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Bon Jovi

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Blog Comments posted by Bon Jovi

  1. I will just say what you said in a simpler term so people can understand it. So edit it your post and say mine is simpler. Ok?



    He means Icarly need videos by people. Say Conny Watkins makes a video and puts it on a site of her doing saying Hi in every language known language. Now Boyor sees that video and emails to Icarly but takes credit for it. Conny thinks that iCarly saw her video and took it without her permission.(Her video is copyrightet to her) They sue, iCarly loses and the show is cancelled.




    hi ppl I remember that story lol. Not on the kid drowning but on the fact that spongebob was thought to be cancelled but what 7 years laters it is still running, yah those rumors are true. LOL.

    One thing to remember Rumors are Rumors not truth but not lies either.

  2. These people like those have problems. Maybe their whole life they were tormented and could not sleep at night. But one day someone broke the camel back. and he went balistic though he had a gun with him so maybe the teachers must have ppeed him off. He might have been failing his classes and maybe his parents are dead. They think it wa s aterroist attack but how, 31 people dead not close to a attack though train bombing in idnai were like 20 dead....




    ohh something funny about that not really hahah... I was watching tv then saw BREAKING NEWS GUNMAN DEAD ! I though huh what happened...

    Oh yah two masssivre killings remember Cnn building ?

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