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Blog Entries posted by Jithra

  1. Jithra
    ...As of yesterday!
    Yeah, I WAS going to post an entry about "completing" my entry for AC#17 last night, but it took me about an hour for BZP to load in between posting the topic and adding my entry to the actual contest. It was late, I was tired of fighting the site, so I decided to leave things be until the morning...Which turned into after school...Which turned into after working with my horse...Which turned into after ice cream and a movie...Yep, and I use to wonder why I don't have more posts after almost three years.
    Speaking of school...Had my first official day of college! Which didn't feel all that official, to be honest, since the English class doesn't start until next week and the only other class I have on Mondays is the art lecture and lab. But it was still pretty cool. It was a typical first day of class. (Meaning, spending most of the period going over rules and the syllabus) but it was still fun. I have a feeling that I'm really, REALLY going to like this class.
    It's really weird...Since I've taken classes at the community college for high school credit in previous years, it's been hard to click in that I'm actually doing this for COLLEGE credit as a COLLEGE student. It's pretty cool. (Yes, I'm sure that sounds incredibly freshmen-like, but it's the honest truth)
    On other news, I FINALLY got around to getting my drivers permit. Some (if not most of you) are probably wondering why on earth I didn't have a permit before starting college (or for that matter, a licence) and I have several legitimate reasons...As well as a few sorry excuses.
    To put it simply and without elaboration, I simply lost all interest and motivation to learn to drive after a certain event, and years later when I began to have the desire to learn again, I simply didn't think about it except at inopportune times. (Such as at 11:00 at night for example) Yes, if I had really tried, I could have easily gotten a permit years ago, and no doubt I'll be kicking myself for not doing that after a month or two of riding the bus to college. But the past is the past, and I had my reasons.
    SOOO, all that to say, I finally got my permit. The test was incredibly easy, and while I made a few errors, they were silly errors that I wouldn't have made had a read the question more carefully. What was kinda cool is that my younger brother was there to get his driving permit too, so we got to get ours together. But now of course we'll no doubt be fighting over practice time...We'll see how that works out...
    Anyway, I'd be delighted if you all would check out my art entry topic, and if you have any drawing inclination whatsoever, please enter AC#17. That contest needs more looooooooove!
    Tally ho!
  2. Jithra
    ...But it didn't count for a grade, because it was to get me out of a VERY basic music class and into the higher level one.
    Pretty funny actually...Most of us who were in the theory class didn't belong in there, but we were there because it was a "prerequisit" class. After getting through introductions (In which the VAST majority of the class informed the professor that they have had anywhere from 5 to 12 years of musical study, and many of them played more than on instrument) Our professor looked at all of us and, to paraphrase, asked "What on earth are you guys doing in this class?" To which the most common answer was "It was a required class, we couldn't get into the other ones."
    So the professor directed us to the head of the music department, who happened to be someone my piano teacher suggested I try to take piano lessons from. (But I decided to take lessons from my original teacher for another year instead of from the college) So I thought that was pretty cool. When I informed her of my dilemma, she gave me a small theory test that took me 5 or so minutes to complete and aced. After glancing over it, she said "Yes, you shouldn't be in that class, you'd be bored to tears..." and then went about explaining that the classes I should be in were a dual/block classes for a total of 4 credits, signed the permission form, and told me to take it to admissions. After thinking about it for a moment, I asked, "So, wait, are you teaching these classes?" To which she responded affirmatively.
    So I got to tell my piano teacher tonight at my lesson, that while I wasn't taking piano lessons at college, I would be studying under the person she had recommended. She was rather tickled by that. ^.^
    So in the meanwhile I need to figure out what to do with the music theory book I no longer need that I got off of Amazon and need to get two different music books before Thursday... X.X
    Tomorrow I need to talk to an advisor about the other class I had today and see if I can get it changed for a different one because I'm not to happy about it...Let's just say it was "not as advertised." *Grumbles*
    So yeah, it's only the second day of college, and already my classes are being swapped around...Crazy stuff. Financial aid STILL hasn't come in, and if it doesn't by the end of the week I'm going to have to completely rework my financial plan...I'm not too happy about that. We'll see how it goes.
    Anyway, seeing as it's been about a week, I'm expecting that blogging privileges are removed tonight for us non-premiers. Aw well, it's been fun.
    So I guess I'll see ya'll around, goodnight!

  3. Jithra
    Wheeee, yay for week-long blogging privileges!
    Yeah, I really should just get a premier account. Someday, someday...
    Anyway, nothing much going on except for little random things that don't make much of a story or anything to write home about. I start my freshmen year of college this Monday, but financial aid hasn't come in yet, and if it doesn't soon I may not have classes to go to once Monday comes around...Joy. But it should, and if it doesn't I should be able to get an extension, at least that's what the dean told me when I was over there on my birthday...
    Speaking of which, I'm 19 now. *yay!* This be my last year as a "teen"-aged person. My friends are telling me how weird that is. But I don't feel any different and last I checked I still look the same, so yeah, I don't know what they're weirding out about.
    Hmm...Well lets see... The scanner is on the fritz--again--so it might make entering this BZP AC a little difficult...But we'll see how that goes. Dad thinks he can fix the scanner, but after one look at the Scan of a certain WiP, I'm not so sure that we should really bother to fix it.(By the by, that picture in real life is a black and white Prismacolor portrait on medium-brown paper, just to give some perspective) Honestly, it will probably be dead again in another month as that's been the pattern for the last year now. Scanner breaks, Scanner is fixed after hours of work, Scanner works for a month or so, Scanner breaks, Same song, 27th verse...
    Yeeep...Fun first entry in a year, isn't it? At least it isn't an epic, as is my habit on here. So now that I've rambled about some of the most recent events I feel comfortable sharing, what's up with the rest of ya?
  4. Jithra
    Yeah, Lame pun/title...I did it for the Lawls...
    Anyway, as I believe I mentioned before, a friend and I had to cancel our midnight showing extravaganza to The Dark Knight due to us both being out of town. Well, we finally got to see it today and...Wow...Just wow...It's a lot more violent then I was expecting (Or felt comfortable with) but man, did they nail Joker's character or what? And the story! Absolutely amazing! Not only was it intense and VERY well thought out, I honestly couldn't predict anything! In fact, all the predictions I made about this movie about a month ago were totally wrong...I'm very happy about that.
    (For those who are curious what my predictions were, leave a comment and I'll respond that way, I don't want to ruin the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it yet) (And if you haven't seen it, and if large amounts of violence don’t upset you, I would suggest seeing it! Especially if you're a Batman fan, you won't be disappointed)
    Anyway, movie-swooning aside, I'm actually very stressed right now. Yesterday I found out that instead of having to do some research for 1 horse anatomy subject, I have to do research on 9 horse anatomy subjects! (I'm on my state's 4-H quiz bowl team and horse anatomy was one of the topics I volunteered to study) And of course, it's all due this Saturday. On top of that, I have my 4-H record book to finish up which wasn't half as completed as I thought it was, and that too should be turned in by Saturday. So needless to say, I'm not a happy camper right now. I only came on here to ramble a bit about the Dark Knight so that I could focus on my other projects. Now that my two minutes are up, I should get back to my report... See ya... *leaves grumbling about last minute assignment changes*
  5. Jithra
    Well, this is most likely the last entry I'll be doing on here. Nothing really special happened today so I guess I'll just talk about what I'll do with this 'ere blog if I ever get a Premier account.
    1. Make entries a lot shorter. Try as I might, I just wanted to talk too much, which probably scared all of you guys away. (Hey, it's scared me looking back on the entries and seeing how huge they were!)
    2. Decorate. I thought about doing all sorts of cool backgrounds and buttons, but then realized it would come down to either spending the week decorating, or spending the week actually using the blog. So I obviously chose the latter.
    3. Think of a theme. I just kinda wrote whatever I felt like. (This wasn't a bad thing) Only problem is that it's been kinda random and unorganized. Much like my many half-finished journals lined up on my shelf.
    In short, this week as been a fun sort of blogging "trial and error." I've surprised myself in that I found something to ramble about every day and have figured out some things I'll be doing differently next time.
    And for the records, I'm going to leave it at that and prove that I can in fact make a short entry.
    P.S. Forgot to add in that I was finally able to get "Prisoners of the Pit" from the library today. Good book, I'm glad certain characters are back. (Ha-ha! I didn't need to use the spoiler tag!)

  6. Jithra
    So, when the Art Contest thread came out, I was out of town, and then the forums went down, so I was totally unaware that a contest (despite the fact that I was anticipating and looking for the not-yet posted thread before I left) was in existence until the forums were back online. Upon reading the topic, I wasn't too thrilled with the theme, since I don't practice buildings/backgrounds as much as I should, but I told myself I was, no-excuses, entering the next art contest. So I decided to give it my best shot just because.
    My entry is almost done! As in, if worse came to worse, I technically could enter it now and you wouldn't be completely lost as to what it was. Of course, all the details I put hours of work into are going to be undiscernable because I'm going to have to take a picture of it instead of scanning it (see last entry for more info on that) but hey, I at least have something to enter!
    I'll be entering it tomorrow, because tomorrow is really the last day I can work on it, so I might as well enter it than instead of risking missing the deadline because of the chance that I might be able to work on it again. What I need to do before I enter it is adjust/define the preliminary inking lines, add details to the background, add a few more details on the building, ink those, do a VERY basic shading on the structure, and then take a picture. (No, I'm not coloring it...That would be insane at this point. Eventually I'll color it, but I'm going to need a break from it first)
    So, yay! It's just about done! (Or as done as I have time to make it)
    I hope more people enter... It's kinda sad that there are only three entries...
    Please ignore the grammar mistakes in this entry. I know my sentences are awkward, but it's late, my brain's tired, and I simply can't fix them until I get some sleep. (But I was too excited to go to bed before giving an update on my progress, hence why I even bothered making an entry) So, goodnight all and tally-ho!
  7. Jithra
    Ah, summer is coming yet again to its closure. For me, that means that my job as a nanny is nearly done. And unlike last summer, I'm not so sure I'll be asked to nanny for the girls again. Not because I did anything wrong, mind you! It's because these girls are older (The oldest being 13 in December) and I'm not sure that I'm going to be needed for much longer. This summer my hours were cut nearly in half, so I have my doubts of how much of a need there's going to be in 2009. Now, while having a steady income was nice, that's not what I'm going to miss. (I could get another job, possibly an even better paying job, with little hassle on my part) What I'm really going to miss is seeing the girls. They were seriously the easiest kids I've ever had to watch, and certainly one of the most fun couple of kids. They were willing to try new things, experiment, and just plain enjoyed doing things instead of watching TV or "lazy" stuff like that. So far, we've made a really awesome board game (Which is still in the beta testing) and almost finished a puppet stage and script, but didn't finish that because we didn't have any red spray paint available. Those were our "big" projects this year, and so far they've turned out pretty awesome. Today I was thinking about how we should finish the puppet stage next summer and that's when it clicked...I don't know if I'll be back next summer...
    So yeah, I'm just feeling horribly sentimental right now. *sigh...* Oh well, it's not like I can't visit them. They are, after all, only a couple of streets away! So it isn't so bad.
    Well, next year is next year, and I still have this summer to finish before then, so I suppose I shouldn't be crying over it yet. I hope you all have had a great one!
    Oh yeah, just yesterday I got Swamps of Secrets from the library. I really enjoyed as it covered an area that I’ve been curious about for some time. It wasn’t exactly my favorite book, but it was still really good and enjoyable.
  8. Jithra
    I'm back again for another week of BZBlogging fun! Just yesterday I got back from my last camp, so what better way to use the rest of my summer break then sitting in front of the computer a little bit more then I already do? [/mild sarcasm]
    Anyway, I must say that I'm going crazy over here. Ever since I heard about the Dark Knight, (which was in March, I believe...)I've been freaking out and plotting with a very close friend of mine about how we were going to go see it at the Midnight showing. (I was even thinking about dressing up for it, which is just proof of how excited I was) Then, in June, I found out that a camp I had volunteered to work at happened to fall on opening week! So feeling very depressed and a bit of a ditcher, I informed my friend that she would have to find someone else to go see it with. Then, after checking her calendar, she realized that she too would be gone opening week! So we decided that on Wednesday, when we'd both be back in town, we would go see it together.
    So now it's Sunday, and I'm hearing from practically everyone how great it was, etc, etc, and I'm going insane! Not only is Batman my most favorite super-hero story, but Joker is my favorite villain. Period. (Sorry Makuta and Vezon...Joker just simply cannot be topped) So I'm just over here, tearing my hair out and avoiding some of my favorite sites for fear that I'll accidentally read/see some spoilers. Gah! If I find out that my friend saw it while she was gone I'm going to be a little bit more then peeved...
    Anyway, I'm going to try and call her tomorrow to see if she's back yet, because I'm having a hard time waiting for Wednesday! Hope you all stay a little saner then I am right now and enjoy this perk week!
  9. Jithra
    Well, I must say that today has been a very fun and surprising birthday. I think it was even better then last year's. I've noticed that I like writing a lot, more then I probably should for a blog so I'll try to keep this short. (No promises of course)
    Dad took me out to breakfast this morning for some father-daughter time. We talked a lot about various things, mostly about the possible out-of-state move that he's been thinking about. After breakfast we went to a pawn shop where I got a really nice saddle blanket for a real bargain. When we arrived home I was surprised to see the house completely decked out with streamers, presents on the coffee table, the house miraculously cleaner then usual, three eagerly waiting brothers, and three pets looking around in utter confusion. (One of them, the female cat who is known to be an absolute klutz when jumping looked like she was seriously considering making a jump for one billowing streamer by the air vent.) My older brother gave me the Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End soundtrack. Next one the present from the second oldest brother. I couldn't figure out what was in it as the package was insanely light. I opened it up and, peaking in, saw an assortment of McToran in a zip-lock bag.
    "Oh wow! I've wanted this for so long! Thanks! Where did you...Wait...Oh..."
    I looked up at mom who was grinning ear to ear as were the rest of my siblings, though not quite as mischievously. A month ago while I was at camp my family went to the annual Home School Convention. There, one of our friends was selling the majority of his Bionicle collection. I was told when I got back about him getting rid of his collection and immediately jumped in to ask if the McToran were yet sold, knowing that he had duplicates of all six, plus some. I was then informed that he had sold them to some mom who had bought them for her daughter who was really into the older sets.
    I was disappointed, but paid a visit to him to buy any sets he hadn't sold yet. I grumbled to my siblings about "friends who don't remember that their friend's siblings have asked them for their sets..." or "I would have paid twice the amount he was given for those sets! And it still would have been a bargain for me!" Needless to say, my brothers knew I was very disappointed about missing out on such an opportune moment. After seeing the McToran in the zip-lock bag, already built, I knew exactly where my family had gotten them for me. I looked at mom, shocked and suddenly horror-struck by what I had been gripping about. "I'm so sorry mom! I had no idea! It's probably a good thing you didn't hear me griping to my brothers..." I added that last bit in as a joke.
    "Who says I didn't hear?" Mom replied. I must have looked insanely embarrassed or scared, or possibly both as mom then added, "You sure look good in pink dear."
    "Remember that time we were at church and you walked in on my conversation with Jeff?" My older brother asked, (And as I can't ask the person mom bought the sets from if it's ok I use his real name on here, I'll just be referring to him as Jeff for now on) "Well, we were talking about the sets when you came in and that's why we ended suddenly. And then you had to ask how much he sold them for! I had such a hard time not laughing and poor Jeff couldn't help but smile --as you noticed-- When he said for about 5 or so dollars."
    "And remember that time you went over to buy some of his sets?" Chris, my second brother added in, "While you were looking through the comics you asked him if he knew who bought the sets? Well, he didn't really know that they were supposed to be a surprise then and so I'm surprised you didn't see me giving him the hint not to tell..."
    He then gave what I hope was a much exaggerated 'shushing' motion.
    "...At least he caught on enough to say he wasn't sure who had bought them."
    Throughout my brothers retelling of close shaves, I was feeling more and more stupid. I couldn't believe that I hadn't caught on sooner or seen the pattern! I had had no idea, hint, or suspicion that my whole family, my friend's whole family, and possibly a couple of miscellaneous people were in on this surprise and had endured my griping about "missing out on a bargain" without giving away the secret. They should all consider going into acting... ;-)
    So after briefly telling them that I had had no idea about it, I opened the next gift which was from my younger brother. In it were 3 Turaga, a Metru Nui Matoran, Rahaga Pouks, 4 Voya Nui Matoran, and various Borakh (Sp?) Va bought from Jeff. Again my family erupted into laughter, and probably because my face must have expressed my surprise and embarrassment about this added secret that I, once again, had had no inkling of.
    Laughing with the rest of them, I helped my brother peal off some of the price tags they had missed and, after posing some of the sets, went on to the last present from mom and dad. I couldn't figure out what it was as it was reasonably heavy, too hard and oddly shaped to be a book, but definitely not a CD. Opening it I found a 24 "portrait" set of various flesh-toned Prismacolor pencils. Again I was surprised, and again I joined my family in laughing. I can't think of a time that I've more enjoyed "feeling stupid" over secret surprises then I have today. I have also learned something new...My family listens a lot more closely to what I say then I ever thought they did as all of the gifts were only mentioned off-handedly a rare few times (usually only once) before they were purchased for me.
    I spent the rest of the day playing with the new sets with my brothers, listening to the new CD multiple times, or sketching. Sadly, two of the pencils seem to be busted as I could get no where near to a sharp point before the lead broke. Mom said that tomorrow she would take me to the store to see if we could get them exchanged.
    My birthday dinner was a pizza delivery. The first one we had ordered in years. I must say that it was absolutely wonderful. Normally when we have pizza it is homemade since my mom and younger brother can't have wheat since they have celiac. While I enjoy most things mom makes with rice flour, some things even more then wheat, we haven't quite figured out how to make a decent pizza crust. (Granted, we have gotten better over the years) So having some good ol' wheat pizza was absolutely heavenly. We ordered some wings for mom and my brother, but upon inspection the seemed to have evidence of wheat flour on them, and so mom made a pizza for the two of them.
    Next we went to Bookmen's (I love used book stores ^.^) but sadly, I didn't find any books that interested me. I did however find three CDs (The Princess Bride, West Side Story, and Switchfoot: Learning to Breathe)
    When we got home, we decided not to skip the traditional "Ice Cream Friday" despite the lateness of the hour. Mom decided to pass as she was tired and wished me a very happy birthday. We all then sat in the living room eating our ice cream, playing various CD's we bought to see if there were glitches, listening to my youngest brother's exclamation of joy and total unbelief over the game manual to the Battle for Middle-Earth 2 game he just got, and over all just enjoying each other's company.
    Pfft! So much for keeping this short! I seemed to have "forgotten" that little detail somewhere after breakfast and during the present opening bit. Aw well, it would have just been boring if I gave a bare list. (And if anyone actually reads through all of this I'll give them some of my birthday pizza, cyberfied of course;) )
  10. Jithra
    So last night I was drawing (read last entry) and was noticing more and more acutely the lack of flesh-like colored pencils I had and was becoming slightly more irritated with each color I had to substitute for the missing skin tones. As it was late I figured that I would talk to mom about it in the morning, knowing that the library we would be visiting was within stones throw of the best art store this side of town. (Of course, that last little bit is just my opinion...I love that place. ^.^)
    So morning came as it always does and surprisingly I had forgotten about my plan to visit the art store. However, a quick glimpse of my drawing soon reminded me of my lack of flesh-appropriate colors and I was soon asking mom about possibly taking a quick detour on our way home from the library. She gave me the most surprised look as she answered, "On the day before your birthday? No I don't think that will be possible."
    *Sigh* I wish there was some button that would allow you to skip the week before your birthday, at least for my family. We have this rule that a couple weeks before a person's birthday, that person isn't allowed to buy anything for him/herself. Usually I don't have a problem with this rule until the last 5 or so days, where everything starts to bombard me from every shelf, screaming at me to buy whatever it is even though it has no practical use in my life whatsoever. Strangely, this bazaar phenomenon didn't take place until last night as I was examining the various pencils on my desk. *Another sigh* Aw well, at least I didn't think about buying pencils a week before my birthday. That would have driven me mad. All I have to do now is wait until Saturday. That isn't so bad.
    I did however draw a dragon to eat every week before my birthday for the next 20 years...
  11. Jithra
    Well, for those who may not have read in my profile, my job ended on the 3rd since the girls started school. So now my days are completely mine for the first time since the 28th of May. I feel like I'm just now starting my summer vacation...To bad there's only two weeks left before school starts. Technically, I was suppose to start last Monday, but mom noticed (As all mothers have a tendency to) that while the job helped me out financially, it left very little time to get things done such as getting my room in order, gathering up all my school supplies, read and make vocab. cards for summer books that are to be completed before school starts, etc. And so, being the wonderful person that she is, she has extended my break so as to allow me a fighting chance to complete the above list.
    The first thing I started on was my room and books/vocab cards. Since Saturday I've been locking myself in my room and cleaning it like some crazy person. The only time I'd let myself out was to eat, if mom called, to get another trash bag, or to get another give-away box. In other words, me and my room are very well acquainted, almost sickeningly so. (The last couple days have been hard...I was starting to feel a little trapped...Caged up maybe?) Anyway, after dealing with many, many year's worth of clutter, I can now say that my room is officially "clean." It's almost scary. No, I take that back. It is scary. I think the last time I was able to see this much floor and desk space was shortly after I moved into this house, and before that....Err...I'd rather not say, partially because I'm not sure if I really do remember...
    Well, that aside, I've been able to draw more often since the job ended. All summer it's been quick doodles just to get an idea down so that I could draw it later. So after doing some little cartoons, I pulled out an art book I started and have thoroughly enjoyed. "How to Draw Portraits in Colored Pencil from Photographs" (Nifty little title, isn't it?) by Lee Hammond. I recommend the book to all those artsy people out there. I've spent the last 45 minutes or so working on the nose chapter where I left off before my job started and can happily say I have now completed it! *Huzzah!* I would put the pictures up for viewing, but the scanner isn't capable of scanning right now. The last one I drew isn't my best in my opinion, but it's not the worst. There are a lot of things I could have done differently (And should have) that would have made it look better, but I'm proud of it regardless. The next chapter is about mouths and that should be fun. (At least there will be a little more variety...)
    My grandparents have sent me my birthday card. I was slightly confused because if felt significantly thicker then anything I had received from them. (At least by mail, I've received packets of clothing from them since my earliest memories) Wondering if they had sent the usual $20 in just ones, I opened the letter and nearly gagged. They sent me $50 dollars by check. I asked mom if they meant to do that, because with their Alzheimer's increasing as of late they have tried to pay us for things they don't have any need to pay us for and they'll sometimes try to pay for the same thing multiple times. (Such as the rocking chair that we fixed after we accidentally broke it. I think they tried to pay for the two or three times...) Mom without looking up replied, "No, that's just the amount they decided to pay everyone this year."
    Doesn't mean I don't feel a little awkward about it. Getting $20 dollars from them on our birthdays was as normal and regular as the pajama's we'd be getting next time we went for a visit. I can't help but wonder that if they hadn't gotten Alzheimer's would the amount have stayed at $20...Eh, dunno. The envelope was so thick because grandma had sent be some newspaper articles regarding art and color. She loves my art and I love to show her my newest works. Its one of the few times that I can talk to her now and everything she says makes sense, almost as if, when she's examining and commenting on my work, she doesn't have Alzheimer's any more and is the same witty grandma I grew up with as a little kid.... *Sigh*
    So yes, colored noses, larger check amounts, and emptier rooms...What else is new? *Shrug*
  12. Jithra
    Well, I have managed to do a fair bit today in comparison to yesterday. Anything from reading a dozen chapters, to cleaning my room, to making library runs with mom. However, since there isn't much to say about reading for a couple hours (Other then what I have now just said...) and since holding discussions about cleaning one's Pit O' Despair isn't all that interesting either, I'll skip those as if they didn't happen and just go to the third. (Plus a little something else)
    Anyway, summer is here and for some of you that means wonderful days where you can play outside with just mild discomfort of the heat. For others who live in places like where I do, playing outside during the summer is just another way of saying "I'm going to attempt suicide." It passes well above 100 degrees Fahrenheit each day and so you're main choices of activity is swimming, stay inside, or travel short distances to stay inside. (Of course, that means our winters are absolutely fabulous, if you're not doing school...I seriously think that we should just not have a summer break where I live and just have a winter holiday somewhere between January and April as you can't really do much here in the summer anyways.) So obviously, mom and I decided to go to the library to spend part of the day ignoring the heat.
    The only thing that I really detest about the summer other then the heat is the library, or the lack there of. Yes, there is the building, standing tall, impressive, and begging people to come inside to its refrigerator-set air-conditioning, but once summer break hits the schools, the kids come in and the books go out. There are literally whole shelves empty for the majority of the summer. So yes, the library is still there, but heaven help you if you want to check anything out. It's kinda like a game of Monopoly, it takes a little bit of strategy to get the book you want, but mostly just takes a whole lot of luck.
    So anyway, I've been battling the library now since the majority of the school distracts let out. That being around late May, and unfortunately, it seems I am losing the battle. I've actually reverted to borrowing books from the kids I'm a nanny for because I got tired of waiting for books to come around. Yes, I could place a hold on the books (Which I have done a few times) but then the wait is usually around 3 weeks for a book that I would finish in about 3 days. And then it's another three weeks for the next one unless I was smart and checked out the next book in the series while waiting for the previous one. (The next book of course sits on the shelf mocking you over the matter that you can't read it unless you want to be confused and spoil the book you're currently waiting on. Very rude of the book to do, if I do say so myself!)
    With that note I'll get back to the topic. I wasn't planning on going as the only books the library had that my friends didn't hold on their shelves were the Bionicle books and some various art books. (And some music stuff come to think of it...) Well, having thoroughly gone through the art section before summer even started, and having read every Bionicle book the library had multiple times, I wasn't really in the mood to spend a few hours there with nothing to look up. I wasn't really in a browsing and look-up-something-new mood to be honest. So before telling mom that I wasn't going I decided to look at the catalog and see if they updated either of my most often return-to sections. To my surprise, the library had finally gotten the next Bionicle book, Prisoners of the Pit, after I had spent months requesting it and another and so thought they wouldn't buy it. (Of course, they didn't get the Bionicle World book, which I wasn't surprised about but disappointed none the less) After seeing that, amazingly, three copies had not yet been checked out I told mom I would be most delighted to come. (Well, I didn't say it like that, but it gets the idea across)
    So off we go, daring the solar oven-like heat of the car to travel to that far off but wonderful land of Bookania. I couldn't wait to get my hands on the book, having no doubt whatsoever that with three copies to spare, there would be at least one there waiting to hop into my army green book bag. Before heading down stairs I decide to check the catalog one last time to make sure it was still there, and to my relief all three copies were. With this cheerful thought I headed down the stairs into the "kids" section and walked straight to the shelves that I knew held the book in question. FYI, the Bionicle Chronicles and Adventures (With the exception of the last three as the library decided not to get those) are held on the far left side of the shelf, the Bionicle Legends and the Metru Nui guide are located on the far right a good 20 feet away. Why? I have no idea, other then the first set was labeled under "Juv Bio" and the second set as "Juv Far." Why the library did that I'm still trying to figure out. I'm guessing they were bored.
    So after glancing on the left side to make sure that the library didn't want to throw us for a loop and scatter the series, I proceeded to the right side of the shelf where I expected to see a group of the Legend books to be huddled with the three new ones, just like the catalog said...
    What I found were two Metru Nui guides and one lone City of the Lost.
    Confuzzled, I went back to the computer and checked again. Sure enough, supposedly one of each Legend book was suppose to be on the shelf as well as three of the newest book. I checked the shelf again, hoping that some kid just put it on wrong part of the shelf causing me to miss it. Sadly, none of the missing books were to be found and so I contented myself to the last City of the Lost copy.
    After I got home, I forgot about the mysterious missing books as I found various chores or other books to occupy my time with. Then, when deciding what to write about on this here blog, I remembered my earlier frustration and, on a whim, decided to check out the catalog... And found that all three copies were supposedly still there on the shelf…
    Those little stinkers...Jk, but I can't help but wonder where they've hidden them...
    Anyway, I said I would add a third thing...But I can't remember what it was...Err... Umm... *Looks through entry to find an excuse* Umm, yeah, it was about how hot it is here...Yeah! Heh-heh...
  13. Jithra
    Well, as most/all of you know most likely, everyone temporarily has Premier Member capabilities. So of course, I couldn't help but jump in and test out various things. So anyway, enough pointless rambling and onto more important things like...Umm, pointless rambling about life...Wow, what an example of priorities there.
    Anyways, I've been awfully busy this summer, which is a good thing as it is infinitely better then being bored all summer long. After about 2 seconds of brief self-debating, I decided that if I were to inflict all of you with a lengthy entry about my summer from the beginning, not only would it drive everyone away from my blog, but it could possibly bore you all to death and thus put a real damper on the rest of your summer holiday, those who haven't gone back to school yet that is.
    So then I thought that I might write about what I've been up to this last week, but realized that that would create a rather large entry, and this being my first, I wanted it to be short and sweet. And since last week is about a camp I volunteered at, I can't really split any of it up to make it shorter
    So then I thought, "Hey, why don't we talk about today?" and then realized that, with the exception of feeling really sick from the new glasses I got, nothing exciting, entertaining, or even remotely interesting has happened. So that idea was soon chucked into the trash
    Speaking of feeling sick, I'm not feeling any better so I think I shall go and lie down. That way, I can think about what I'm actually going to write, and this entry stays short. In other words, I'll stop writing random things about myself so that you can read other things while I think of something that ya'll find interesting to read. We all win! Huzzah!
    Goodnight...Or rather, good afternoon,

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