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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Bioran23

  1. Is that a corpse in the leaves? o.o ~ Bioran
  2. Mata Nui and Kiina, sitting under a tree Then the tree falls down and crushes them both Gresh comes along See the squished corpses He screams and wails and runs away The Skopio stomps across the corpses It sees it as a meal and gobbles it up And so go Mata Nui and Kiina, who sat under a tree That's why you shouldn't cut trees, kids. ~ Bioran
  3. Bioran23

    Klik Klak

    No, Brickpix. Tis image hosting service. ~ Bioran
  4. Bioran23

    Klik Klak

    Do you guys think that would be a suitable name replacement? If not, got any other ideas? ~ Bioran
  5. 1) See 2

    2) We're now using a new account system where you can login without registering an account, but that requires you to have an account at one of the networks we provide. (i.e. Gmail) I'd recommend you re-make your email so you can access KJ that way, and thus enter in the contest as well.

  6. If only more people bothers. ~ Bioran
  7. If you live in Hong Kong, that would make perfect sense. ~ Bioran Link'd for the dial-uppers. --Chols
  8. Bioran23

    Book News

    I rather it wasn't serialised. If it's serialised, it wouldn't be a book, just another serial. ~ Bioran
  9. Bioran23

    Yay :3

    School decided to shut down two days ahead of schedule. Still got a one hour assembly to last through, though. >< ~ Bioran
  10. Bioran23

    Hay Guise

    *wonders how many people will come here because of the title* ~ Bioran
  11. 'lo Rayg. Just a reminder that the Surel contest's entry period closes on Sunday evening, in case you're still interested in entering. :)

  12. Bioran23

    Bing Vs. Google

    Well duh, search engines don't become the top of their game in a few days. Give it several months, let its DB expand, and maybe then a direct comparison would be more suitable. Bada Bing! ~ Bioran
  13. Bioran23

    Surel Contest

    Please be reminded that there are currently 2+ weeks left for the entry period. We currently have 8 approved entries, so come on guys! Get drawing! ~ Bioran
  14. ...is available right now! Go read and post and all that. And here is KolSkywalker's flowchart: Skrall------------Glatorian-->--->--Vorox Bone Hunters--------Agori--->----Zesk ↓ ↓ Turaga---<----<---Toa--------<-------<-------<------<------<--------<------Matoran-->Zyglak ↓ Krana ~ Bioran
  15. Satuday 18/04/2009, 8 PM EST.

    You know what.

  16. This is just an update on the KJ. Firstly, don't worry, we aren't dead. Far from it, actually. The only reason why there wasn't an issue last month was due to BZP's downtime, which wrecked our plans for release the very same weekend during the week BZP went offline. As a result, much of the notices we sent around to the KJ staff got lost and so we didn't receive the articles as a result, thus we had to delay the issue by a month. We aim to have it out by this weekend, though. Secondly, after the Aqua Blaster Blade contest a while back, we received quite a lot of attention and got a lot of guest articles and staff applications. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end, and we haven't been receive much lately. The KJ relies on the continuous submissions and support from people like you, therefore if you have some spare time over the week, perhaps you could submit something to us? Thirdly, we have a lot of plans right now, including a secret one which we are very excited about. We are also currently requesting interviews with LEGO employees which I am sure BIONICLE fans would be very interested in (not telling you who, though. It's a surprise. ), and hopefully we will have interviewed one of them by the end of the month and have it released with the May edition. Fourthly, we also have plans for future contests, one of which has already been approved by Greg. If you have any ideas for contests (although keep in mind, we will only do minor characters) feel free to deposit them on the special section located on KJ's talkpage on BS01. And that's all for now. Remember, if you have time, do submit some articles to help us out! ~ Bioran
  17. Please read and comment and vote when the time comes and stuff. kthxbai ~ Bioran
  18. Twillight shucks. Full of girlish gossip. <3 good Adult Fiction and books from good writiers. *coughgarthnixcough* ~ Bioran
  19. Bioran23

    My Desktop Cont.

    It was too cruel to keep seeing Kikanalo get crushed to jam, so I changed it. ~ Bioran
  20. Hi to you too...

  21. More shots of the beautiful Windows 7... Desktop Version Media Center (Themed) Calculator (Very Handy!) Paint :3 ~ Bioran
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