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Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

  1. Helloooo there! *Pokes back.*

  2. But why is the cake attacking!? =O

  3. You're a cuddly little bear!? =D *Sweeps you up and huggles you.* Awww, you're so cuuute!

  4. Hi there! Nothing much is up. How about you?

  5. Hello equally scary person! =P

  6. Your new name is awesomeness. =D

  7. *Doesn't know about uber-inside joke but pokes forty-eight times anyways.*

  8. *Pokes forty-three times.* Ahahahaha! >=D

  9. *Pokes one hundred times.*

    *And one more.*

  10. You're cold and without a coat? D= I'll gladly donate a coat to the Make Jordboy Toasty And Warm Fund!

  11. Is there such a thing as a BeatleGlomp?

    Hm... there is now... *BeatleGlomps.*

  12. B-b-b-but... I love my interests! ;.;

  13. Yeah, now I really am getting old. O_O

    *Pokles back.*

  14. We have banana muffins, but their frosting has elements of mutative radiation in it, which could have some possible dismaying consequences... are you sure you want it?

  15. Yes, it was indeed! And it's so huggable! *Sweeps up DVD and huggles it.*

    Yay for sanity! =P

  16. Happy new year to you as well! =D

  17. What kind would you like?

  18. Hi, would you like a muffin? =D

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