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Everything posted by Mikerahk

  1. Mikerahk

    Dial It Up

    I remember getting DSL back last June, my how nice it is. Now you know that you can never go back, 'cause dial up just doesn't compare.
  2. Mikerahk


    Congrats on the achievement. Enjoy that copper huna.
  3. Disregarding the rest of the entry, the seniors at my school also did bond, I'm guesing the whole class of '007 thing happened at your school too? But yeah, you had a bad theme, and coming from my class, that's bad. As freshman we did the olympics, and than last year we did candyland (*shudders*). This year we did much better with the theme of Mario.
  4. Mikerahk

    Poison Ivy

    I'm sorry to hear about your pain, but, is it this bad? Yeah, that's my arm and hand... they got poison ivy the worst, it was also spreading onto my chest, face, neck, and shins. I went onto steroids for that... how much iron did I pump while I was on 'em, none. ~~~~ I had poison ivy on my face really bad one time... yeah, on my eye too, now that was a bummer, but still not as bad as what you see above. 'Cause I was at camp when I got that, so I didn't go to the doc's 'till I got back... which was several days... I believe those pics were taken the day I went to the doctors. ~~~~ Good luck with the treatment.
  5. ... Omi... I have a confession... It wasn't me... I know, you're crushed. I guess that's what happens when you have your phone number as part of your away message on AIM.
  6. I see what you mean, I don't really like the inika's weapons much either, atleast the piraka's weapons had some mocing usefulness for things other than weapons, unlike the inika's bulky swords.
  7. I got an email from nintendo several days ago telling me about mew, of course, since I don't own any pokemon games since gold version... And BL4, now I'm jealous.
  8. Cool. B) Thanks for those points omi. As it turns out, for the first time in months, I wore a pair of blue jeans.
  9. My classes homecoming theme was mario. XD Nice list, though I thought Mario would have deserved a slot within the top 8.
  10. My avatar and signature are now under the jurisdiction of the omi.
  11. What's wrong with tahu, pohatu, vakama and onewa. What if I were to go and deck out my sig and av with onua. Naw, I'll omi-tize my profile on saturday, which also happens to be homecoming.
  12. There's a bzpmember known as omicron? I wasn't aware... Nice artwork, the yin-yang logo on the chest... I didn't notice it until I did a retake, and it really makes the art look good. And the opposite coloration looks sweet. Good job.
  13. I know your pain, except it's homework. Only level 11, if you were a true VNOLG player you would be towards level 30.
  14. He isn't too hard to beat if you're above level 20 and have some good weaponry, I've beaten him twice.
  15. I'll admit it, I've used nuva shoulder armor on female mocs before... only because the pieces were of the right side and seemed to work... Of course, I generally build male mocs, so I don't have much experiance with mocing female characters, so I consider myself a tad inexperienced. Upon reflection, perhaps the shoulder armor wasn't the best choice...
  16. Mikerahk

    I Have Problems

    You know kex, there's a nice little trust fund I have called the 'Rahk fund, all proceeds go directly to my pocket, where they are then funneled into various outlets, including walmart to potentially buy some music... Soending money is a problem for me too... that's why I don't have any.
  17. Bah, consider that pbzp-2 entry revoked! Those are some nice collectables you got there omi, I'm actually quite jealous, you know, a couple sets of doubles could be useful for mocing purposes.
  18. My goodness, look at that handsome moc right there, kudos to the MOCist that created it.
  19. Mikerahk

    Yes...i Love U

    Silly wabbit, parpositions isn't a word. :shrug:
  20. And in school, that's all you need. And then that happens.
  21. Mikerahk

    T M N I F

    I also am in the same predicament, I gotta focus on that school junk rather than wasting away my time online.
  22. Wow, it sounds great, I've seen some reviews and heard a few spoilers, and I must say, it sounds like a great book. And yeah, the toa's element surprised me to when I heard what it was, and I didn't recieve word on the makoki stone or Makuta, so I'm still in the dark there. Thanks for the mini-review.
  23. Well, I'm no longer confused, just confuzzled, so it's all good.
  24. Mikerahk

    Theif! Theif!

    Eh, there is no member named 'core dimension' you misguided foon.
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