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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. My dogs big and brave. Ok well I don't have a dog anymore (No pets ;_, but my dad kept him outside, he hated animals in our lil' ol' house.
  2. Oh gosh I just loved your plumbing picture! *Goes off to look at it again* You should have made it to the finals, but what Nikira said in her entry today (read to understand), is probably the answer.
  3. I agree, I think a lot of people just voted for me because I am known, even though it was awful, and I got more than one person who I thought was better than me. It does get annoying, if everyone would pay more attention to the art than the peron themselves, we go good. But the AC are fun to do.
  4. 92?! Thats cool! We get over a 100 where we live and it can get terribly humid. >< Bleh LA....
  5. Lady Kopaka

    I'm Back!

    Well I am back. Tired but alive and such. We traveled almost 3000 miles, and I am still counting up the hours. And my dad had over 150 emails. =3 Scary. Anyway, I have a whole bunch of art to scan and show, a few that I need to finish, but I think I have about 4 or 5 ready for scanning, not totally sure. The other few really are done, they just need some last minute check ups and some things I needed a picture for, but didn't have during the trip. But I will scan and do that stuff tommorow, I still need to check email, and play Guild Wars. () But really I am just to tired to play with my stupid scanner. So farewell!
  6. Awww thats a cute picture! I don't have time to read it all Tur-Larrboy sir, but it very hillarious. I want to play candyland!
  7. Lady Kopaka

    A-whoops. ><

    *Sniff* I wish I could go see a movie in the theatures....Almost anything. I rarely get to go, so its a BIG treat for our family. Hopefully, my group of friends have decided to go see it, maybe if they wait for me to get back home, I can go with them. X-Men is cool, but when my friend told me what happened in the 3rd, I got pretty grumpy and sad. I hope to see PotC 2!
  8. *Comment time* Yes, I named my computer Lucas...And I need to name my MP3 player to...Mmhh... ________________ I'm a sad little girl, my entry is doing terrible. Only 6 votes....But hey, I can't blame them, it wasn't the best entry, and I had to get stuck with LZ0Z and those two other guys that I forgot there names. Looking Nikira has over 90 votes, I have a feeeling she'll win for sure, all those hard years of art and twice she didn't make it, so she deserves it. Well, right now I am in one of those moods when your just down in the dumps and even though everyone claims that you did a good job on things, you still hit your head against the wall. *Sigh* I guess I am just being a spoiled sport, so I guess I need to stop complaining.... Well, a peice of a chocolate cake calls my name, that should make me feel better. And I need to get it before some of the family comes back from church. (My sister, grandma and I didn't go, to prepare for lunch) So see ya. ART NEWS: Atleast 7 pictures almost completed and ready to scan! Thats quite a lot, and a few I am very proud with. I still need to work on my coloring though.... Also, when I get home, I will take a picture of my Titanic picture and a few other paintings I have done and show 'em here possibly.
  9. Gasp! When did you become a PM?! I voted for you.
  10. *Comment time* TO EVERYONE: Goodness gracious you all misunderstood me. Those 7 states are not the only one I have been to. Oh well, I never explained well... I have been to Louisiana, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Texas, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Indiana(I think…) Alabama, And I know there is more, my brain is just not working. >< I guess I haven’t been to much places though, specially up north, I have stayed(and lived) as far south as you can go.….BUT, I have been to Britain, Germany, around part of the middle east, and lived in Kurgistan for awhile. Yay for out of USA. But I have been to most of those states I stated several times. Even lived in some. Anyway I am at my grandparents, love it here, I could live here really, but I have church and friends down where I live, but I’d move to TN or NC in a second. Well yesterday we left NC and decided we go all the way to Savanna, Tennessee. Which was crazy as it would be around 12 hours. But guess what? We did it. Even crazier, we left at 6:30 PM. And besides for dinner and rest stops once and awhile, we went all the way to TN and didn’t go to any hotel. Which was kind of cool, but I HATE sleeping in vehicles. So we get there at 7AM and after we unpack, EVERYONE goes straight to sleep, and I slept till 12. 5 hours ack! My sleeping is now messed up. In about 2 days or less we leave to home, which will take 8-9 hours. Which isn’t bad. So I will be so glad to get home and to see Lucas! *hugs him* ….Oh I keep on forgetting, Lucas is my computer. My friends is called George, but that go into a terrible joke.
  11. Lady Kopaka

    I Have No Life

    Well your life is much more facinating than my'n. Our family is always in choas. I have seen X-Men 2, I probably wont get to see the other 2 though, my dad doesn't like them. (He doesn't like ANY movies it seems) We're suppose to go see Cars for my brother birthday, but we're on a trip so its going to be hard. I haven't seen a movie since Narnia, and that was last December. Well I believe I have bothered you enough. Goodluck also on yer entry!
  12. Yeah well I bet everyone wondered where I went as I left kind of sudden without much of a good goodbye. After finishing my entry, my parents were already kind of mad at me, so I couldn't really do anything 'bout that. I even forgot to say ANYTHING at all to one of my forums I go to, everyone thought I left there. >> Anyway, guess I should explain what’s going on, I left where I live and traveled threw Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and NOW, North Carolina! I believe I have now traveled all over the southern part of America. Well I am kind of glad my parents are the big traveling type, specially my dad. The main reason of the trip was because ma' dad has quite a few business meetings. And now in NC, we are at the last one. (FINALLY!) But then we're going to see our sister, then going threw Virginia, and then to stay at my Grandparents in Tennessee. So....we're going threw...*counts* 7 states! Goodness gracious we're going to be very bankrupt when we get home. ^^ Art is going well, still really mad at my entry, I would have been better off not doing anyone at all. But anyway, when I get home, yall be getting lots of more art. I was going to say something else, but I forgot...So bye, as I need to get dressed and start packing, we're going to check out soon. And mom and the others slept late. EDIT: Darn my terrible spelling.
  13. Ok, I have less than 10 hours to finish my entry for the contest, since I am leaving on the trip on Sunday instead of Monday. AGGGHH FREAKING OUT! *runs around mad* WHAT TO DO?!
  14. I have looked around at your site, its really cool. I been meaning to read that story for SO LONG. >> Blame the artwork and my stomach ache. Bet its a great story, as Nikira did some good advertizing on that picture of you. BTW, It seems you like PoP? Very cool.
  15. Oh my freaking gwrosh! My dads present finally came in the mail today, and guess what it is? A MP3 PLAYER! Its so tiny, and very light. But its amazing that it can hold up to 1GB. ^^ So far I have a lot of songs, I am still learning how to do it, so I forgot the exact, but its a lot. Now I am going to see if I can put some of my stories(and my friends, that I been meaning to read) on it, so on the trip, I think I will be able to read it. Its very awesome, and so thankfull that my dad got it, he's the best! WELL, except when he got mad and figured out I wasted my birthday money on Guild Wars, I felt guilty, but I probably wont spend 50 bucks on a game again. (Stupidest thing I have ever done) Next time I will look around for a cheaper price before buying it. >< My stomach still hurts, and I guess I will go scan my art. So farewell. EDIT: Discovered I have 375 songs, and I am still missing some.
  16. Try me . Seriously you wouldn't imagine how many freckles I have.
  17. I beg your pardon?? My hair is red. ^^
  18. AHHH THE PICTURE BUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRNSSS. ...OK it really doesn't . Your hair is redder than me! But I have more freckles....So HAH!
  19. *Its time for comment time with LK!* Takuta, OMIGOSH, that is an awesome cake! But my cake is cooler. (XD) Infact. I will show the pictures of it somtimes guys, its the biggest cake EVA! Delta-32, I didn't get much. My sister bought me a Bionicle(Vezok), a cheap hat(for a joke), and then I got around 30 dollors in all of birthday money from various people. And thats it. __________ I layed around mostly yesterday, went to church, food was very good there, but my stomach has been hurting since monday morning, so I didn't eat much. Went to wallmart and got...GUILD WARS! FINALLY ALL THESE LONG YEARS! (Ok only about a year ) Its a great game, the graphics are top notch, music is very nice, characters, enemies and stuff are cool, and weapons and powers rule. Similar to Runescape I guess, but not as crowded, less annoying Noobs and leet speakers and so on. The only two downsides are that I had to spend 50 bucks on the game, which was a little annoying, but understandble, as you don't have to do any monthly fees, just buy the game and thats it. And then my character could put on some more clothes(I didn't have a choice in what she should wear), But I think I can change them whenever I can get some. And I would advise you guys to buy it, its really good. Anyone else play it? Well I need to finish school, and then I want to play GW. Sorry I haven't been on much, or replying to PM's. I am just going threw that faze where I don't get on a lot for a few days, but I have read all the PM's, and I will reply to them later. ART NEWS: Aranos needs to be scanned, and started on Zieg. I need to contact The Great Protodermis Sea Dragon about his picture, and I have some Toa to scan. SO YEAH...
  20. You have a very strange mind.... Oohh when was the last time I had my hair in piggytales? XD thanks Nid!
  21. .... ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! OH YEAH! *Dances* My sister got me a present, and so far, thats the only present I have(OH WELL ), I am probably gana open it today.
  22. Lady Kopaka


    Wellz, I like the name Mr. Greg. ^^ I will be excited about it, but cliffhangers are not good, no no no....They make you go all twitchy and impatient for the next one.
  23. Why do I get the feeling you like pirates, ships and stuff? Very well, but I am from the English Navy, Cap'tn. (Yes I like that stuff to) Just wanted to stop by (exploring around) And just wave. Also to thank you for replying in my Zahktan topic, your advise was helpful.
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