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Everything posted by Mikerahk

  1. Mikerahk


    google is my homepage... perhaps i'll set the zoopals site as my brother's homepage good ol' zoopals, always keeping the food in the proper place i put one boiled lobsta eye in each lobsta eye thingy on the lobsta plate (joking)
  2. i could spend hours staring at that i know i'm awesome, and my sources indicate that omi, you too are awesome
  3. Mikerahk

    Great News

    congrats omi so, brickfest is in good hands, right? cause i'm not sure if you're qualified
  4. Mikerahk


    i too have discovered my inner volleyball athlete this past year in gym now i'm not athletic, but i loved to play the game i got loads better at serving, and was an asset to my team now here's a good story: -so, one day in gym (we're playing on 2 courts in one half of the b-ball court (divider wall)) -right, now that we got the details down- -the ball comes to land to my right, i thought it came from the other court -so i hit it back, it was a beautiful arc, went right between the ceiling and the 'folded up' b-ball net -as i stood marveling the flight of the ball with my team... -it hit a girl in the side of the face (she was fine) -that's the point where we all started laughing, not because i got the girl in the face from accross the gym with a volleyball, but because i'm the man... or maybe it was because i got her in the face anyways, it was quite the sight the girl still holds a grudge against me to this day, oh well, it was worth it also, the ball happened to come from my court... so... yeah... um... *bump*
  5. Mikerahk

    Shopping And Mocing

    o.o a metroid-esce ninjo sounds like fun now that i think about it, that's a really nice idea have fun my entry is more earth based, specifically, based off a character in naruto zabuza to be exact the one on the left with the huge sword loosely based off of him, but he's still the base model
  6. so that's how the contest will go so we have till noon today to finish all those entries, sounds like fun perhaps i'll get one or two entries read by then now, i've noticed that with some of the entries that the author hasn't updated to version 1 or 2 or 20... i've even seen one that hasn't been posted in in about 2 weeks and is still on version 1 after 2 judges posts now, could we judges possibly extend our power to make the corrections of the other judges (essentially we would be taking some to most of the workload off of you) so, would that be legal? it would certainly speed up the judging process say that the author hadn't updated the story after 5 days, we could go in and perform the corrections of the other judges (while not changing anything story wise) you could possibly make edit into the entrant list post the ones that should be updated or something just an idea to get this done faster, cause i know i don't want to read a story that has multiple problems in it (especially when those problems have already been pointed out )[/rantish idea]
  7. nah, binky should give me the sets to hold onto... they'll get put to good use... for... uh... posing... they'll be put in nice poses... yeah... i hold onto my lego mags for about a year or two on average... and then i find them under my bed later... 'tis nice to look through 'em
  8. Mikerahk

    July 1st

    the contest sounds intriguing... can't wait to see what the prize is... hmm... i'm more interested in behind the scenes... or course, building tips are always good to see... either or, doesn't really matter too much to me thanks for the info greg
  9. uh oh, i'd pm dimensioneer 'bout your problem, i would think that you would still have blogging abilities since you were premier at one point... i guess only time will tell and etc. do you know who the CD kid is? i've never heard of 'im
  10. as i responded a couple blogs ago... i haven't played MPH in a long time, i picked it up for the first time in weeks today (and crushed three 2 star bots) so, those darned glitches... i hate glitches, they are no fun for the person who's losing (generally me ) i'll have to experiment against a 1 star bot with this glitch... just for fun
  11. i wub that skin though i can't say that kanden is the best choice of a character, shoulda been trace IMO though, i wouldn't dream of putting a cover over my graphite black ds -more on glitches in your next entry-
  12. Mikerahk

    Wet Wednesday

    i hate rain, it is all that happens here in CT, rain rain rain, it's horrible i'm fortunate that my school mails home report cards... with a "Please Open Immediately" on the envelope even though i got 5 A-'s, 1 A, and an A+... getting your report card... it's one of those scary things now go get a nice, warm towel oh, and good job on those grades
  13. MPH i haven't played wifi on that in a good 2/3 weeks... i'll need to change that, if you need some points, you have my friend code good luck advancing those ranks i've never seen inuyasha myself...
  14. Mikerahk

    Life As A Judge

    i've actually only read 1 entry so far... and it turned out to be superb, lavaside rahi's entry to be exact, go read it well, i was gone all of yesterday, so i have an excuse here, have a blurb from my entry, it should be slightly redeeming i hope that doesn't kill your sanity
  15. Mikerahk

    News And Notes

    the news sounds good new info concerning the mana ko, now isn't that the combo of the two manas? and the inika... can't wait to get them
  16. Mikerahk

    I'm Back Baby

    gah, omi lost his 6-pack abs welcome back to normalcy omi nor do i, no one to laugh at
  17. i read through the DH topic, quite intensive and very informative concerning the epic, i'm dying in anticipation, i guess i'll live after all wouldn't it be an easier idea just to write the whole thing before posting?
  18. sounds like a fun contest now... only if my writing skills were better... i'll still give it a shot though... also, i have enough time to judge, and i'm savy enough in the storyline (those factlists are useful )... ditto that
  19. those are fun... i mean... i've never thrown one into a storm drain, i didn't hear the resounding boom, i didn't run away in fear of the cops pursuing me (which they didn't)... i don't know what you're talking about and nice mask too once my neighbor (who made that one that i didn't use) decided to throw one into a gatorade bottle, seal the bottle, and escape with <1 second... he never found the bottle...
  20. Mikerahk

    Notes From Billund

    as bright as jaller inika's face i am now incredably eager to get my hands on pics of these guys they sound revolutionary, can't wait till '07... and '06 isn't even half over and all that other stuff is good too i guess
  21. general tso's chicken > phanny packs o.o in situations where i'm hungry that is
  22. Mikerahk


    the disturbing images sent me into a mental chaos, talk about irnakk to the extreme good to see that you're back to normal so i guess the princess is in another castle after all
  23. i've only seen the grail once... and that was about 2 years ago... hilarious movie IMO now only if i could remember any of it glad your life is now completer than it was
  24. Mikerahk


    meeeeeee pepsi > coca cola but lemon-lime > cola
  25. Mikerahk

    Like Oh Noze!

    happy birthday now go ride a llama or something almost forgot... BAM!
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