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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Sometimes I wish I could stick little smilies on my head also...
  2. This will be a short entry since I am sick(AGAIN ><) and tired...and I need to work on my epic/artwork. Yay for me! Yesterday was my 1 year at BZP, once I get my big art pic up(Thank you Swert for the idea), and update my epic...I'll make a nice long post saying a nice long speech on the one year here. But once agian, sorry for me being kind of dead lately....Or I guess not dead as I am still rather active here, but I haven't updated any art in awhile...So forgive me. Life is hard at times. Ah yes and I will poke this out on a random note... Dr. B finds my accent very weird. =3 .... Zomg! Indiana Jones is on! *Goes to watch*
  3. I sadly agree, she just doesn't know the thing called the life. (jk of course) "Life"? What's that? I must go consult the bubblewrap...
  4. Whoot! I just tried out all my costume for Indy Jones, so far everything looks A-OK! All I need now is to find a green satchel (I think I can get one from Wal-Mart), and....a fedora. Lord, I have no idea where I am going to find one. *cries* If I cannot find one in time, I have a dark cowboy hat that will do OK for a replacement. But everything looks fine, so whoopy do. And I also 'tested' it outside with my brothers....They were the Germans, I was Indy...You know where this is going huh? Anyway...ZOMG! Tomorrow is my one year anniversary is tomorrow!! And I haven't finished my next chapter, the SS and the new art. >> So forgive me if it's a day late, but I wil try my best. Good news though, is my sister will be gone to a sleepover soon, and my dad isn't here....So know what that means? I GET TO ACTUALLY STAY UP LATE! WHOOT! .... It’s a big deal for me. Well, excuse me as I am off to work on my stories/art, and anything else that comes to mind. ...CURSE YOU SERVER!
  5. I still haven't beaten VNOLG. And I seem to still be a bit sick also, from something I have no clue, it's probably just the change in weather along with allergy/sinus deals. *shrugs* Hope you get better!
  6. Wait, member search is up? O.o Dok has clones....*Stares at Merkel*
  7. KIE seems to get into dreams, because I have had quite a few also with him in it.
  8. Eeks, 4 more days till I have been here a year! I need to hurry and finish a short story and my surprise art. ^^ Today is fall cleaning. Which means we sort out our old clothing and decide who needs new coats, etc for the winter. I also have undergone a major clean-room day, which I am about 70% done. And sometime today, I'm going to go through and organize and clean up my computer....and also find a little bugger spyware hiding in my mists. KIE just PM'd telling me there will be a ArcGIS meeting in Baton Rouge, I was soundly interested, but sadly, dads off in Pennsylvania for a week, so I can't come or see KIE, but maybe another one will pop up. Whoot. Speaking on that stuff, dad has finally given me another job that will pay $30 when the job is completed, I have to organize/save some maps(Not 100% what the reason is) with Terrain map pro, fairly easy job, mainly just saving different sections of Louisiana in a specific file type. I need to do a few more before the end of the day, though I do hope get finished before dad gets back from his meeting. I feel so important when I'm called a GIS Technician. Even though I am a artist/writer, I think for a future job will involve becoming a forester, though more like my dad who does the tecky stuff instead of the logging business. Working in the woods in the middle of the summer in Louisiana isn’t fun at all. ....Though an Archeologist still sounds cool. Though speaking of which, besides working for my dad, I just hired as a tutor. I'm mainly teaching math, and helping with other things here and there. Last time I checked, I'm getting paid around 20 dollars every 2 weeks? Doing sixth grade math is easy for me, and gives me the time to catch back up in my multiplication....It's so odd, I actually love math, but I'm not good at it when it comes to Algebra 1. XD Someday I will get it. Well, this is an odd entry...and I need to go back to cleaning my room. See you around folks.
  9. ...That is just amazing Turakii, surely you are the theories master!
  10. My bullwhip=Ugh >> Cap'n DudeNuva and you costume will sooo own my'n. *cries*
  11. Dot dot dot. Very fun if I do say so myself.
  12. I don't even think we have a theater like that close by. And I'd love to go see it, but my dad would say it's a waste of time...He is not a big movie buff, at ALL.
  13. You scared me at first with you title. ...But then I knew what really lurks in a man's brain.
  14. It's only an entertaining day to see you three fight to talk to me on MSN. I can't wait for...the drawing? O.o
  15. Lady Kopaka

    Poor You

    I finish school at 11'. *Points and laughs randomly at people* I'd love a cookie!
  16. Dagnabit, that's the way to do it ol' gal! It's so fun being evil at times. ^^
  17. Congertilations my dear. ^^ Quite worried on that storm and all, we've been getting a lot of rain, but nothing to bad. I'm glad you haven't! It's not at all pleasant to be freezing to death in your own house.... (well, almost freezing to death)...
  18. Sigh, what will we do with you Exo?
  19. I'll never get my own room. I'll share it with my sister, then I'll have to do it with some roomate when going to collage. Then with my future husband. ;_; Deprived me.
  20. Young? pffft. I have only been to about 1 or 2 weddings. Mmhh, I find them quite boring. (XD)
  21. I still need to read the others... Yay, get into Nids body!
  22. You get snow THIS EARLY? Gee! You get a huge snowstorm and I haven't even seen it snow here in 7 years. ;_; I'm a Lady Kopaka with no snow. Not normally. Even we were going crazy. "Snow!?" Yeah, well, I'm a lavasurfer with no lava. So don't feel bad. At least you have ice cubes!
  23. I'm freezing....And it's great! =D I'm on a posting rampage here on BZP....Why? Well I am trying to make 2000 post before the 28th. What's the 28th? Well my 1 year anniversary of course! Yes this year has gone really fast, it still feels like I have only been here a few months. *Dreams of purdy Vahi* I'm going to either have to write a cool SS or do a good drawing for my 1 year...maybe both? I seriously need to update my epic. When I started it, I had time to work it, now suddenly the world got really busy for me. Well, since today is the WONDERFUL saterday, I'll work on it along with a billion other stories. And oh yeah...My art. XD Ok I actually did go to the fair, and rode the rides and whatnot...let me tell you that was so fun, but it was a little frustrating when one of my friends get's really bosy and didn't let me go back to a ride I enjoyed. And made me go on this one that I got sick on, and my sister threw up. Sigh. But oohh ohh guess what?? My Titanic painting wont ANOTHER first place!! Now I have to send it to state fair. And I did a sketch of Indiana Jones, I got third in that. So yay. I want to go watch Treasure Planet.....
  24. Yay I am on the favorite list.
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