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Everything posted by Mikerahk

  1. You should take the opportunity to be the coordinator again next year or else you might feel excluded next year.
  2. Good, another reson for me to hate the embodyment of evil known as omi. That is quite a nice collection.
  3. Mikerahk

    Bzp Speed

    Yeah, I noticed that the server was running unbelievably fast this afternoon, sounds you found the solution to our woes! Great job bink. Thanks!
  4. As long as they aren't called the Pirakshi, then I'm perfectly fine with them, because that's my term. But yeah, that name sounds just about right.
  5. Mikerahk


    Yeah omi, thanks for breaking kranais. Joking of course, thanks a bunch.
  6. Mikerahk

    I'm In Labor

    I thought such a biological feat was only possible with male seahorses, gasp, omi isn't human!
  7. Indeed, the :Pemoticon is one of my favorites, right up there next to and and the other favorite, *disclaimer, this post is -tastic
  8. I totally love these emoticon guides! They are really useful.
  9. This guide to proper emoticon usage should definately help me from coming accross as a newb, of course, I've never heard of a noob who's completed his pbzp-1 line. I must be a newb with a purpose! B)
  10. Mikerahk

    Yay For Boredness

    Gasp, I saw the perpetraitor a few moments ago, this is -such- a scandel!
  11. Mikerahk

    Yay For Boredness

    Gasp, I saw the perpetraitor a few moments ago, this is -such- a scandel!
  12. That desktop owns. I have a New Super Mario Brothers desktop, I've had it for about 4 months now, I should probably change it... Regardless, I like what you've done to yours, one of the things that really makes it great is how all the icons are organized along the red zones.
  13. *gasp* What happened to Exo? Oh noze, he's been imposterated!
  14. Mikerahk

    Delay Schedule

    A new chapter of wildfire, it's only been 2 weeks. I completely understand that the contest comes first though, because winning is everything. And what is 'normal' anyway? It sounds abnormal to me. Good luck getting all that stuff done.
  15. I saw that a few minutes ago too.
  16. Mikerahk

    Bzpower's Best...

    Congrats on the accomplishment, perhaps I should hook up my wifi (for the first time in 3 months) and surpass you.
  17. Mikerahk


    That's what my math teacher did, and I have him for two honors classes (precalc and stat). And on top of that he is the head of the math department, so he was very much enthusiastic (sp?) about the whole deal. In short: "Math is Life." I had a dandy time during my first day of school as well, I'm not that happy about the homework, but oh well.
  18. Mikerahk

    Last Day Of Summer

    Last day of summer for me too, oh well, summer starts, summer ends. I view it as a new opportunity, even though I've been going to the same school for 4 years now. I'm personally going to moc the day away, I've already finished up one project, and I'm going to just keep going till my fingers break... or till school starts.
  19. o.o Misprints, very, very nice. All this Brickfest business, as I was saying to omi yesterday, I'm going to try to get there next year, it sounds like a jolly old time. Sorry to hear about your loss of the chrome hau, I actually got one from a friend yesterday (along with a pair o' manas, a pair o' nui-rama, 6 toa olda, 6 bohrok and 7 rahkshi), it is a grand mask, shame you didn't get to keep it. (and yeah, that collection cost me) Can't wait to see some pictures, perhaps you have some of my moc in the lot. (Kranais, you know, the black and copper one )
  20. Mikerahk


    That is extremely odd, seems like someones been tampering with the gasoline or something... very odd.
  21. Poor omi, getting stuck in Atlanta. While you're there be sure to um... check for snakes... yeah...
  22. Mikerahk

    Fan Fleet!

    Schizo, you should totally add me to your fanblock. Wait... What do you mean you've never heard of me?
  23. Now that is a zamor sphere, why launch little plastic zamor when you can heave large, heavy zamor. Anyone up for some shotput?
  24. It's alright omi, perhaps you should have had one of those news updates made or something Wait... I did send money, right? (might as well double check) And I'll live even if I don't see the mocs, I can see Kranais in my mind's eye, so I'm set.
  25. Very nice, but if you want to use block, perhaps you should switch it to a duplos image, rather than a lego.
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