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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Yeah...Um...I did a stupid thing today. I was washing stuff that didn't fit into the dishwasher after lunch, and while washing, I forgot to do the huge knife last(The kind of knife that chops up a lot of food and whatnot), I threw it in the water, and when pulling it out, it slit my finger. OOhhh it hurt. And boy did it bleed a lot. It was weird. O.o And so I learnt a valuble lesson on doing the sharpy items last. So now I have a bandaid on, and my finger hurts awfully bad. So I probably wont be doing much drawing or typing until it feels better. I'll be lucky do write decently for school. And today, we have a lot of school. >> Mom's pushing us awfully hard lately.
  2. I vote for Gravity, its totally sweet. But then again, Magnetism can be a really cool power for a Bionicle. But it matters, if your giving this power to a certain character, what is the character like and whats best suited for him/her? And on about the death, I really like both, the slow death is great for an emotional scene, while a quick death is good for a twist or shocker.
  3. Lady Kopaka


    Lady Kopaka keeps wondering why people post in her blog. O.o
  4. Lady Kopaka

    Must Type Fast.

    Would it be a little scary to say that my dad acts like House?
  5. Lady Kopaka


    Lady Kopaka now will start annoying the daylights with third person to people.
  6. Lady Kopaka

    Must Type Fast.

    No no, everyone is doing it because I started it! [/end bragging] OH NOES, I MISSED HOUSE. Oh well...I had fun watching that cowboy movie.
  7. Read? O.o *fixes* MY Yoda shirt. *huggles it*
  8. To confirm the suspicions of many BZP'ers who have never seen a picture of me, and only the drawing Turakii did, I bring you the proof. Proof More Proof Cases confirm that Lady Kopaka does have red hair. ....Ok its actually Strawberry Blonde with red along with some blonde and brown. But let’s not get to technical. EDIT: To whoever reads my epic, I have chapter I up.
  9. Our town seriously needs to get an Olive Garden, the closest one I think is in Baton Rouge or Lafayette?
  10. Happy Birthday KIE! To bad you didn't get any tickets. What if I stalked down to where you live, ain't I cooler than football? Haha, jk.
  11. Must....Get....GoW and WW.... [/drools] Boo yah! Yet another following my Bio fad.
  12. Lady Kopaka

    Epic Is Up!

    Lady Kopaka thinks this would make a funny fad, LK says for everyone to start talking in third person. Um. *Cough* Annnywaay. Guess what, guess what?? I got lazy and stopped using colors. Man it takes forever. But thats not the guess what, this is: I added a few more peices of art that I forgot in my art topic, and also my epic is FINALLY up! Go read it, and also, just for you art freaks, for every chapter, there will be a drawing. Yay. So you can go read Here! Also, still fixing up the review page. Bear with me. Besides that, nothing much happening. Just going through a freaky faze of just listening to Demon Hunter. (The BEST metal band eva)
  13. Lady Kopaka


    Lady Kopaka thinks this would make a funny fad.
  14. But like, I don't have any of that stuff. Save for dressing like you...
  15. I always wanted to play and get killed in paintball with my friends. But they're such cowards. XD
  16. I got 6th place, so hey, 2nd place is very good. But good job and good luck in a next AC12.
  17. Ahh, it said I got 14 out of 20. Though I think I messed up on the ones where you have to write out the answer and there was one I skipped. So blame the typing in ones! *Goes to re do it* I think I will also make my own PoP quiz Which one's were the ones I messed up on? -Takatu
  18. Lady Kopaka


    Yay, I started the Bio fad! ....You don't have purple eyes, you know how illogical that is for a red headed person? 1. I use to know that one. 2. I use to know that one too. 3. Because being famous usually screws you?
  19. Lady Kopaka


    Lady Kopaka updated her art! Lady Kopaka is about to post her Epic! Lady Kopaka is now using a color for posting! (Following whatever theme I have going) Lady Kopaka needs to murder her dying keyboard. ....Lady Kopaka needs ice cream!
  20. Lady Kopaka

    To Blazes!

    I still need to get those books, along with some Inika, and so much more. Alas, I am a poor person. I voted for you. ^^ I am so glad tommorow is friday, but since Math hasen't been as hard, school wasen't really stressing. But yay, almost Saterday!
  21. If I wasen't so busy, I'd be playing 24/7.
  22. Hey sweet, I am in 6th place for the polls. Yayz for Amigo, Nikira and Turakii though. Well, going through the Indiana Jones faze....I thought of making an epic for my Bionicle Indy guy, but since I have another planned Epic almost ready to post, and I don't think I can handle doing two Epics at once. (Maybe if I wasn’t doing art here. But eh) so I have decided for the moment, to just make a short story for him now and write a longer story later. So just expect a short story within a week or so about that. I already got a page for it. And so far it’s really cool. Ok, I need to stop saying 'I am going to update my art within a day or so' because I never do. In fact, I update at random times. So once again guys, just bear with me, I need to finish some unfinished stuff, which is mainly fixing up some errors in my sketching or finishing coloring. But let me say, I love how Kongu Inika ended, though I might still have to work on his mask. Well, with not much to say, I was meaning to put this up on Speak like a Pirate day, but I forgot. So... Argh! <<You need to click that. Haha, and guesses about that? Spooky, I know. But its fun to listen to. ….Yeah, and I am not feeling the best for reasons…I need a big bowl of ice cream. Chocolate ice cream.
  23. 1. You have none. 2. UMM....FISH! 3. Mmh, for up north and living in Kentucky, yall arn't big on spicey food?...But I'll go for Mexican.
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