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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Yay for Turakii, I be having a feeling you'd get it soon. *claps* 91%?! I just cleared my'n up from the dreaded 88%. Its now 7%....Accidently deleted some messeges that I didn't want deleted though. ><
  2. It. Is. SO. BLOODY. HOT. *Faints* I thought we escaped the heat wave...We're wrong. The humidity is so awful, and its nearly a 100 last time I checked....Well, that’s what you get for living in a place similar to Aus. Well, this morning my family (Save for my dad) went to the Home School Kick Off. To those who are thinking. 'OMG, you get kicked off?!' It just means the Home School group is kicking off (And families) on school projects, classes, and things like that. Most of my friends were there, so that = VERY HYPER. We got a bunch of name tags and wrote different things on them, and stuck them all over us. Then we got some face paint and put a 'Black Spot' on all of our hands. We are not normal girls. So mom signed me up for Speech, a Drama class and I am doing art. So let’s just hope that won’t be too busy. Yeah right. XD Besides that, my braces randomly decided to hurt my mouth and it’s pretty hot. I need to get some more water. Oh yeah, I fixed up me blog. ^^ I still need to do one more thing, but I'll do that later. Random news: I get to go see pirates III at midnight and dress up!
  3. 12 Dollar saber? O.o I want to get one from Amazon for 40....Maaaann. Eh, we don't forgive you for leaving us in the dark and without any art to guide us through the art forum. And yet you haven't updated your site? I haven't updated for atleast 3 months! ....Great, now that makes me feel bad for not updating. >< Sorry about you missing your two year anniversary and the stolen camera, life ain't fair is it?
  4. Lady Kopaka

    Entry For Today

    No, talking about seaguls stealing granola bars is WEIRD. =D No actually, I be the real Banana master as I eat them 24/7, and my names rhymes with Banana. Hah, top that!
  5. I am pretty skinny, but I am also been getting rather weak since I haven't done much exercise. I remember when I was younger I was rather strong for my age, but not now. *Sniff* I guess I need to start up running and such again....After its not so hot. =P I wish I could go to brickfest, I was so close to getting to go this year, but oh well. Maybe next year?
  6. Lady Kopaka

    Nightwish > All

    I think I have heard of that band, but never listened to 'em. I will have to try them out. yay new chapter!1!
  7. Oh dear, what in the world can it be? I can only guess![/bad acting]
  8. Wow, well these are one of those days where I have so much to say in so little time, so prepare for a long entry. Well, for starters....Today is Thursday? Well on Monday, dad took me on a 'dad date' that he promised to do for my birthday and never did, but finally did. Anyway, we went to Wal-Mart, Books-A-Million and Sonic. I wasn’t really overjoyed to go to Wally World, but I needed a bookbag and I knew I saw a really cool one there. (Think Pirates everyone...) So I get there, and guess what? I couldn't find it. In fact, I couldn't find the bookbags or backpacks AT ALL. My guess their out of stock...Because WM was awfully crowded, I guess it was because of last minute school supplies. So I decide to go find that Master and Commander Soundtrack I saw, but sadly, it wasn’t there either. >< So I was annoyed, so I go to look for a certain DVD, and it wasn’t there either! So I decide to go see if they had Sims 2 Nightlife(Which they did), so I was about to buy it when...when....I saw a Pirates of the Caribbean game. I couldn't help it, so I bought that instead. It was about 30 dollars, so I don't think I wasted my money on it like I did with Guild Wars, so now my official limit of games is thirty and under. But the game is really fun, and in the files of it, I got the music from it along with some really cool sound effects and stuff. So I got my money out of it. But I just remember I need a few other things. (Amp, etc) So I am saving up again, which is that bad, since I had 5 dollars left over from the game, and dad is paying 10 dollars for some work I did, and mom be paying my chore money soon, so it'll work out. Now, skipping to Wednesday night, dad and I leave about an hour and a half so I and my friend could practice guitars/drums. Thinking over, I don’t think my friends want to start a band, but my one friend (Lauren) still likes the idea, so we are probably going to be a 2 man band, even though it would be nice to find a lead singer since we two don’t think we sing very well, but I think I will ask dad for help on singing, and I could do it. As Laur wants to do drums, and I am focused on guitar. (But we’ll switch around sometimes) Also, we’re thinking of band names….A little boy from our church suggested it to be called ‘The father, the Daughter and the Best Friend’. I like it A LOT, but my dad ain’t going to be in it. XD We thought for awhile about it being called ‘The Flying Dutchman’. But we are neither Dutch nor men. So then we thought about the ‘Pirates who don’t do anything’. Or something around that, but we decided that isn’t very original. So we are kind of stuck. *Shrugs* Any ideas would be nice. After that, we left for a sleepover with some other girls from my church at a teacher who used to be teaching our class. It was really fun and well….crazy as ever. We watched a lot of my friend’s homemade movies and music videos, talked, acted weird, played some board games, and also had fun with our teacher’s two little kids. They are so cute! So…Here I am, sitting at my desk typing away, and my sister yelling at me to get off so she can get on. So I’ll have to post around on BZP later. Because I have a feeling she is going to go tell on me…. (For nothing of which I have done, save for write this entry) Anyway, I think I have finally decided on how I can fix up me blog. But ye will all have to wait! So yall come back ya hear?
  9. *Rubs hands* Hahaha, lets have a look here Mr. Jones. *Goes to read chapters that I decided eariler I was to lazy to read*
  10. Lady Kopaka

    It's Coming...

    ... My eyes hurt.
  11. Good day mates! Wow I am pretty hyper and in a pretty good mood. Besides me still getting asked to do requests. Hang in there guys! I am tempted to spiffy up my blog, I would really like to have random fictional characters come into me blog, but Turakii's already doin that. And I guess I could do something with my content blocks, can't think of anything at the moment. *Shrugs* Maybe I should take a freaky pic like Angry Nid did. O.o Oh yeah... Guess what? I GOT AN ELECTRIC GUITAR!!! I have been praying for atleast two years for one, and even though I knew that mom and dad could never afford to buy one for me, I still prayed and saved my own money. But dad comes home last night from another trip. And he brings this big box in, and there it was! A really nice Blue EG. His friend who has a lot of Guitars had an extra and somehow knew I wanted one, so he gave it. I need a Amp, and a few other things though. Dang, I forgot how much prayer helps till now, big or small, stupid or important.
  12. *Gasp* Turakii dear! You have much to learn when Larry stays at yer house. YOU NEVER LET CUCUMBERS SEE GETTING CUCUMBERS SLICED UP.
  13. Tube stuff owns. ^^ XD a band name, I love it.
  14. Lady Kopaka


    Schools starting for me in a moment also. *First year at highschool*
  15. I'd be a random weapon colloctor myself. ^^ If my parents let me XD. Though I do plan on buying a cutless or something...
  16. The pink really goes with your hair. *Gasp* Since we have the same hair color...Would it work with me also? XD
  17. The official page for the S&T contest entries are up! I feel so happy, and VERY glad I got through that mess. Congradulations Turakii and SPIRIT, yall deserved it...And also a well played by all means. ^^; Now, I can focus on my other stories, such as my upcomming epic and my PotC story, and my original fantasy....and well a bunch more. Art requests almost done, I am very amazed, I will actually get a break from them! I mean no offence on that, but I can now use my Bionicle-Art time to focus on getting on the certain Bionicle years and characters I haven't drawn yet. Also, happy International Pohatu Day! My long lasting faze of Barbossa Avatars failed. But probably after today, I am going to change 'em back to him. XD I am so obbsessed. Also, today seems to be the blog of the week day....I wonder who will get it? Personally, Turakii deserves it as she is who won in the contest AND has like the coolest blog eva. Speaking of which I need to add some more stuff to me blog....
  18. It is? O.o But I just orginized my sig/av....Gah I will fix it... That poor Visorak.
  19. Lady Kopaka


    *Looks at your pic* Dear Lord.
  20. Oh gosh, thats awful, I recently got into a car reck with our old van, but no one got hurt...I do remember PLENTY of times though with car recks and our family invovled, scary stuff. Well, glad your back and hope you'll be fine, along with your family. ...And I haven't even started on the 05 at all and much of any of 06! I need to start drawing.
  21. Hold on a moment mate....This Miss Bubbles is your mum? O.O I told you Turakii, your family has ownage. *Le gasp* Poor Larry!
  22. Lady Kopaka

    Yes, I Is Alive

    Oh and guess what? I FINALLY got some sketches for the sword. Lookie here. Tell me if I should play around with 'em some more if none of the appeal to you.
  23. Don't worry, I am updating chapps. So uhh what to say? Well lets see, I updated my art. And I guess I need to start working on more of the offical characters than just my made up ones and requets, but they're fun so savvy? ALMOST done looking over my story for final details, so I probably will get it up by tonight, sorry Bones, I'm trying. Also thank Turakii and Utopia for editing my story as Grammar is my worst subject, and also thanks for the ideas and help with the storyline issue. To my life, it seems to be settling down, requests almost over, and seemingly not as much work to do these days. (Save for chores, school...normal things) I be glad greatly about this though. So I'll be able to catch up on things. *Runs out of things to say*
  24. Lady Kopaka

    I Be Back

    Thanks guys, I am back up to my normal self, and caught up with my sleeping. I guess it was just that random week where you can get pretty stressed. August was a hectic month. Thanks Bones, I originally knew about what happned and stuff...And somehow I forgot or wasen't thinking and I forgot about that Storyline issue. I'm not the wisest Bionicle person. CHOCOLATE AND UPDATES YAY! *Clears throat*
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