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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka


    Wahãã kun bhaashaa bolnhunchha ?
  2. Lady Kopaka

    The Fair!

    Ahh yes the fair, with rides, big rides...the kind that makes you want to get sick. We entered stuff into our fair, ya know, lots of crafts, paintings, projects, and then of course they have shows for Horses, dogs, rabbits, and so on. Though I entered my 1st place Titanic painting (XD, from another contest) and then a newly sketched picture I did of Indiana Jones, I finished in one day in a few hours, so I think it ended fairly well. Though will have to see what happens, the judging is today, and we get to see who one probably this afternoon! Though, besides that, I am not going to the fair probably. I have gone on those rides every year, and even though it is fun, I think I need to give my money a break, and myself since last year was when I nearly threw up because I was riding all those dangerous rides. I also do not have enough money, and trying to save up for more needed things. But yeah... Sorry I haven't updated art; well really I updated a lot that past few weeks ago, but I REALLY need to scan those bloody requests, I just keep on getting to lazy. Maybe after school today. Onto my epic, I got most of the 2nd chapter done, but I remember I post a drawing for every chapter, so I need to sketch one out for that, and then I can update. My two short stories are going awesome also, I'm trying to get those finished, and after posting those, I think I am going to post a library. Though is it just me, or did my KXG story disappear? O.o I cannot find it.
  3. Sadly, after consulting about it, I don't believe I have time to finish a Captain Barbossa costume in time. Of course I will be him for Pirates III, I just don't have time nor anyone else to help me with the costume. So I am just going to go as Indiana Jones. His costume is easy for me since I don't have the time to make things fancy.
  4. Maybe, my friend would have to give it t me first.
  5. I read the books and seen the trailer, so far it loks good. Not sure if I heard of the movie you pointed out.
  6. Lady Kopaka

    Bug Woes

    Bugs! =D *Runs out of things to say*
  7. Yeah, after a talk about doing a Star Wars story with a good friend of my'n, and then of course just talking about Star Wars itself for awhile, I kind of got obsessed with it again. So I am probably going to change my theme in a moment on my blog. Speaking of something(Before I get back on the Star Wars Topic real quick), I decided I should make a content blog telling of all my past themes, I remember most of them, but does anyone remember when I really started up the theme and all? Back on topic, I am now over the Old Republic (Even though they are good, that includes KotOR), I'm getting into the New Republic and New Jedi Order. It’s great to get back into those characters like Han Solo, Leia, Luke and such. Though, it’s still rather painful to study/read about. ;_; Poor Anakin Solo and Chewie. My friend let me borrow a book called Star By Star, so far it's really good. But dear lord, those Yuuzhan Vong scare me to death, and the worst part about it, there isn't an official story yet on how the Republic defeats them. Not only that, but think about what’s to come next year! New stuff, new info, continuing through the EU(Expanded Universe) and THE STAR WARS TV SERIES!....Lets just hope it ain't tacky. I am now going to be drawing lots of Star Wars stuff, so be wary; I might post some on here.... I really love designing clothes and creating species. Very fun. Off the topic of Star Wars() I must tell you today is International Suzie Day. What is that? Well it is to celebrate ME of course! No seriously. Ok, maybe a bit of a joke. But my friend is making a music video thing for all of her friends, and she was getting footage of me for the sleepover we had yesterday/today. So I was looked up upon. ^^ So just prepare you calendars for NEXT year... Ok I forgot to point out, that at the sleepover, we watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Best Indy movie so far), so I am also going through a faze with ol' Indy. Ok, maybe it's Harrison Ford? <3 Ford. ....Yes, see here? You made me do another long entry! I am talking total nonsense. Good grief... BTW: I got a question, who should I dress up for Halloween? I need to start planning now, but I cannot decide. Indiana JonesCaptain BarbossaI can't decide...But ignore the fact that I am woman.
  8. Lady Kopaka


    The dark and cold months are the best. =D ...And then of coures I like May fairly wel too.
  9. *Needs to finish reading the first epic >>*
  10. Lady Kopaka


    Nikira, I think we should be sisters, my dad's birthday was just a few days ago, and I always have the 6-12 guys/girls stalking me around our church, yay for the popular'ness. Aww, lucky 16. ;_; I'm still that boring 14...Freaky because everytime I need to point out my age, I keep on thinking I am 15. O.o
  11. Lady Kopaka


    Yes, I am known for my extreme clumsiness.
  12. You should hear my dad when we're driving. It's very entertaining, but I don't think we want to repeat certain things. (Though a reminder he didn't say anything seriously bad to some who went O.o at this sentence)
  13. Lady Kopaka


    I was going to sing to you through the mic when IM'ing for a moment, but of course that'd probably scare the living daylights. XD
  14. I didn't watch the premier, I was doing something on the computer and was to lazy to go to the living room.
  15. Ok, ok, gee, I am updating! But onto the BZP news! *Serious news theme song* Today, I would like to report that my fairly good friend and great artist, Zeestan has his birthday today. So everyone give him a good pat on the back. LK is updating. Lady Kopaka has been suddenly busy with much school work and a big Webcomic project, not to include that her dear sister*coughnotcough* has comenderd LK's computer 24/7. Lady Kopaka's finger is much better. And she did indeed start drawing again the day after it got cut. Lady Kopaka has now told me she seriously needs to stop talking in third person. Who am I then? Well...I am not really sure myself. ______ Um, anyway… hi? Well what's to say? On more subjects of BZP and me, I would like to point out that I have two short stories going along with the second chapter for my epic. What are the short stories about? Well hints: They are both based on my favorite movies; one has my fav made up Bionicle. Art eh? Well, I admit I haven't worked a lot on that. Been very into my comic (Think Ninja's), and I still need to finish those durned request. Sorry mates. Anything else? Nope...Now to the matter of Real life. _______ On Saturday I had a sleepover with my bestest buddy Laur, yes a little late on telling this. But I just HAVE to tell you what we did! We did a netflix commercial (Best stuff btw) and here how it went. A lady (my sister) comes walking in her living room, seemingly from outside. She puts keys down and is shocked to see what was in the living room. There was some dead and freaky person (Laur) in a black dress lying on her couch. And this other Matrix like guy (me) is there. Me: Hello, we are the horror movie you ordered from Netflix. Laur: (Some how comes alive and smiles) Hi! That was the best thing I have done with her in a long time. Goodness gracious! Here I go again ranting about random stuff, and it is sure that no one is brave enough to read this. Well, farewell all!
  16. Dude, its awesome!! Thank you so very much. =D I love the face, and the body, those clothes are really sweet. Once again thank you and you're an awesome artist. I think I want the face for my avatar....
  17. Lady Kopaka


    Everyone is getting hurt these days.
  18. I think its kind of unfair, I mean, if some guys want to have fun and random polls, then they should. As long as its ain't bad or anything. *Sigh* But oh well, rules are rules.
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