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Lara White

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Everything posted by Lara White

  1. You know I'm legit, iBrow. P.S. You also know how obsessive I am about compartmentalization. Pretty much anyone who's worked with me knows that.
  2. Something occurred to me--since we're pretty sure there's a recurring Mafian in here somewhere, someone should cross-reference any possible hints in the scenes where they appeared with this one, and see if they're consistent. Also, now that the Detective's vouched for me, the Medic needs to contact me. I don't know why he hasn't contacted Tex already.
  3. Well, someone trusted the wrong people. We're probably going to lose, the death rate is far, far too high. Anyway, cross-referencing time! Sheogorath appeared in the first scene.Toa Onarax appeared in the first sceneToaKapura appeared in the second scene. The odds are strong that one of these is a Mafian. I will refrain from voting right now. I really do have to point out to the GM, however, that if he has been using clues as he's claimed, they've been really vague and obtuse. The best I can guess is maybe Vahki=Unit#phtnk?
  4. It'd be the Third, at least. And to steer us back on topic, I'd like to ask a general question of the players: When you're designing a character, what do you focus on the most? Appearance? Powers and combat? Character? Additionally, how much do you separate yourself from your character? Are they their own entity and you're just writing them, or are they your mouthpiece in the RPG?
  5. I'd suggest going with who you're still with. Just because it's lost doesn't mean it didn't happen.
  6. IC: Brunhilde ran a few circuits, imitating thoughts as best she could. A vessel has hailed us and inquired as to our neutrality. The Captain has ordered a cautionary Condition Yellow.
  7. There's a lot of subjectivity to this, but I think the bottom line is that A good villain is fun to watch.
  8. Ach, Taka's right. We can't keep up this rate of death, it's currently 6:1 in their favor.
  9. Really, we like to compete and doubt each other, but when it gets down to it, we're all gentlemen to one degree or another.
  10. Because he has no reason to lie about having internet troubles?
  11. IC: "Acknowledged, Captain. Continuing on current course. ELINT indicates they are preparing weapons in the event that we prove hostile." Brunhilde stated. To the other ship, she transmitted, "The Captain has established a safe threshold of ten thousand kilometers. Please do not cross this boundary." The Tarnhelm continued to drift across the black void of space toward Kal Dormus.
  12. IC: "General Quarters, General Quarters. This is not a drill." Brunhilde announced. "All hands man your stations. The Captain has declared Condition Yellow. I repeat, General Quarters, all hands to your stations." A claxon began to sound as she made the announcement on the ship-wide system. She was very careful to ensure it was not broadcast to the other ship. As the enemy's laser cannon began to warm up, Brunhilde took notice. "Sir, the bogey has begun to warm up her weapons systems." She reported.
  13. ...Well. That certainly brings some interesting things to light. Time to recalibrate my projections...
  14. IC: Silence for a moment. Then a burst of static again. "Negative." The computer replied. "This range is sufficient for communications and there are no practical reasons to rendezvous without intending an exchange of materials."
  15. OOC: What, no fight? XD IC: "Acknowledged. We confirm neutrality as well." The computer said, following another short burst of static.
  16. IC: The channel was filled with static for a second, then a voice came across. "Query:" It said in a synthesized voice. "Are you threatening us?" It asked. OOC: You have your character who's security for the Tarnhelm, yes?
  17. IC: "Sentinel HQ is on the far side of the bazaar from the gates, up against the back wall of the canyon." The secretary said, slightly annoyed. How long was this guy's "leave of absence?" ~+~ "We need to put out feelers into Po-Koro." Weiss said. "If someone is going to attack us, it will most likely be them, and we will want advance warning of their approach. No kidnappings, no conversions. Just have servants of Ak'rei'an in Po-Koro who talk to and live amongst their folk and may warn us of their action. We would need volunteers from this collection, though."
  18. I'd make the odds to be about 40:1 in favor of war.
  19. ...Uh, that's a very bad reason to vote for someone. If you don't know why, why are you doing it?
  20. OOC: He should, I think he's older than three months. I'll go double check. If he's there, I'll update his name from what it was previously. IC: "We need to improve security." Weiss said without explanation. He took it as an axiom that he'd be right, whatever the others thought.
  21. IC: Weiss opened his eyes. Larikon called them to council, and he would answer. He stood, rising from his meditative posture and heading to the meeting chamber where the others awaited. He put distance between himself and the lesser servants of Ak'rei'an--their weathered appearances disgusted him. It was as if they had no consideration for appearances. In the chamber itself, he listened to Larikon from the very back of the group. ~+~ Hewkii's secretary nodded to Baranx as he entered. "Hello, can I help you?" She asked.
  22. I use "Iron Chancellor" elsewhere, Kughii. As for your question, Norik, I do, via Hewkii. Why do you ask?
  23. Was there actually a stab wound on the body or are we taking "backstabbed" way too literally? @ Blade: What's your opinion? You're usually not half-bad with this kind of stuff. :w
  24. Hrm, it seemed like he'd been stabbed earlier, then stabbed again by the Serial Killer. My mistake.
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