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Everything posted by Mikerahk

  1. LK, we're all to busy eating sushi and gawking at these marvelous ivory tributes to be concerned with posting in schizo's blog to give updates to the unfortunate souls that be doomed to eternity in Dany Jones's Locker. Speaking of which, I've extended this bathroom break long enough, I must get back to socializing... *Runs out onto deck to rejoin party*
  2. I generally delete emails once I read them, unless they are of some vital importance, but they still get deleted within a week because that's just how my aol account works.
  3. I intend to attend the celebration, I'll be sure to bring along a few trinkets from my recently completed pbzp-1 collection, perhaps we could throw them up next to the fine displays of ivory. It'll be quite the bash though, I can already taste the sushi.
  4. Resign from your BZP duties I seriously can't imagine the S&T forum without you Bones, I'll be crushed for a day a two if you retire, but I'll be fine on the third day. Just remember that time management is the key, so it'll often be best to skip sleeping to drive to McDonalds to grab a coffee and then to manage the RPG, in the long run you'll be fine, as in, you'll catch up on sleep in about 10 or so years. Anyways, good luck with college.
  5. Mikerahk

    The Lego Bionicle Story

    I can relate to that feeling, except in mocing. The BBC forum is an interesting reality, flooded during contests, and a mere stream the rest of the time. And then there's the comments, a BBC topic of mine will go to about 40 posts (because people like what they see), but the everyday topics (like pbzp-1 unity[/url[) gain posts and a much slower rate even though the moc(s) are loads better. Funny how reality works, seeing as it works completely different than how you think it will. I remember back a few months ago (early June), I posted 5 PBZP entries, I personally felt that entry P was the best of the bunch, but everyone jumped on entry C as the best of the five. If any good comes from these experiances, we learn what the public likes, and what the public loves.
  6. Mikerahk

    Fun With Foreigners

    Diving into the ground... Ouch, I feel your pain. I have to commend your alter-ego on its most excellent logic.
  7. *gasp* Not a snake on a plane! I found one on my plane a couple days ago, quite scary. Have fun at Brickfest.
  8. I think what core was trying to say is that he's been moced Bada bing, bada boom. Regardless, a most excellent update.
  9. Yeah, c'mon omi, this is -such- a ripoff And now you're playing with kranais (and all the other bionicle mocs), what is the word coming too? (i trust you didn't encounter any errors while building him). *Speaking of which... I'll need to change my sig for the event*
  10. Congrats schizo I'll personally take some sushi, lots of it, I think I'm deserving for finishing that pbzp-1 line But yeah, I love sushi, one of my favortie foods. Hmm... I'll have some shrimp as well, and perhaps some shark fin soup to finish it off. This is all free... right?
  11. one phrase describes this: "LOL" that is absolutely crazy you lunatic
  12. Mikerahk


    very cool, congrats on being invited sounds like a fun trip and those expenses, when will they ever stop :annoyed2: good luck
  13. oh that silly rayg, playing with omi's mocs (wait, what about the other brickfest mocs?) you gotta love good service at resturants... i had a bad experiance last work, i asked for the meal to be grilled... it was fried... oh well, enjoy DC
  14. Mikerahk

    Well I'm Off

    later omi, just make sure kranais comes back in one peice, i don't want to find any chunks of him missing (like an arm or something) you know those kids, they just can't keep their hands out of the cookie jar
  15. there are 4 categories to win trophies in, in the bionicle theme alone, or in the whole thing? regardless, congrats on getting everything crammed into one bag
  16. Mikerahk

    High School

    latin... *jaw drops* you are so lucky and yeah, my school doesn't offer latin oh well, i guess i just won't take a langauge (not like i can speak spanish anyway ) -¿Que? -My thoughts exactly
  17. yeah school starts for me next wednesday (august 30), of course, i've already been to school a couple times over the summer (board of ed. responsibilities), so it's been fun... but... then there's the dreaded school packing: binders, paper, and pencils and with a full schedule this year... i better enjoy the next several days have fun packing for brickfest though, i would just throw clothes into the bag 5 minutes before i leave (but that's just me )
  18. Mikerahk

    Pop Quiz

    this quiz is mere childs' play that was almost as fun as trying to warp my mind around the paradox of your bbc 37 entry
  19. i can deny some coca-cola in favor of some sprite
  20. i also have a reese's peanut butter cup addiction, it reached it's pinnacle in middle school fortunately for me, i entered a rehab program known as the IMBAM (I aM Broke Association for Minors)... well, i just made that up but now that i constantly have no money, i no longer have the required funds to buy some RPC's, or any type of chocolate for that matter don't worry omi, you'll get over it, just give it time
  21. The episode we were on already aired. It was last Thursday's show, the one on the same day as the recent terrorist plot was uncovered. It also had Colbert in a 'ligtsaber battle' and interviewed Eli Pariser, the head of MoveOn.org. However, I'll be at the August 23rd episode, so mark your calendars and watch for me then! sir, yes sir! such a good show, i suppose it's only deserving that BZP goes national (on tv) in such a manner now i recall the episode
  22. Mikerahk


    my friend ben has the first 300 or so numbers of pi memorized (if memory serves correctly) i personally stick with the basic 3.14lS though, simpler that way
  23. Mikerahk

    Havin' A Heat Wave

    greg, i feel your pain over here in litchfield county, just so hot, don't you just love air conditioning i've been wondering that question about the toa for some time myself, i'm glad to see that it will finally be answered but you know what they say, if you don't like the weather in new england, wait a minute
  24. yeah, i've gone nearsighted due to all of the judging (so what if i was nearsighted before ) i actually had to stop judging two or three weeks ago due to my failing eyesight (so what if i was going to camp for those two weeks )
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