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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Everything posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. IC: [Tuyetkhamun, Royal Blindside, Pyramid Exterior] "Hah, if you are so unwilling to believe my power is superior to all others...take my hand." She held her arm out. Naturally her mystical markings were already forming and flowing around her palm and the length of her fingers IC: [Venga, Tahtorak's Fist, Clifftop] "Oh finally, some action!" For a while Venga watched the growing skirmish with the dragon-scout, but as it seemed determined to try and walk off whatever was thrown at it, more direct action was apparently needed. Unaware of Puppetmaster's conversation with Hryfon he naturally thought this direct action needed to come from him. "Hey, Halken and control, permission to engage this scaly dude? We're supposed to be the mobile ones, picking off scouts is kind of our purview."
  2. IC: Tridax raised his hands. "Enough bickering. If I must pin you all to different walls to force you to stop fighting, I will." He looked down at the accused, "What were his words exactly? I have had problems with you misinterpreting each other in the past, mostly when one of you is trying to work the kinks out of that fascinating language of yours." IC: "That is a lot of materials," Suvak said, "You are aware Tridax generally frowns on equipment like that being brought into the school, yes? He'll inevitably want to know what you intend to do with it all."
  3. I think while everything is beginning and only one team is even at the spawn point, it'll be weapons of a lower damage class. You give one team the power to annihilate a vast area at this stage in the game and both of the other teams will be wiped out within moments (likewise any later rounds when the weapons are useable again). There'd be no round. When everything gets more hectic and heated, then we'll start seeing some of the really nasty weapons I'll bet
  4. IC: [Venga, Tahtorak's Fist, Clifftop] "For now we wait. We're playing it defensive for now, and might be needed to help holding the tunnels. If we don't get enough action here though, I'll see about getting us out in the field doing some scouting or raiding," Venga said, "Need to do something to hurt the enemy." IC: [Tuyetkhamun, Royal Blindside Army, Pyramid Exterior] "Ah but there is one crucial difference." She smiled as though what she was about to say was a genius response that would enshrined forever in the annals of history, the one corner of her mouth that was visible turning up into a grin. "None of them were Tuetkhamun." IC: [Turbo Vixen, Royal Blindside Army, Field] Skittering down the side of the dome, landing on the ground with no small thud, Turbo drove right in through A.D's door. "You wanted cover? Cover coming up." She made throwing motions with her arm and where she gestured appeared metal plates, blocky rectangles standing tall with long teeth shooting down from their base. Under Turbo's control they drove themselves down, the spikes puncturing the earth to anchor them in place. Though none of them touched, they had an overlapping appearance from afar, seemingly locking together like scales. To Turbo's mind that would help the team move around behind them without risking being hit by incoming fire. "Hey, whichever of you did the dome, think you could put a layer of ice on those? See if it can catch the light, dazzle anyone trying to get a look at us."
  5. IC: The Porters guarding Tridax's office chittered for a moment before the Makuta himself opened the door and emerged from within. "It seems I am not destined to get a moment's rest today. At east I can see you all do not need new suits." IC: "You may, if only to remind me of what that request was, lad." Suvak pushed the door open wider and stood aside to let Sidonas in. His quarters were a spartan affair, a bed tucked along one corner, a desk on the other side. Suvak was a practical Skakdi and wanted for little
  6. IC: [Venga, Tahtorak's Fist, Cliff Stronghold] "Hmm, I suppose that will have to do. Disappointing, but we can make do." Well so much for them being the Flying Vees...They were apparently still highly mobile though, that was the point after all. "That will do nicely Vorzin. We shall do that." As the wyvern blasted out a great exhaust plume of plasma, Venga held his hand out to feel the heat. In response he could feel his power building up a resistance, that only grew stronger as he edged closer and closer. It wasn't long before he could plunge his hand into the jet unscathed, his armour and skin coping with the extreme heat as easily as it would the sunshine of a summer's day. He removed his hand from the inferno, the air around it steaming from the heat it was giving off. "Right. That should do for now."
  7. Hey fishers, just to check here, but you know that Turbo Vixen is supposed to be the city Slizer right? I don't want to sound patronising but they are before a few people's time. In retrospect I possibly should have put an image like that in her profile... Grabbing her from behind like that...its really not going to work. Because trying anything from behind her just means you're going for those prong-arms she's got. To get her chest and stomach you'd have to grab her from above, and if you did that then you might as well just grab her sides and hoist her up that way. Which is what she's been trying to suggest A.D. actually do
  8. Okay, so how much of an actual plot do you guys actually have for this? Because you admit yourself you have got a huge world here and a lot of factions, and assuming you start with few players rather than legions of them (which kind of seems likely, frankly) then they're probably going to end up scattered across the four corners of your world. Either you're going to have to give them all something to do in the way of quests all the like (something which I notice you say you're not entirely up to, hinting a couple times you'd rather players do their own things) or you're going to have to have something thats both big enough and long lasting enough for news to spread and for people to actually get there. Because even if the meeting of Narsis blows up like you're subtly suggesting, there might be someone up in Dagon Fel who would quite like something to do and doesn't want to just fight Dwemer that they control over and over. You've got a lot of facts here, they're very nice facts and I appreciate their existence, but I think you could do with having a bit more story, or for storylines to be a bit more noticeable in the RP post if you'd prefer that phrasing. Facts and lists are not substance. Its like you've given me a lot of cabbage when what I really want is steak.
  9. IC: [Turbo Vixen, Royal Blindside, Pyramid Exterior] The guy had actually, like, seen wheel before right? He knew how they worked? He must do, surely. "Equal shmequal. I can't get traction on...on you. I'd slip and the only thing I'd be able to grab at is your wings. So we'd both go down. And since I'm pretty sure my knowledge of my own anatomy trumps your knowledge of my anatomy I can tell you with confidence that my limbs aren't going to pop out of their sockets just because I'm in the air. Because thats not how joint work you strange, strange creature."
  10. IC: Sidonas was in luck, Suvak was indeed at his office and answering his door. His remaining face looked harried, as if the events of Visorak had added a couple of thousand years to his age. "Can I help you?" he yawned
  11. Permission granted to finish the fight. Just don't kill the guy
  12. IC: [Venga, Tahtorak's Fist, Cliff Stronghold] "Well there must have been some reason you were placed with us. Can you jump really far or something?" It was possible Halken had wanted the Flying Vees to have a bit more firepower and maybe expected them to carry the mech around...but how? It looked too bulky and heavy for even all three of them together IC: [Tuyetkhamun, Royal Blindside Army, Pyramid Exterior] "There is no-one like me," the God-Queen insisted, "I am what no others are." IC: [Turbo Vixen, Royal Blindside, Pyramid Exterior] "Uh, yeah, even if I could climb on, which is a plan I'm very much doubting in case you hadn't spotted the wheels, how exactly do you expect me to stay on?" She waggled her solo arm at A.D. "Only so much I can grab with this. Just carry me while you're flying, I can't be any heavier than you already are." It was possible she had taken that comment about her weight a bit personally. Then again, it was hard to tell with the Vixen's attitude...
  13. IC: [Venga, Tahtorak's Fist, Cliff Stronghold] "I...see." The Rahkshi thought for a moment. And not just about how his Magnificent Flying Vees were possibly about to break apart before they evenhad one task. "I was led to believe that you or your mech had flight capability. What can you do?"
  14. IC: [Venga, Tahtorak's Fist, Cliff Stronghold] "And the Flying Vees are complete!" Venga looked at what he hoped was the cockpit amongst the mess of Vinra's mech, "You missed the epic part of my speech, so here's the gist. We can all fly. That means if we need support sent to any area for whatever means, its us who goes. With a silencer on board I'm thinking we could get a lot of mileage out of being ambushers." He gestured towards Venix, the other Rahkshi in the Flying Vees IC: [Tueytkhamun, Blindside Army, Pyramid Exterior] "It merely means they are more skilled in the art of teleportation than I. And since I have no teleportation abilities, that is not very difficult. Any fool with an Olmak could foil their so-called plans," she sneered. Oh this fool, confusing specialisation with power...
  15. That would work, you're basically imparting enough kinetic energy to make them armour piercing I think you'd have to punch them a lot and would probably break your fingers before you knocked them out
  16. IC: [Tuyetkhamun, Royal Blindside, Pyramid Exterior] "Again, I do not see why that would be the case. My power and authority is total and that extends to other dimensions. To claim otherwise is merely the hosts trying to usurp my position." The logic was plain to see for Tuyetkhamun. She couldn't understand why this other was having so much trouble with it IC: [Turbo Vixen, Royal Blindside, Pyramid Exterior] Alright, looks like she was being called into action. About time! And hopefully the fight would be on something different than all this forsaken sand!
  17. Cos that seems a bit OP to me... My interpretation of this is the same as Miras'. Makes you really thick and heavy, does wonders for deflecting swords...not so good if someone's coming at you with a mace or morningstar. Or a decent halberd or macuahuitl, or anything else that relies as much on gravity and weight to crush you as it does any kind of cutting edge. And its not really going to protect you much against temperatures. I mean, "solid protodermis" sounds kind of impressive, but in Bionicle thats just rock. Or metal. And not even the best metal around, its just kind of the basic metal everything is made of. Densing yourself up will certainly make you tougher, yes, but thats a long way from being invincible
  18. IC: [Tuyetkhamun, Blindside Army, Pyramid Exterior] "I fail to see how that makes any difference," the God-Queen stated, matter-of-factly, "In one universe or another, I am still the same. Tuyetkhamun is. By all rights every denizen of this dimension should have been bowing down to me as soon as I was brought here. And the sooner I correct this oversight the better." IC: [Venga, Tahtorak's Fist, Clifftop] "Ah, and now we are three." Still waiting for the Vortixx and her mech. Hopefully she'd turn up or he'd have to go find her. Still things to be done in the meantime. "The Lord-General Halken has decreed that we, plus a Vortixx named Vinra, are to be a mobile unit acting as air support where needed. One of the other teams needs cover for a retreat? Out we go. Some needs reinforcements that can be there swiftly and with no worry about terrain? Out we go. Even if all we need to do is go carry someone to a spot they're needed. Out we go. We are the Flying Vees and I will make sure we do our job properly. Now you, Vorzin." He took a step closer to the recently landed wyvern, "Our information says you have plasma breath. How low a temperature could you get a burst of it? The more adaptions I can pick up before combat the better, and resistance to climate extremes is always a handy one. I should be able to pick it up from exposure to your breath, assuming you can get it to a level that doesn't incinerate me on the spot."
  19. To Tridax's mind they've been doing exactly what they're supposed to: showing him the limits, capabilities and thought processes of the new breed of Rahkshi. He'd consider that "in service of the school" because he's not exactly a people person in case you hadn't noticed
  20. IC: [Tuyetkhamun, Blindside Army, Pyramid Exterior] "I do not have an issue with authority. I am authority." She turned to face Miril with arms folded and an imperious stance, "I am Tuyetkhamun, God-Queen of Ma'ata Nui and I have more right to rule than any peasant in this disorderly mob."
  21. IC: "If he is that eager then, as I said, Toxin will work with the Porters." Tridax led the brothers through the corridors of Corpus Rahkshi until they found of of the mechanical servants. Tridax placed his hand against its outer shell, between its eyes, and the robot went perfectly still as its new orders were fed into it. "We can't have you working in the kitchens, poison powers and food are a bad mix. I doubt the Porters would appreciate noxious slime being left all over their beloved flowers so the gardens are out. Oh, I know..." He took his hand off the fohrok, which whirred back into motion, blue eyes fixed on Toxin. "I want a memorial of sorts, some sort of grand monument placed in the courtyard or near the Causeway maybe, to stand as a reminder of all those who have fallen while serving the school. You will help in its construction. Once it is finished, then you will have your new suit." IC: It had seemed like only moments since Sidonas had last been brought in, needing healing from his exploits on Visorak. In fact...it had been! This wasn't a case of being so busy her sense of time got distorted, this was a student getting himself hurt every five seconds. And it was his arm again! "If you could remain unhurt for more than a hour or so this time I'd appreciate it..." Palma muttered. She was tired, and it was making her more irritable than normal
  22. This got buried a few pages back. If there were clouds, yes he could probably turn them into stormclouds yes. With the existing weather systems, I kind of imagine Nynrah (and by extension Corpus Rahkshi) to have a kind of central European climate, a result of its distance from the main energy source of the GSR (Visorak, for the record, would be more Scandinavian since its right on the fringed). So there's going to be a fairly varied array of weather, especially since Nynrah and Corpus are islands which means a lot of wind. So if you wanted to say there were rainclouds nearby and you lured them closer, or that you managed to keep the skies clear enough to summon bright sunlight, then that wouldn't be beyond the realms of possibility. Just don't go claiming there's handy tornadoes five minutes away, because I draw the line at that
  23. IC: [Olari, Blindside Army, Pyramid Control] So. She was to be held back in defence. She could see the logic, did she not introduce herself as the defender of Ihu? It was a little...chafing, though. She was more competent than a lot of those in the attacking forces, yet that competence was to be held back, constrained within walls of stone. No, calm down. Arrogance never accomplished anything other than getting people killed. She could be of use here all the same, and even now, with Kale and...the thing of tentacles more than enough to man the controls and direct the attacking forces, she was using her Akaku to peer through the layers of the labyrinth. She was committing as much of it to memory as she could. All its twists, turns and traps. Useful information to have should they have to fight off invaders IC: [Jorth, Tuyetkhamun, Turbo Vixen, Blindside Army, Pyramid Exterior] Jorth sat in the cockpit of the Ebon Flow, waiting with great anticipation for the order to move out so he could try out this new toy. He'd already made sure it could move over sand well enough, squirming about like an octopus in the shallows. Turbo, however, was having trouble with the environment. If she needed to get anywhere with speed she had already decided to simply create a pathway of metal, same as how she'd got into the pyramid, but for now she was tramping on it with her wheels, muttering quietly about sand in her gears. Tuyetkhamun was likewise muttering, she had barely stopped ever since her proposal of leadership had been shot down at the planning session. Her murmured complaints had only grown more vociferous as she had been banished from the control room altogether. Why, shy was being used as no better than a common infantry grunt. The nerve of it all... IC: [Venga, Tahtorak's Fist, Clifftop] The Rahkshi was assembling the team that had been allocated to him, natural fliers all of them. Venix was the first to join him, a credit to Rahkshi everywhere. "So now we just need Vorzin and Vinra," he idly mentioned to his silencing kin, "Vorzin especially. I can pick up some early modifications from that breath of his..." Neither of them should be too hard to find. Vinra was supposed to be in one of the mechs, while Vorzin was some sort of dragon creature. Both of them should stand out fairly well in a crowd... IC: [skrall, Tahtorak's Fist, Cliff Stronghold] Guard duty. Guard duty again. Was he doomed to be relegated to that role no matter where he went, no matter who he fought? Still, there was some solace to be taken. This was likely to turn into a siege scenario. That meant the enemy would be coming here, not to a battle miles away while he watched the caravans. And if he were to be placed on guard duty during a siege, fine then, he would prove himself the best quartzing guard this General Halken had ever seen. Perhaps he might earn his treasured name that way...
  24. IC: "And how, perchance, did you lose the old one?" Tridax asked, "A nearly two bio tall suit of reptilian styled inanimate armour is not a thing that can walk away or be easily missed." The Makuta thought for a moment. "I suggest you earn yourself a new suit. Come with me. We will find you work with the Porters."
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