battle one person in the Small Court yesterday though and they were not too difficult to defeat, so I was probably being a little too overcautious. *shrugs*
    Oh, and before anyone ask, no, I did not try Pokemon Musical there since I never been a big fan of this feature in the Pokemon games. Although I am kind of curious how many people actually do Pokemon Musicals because apparently you can have online ones with friends involve. Still I do not think even that could really make me interest in trying one though. Well, actually I might try just for kicks at some point.
    But anyway, I am going to just skip ahead now to my meeting with "King" N at the Ferris Wheel, which was kind of weird confrontation since outright told me his plan and I also think he might have hots for my trainer self in the Pokemon universe. Although I might be reading the signals wrong. As for the battle that we had, it was a surprisingly easy battle. And if anything, I have N to blame for making me lose against Gym leader once since I thought she would be pushover like him; she wasn't.
    Oh, nevermind...I can't blame N for that loss since the trainers in that gym kind of tip me off that I was going to have trouble there. Plus, I did head in there at not the best level (All my Pokemon were around level 25 to 26 at the time.). It also did not help that Elesa loves to spam volt switch throughout that battle. So yeah, it was a difficult battle, but I pull through in the second try by tanking her best Pokemon with my starter.
    After beating her finally, I went over to Route 5 like she asked and met the Pokemon League Champion after beating my rival rather easily in battle there. And well, I got to say I really like this guy's attitude as Champion and I hoping to see more of this guy along the way since he seems like an awesome dude. It kind of makes me feel bad that I am going to be one to take his title away, unless, of course, N beat me to him first.
    Oh, and now that I mention it, N did say that he was going to make all trainers free their Pokemon by becoming Champion, which has me wondering something: Is the Pokemon Champion like the president of region or something that he can declare such things that everyone must follow or does N just think that title of Champion will make him strong enough to beat all who oppose him? I think it is the later, although the way Alder reacted to my rival's desire to be champion seems to make me think there might be more to it than that.
    Of course, I should keep in mind that at least for me, the Player character, the title of champion is really nothing more than a plot device to end the main story for your character or at least it has been. Again, I have not beaten the game yet, so who knows there might be something else to it this time around. Nah, I doubt there really is anything else to it this time.
    But anyway, the bridge to Driftveil City was finally lowered, so I crossed the bridge and heard for the first time the awesome music of Driftveil City (Which by the way, I have been listening to whole time, while writing this entry.). Unfortunately I had to saved the game at this point due to having to go to class, so that is as far as I got yesterday. But well, that's how far I have come since the last progress report.
    Hm...I think that is all I got to share with you today about Pokemon. No wait, I just remember I wanted to ask this. Does anyone know if you can buy the soundtrack from Pokemon games anywhere? I would loved to have a copy of them to add to my iThingy, especially Driftveil City theme, which is my favorite at the moment.
    Alright, that's all I got to talk about when it comes to Pokemon, so I am going end this here. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me ramble, guys. I doubt it was that interesting and if anything, I am sure it annoy some people considering I used words like though and although a lot throughout this thing. I am sorry about that and I'll try to do better in my next entry. See ya, BZPers.

  7. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. How are you all doing today? I hope you all doing well.
    Me? Well, I am doing good at moment, especially considering I just noticed that I got a raise last week on my paycheck (Which I just confirm with my boss today is not a mistake and if anything, he thinks they went too low with the raise in my pay rate.). Athough I am kind of conflicted about how to feel about the raise since part of me feels I do not deserve it, while another part of me feels good about them recognizing how hard working I am. *shrugs*
    Hm...Maybe I will be able to go to BrickFair for the first time in my life. I mean I just did quick calculation of cost of traveling to there by train (and back), registration fee, and hotel cost and it came out to about $456, which based on my current financial situation does not seem like it will end up hurting me too bad (Especially considering I am only taking one class next semester since that all I need to graduate with my degree.).
    Although then again, I should probably also be calculating in bus fare and food cost as well in this, so it will probably be around $600 (Note: This is rough estimate, so it is probably not right as I do need to do some research on how much bus fare is in Virgina and whether or not there any cheap fast-food places nearby to get something to eat.). But yeah, I think I might be able to afford the trip.
    Anyway, I am sure you all are tired of listen to me ramble about BrickFair, so let's move on to something else. Hmm...I do not know if you notice, but I did not post an entry yesterday after watching new FRINGE episode this week.
    Why that? Well, the main reason is I was too tired to write one up yesterday, so I went to bed instead. That and considering talking about it would be spoiling stuff for those that miss it, the entry would of just been me saying how much I loved tonight's episode, which does not really promote much discussion to have about it. So yeah, I am kind of glad I did not write that entry. I did loved yesterday's episode though and I am starting to think that season 4 of FRINGE might end up becoming my favorite season.
    That's all I can really say on FRINGE at this point since anything else would be a spoil and spoilers are evil. What should I talk about next? I guess I could mention that I am going to be making content block with my 3DS Friend Code, Pokemon Black Friend Code, and Steam Account Name in case any of you want to add me on those things. Which if you do, please PM me, so I know to add you as well. Oh, and while I am the video game topic, does anyone here know if the WiFi for 3DS version of Mario Kart any good? Just wondering as I thinking of buying it maybe.
    Hm...I think I am out of things to say, so I guess this is it for today's entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have good day. See ya, BZPers.

  8. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in to share what on my mind currently and at the moment, the topic is Pokemon. Why this exactly? Well, the news of supposed "sequels" to Pokemon Black and White has kind of been motivating me to really try and beat that game. Argh...But I can't since school and work are keeping me too busy to spent more than an hour on the game.
    So yeah, my mind been plague with thoughts about Pokemon for past few days with many of these thoughts, not surprisingly, being about its future on the 3DS. And yes, I know that Black 2 & White 2 are on the DS, not the 3DS, and personally I don't really have a problem with them being on the DS since Black & White looked amazing on the DS. No, what I am referring to here is what it could have in the future on the 3DS.
    In particularly, I would like to see an application made by GameFreak or Nintendo for the 3DS that a Pokemon PC, you can drop the DS Game's Pokemon in to transfer into the 3DS games with ease. It would be kind of like how we had the Pal Park system to transfer over Pokemon to Generation IV, but without the need to re-catch them (Well, I guess they could have that feature. Although I would much rather they not.).
    Of course, this feature should not be available to actually used in the game until after you beaten the Elite Four, so that the game can still encourage you try new Pokemon of current generation. Plus, it would keep things fair since Gym battles and fights are made in mind set that you are just starting out (Although technically you can't command Pokemon at level 100 until you have your eighth badge, so trying to use your old Pokemon would not work very well here, unless they are low level.).
    Another thing that comes to mind, which kind of ties into the above idea, is that I kind would like to see my past trainer character being transferable to next game much like how in Animal Crossing: Wild World, you could transfer yourself into Animal Crossing: City Folks game for the Wii (Expect in this case, you retain some of your stuff such as your previous badges, trainer card, and Pokedex status in the previous game.).
    Admittedly, I can see why this would not work per say because art style between generations tends to change a lot and for that matter, it would require extra coding into dialogs to account for fact that you are an experience trainer and all. I do think it would be kind of nice though to see because than Pokemon games could have actually sequels to them because you would be following the life of one trainer (At the very least, one trainer per generation.).
    Plus, there could be reasons in the game for why you would have to start your journey all over again in this new region with a new starter. Like for example, the evil Team of that generation could have stolen your Pokemon at the start game, thus give you motivation to want to defeat the team to get your buddies back. Or maybe your Pokemon from the previous game are being held by the local Customs agency until you beat the Elite Four in their region.
    So yeah, if you ask me those would be some nice features to see in future Pokemon games. I imagine some of my ideas here are really not possible to actually do. But a man can dream, can't he?
    Alright, I think I have ramble here enough about Pokemon, so I am going to stop here. Again like last entry, I am sorry if this bored you guys. Hopefully I can write up a more interesting entry for you all in the future. Until then, see ya, BZPers.

  9. Jedi Master J.
    Heya, folks. Today's entry going to be short (*cough* lol Yeah, right. *cough*) one since I do not have much talk about with this topic.
    I actually originally going to write this entry about either what I would like to see on the 3DS or on the recent news about the upcoming Pokemon titles for the DS (Pokemon White 2 & Black 2). But well, I decided against it for time being because I do not really enough time to write what would probably be a long entry.
    That and I doubt a lot of you cared about that since this is LEGO discussion forum, not a Nintendo Fanbase forum. Although I am sure that I will bring it up at a later entry, so expect to see an entry about either of those topics at some point.
    Anyway, as the title above says, I am writing this entry about Johnny Thunder. For those that do not know, Johnny Thunder was an expy of Indiana Jones that LEGO created for an adventure set line. Why am I bring this old fossil up? Because I kind feel like writing short story in Johnny Thunder universe for some reason.
    I think it might have a little bit to do with that awesome Hapori Tohu banner (Which DeeVee made and Ray fixed to work as a graphic. Good job, you two.) since it kind of remind me that BZPower has expanded our discussion on forums to general LEGO, so stuff like this, I would hope, would easily be accept on the forums now.
    Do I expect to get a lot of replies on this short stories? Not really, especially considering I think my writing is pretty bad. I do think it would be fun to do though, so I am going to do it. Of course, I am going to research the characters some since I am sure I needed a refresher on how they would behave exactly, so maybe it will be good. I highly doubt it will be though, but who knows I could be wrong.
    Alright, that's my news for ya. Yeah, I know not very interesting. I am sorry if I bored you all with this topic, but I thought I would share it since it kind of LEGO related. Oh, and while I am here, I might as well just mention that I am think about running a contest that has you created Lord of Rings inspired MOCs. How interest would you all be in taking part in that? Just wondering.
    Okay, I think that everything LEGO related on my mind today. Night, BZPers. I'll see you all later.

  10. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. Welcome to another addition of random thoughts by JMJ, where I once more jump from tanget to tanget to try to cover all topics that are currently on my mind. Lucky for you, I do not got much to talk about today.
    Really the main thing on my mind at the moment is Kingdom Hearts 3D since I just finished watching the special anniversary trailer again for like the tenth time. Man, I cannot wait to get my hands on this game. Unfortnately it will probably not hit stores in America until September. Although I do have plenty games to keep me entertain until then. Like I could try and beat the World Ends With You (lol No way that is happening considering how much trouble, I am having in the game.) or beat Terra's or Aqua's story in Birth by Sleep (Can't beat Ven's story since I can't beat the Disney Town Minigame.).
    Moving on from that, I guess I could mention that I am trashing my MOC idea from awhile back because well, it been done to death by everyone else on the internet. Plus, LEGO has bricks in LEGO Designer Program that you can't even order from Pick a Brick, so the idea was going nowhere really. Hm...I might show it briefly in this blog, but I doubt any of you will be impress because it really rather simply thing. You know what I am going to leave it up to you all to decide, if you want to see it or not. Leave a comment if you want to see it and if you don't, then just move on from blog as you probably were going to do anyway.
    Oh, and how interest would any of you be if I were to host a contest of sorts in this blog to win a set from this year? Just wondering as I been thinking a lot about hosting a contest in this blog at some point. But well, I am not sure exactly how interest people would be here in taking part in it, so I just been keeping it in backburner of my mind. *shrugs*
    Alright, I think I have bored you guys enough with my rambling here, so I am going to call it a night. Good Night, BZPers. I'll see you all later.

  11. Jedi Master J.
    Hi, BZPers. And welcome to another post-FRINGE hype episode of my blog here. Once again, I am fighting the urge of wanting to talk about the episode since a lot stuff that happen in the episode has gotten me very excited for next week episode. Heck, the preview for next week's episode makes me wish it was next Friday already. Anyone here got a time machine? But yeah, like usually I am not going to talk about the episode because spoiling plot of the episode would just be plain mean.
    In other news, I have just start playing The World Ends With You (Ironically about an hour before FRINGE started and I am actually still playing it now, while writing this entry.) and I must say I am loving the game so far. It is by no means an easy game to play though, especially the combat involves having to pay attention to both screens of DS (Or as the case maybe with me, the 3DS.).
    I do like how they incorporate the touch screen into the combat though as it is not something that I see a lot of DS games really do. If anything, I think this is first DS game that actually made me pay more attention to bottom screen and use the pen heavily, so it gets bonus points from me by breaking from the norm in this way.
    But yeah, I liking the game so far and I will probably end up switching between Pokemon Black and this game repeatedly. I am also pretty sure beating this game is going to take me awhile, so do not be surprised if I still have no beaten by this year's end. Man, I stink at video games.
    In life related news, my best friend from high school seems to be doing well at my work so far. I am still a little worried that he might be overworking himself though as the schedule that he arranged involves him going back and forth from school to work on most days. In particularly, I am afraid either that it could affect his grades in school badly or it could affect how effective he is at doing what he needs to do at his job (Which if he does not do good at it, I could get some backlash from my boss since I did recommend him for the job.).
    Eh, I am probably worrying about nothing really, although I really can't help worrying as I want things to go right for my friend since he already had plenty of setback last year what with not being able to find a job and being forced to drop out of Penn State due to his low GPA. So yeah, please forgive me if I seen like I am thinking too negative.
    Alright, I think that's everything I feel like mention here in this blog. I imagine most of this is boring to you. But as I say before, I am not a very exciting person, so not much really happens in real life to mention here. Plus, I am not exactly a mind reader, so I do not really know what you guys want to hear about me. This is particularly why I put a lot of my entries under random because they are just that since I write most of them on whatever is on my mind at the time.
    But anyway, I think I have taken up enough of your time now, so I am going to end this (Plus, I do want to get back The World Ends With You since I notice trying to write an entry, while play it is resulting in a lot of game overs.). Night, BZPers. I'll talk to you all later, I guess.

  12. Jedi Master J.
    LEGO, why must you release so many good sets this year? Argh...It is like they don't want me to try to go to BrickFair for the first time in my life.
    In other news, I was doing some winter cleaning yesterday and I am still nowhere finish doing that, but I do think it looks better than it was. I also found some of my old printed copies of BZPers' stories among some of my school stuff and I must say I am very tempt to take those and put them into a binder along with a copy of my review of them.
    Am I weird for wanting to do that? I don't think I am. Although I do know that not a lot people tend to review things like I do here since I believe the norm is to read the work once and type the review soon after. For me though, I like to print the work, read it while waiting for bus or something, then read again during another downtime, mark it up stuff that I might want to point out as being good or a mistake, rough out a draft of my review, look that review over a few times, type the review up, look it over again and read the work one more time, fix any mistakes in the review and format it to be post on BZPower, and finally post it after look it over one more time.
    In particular, it is because this act can take a lot of time that I do not make a lot of reviews nowadays since I simply don't have the time, except for the ocassionally Short Story Critic assignment. But anyway, I am kind of shifting off topic here, so I am get back on topic by explaining why I am thinking of putting them in a binder.
    Well, my main reasoning for it is that I think it would kind of cool to look back on how I review things throughout my time here because it can show how my writing skills improved over a period of time. Not only that, but there was a lot of good stories that I reviewed in my time, which I probably loved to read again and who knows if I will even remember what BZPower was or if the site will even exist anymore at that point. *shrugs*
    It kind like how I have a memory book that I put in like pictures of my childhood and report cards because I think it makes it easier to look back on things of my past as no doubt I have forgot many things from my childhood. Heck, if you ask me now what my childhood was like, I probably would not have an answer because I hardly remember much about, except for the bad times really. Not sure if that makes much sense to you all, but I am not really sure how else to describe it.
    Anyway, I am sure I have bored you all enough here, so that's it for today's entry. Oh, before I go, I also found some old school drawings that I think I might share with you all, if you want to see them. Alright, that's everything I wanted to say. Good Night, BZPers, and I'll talk to you all later.

  13. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. Man, I wish I could talk about today's episode, but as usual I am going to hold my tongue to not spoil things for those that miss tonight's episode. I will say this though that it looking more and more likely that my theory about this season is turning out to be true, which is making me kind of hyper to see the next episode. Although then again, I am always hyper after watching a FRINGE episode, especially one that I liked.
    Oh, and I would share my theory about this season, but I don't think there is really a lot of FRINGE fans here, so it would probably not be worth it. Plus, some of my support for this theory does come from tonight's episode, which means that I probably can't mention it due to spoilers. Although if you want to hear it, leave a comment saying you want to hear it and I'll see about mention it next week when it is safe to talk about that episode.
    Alright, that's pretty much all that I want to talk about here. Well, not really, but as I say that would spoiling stuff. So yeah, thanks for reading this entry. I am sorry that it wasn't that interesting for you all to read and I'll try to do better next time. See ya, BZPers.
    EDITED: Oh, and feel free to Criticize Me in the entry below.

  14. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. Today's entry is just plain and simple going to be an entry open for you all to criticize me. Why am I making this entry? I am doing it because I think it could serve me some good to see how you all view me. That and it is good way to gage how I need to improve myself as a person; whether it be personality wise or how I write things here in general.
    So yeah, criticize me here if you want. That's all I going to say here, so thanks for taking the time to read this and I'll talk to you all later.
    EDITED: Complain List
    - Stopping Use Font Color Red in your Posts >
    - Post more often
    - Fix Avatar > Done

  15. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in again to talk about some thoughts that I been having lately. What are these thoughts about? Well, they are about the Wii U.
    Now before I started, let me just get this clear and out there that I am still very excited for this new system and I willing to buy it at release even if it is 200 dollars or more. Heck, I was even willing to trade in my Wii for it until I found out that I can not transfer my data for Animal Crossing off the Wii (Although admittedly I could probably live with lost because I was never very far in it to begin with. Still there also the fact that I do find it kind of hard to part with and this is not surprising since my family still has all consoles that I have played on since I was a kid.).
    But well, I been having some thoughts lately about how some things will work exactly. In particularly, I am curious how exactly a Zelda game controls would work because the way the tech demo shown it being play on the Wii U controller. And while this is nice and all with the map and items being on a touch screen in the controller, it would mean that awesome motion controls from Skyward Sword would end up not being included because realistically you can not expect people to juggle through controllers to active play a game.
    So that means a choice is going to have to be made between the two and I can very much see using the Wii U controller as winning out in this situation since it would better showcase the system capabilities for the Wii U. And well, I am not sure how I would feel about that. I mean I wouldn't mind a Zelda game configured for the Wii U controller, but I kind would like to see the Zelda series stick with the motion controls. *shrugs* I am conflicted.
    Another thing that been bugging me is that if we have games that use the touch screen in the controller as a place for menus, there is possibility that while you are looking down at screen to change something, you have an enemy advancing upon you. Although then again, you probably hear that as enemy music would play and for that matter, you probably can not use menus at that time. Still my point is that there could be issue with which screen to pay attention because unlike with the 3DS or DS, your TV screen and the Wii U controller are not relatively the same size or side by side.
    Hm...I am sure I am just worrying over nothing and for that matter, we do not have much information on the Wii U as it is, so I really should not be thinking about this stuff until we have more indepth look at it. Still though, these thoughts were bothering me and I thought it might ease me a little to hear other people's thoughts on the matter, so I am posting it here.
    Alright, that's pretty much it for what I have to say. Thanks for taking the time to this read this and I hope you all have good day. See you later, BZPers.

  16. Jedi Master J.
    Hello, BZPers. How was your Saturday today? I hope it is good. Oh, and mines? It was alright, I guess. Not much went on. You know the usual. No wait...I went driving today for about two hours at night in an empty Penn State parking lot.
    And I must say I am very very very rust at driving. That's not really surprising though since I have not been driving since sometime last year. Although it also does not help that I am very nervous and paranoid while driving, which I guess explains why I am now on my last renewal of my Learner's Permit. It is also why, at this point, I have my doubts that I will ever learn to drive a car. So yeah, it was not an overly fun evening for me today.
    Well, that's all I have to say about today. Hm...I guess I could mention that I have not gotten to sort through my System LEGO pieces yet, but I might start doing that after I post this since I know I am going to be watching an episode or two of FRINGE before going to bed tonight. So yeah, wish me luck with that venture. Alright, thanks for taking the time to read this and I catch you all later. See ya, BZPers.

  17. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am just poping in again to give all an update since I hadn't been on much lately. Which if you want an explaination for why that is; it is because of school and work mostly. I could probably expand upon that some more, but I rather not bored you with my life details.
    So what then am I going to talk? Well, I would talk about what I am excited about, but that is FRINGE since I loved tonight's episode and I already can't wait for next week to come. Of course, I can not talk about it because it would be spoiling stuff for those that miss the episode. Plus, it violates my code of standards.
    With that say, I am going to instead talk about stuff that I just order from Amazon recently that should be here around next week. They are the following:
    - The World Ends With You (DS Game) > Why I ordered it: Well, I have heard mostly good reviews about this game and the fact that characters from it will be appearing in KH:3D kind of sold me on the idea of at least giving the game a try, so I can be more familiar with their characters.
    - Y Audio Cable > Why I ordered it: I needed cables for my Dazzle.
    - Audio Video RCA Cable (25 ft) > Why I ordered it: Again, I needed cables for my Dazzle.
    - Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Promise (Part 1) > Why I ordered it: I heard it bridges the gap between the Legend of Korra and answers some unanswer questions (Not sure if it will deal with Zuko's mother plot, but here's hoping it does in later additionals.).
    - Kingdom Hearts Keyblade Paperweight > Why I ordered it: To be honest, this one was more of an impluse buy than anything else. I just thought it would look cool sitting on my shelf of BIONICLE sets. That and only Keyblade thing on Amazon that remotely look like the actual Keyblade from the game.
    Really if I was to do this all again, I would be getting a Hylian Shield instead. Although I am kind glad that I didn't do that since that would be expense and I would very much want to try playing Skyward Sword with that on me, which would likely be horrible idea. So yeah, I do not regret this impluse buy.
    Yup, that's what I ordered from Amazon. I don't think it is a lot, although I am sure that varies from opinion to opinion. And out of four items that I ordered, I think I am most excited to get is the graphic novel for Avatar: The Last Airbender since it makes me wonder more and more what the Legend of Korra will be like. Also does anyone know when that is actually going to start airing? I still have yet to hear any news about when that will start this year. So yeah, I would appreciated any news that you could give me on that.
    Alright, moving on from Amazon, I am currently think about start the long task of sorting through my standard LEGO bricks, so I would appreciated any tips or suggests on how to sort them here. Oh, and is anyone interest in base plates that come with those "football" sets? Just wondering as I got a few of those that I probably have no problem parting with.
    Hm...I think that all I have to talk about really. So thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Night, BZPers.

  18. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in again to give you all sort of an update of my day today. Well, not really my day per say. This is more like highlights of the day, which for most part was uneventful with only interesting things coming to mind being tonight's new episode of FRINGE, this weird LEGO thing, and my random thought at work today. Obviously I am only commenting on just the last two because talking about the FRINGE episode would be spoiling the plot for those that did not catch tonight's episode.
    So with that all in mind, let's get start on weird LEGO thing, which you can see here in the screen cap, I took. I found this while looking at LEGO Shop at Home earlier today and I can not for life of me understand LEGO's logic in putting this in the Girls category. I mean seriously this set seems pretty gender-neutral if you ask me since after all, it is just a bunch mini-scale buildings.
    So yeah, I kind find it weird that LEGO would label this set as that. No doubt it is just a mistake on their part and well, it did not bug me as much as I found it funny. And since I found it funny, I thought I might as well share it with you all here.
    But anyway, my random thought of the day was what my work must have been like in the past because there was a point in which all drawings sent out to the shop were hand-drawn and now we have computers with programs that handle most of that work. And I must say I am having a hard time trying to picture what it must of been like because I think if I had to do this work by hand, then it probably take weeks before it can get approve by Quality to go on to manufacturing the parts. Man, I wish I had a time machine, so I could check out what it was actually like back then.
    Alright, that's all I got to say today. Thanks for taking the time to read this again. Night, BZPers.

  19. Jedi Master J.
    Hiya, BZPers. How you all doing? Good, I hope. I am just popping on in to give all another update. And well, to be honest, not much has been going on for me. I just been busy dealing with my hectic school and work schedule mostly.
    Although I have been reflecting on lately the fact that I am not like a lot of people in my generation. Like for example, many people in my generation love to text people in order to communicate. Me, I downright hate it. Why? Because it takes too much work on my part to get my message across to people, when it would be so much easier to just call them up and vocally tell them. That and there is no spell check or any type of formatting when it comes to texting.
    Hm...I guess I am just weird, but still I do not get the appeal of texting just as much as I do not get why people need internet access through their phones. Phones are meant for calling people, aren't they? *shrugs* Its stuff like this that make me feel kind of old and I am not even that old (Again, this is why I say I am different from my generation.). XD
    But anyway, I am going to stop with that rant and move on to a topic that I am sure most of you are more interested in; LEGO. What about LEGO am I going to talk about? Well, lately I been thinking about buying some LEGO sets since I have sort of a stable income lately, but I am kind of unsure about what to get. And its not like I do not have ideas on what I would like to buy. It is just that I am rather indecision about it mostly. *shrugs*
    In particularly, I been looking at Kingdoms Joust set and Mindstorm NXT 2.0 set and I can not decided which of the two that I would like to get more. So does anyone here have any of these sets? And if so, which would you suggest is worth getting more? Just wondering as I think it would be helpful to hear from others here on what set is worth it more.
    *yawn* Alright, I am done for the day. Talk to later, BZPers. Once again, thanks for taking the time to read this. Good Night.

  20. Jedi Master J.
    Hi, BZPers. I am just popping in to say I am quite excited for rest of season 4 of FRINGE. I would comment on tonight episode (Which I just finished just a few minutes.), but I do not want to spoil anything for those that might have miss it tonight.
    I will say this though I like story arc that they are starting up with this episode. It looks to be interesting, especially considering it has an old season 1 enemy coming back into play in it. Really I wish I could say more, but again I do not spoil things for those that miss tonight's episode.
    Urgh...But man, I am excited. Hm...I kind of want to watch my FRINGE season 3 DVD now. Although then again, I also want to try speed running through Kingdom Hearts I during my three-day weekend this week. I am conflicted now. Help! XD
    Anyway, that's all I really want to talk about in this entry. I mean I could talk about other stuff such school here, but I kind of want a separate entry for that update. So yeah, expect a more life/school update entry here later. Alright, thanks again for taken the time to read this. Talk to later, BZPers.

  21. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I know that I say I was going to write my next entry on something LEGO related. But well, this is probably going to be my last entry here in this blog for awhile since I start my fourth semester of Community College tomorrow, so my internet hang out time is getting cut back by a lot. So with that in mind, I am probably going to ramble on to a bunch of different subjects in this entry since a lot is on my mind right now.
    But anyway, I am going to start right off the bat with some LEGO stuff here. I recently brought two LEGO sets during my winter break and they were Ninjago - Ice Dragon Attack (LEGO Set # 2260) and Dino - Raptor Chase (LEGO Set # 5884). I like them both, but my favorite has got to be the Dino set since it has a Raptor in it. I do have a couple complaints about that set though.
    My first complaint is that it has stickers for the car parts, which only annoys me because I can never get them exactly straight on the bricks. Admittedly I can understand why they would gives us stickers rather than printed them on the bricks because it allow those that just want the bricks themselves to be able to reuse the bricks in their projects without having to worry about something being printed on it messing it up appearance wise, so it is minor annoyance really.
    Okay, the second complaint is, that much like BIONICLE squid projectiles, I can not understand how to fire the "missile" projectiles because whenever I do it, they just fall to the ground right in front of the launcher. Maybe I am not doing it right, I guess. Again though, this is a minor annoyance because I do not really care much for projectiles that LEGO been trying to sell with their sets lately.
    As for Ninjago set, I do not really have any complaints about that one. I just like Dino set more because my love for Jurassic Park like sets (especially ones with ones with Raptors) kind of makes me blind to any the faults that I might find in it. I will say this though I do plan on getting more of both themes, if I can, because I do like them both.
    Okay, moving right along, I am now going to briefly about some LEGO Projects or rather challenges that I would like to try this year. To start, I am setting a goal for me to try and get most my LEGO sorted and organized by the end of this semester since I am going to need an easier way to find pieces for projects than rooting through a large bin.
    As for projects themselves, I been mainly thinking about doing a sole Mosaic project close to the scale of ones that ChocolateFrogs and company have been arranging here for BrickFair for pass two years. Why, you might ask? Well, whenever I got back my pieces of mosaics that I helped build for those projects, I always felt kind of bad getting it back because it was like I was ripping apart someone's art project, which is particularly why I have never taken apart any of my pieces return. Also there is the fact that I have never seen one of these projects myself in person, so I have always wonder what it would be like to build one for just myself.
    Another project that I would like try is to redesign my old open roof and multi-color buildings that I made in childhood into something with a proper color scheme, a roof, and well, just a better design in general. I want to do this one because I want to see if my skills with a LEGO brick have improved at all since childhood.
    Okay, that's all the LEGO projects/challenges that I can think of at this point. So our next topic is Pokemon. Why do I want to talk about Pokemon? Because I have all of sudden gotten the desire to either play Pokemon or watch the Anime since adding an old CD of Pokemon music to my i-Thingy (I called iPods and all related objects, i-Thingys).
    Unfortunately this desire had to happen on the day that I could not do anything about it because today is last day of winter break, so I can't just go out and search for Pokemon DVD of the first season and watch it in just a day's time. Not only that, but my day is pretty much over now since it like around ten o'clock at night. But yeah, I kind of feeling nostalgic for the Pokemon Anime of the original series.
    However there is bright side of things for this desire to play Pokemon or watch the Anime and that is it will provide me with just the motivation to start Pokemon Black finally or return to playing Pokemon Rumble Blast again. But JMJ, didn't you just say you did not have time to go out and hunt for DVD of Pokemon Anime, so how can you have time to play either of those things? Okay, a couple of things to note here:
    I have those games already, so no hunting for anything. While with the Anime, I do not have any copies of series on DVDs and would thus need to go hunting for them and then have to wait for them to be ship to my home, so more time is consumed in that.
    Considering this is just the first week of school and have a seven hour gap between classes tomorrow, I do needed something to keep me entertain for those long periods of inactive and Pokemon can provide just that.

    So yeah, I am probably going to end up playing some Pokemon tomorrow since I know I am going to be sitting at school for seven hours on the first day. Any suggestions on what else that I could do then would be greatly appreciated.
    Alright, next topic is about me looking some old childhood photos. I must say I always find it to be interesting to look at past me and see how much I have changed. Like did you know during Halloween once, my brother and I were dress up as Pikachu? Oh, no, you didn't. Well, that's probably because you can't see the pictures, silly.
    The pictures that I thought were the most interesting though were ones taken during that camp trip, I took with the Boy Scouts. I find them interesting because I didn't look very uncomfortable being in the great outdoors as I would be now due to my irrational fear of bees.
    It kind has made me interested in see what else has changed about me since childhood. I mean off the top of my head, I know I can say that I do not laugh as much as I used to. As a child, I would laugh at pretty much anything. But nowadays, its pretty hard to get a laugh out of me. Really I am sure there is plenty more, but this entry is getting too long as it is, so I won't bored you with the details.
    Hm...You know what I am going to spare you from anymore rambling from me and just end it. Thanks again for taken the time to read this, BZPers. Hopefully school will not take up too much of my time that I will not be able to pop in occasionally to give you guys an update on my life or my thoughts in general. Oh, and whoever knows where my blog entry title comes from you get my invisible seal of approval. Alright, I am done. Talk to you all later.

  22. Jedi Master J.
    Hi, BZPers. Its me again. I am just popping in to give you all another update on the misadventures of JMJ. Today's topic again involves my misadventures of playing games on Steam. This time obviously it involved trying to play Portal 2; which as I predict before I even brought it, I can't play it.
    What I found funny though is, that unlike Bastion (which outright told me that I could not play it when I try) it actually let me try to start playing the game. You know what I saw when it start up after a loading screen. Nothing but darkness, cross-hairs, and subtitles (It still plays the voices.). So apparent my computer can play Portal 2 just without the graphics and images necessary to solve the puzzles in the game. Nah, that's not important, right? I'll just use my mental powers to solve the puzzles. XD
    So yeah, I going to need to get a new graphics card, if I want to play either of those games. And well, I doubt I will be getting one anytime soon unfortunately. But I do have five other games on Steam that I could be playing and they work, so it is not that bad. Still its moments like this that remind me why I do not play PC games much. And why is that, you might ask?
    Well, it is a couple of reasons. The first reason being that if you want to play a game, especially a recent game, on the PC, you will basically have to rebuild your computer to get the best gameplay out of it. The cost alone in that and the fact that involves me having to deal with stuff that I am completely unfamiliar with is what turns me off the most about that. As for my second reason, I hate using a keyboard as a controller. I personally feel completely uncomfortable use it as a controller.
    And in particularly, it is why I tend to favor playing console's games more because a ) you know the game is going to work on your system beforehand and b ) you get a controller that you can manipulate in your hand and you don't have a bunch of buttons everywhere on it (some of which might not do anything because nothing bound to that key).
    But yeah, I tend to be turn off by those kind of things when it comes to PC games. And well, that's all I have to say today for this entry. Thanks for taking the time to read and I guess I'll see you all later. By the way, the next entry might be LEGO related since I think I am writing about Steam too much on here.

  23. Jedi Master J.
    Yeah, it really does...

    Yup, I can't play Bastion. Not that, I am really surprised to be honest since I know my computer is by no means fit to play a lot of today's video games on the PC. Oh, well, I got plenty of other games to keep me entertain until I can go out and get a new video card for my computer.

  24. Jedi Master J.
    Hi, guys. Um...I am not up for a long entry today, so this should be short than normal. The reason for that is I been working on cleaning this basement nonstop today, so I am kind of worn out both physically and mentally at this point. That and I have work tomorrow, so I do not want to spent too long writing this entry when I could be sleeping.
    Really to be honest, I do not really have much talk about today. I guess I'll talk about my progress with cleaning the basement. Well, so far I have finished cleaning my desk off and have remove most of the dust from the basement. And while I would like to say I got a lot done today, I still got a lot to do in terms of organizing papers and determining what I needed to keep and what I need to throw away. Although to be honest, I do not think it is will ever be perfect, nor for that matter do I think it will stay looking like this for long. Still it has to be done as otherwise I will be searching through everything to find something, I need.
    That's really all I have to talk about today. Yeah, I know not very interesting, but well, I never did claim to be an interesting person. Hm...You know what I might post some pictures of the basement later, if I can get it to look better than it is now. No promises though. Alright, night, BZPers.

  25. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in again. This time to talk about Steam since I spent most of my day today playing a game on there.
    That game was Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, which I got recently from a trade that my sister arrange with someone for my DOTA 2 survey thing. I must say it is a fun game and I am liking it so far. My only complaint about the game really is the combat as it forces to stand in one place to perform an action, which can be kind of annoying when you notice your health is low and you try to back out of your commands, so you can run away.
    Oh, and there is also the fact that the game crashed when I got to the Undercity, so I kind annoyed by that. Although admittedly I kind was happy that it did crash as I had wanted to take a break from it. Not only that, but I also able to notice that Portal 2 was on sale again, so end up buying it among with Plants vs Zombies, Cthulhu Saves the World, and Breath of Death VII.
    I would not be surprise though if Portal 2 does crash on me since I know my graphics card is not very great for gaming unfortunately. That and if an old game like Knights of the Old Republic can crash on me, I have my doubts a new game like Portal 2 will do much better. Plus, Portal 1 crash on me when I beat the game! So yeah, my computer here does not have good reputation for running computer games.
    Then again, I guess I should not be really worrying about that now because Portal 2 is still downloading since I start it a little bit over an hour ago. Plus, I am not even going to be playing it when it finish since I want to go shut down my computer and unplug everything, so I can clean it and my desk.
    Oh, and before I forgot, thanks to Takuma Nuva for giving a copy of Bastion; which dude, you really did not need to give me, but thanks. I would be downloading it now, but I do not want Portal 2 downloading any slower than it is now, so it is going to have to wait till later. But again though, thanks for the gift, Takuma Nuva.
    Well, that's pretty much is all I got to say today. So thanks for taken the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day.

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