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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. And you could very well catch up to Amigo. I mean, I did that to B_D and I nearly fell back 20 votes once.
  2. Lady Kopaka


    I saved that and was fiddling with it. Never got around to completing it but... *CoughPoPlikebackgroundcough* ... It could be that I'm a litte out of it today, but I can't figure out your hint-hint. -Takatu
  3. Ar, blige! I am no landlubber ye blaggard! I have 10 votes last time me looked.
  4. I be serious wantin' everyone to win since they are all good. (Ignoring my'n of course...) But I voted for Nikira's after the most terrible time trying to decide. Odd how the last AC was easier to vote in.
  5. Argh ye matey, today be 'Talk like a Pirate Day'! Har har! So ye will have to ignore me accent through me entry.... Aye, the finals are up and I be beatin' Miss BD by 2 votes! Blimey! So far I be havin' 1 vote, but I be not mind'n. This is me first time in an AC final, so I am not mind'in if I don't win. I just hope me get more votes than 1. But this be very excitin' to see what happens! Good luck to all ye, and congrats who will end up winnin' the booty! ....Argh, I know I keep on saying I will update me art and I never do. But me was goin' to when I thought of a few other drawings, and I be thinkin’, why not wait for a bigger update? So don't worry, ya be gettin an update by today or tomorrow. Well, its all clear skies! (Meaning, it’s a seriously beautiful day outside and so I will go draw outside) I better be headin' off. Har har!
  6. Lady Kopaka


    I thought LL was a guy! Well, you learn new things everyday.
  7. I got adobe image ready CS2, its a little confusing at first, but it can do awesome things when animating. I saw both peices you uploaded last night, they are awesome.
  8. Thanks Beliwa. Its great to have the support. I know! I have 2 votes ahead! Turakii, XD that would be just hillarious if we won. But thats a reason why I don't care if I don't win, since I won the last contest and it wouldn't be very fair. But getting to finals at least would be great.
  9. Turakii, oops, I didn't mean semi's. I figured out about the finals myself, I will go edit that. Keyblade, in my link it says 'vote for me'. Go there and my entry is called 'Trouble With The Locasls'. You can also see the links in my content block of links.
  10. .... I am so close. But I think we all know who's going to win unless some miricle happens. Oh well. It was fun, but I shouldn't had gotten my hopes up to high, I wish I could have made it into the final's this time...Oh well. Ok, I didn't update my art last night. Well while scanning(I did upload a few though) I noticed something messed up with Kongu and then the same with requests, so I had to go back and fix 'em. So after school today you will get an update.
  11. Aww man. You're beating me. *Shakes fist* Less than 400 posts to go!
  12. Lady Kopaka


    Ok, talk about weird! I am ahead of B_D, which is just crazy as I expected her to be ahead of me the whole time...But doesn't look like it. But B_D will probably get ahead soon enough, the entry was just so awesome. (Even if I am rather brainless when it comes to Digimon) But thank you so much guys for voting for me! I noted many members like Schizo or Munkeymunkey voted for me. I feel honored. Strangly, we didn't go to church today. I slept late and woke up around 9'. But a little later mom told me since Dad was really tired and still asleep, we wouldn't go. Which of course its nice to stay home on a Sunday, even though I skipped Church two weeks ago last time I think because thy was sick. Anyway, onto art news, I have much to scan! A few requests, a drawing I did for myself(Lady Kaguya), and get this. Kongu Inika. Also, I am going to scan that comic I did for Angry Nid from like a million years ago. And also, if I have the time. I might fix up my sequeal today and post it. EDIT: B_D just got ahead of me. =(
  13. Lady Kopaka


    I voted for you, not because you rock, but just because. J/k, you're cool. B)
  14. Lady Kopaka

    I'm Gonna Die.

    I highly doubt you'll die this soon. From what I see, your ahead in the current voting.
  15. Lady Kopaka

    Ac 12 Poll 8

    If I am correct, I voted for you and your two brothers, its so neat that all of you have good art talent. Good luck!
  16. Sigh. I'm already smushed by B_D unless something amazing happens. But then of course, in the S&T contest, it looked like I was goign to loose, and I didn't. How many times have you entered with your amazing art and haven't one? I'm sure you have a bright chance.
  17. Good heavens someone save me. Her's is just to good for me to compete with. *Goes off to cry in a corner* But at least I am happier with the entry, so I don't mind....kind of.
  18. Oohh my! Vezok's Friend and I are boiling with excitment for the voting. I wonder who will be in the poll with me? I really do hope I do well, and wish many of my friends the best of luck! *Gets all gittery waiting for polls* EDIT: They're up, and just voted in all of 'em. And know what? I get stuck with BD. >> And so far I am in trouble. ....Know what I was thinking? Even if I do like my entry, I could have done something with Jurassic Park, and I didn't even think about it!
  19. Lady Kopaka


    Pastels are really fun to use and easy, but in another sense, they can be hard. EaW? Aww man I wanted to get that game.
  20. You should see the conversations I have with Algernon.
  21. *Wacks Omi with a frying pan, then goes and steals them* Yay.
  22. Lady Kopaka

    Lol @ You

    Lunch? Honey, it ain't a weird word, the weirest one is.... Lipo suction! (I think thats how you spell it...)
  23. I saw them, yes they are really cool....I want to go steal that Kopaka one.
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