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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. I'm sorry about my mess I got into. I never ment for this to happen....
  2. Lady Kopaka

    I Be Back

    Stupid board message, you just made me feel worse. Now I will have to re-type everything, but I wont, I Will make it short. I am back from Florida, had a fun time, will tell more later. I won the S&T contest. Got major problem with it. Very embarrassing. I am utterly tired. I have art to scan, so hold yer' thoughts. I want to go to bed. I want chocolate.
  3. Lady Kopaka

    I Finished!

    I FINISHED, I FINISHED!!! THE PICTURE IS DONE! Gosh...I admit I am not very happy how it ended, but its still nice I guess.....I FINISHED! No resting for me though, I am about to go pack up and stuff....Then get up around 6' to leave with dad. Ta-ta!
  4. Tsk tsk...I just figured out I wont be able to go this year. Oh well.
  5. Current mood: REALLY Tired Currently doing: Uhhh Currently listening to: K-Love Radio Goodness I am SO TIRED. I was supposed to get up at 7 to get ready for church, but slept late and now its almost 8. >< I be mighty glad when I can have a good long nap. Well, my stress is over I think. Beside me being a little tired and still twitchy about that art project... I am SO CLOSE to finishing that picture...Just a little more detail and coloring. And I have to fix one thing, I am having TERRIBLE trouble on. I should finish it by today, and then mom/dad can help me send it and stuff. On a note about my trip, I might leave on Monday instead of Tuesday. See, my dads leaving a day earily for the meeting by himself, and I think it would be nice to give him some company. Not only that but it wouldn't be crowded and I could have the whole back truck to myself. The only problem with that, I would have to finish my picture today, pack-up, buy some last minute things, and need to print out some stuff about art. I WILL work on requests during the vacation for you guys. So....Don't expect me to be very active today, or if any for the week. Love ya guys! I leave with this quote..... ______________________________________ Jack Sparrow: Perfect. What would my torment be without freaky crabs here to mock me? [Continued] Jack Sparrow: I'm talking to a crab. (Reminder guys, this is from the draft script)
  6. Dial-Up....Scares me seriously. *Shudders* Poor you, hope you can get DSL back up soon.
  7. Congradulations on that Turakii! I hope you win, as I loved your story very much. And if not, Congrads on getting this far. WATERMELON?? O.O....*Runs off to ebay also*
  8. Current mood: Overly happy! Currently doing: Writing on stories Currently listening to: *Sigh* Pirates again... ______________________________________ Well it’s raining over here, it’s really pretty...Its weird as sometimes rain can get so annoying, but other times it’s beautiful and very peaceful. Though, I love the dark clouds and silent thunder....Favorite weather. Anyway.... I AM WINNING IN THE VOYA NUI POLL!! *Calms down* Eh-hem, but I am so happy. I seriously thought I wouldn't even make it through the first round'. I'd like to thank everyone for voting for me and the support, and even to the people who didn't vote for me, but still enjoyed my story...Thanks. Well of course I shant' get my hopes to high; someone could pass me by in a moment. But this will seriously make me a very happy person if I win. To that art project, I just started to color it....Its been stressing because I have been SO BUSY and barely has had time to work on the picture, I am just worried if its going to go to long and wont finish it before we leave for another trip. Yes *another* trip. This time to Florida where my dad is having some meeting....Thankfully it’s only a week. But still I am ready to settle down at home. I am getting tired, and muchly prefer to finish working on some stories I am doing and to eat my delightful green apple. ______________________________________ Tia Dalma: I feel it in my soul, if we do not escape this night, we will sail trackless seas, under starless skies, to our doom. Gibbs: There's a cheery thought. Jack Sparrow: At least our demise sounds poetic.
  9. I probably wont be able to get all, but I do intend to get at least three. Great stuff they are, even though I still am a little grumpy 'bout there masks.
  10. K-Mart has good prices on stuff though.
  11. Lady Kopaka


    I could have swore your birthday.....Oops my mistake. Oh I know that place! I just thought differently as since its spelled so weird....
  12. Aye aye! You are very correct my dear friend. For awhile I admit I thought the Blog Staff seemed useless as most members who had them were mature enough, but then I noticed some things and now there are a great overflow in them. So hear hear, good job blog staff!
  13. Sheerluck? I wonder how that got there. I went to a christain book store and saw the sign for it, I'll have to ask mom to add it to the Netflix queue. K-Love? *Shudders* Don't take me wrong, tis' a wonderful station, but they play the same song OVER AND OVER.
  14. *Cough* OKAY....Honey thats just weird. I haven't been to our K-Mart in awhile, but last time I checked it was cool....
  15. Lady Kopaka


    Oohh another PotC 2 fan! Join the club! Davy Jones is awesome, he's like a Darth Vader seriously....But I prefer Barbossa.
  16. Current mood: Pretty well, has a slight headache Currently doing: About to go do chores Currently listening to: Hawk Nelson: Letters to the President ______________________________________ SO YEAH...*Thinks of something to say* Our sis came to visit us for about a week as some of you know, so today we went shopping. (So exciting!) I was getting a little bored with the clothes...But thankfully, mom bought me a new CD as you see up there...And I had some extra dollors, so spent it up on a Pirates button. Great little thing. *Pats happily* So hopefully tommorow when they go shopping, we can go to Target and Wal-Mart, as I really would like to buy the Pirates of the Caribbean 2 Soundtrack. ^^ Oh yeah, I have no art to update, whooot! Nikira and I are like lazy all the time. On another good note, I finally found a good name for my MP3 Player: Hector ______________________________________ Pintel: Pintel and Ragetti! Kraken slayers! Ragetti: Kraken slayers! [Continues] Ragetti: Pintel! I…I just had a thought. Pintel: What's that like? Ragetti: I bet folk would pay a shilling to see this! They would. And a second shilling for a sketch of ‘em sitting atop! Pintel: We could carve mini true Krakens out of coconut and sell those, too! Ragetti: We'd be rich, and wouldn't have to pirate no more. Pintel: Aye! And I could afford to buy you a real fake glass eye, like I always wanted to.
  17. Lady Kopaka


    How you pronouce that? That word is just to fancy looking for a southerner to understand. I thought you joined around oct 04', I guess I got mixed up with your birth date....But anyway congrads on 2 years! I keep on thinking that I have been here longer than 9 months, I guess thats because I lurked around the forum before I was able to join.
  18. We couldn't be full-time since we'd start missing the sermon, that’s why we have a lot of people switching off every Sunday. Any ink problems that I dislike are usually a line that got a little fatter than the others or crooked, but I did do this one spot which I am SO MAD about, hopefully, it won’t be noticeable when I color. I have part of the PotC III script, so I took out a bunch of quotes that I like and will post one every time in my blog entries. But I'd like to point out its a draft script, so when to go see the real thing, its probably going to be different or not there at all....But some things could be there. Oh thanks! I just searched Pirates III and found it somehow.
  19. Lady Kopaka

    Like My New Pic?

    Thats sad not funny. Gosh you better get a chapter up, I have less than two chapters to read. ^^ After I catch up, I will comment your story on your review page.
  20. Awww man, your beating me nooooooo! No no, get a Banjo or inflatable turkey!
  21. Current mood: Tired Currently doing: Nothing at the moment Currently listening to: PotC Soundtrack (again) ______________________________________ *Falls asleep on keyboard* So...tired. Well, my sister made it safe and sound here last night. Great to see her since I haven't seen Rebecca in over a year. She got me this pretty necklace and a nice bracelet. And she'll be staying for a week I believe. We went to church, and my friend and I that day were strangely hyped up () and could not settle down. So we decided to go see if we could go help in children’s church, which thankfully we went and if not, the parents would have had a problem. When we got there, somehow whoever was supposed to teach was not at church or something just got confusing. So Laur and I took over and stuff, read a lesson, did a little craft, got some snacks and let them play. It was pretty easy, but two young boys would just NOT settle down, they were running around like crazy. But besides that no harm done. And then we went out to on this special occasion since my sis is here. Went to a Mexican place...Really nice food, and then here I am. Stuffed, tired and...mmh yes that’s about it. Well I went to check about the voting polls, and I am ahead again. Though dear Jedi Gali could just easily catch up, which I wouldn't mind as her story is just amazing. But I am very excited about all this; I would be so pleased if I could get passed the Semi's. Also, once again I have gone on that terrible habit of not replying and PM'ing people. I am sorry about that, once again remember I am not ignoring you, it’s just because I have been to busy to reply and I sometimes forget to reply when I do have the time. About the scanner....STILL hasn’t been plugged up yet, but I will get around to it, because I know all of you are impatient 'bout that. Art Project getting closer to be done! Almost all the inking is complete, and soon to color...Though I am sad because I have noticed some Ink mistakes. ;_; Oh well. ______________________ (Guess what this is from? ) Barbossa: All right! Only I knows the route home. Jack Sparrow: That would make you - - the navigator. Barbossa: Captain. Jack Sparrow: Cook? Barbossa: Captain. Jack Sparrow: Cockswain? Will: Enough, Jack is rightfully Captain of his ship. All decisions subject to my approval, understood? Jack Sparrow: As Captain, I am pleased to name as First Mate Master Barbossa. Will: Agreed? Barbossa: I can deal with First Mate. It worked out fine for me late time. MAY 25TH IT COMES OUT MATES!
  22. He does survive. Along with the pearl and all. He's totally fine.
  23. OOhhh Miss Krahka, did you know that I would have said the same thing? Yes, Zahktan is totally awesome, and seriously, Vakama is HOT. *Squeals* But I am still going for my dear Kopaka. Omg, thats so true! I have been screaming over HK-47 for the longest time.
  24. Rum! Not champagne! Yummmmmm cake.....But want an apple?
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