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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Everything posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. IC: "Yes and won't that be 'fun' for us." You didn't need to hear the air-quotes in Jorth's voice, he was doing them in real life. He didn't want a single gram of his sarcasm to be missed IC: Tuyetkhamun simply rolled here eyes and brushed off the poorly veiled threat. The Lady of Smoke's associates were undoubtedly in another universe, that was the whole problem of the Bionifight. You couldn't rely on your servants when those servants had the walls of reality separating them from you. Dismissing Dajik's nonsense from her mind she simply continued strolling away, already wondering what her next plan should be IC: Aaaaaaand now the one staff that had actually turned up had vanished as swiftly as they appeared. "Well blast," Turbo said. She looked over to Dayeth, "So...I'm Turbo Vixen, whats your name?"
  2. If this issue is absolutely not up for debate, then fine. I do have to know, though: Am I overestimating his speed or underestimating Rahkshi flight speed? By the sounds of it I think you're overestimating Kakarahk. He can run faster than normal, he doesn't have any superspeed powers, which to me looks like how you've been thinking of it
  3. IC: Palma ignored the student on the floor. If he was going to react like that he could wait or get out of her way. She instead turned her attention to Punch. "Where's his suit? It would be easier to help with the supports from his suit."
  4. Kakarahk can run faster than other Rahkshi can run. He cannot run as fast as other Rahkshi can fly. This is not particularly hard to grasp, Manhunter
  5. Is that better? Also yay 1700th post. That is indeed better. Approved No. You aren't going to be able run faster than someone flying unless they've got some serious handicap
  6. IC: "I hear they've got something big planned for the next round, so maybe you will." Jorth thought for a moment, "Though I'm not sure what would be bigger than 'stick everyone in a room and get them to fight' but thats what we'll find out I suppose."
  7. IC: "Oh, yeah, that was you wasn't it?" Jorth had heard they guy mention as emveepe of the round, whatever that was, but there had been no following picture of the guy so he'd just sort of guessed, "Maybe mech fights are just too different from your forte or something." IC: "If you expect something in return you should have made that clear from the start. As it was you simply offered your services to me the moment I it turned out my station was greatly above yours. And frankly they were some mediocre if not poor services." Tuyetkhamun maintained her eyeless stare, "I would be demanding a refund if I had actually paid anything."
  8. IC: Juleeka was characteristically quiet when leading the Rahkshi. It was the reason Johmak had chosen to impersonate her, less chance to blow her cover by saying something the real Juleeka wouldn't have. The trip up the cable cars and down the locks of the mountain mostly passed in silence that would be up to the Rahkshi to break IC: Palma emerged from behind the curtained screen she was treated the remaining living Matoran, needing some rest and nourishment after trying to stabilise him. As she walked past Dakilik she idly pointed her staff at his scar, to heal what she thought was a wound that needed patched up IC: The voyage back to Corpus Rahkshi from Visorak was muted, stilted by the aura of despair the fiasco had left. When they surfaced on the beach just beside the Causeway, the hatches opened without Suvak saying a word. He didn't leave the cabin of the machine even as the tired and wounded spilled out of its body
  9. Then essentially you've got a Rahkshi who has two powers, regardless of how handicapped they are usually. So I can't really approve that. Oh, and since I forgot to comment on the flying/running speed thing, yes flying is generally faster than running. Even with Kakarahk's mods he'd be unlikely to keep up. He's faster, sure, but that just makes him professional sprinter level faster while someone flying is Usain Bolt. They're not incomparable but one is simply going to beat the other
  10. Approved. And yes I would allow him to have gunpowder like you asked, since the existence of Firework Revolvers suggests gunpowder does in fact exist in Bionicle. Just don't go overboard with how you use it, since I don't think its going to be that commonly found in the smuggling caves of the Ghosts I would like to get this sorted out a quickly as possible before things move too fast, and I think it got buried. Click is right, you can just say you got back to the Crawler. And yes, you can sprain your ankle and lose the dirk Locus is right, I try not to give people Cordaks because people are always underestimate just how powerful those things are. It took only seven of them to destroy the Cord, a structure that managed to take a 300 ft Venom Eel squeezing it and stay standing. A cordak just seems to be a walking excuse to autohit (because realistically it should be next to impossible to escape their blast radius) and cause massive damage with each hit (because they're freaking rockets). And given the launchers can rapid fire, anything standing in their way is going to be turned to rubble and chunky salsa in a matter of seconds. So yeah, no Cordak, unless it being miniaturised also means the power has been scaled down massively Hmm, just looking to clarify, but when it says the temperature fluctuates depending which of them controls the armour, does that mean they could have full access to either fire or ice resistance powers if, for example, one of them got knocked out and the other had complete control?
  11. IC: "I do not recall any such promise being made," Tuyetkhamun responded, staring right back at Dajik. Sort of helped that her face was a lot more so an actual mask than the Kanohi of Dajik, "I assumed you were helping me because, like all the other lower life forms, you are duty-bound to do so." IC: Mech schematics handed in, Jorth turned back to his conversation with Terry. "So how are finding things so far?"
  12. IC: "Enough of telling me who we don't have, tell me who we do have!" Suvak responded to Fang and Sidonas, "Then we can work out who's missing and maybe Tridax will do something about it when he finally shows his arrogant face again!" IC: "Very well, I hope to hear from you again sometime," Grossh said, "Juleeka will see you out and take you back to the boat on the First Tier."
  13. Okay, first I'm going to veto the bombs. You already have the chemistry to make things go boom, giving yourself bombs, even if you only intend to have them later on, is kind if pointless and frankly pushes the limit on how much equipment I'm going to let pass. I'm also going to ask that you either take it down to just one electro-sword, or give them a shared power supply. And reinstate a limit on how many vials and orbs he's carrying round at any one time. You really do not want to be carrying around delicate glassware like that in a pouch, especially when they're filled with potentially hazardous chemicals, it's all going to break. Get a bandoleer or something Approved Approved
  14. IC: "Shame about that. Still we learn through experience, hopefully-" "Hey, you over there - fleshy Toa. You here for a Mech, or just to chat? Because if it's the former, get your butt over here before your conversation makes you late for the War Games. And if it's the latter, well... to be honest, I've got no point to make about that one." "Whoops, duty calls." Jorth strolled over to Dreisen, handing the sketched plans for the mech over to the engineer IC: Turbo looked from Dayeth, to Minami, to the Enforcer. Didn't look like different species to her. There were differences sure, but nothing more than there was between her, Cinder, Glacier and Scuba. There was no mistaking them for each other, that was for sure. "If there are other species here then let them go too. I'm not unfair or anything." Whatever this thing was, it was clearly between the bipeds. Not something she needed to get sucked into IC: Tuyetkhamun watched as Kelatin dribbled away round to another area, making sure that this time he'd leave them alone. "You volunteered to help. You acted without waiting for my explanations or approval. You chose the most obvious means of distraction you could. These mistakes, and the consequences that resulted from it, are entirely a result of your own actions. If you wish for a target for your anger might I suggest looking in a mirror?"
  15. Version I quoted and commented on was from this post (see the little arrow in the top right of the quote box? Click it and it'll take you to the post thats been quoted), which is the last one I saw. You said in that post you had made edits, and since quoting the profile would have been pointless otherwise I assumed that version of the profile had the edits. Is there a more updated version?
  16. IC: Suvak counted heads as first the rescued victims and then the rescue party returned to the crawler. Not enough. They were missing members...He headed up top, mounting the Crawler's turret as he waited a few more moments. The last few members of the rescue part came in carrying their wounded...still not enough. He was trying to run the numbers in his head, trying to figure out how many more they were missing and where while still keeping an eye on the tree line for the- And here they came. It was one or two at first, the fastest running of the scouts. he picked them off with a couple of blasts, but the rest of the swarm would be following soon behind them. He didn't have enough rockets to exterminate a horde. Cursing in a dozen dialects of Zakaz he swung down into the head of the Crawler, sealing the hatches and kicking its motors into life. The machine-beast shuddered as it accelerated as quickly as it could, turning to flee into the waters. "I want a record taken of who we've still got back there!" he barked through the speakers, "Who do we have left and who did we leave behind!" OOC: And since this is getting wrapped up, everyone who took part in the Visorak excursion (and, you know, survived) has now levelled up. IC: "I sense a lull in the conversation," Grossh noted, "Would the four of you prefer to be returned to your home at this point?"
  17. I'm assuming the electrical energy is coming from Shock himself and not a battery in the launcher or something. Yeah I'd allow that Approved You still make it sound like what he has in the vials can give him the same effects as an Ice Resistance, Fire Resistance, Fragmentation, Molecular Disruption, Poison, Quick Healing and (if you throw in the swords) Electricity Rahkshi could have, all on top of his actual Cyclone powers. I mean...really? You think having easy access to the powers of eight Rahkshi is not in any way OP? What I meant with my suggestion was something along the lines of him having to mix Solution A with Solution B, and because one is acid and the other alkali they create an exothermic reaction and there's your burning. Or you take Solution A and mix it with Powder C, use cyclone powers to mix it up a little, and the result is a lot of thick gas as they react and there's your smokescreen. But mixing Solution B with Powder C does nothing...until you chuck in a bit of Compound D where the result is a violent explosion. Something that requires a bit more effort and time to achieve than simply grabbing the vial with a big flame symbol on it whenever you want fire. I'm also going to question the equipment a little. How is he carrying it all is the first. Thats a lot of gear you've given him, and a lot of it is easily breakable so its not like you can just bung it all in a big sack. He's got a bunsen burner but not, I notice, an enormous gas canister to use as a fuel supply for it, so thats going to be useless. And also (though this may be my GCSE knowledge of chemistry letting me down) I don't think an electrolysis device works like that. Again, my knowledge might be faulty here, but I'm pretty sure they use up electricity to create effects like plating one metal onto another, they don't produce electricity. That might need a rethink
  18. OOC: So...how exactly did Maeus know Tuyetkhamun was responsible for the poisoning? I mean, I'd say Kelatin's logic of "smoke lady here now, smoke lady in the cafeteria then, lash out at whoever is nearest to smoke lady" was a bit ropey (especially considering I'm not sure he should have any idea it was Dajik causing the smoke, or any idea of what Tuyetkhamun can do at all) but given the guy got poisoned extreme reactions are understandable and at least there's some kind of logical progression of thoughts. Maeus just strolls in and automatically knows exactly what happened. No "I looked at the security tapes, saw you two chatting before", no "I'm going to assume it was you because I'm staff so I know your powerset" not even a "I'm just guessing it was you because everyone else seems to think so". Just pops up and its "Yep, I totally know what went down." I mean...thats kind of metagaming there. I'd appreciate at least a cursory mention of how he came to his conclusion IC: "I'm sure the list of things you won't tolerate could stretch to the Red Star, Wormflesh," Tuyetkhamun retorted to Kelatin, "However I'm sure that the list of things you could actually do about it couldn't bridge the gap between grains of sand." She stalked out the medical facility before Kelatin could respond, noticing the Lady Dajik waiting for her and walking up to her agent. "Next time a less...signature distraction may be needed." IC: The Wyrm had ceded. Lefia had retreated. Skrall had no-one left to fight. And so he went back to the equipment around the training sector, honing his strength and skills through less confrontational means IC: Well. This was awkward. Olari kind of wanted to leave Zakaro alone to sleep in peace...but she couldn't move anywhere. He had her pinned. There were about a dozen ways she could get him off but she didn't want to risk waking him. The last time his sleep had been disturbed he'd gone more or less off the deep end and hadn't stopped his ramblings, who knew what would happen if she did it again. Might as well just get comfortable then. She rested her back against the wall and closed her eyes. It wasn't quite sleep, it wasn't quite meditation, but something in between that she found useful for recharging and getting her breath back between bouts with the Bohrok swarms, a means of getting over any fatigue that leadened her limbs. She'd let Zakaro have a decent rest and recover his own strength, then see what she could do about getting him off. For now though, she didn't mind the wait IC: "But...I mean, I'm not even the same species as any of these guys!" Turbo protested, gesturing at Dayeth, "Its like I'm a..." Her own realm was short on wildlife, she thought back to the battles she'd have in Amazon's jungle sector, "I'm a lizard and they're birds! We're all brightly coloured but we're not the same thing! There must be some way I can just be excused." IC: "Getting a mech huh?" Jorth called out to Terry, "Nothing like them really exists in my world, so I've never really had the chance to experience them. They look cool though, perhaps I should think about introducing them."
  19. This better? Yeah that works better. Draco approved Could you cut down on the number of chemicals he carries around? I appreciate you've clarified what he's got instead of having him miraculously have to hand whatever he needs for a situation, but (along with the blade) he's essentially got about ten extra powers on top of his actual Rahkshi ability, most of which overlap with other Rahkshi abilities. I would suggest cutting down on the variety of chemicals he has (come up with ones that can be used creatively for a variety of effects instead of having a specialised potion for any occurrence) and say that, rather than have them immediately to hand, he has to mix them up on the scene from what he has (something which cyclone powers would actually be helpful for)
  20. IC: Skrall stepped back, allowing Wyrm to recover his launcher. He was not some barbarian who only saw victory in the death of his opponent. It would be preferable, yes, but the creature had chosen to accept his inevitable defeat and that was that. He swung round to face Lefia as she spoke up, pointing his sword at her throat. "This is not your fight. Either step away or step into the ring." OOC: I assume thats Skrall and Wyrm you were talking about, Manhunter, it was a bit unclear IC: Olari stumbled backwards as she caught Zakaro, nearly falling but managing to catch herself with her element, slowing her descent to something a little more graceful than the tumble it had started as. She ended up sat on the ground, Zakaro in her lap with his head against her belly. "I..." It had been a long time since anyone had gotten this close to her. Anyone who hadn't been trying to kill her, anyway. "I hope that maybe someday you get to go on these quests, rather than be stuck in the static loop that is this tournament." IC: As Kelatin fell unconscious, the hold pinning Tuyetkhamun in place vanished, and she dropped back to the ground, bandages retracting from her erstwhile tormentor to coil around her once more. "I have no idea who you are, sir Skakdi," she answered Maeus, "But if you are someone in a position of authority then I demand that you levy punishment upon that creature!" She pointed a finger quivering with rage at Kelatin, "I was merely discussing matters with the Knight of Smoke when it made a completely unprovoked attack upon my person!"
  21. OOC: Er fishers, that pain isn't an illusion. Its a variation of mind control that, rather than tell your nerves to move your arm up, tell your nerves that they're experiencing extreme pain. To all intents and purposes its real, not something you can simply disappear by not believing in it IC: Tuyetkhamun did nothing to resist the push to the left. It was just sliding her across the wall, it wasn't pushing her into anything hazardous. All it did was confirm her suspicions that the incredibly obvious tentacled mass that had been constantly staring at her with one of its many eyes was indeed the one launching the attack, if it was now trying to push her away from it. It was not a tactic that was going to work, as her bandages just kept growing to reach it, more and more of her sorcerous ink flowing through the points where they had already made contact to fill the creature with every kind of pain she could summon. It would break long before she did at this rate IC: "If I've offended you then sure, be on your way," Venga shrugged
  22. Eh, I've generally tried not to let people get away with extraneous body parts like that, because I've too often seen them used by Mary-Sues. Unless you're willing to go the Squid route and make the wings tiny and vestigial or something then I'm gong to be reluctant to approve them
  23. IC: "Its nothing personal!" Turbo retorted indignantly, "I just need someone to-" And as if by magic the Enforcer appeared. The sudden disconnect from her power over metal alerted the Vixen to a new player. "Are you in charge?" she asked, wheeling round to face Elly, "I want to speak to the people in charge." IC: "If they can bring people back from the dead, they can stitch on an arm. Accept the injuries...or admit defeat." Skrall lunged with a foot, however Wyrm was not the target. His discarded rhotuka launcher was. Skrall did not want him to conveniently picking the thing up, whatever it was, and was trying remove it from play altogether by smashing it with a booted foot... IC: Venga held his hands up in a placating gesture. "Didn't mean to cross any lines there Lightshow." He quietly logged away the fact that Arkrax didn't like the thing at his core being touched. Could be helpful or useful later IC: "My objective was achieved, and I am waiting to see how much fruit my plans bear. I thank you for your help, Knight of Smoke, hopefully we can be of future use to each other." She would have tried to work Dajik further into her machinations had Kelatin not intervened. Tuyetkhamun was rudely thrown against the wall of the medbay, her limbs pinned by force of will. Her limbs, but not her bandages. They grew out, extending beyond the range of Keltin's pushing, lunging at the mass of meat like a nest of airborne cobras, marks of pain and injury forming on their surfaces ready to print on Kelatin. From Tuyetkhamun's experience it was hard to maintain the kind of focus you needed to ensnare someone like this while it felt like acid-tipped razor blades made of fire were shredding you apart from the inside IC: By the time he had got to engineering, Jorth had worked out his idea for a mech, how he wanted it to work and, perhaps most importantly, how he wanted it to look. You could fight while wearing a robot, sure, but it was better to do both fighting and wearing with style. With a grin on his face he submitted his designs for the Ebon Flow
  24. IC: Turbo waited for a moment. "Oh come on! I thought you said staff appeared for fights! I've just put two of you down and still nothing!" Did she have to beat them...harder? "Hey, get up!" she shouted at Dayeth, "I need to beat you again!" IC: The overgrown newt's sword scraped across Skrall's belly, skewering through armour to leave a cut across his skin. Wincing with the pain, he grabbed at Wyrm's arm with his left hand, free thanks to the shield being strapped to his arm, then brought his sword down around the creature's elbow. Even if Wyrm could wield his sword with his other hand, losing half an arm was not an injury one could shrug
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